July 31, 2010
901 Tequila Branding
I clicked on a banner advertisement for the first time in a long time, and ended up at a web site that I think has done an excellent job of creating an emotional atmosphere and connection with its audience. 901 Tequila is a tequila from Justin Timberlake and I think visiting the site, experiencing the marketing and method of delivery, and exploring a bit about how and why they went this direction is very interesting.
I've grabbed the background song and image in case the site ever goes away. (Make sure to hit play on the song.) But definitely check out the site as it is several orders of magnitude better to interact with it in its native form.
Posted by josuah at 8:30 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 17, 2010
Distant Worlds II
I attended the Friday half of the Distant Worlds: music from Final Fantasy at the San Francisco Symphony last night. I really enjoyed it, although I would have enjoyed it more if I had the entire hall to myself. ^_^ Primarily because the audience acted less like a symphony performance and more like a get-together. So there was a lot of clapping and cheering and even a few jokes called out. I didn't appreciate all the clapping during the credits, which prevented me from hearing Terra's Theme.
I kept my eyes closed as much as possible, during the performance, so that I wouldn't get distracted by the visuals they had up. They played pieces from a variety of Final Fantasy games, including one from the upcoming FFXIV online game. I know Roger Ebert is skeptical about the artistic nature of games, but having played the games added a lot of emotional depth to the music I was hearing. I have a much deeper understanding of what the music is trying to convey, and an emotional attachment to the songs. I got goosebumps during Aerith's Theme, JENOVA, as well as a few other songs. (No goosebumps during One Winged Angel because that was played sort of like karaoke&emdash;I chanted but the choir was a little weak.) The music from FFXI and FFXIII didn't have the same effect on me, because I didn't really have any context for it. There was an older couple sitting in front of me that didn't even know what Final Fantasy was, and I don't think they got much out of it and were somewhat confused by everyone else's enthusiasm.
One thing that I was confused about was clarified for me last night. I'd picked up the FFXIII soundtrack while in Japan, and although I haven't taken the time to listen to it (on purpose) I did listen to a few songs. And my immediate thought was that this is not Final Fantasy music. It didn't sound right. Sounded much more like a typical classical soundtrack. I thought perhaps Nobou Uematsu was doing something different. But, the FFXIII soundtrack was entirely composed by Masashi Hamauzu.
After getting back to Alla's place, I ordered both Distant Worlds CDs. (The Symphony Store was selling them for $20 each so it was cheaper ordering off Amazon.) I really enjoyed some of the new compositions, and want to be able to listen to them at home.
Posted by josuah at 5:59 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 7, 2010
Lilith Fair 2010
I went to Lilith Fair with Yvonne and two of her friends, Tina and Jackie, yesterday at the Shoreline Amphiteatre in Mountain View. (Make the drive to the venue itself to purchase tickets; they are significantly cheaper that way.) I had a lot of fun, but mostly because of Yvonne, Tina, and Jackie and not the fair. We did end up meeting Dantam and her friends later on, after having gotten there around 1:30pm but not actually listening to any music until 4pm.
The event wasn't put on the way I expected. Gates opened at 2:30pm as I was told by the box office when I purchased the tickets. It didn't take too long to get inside although everyone's bag was thoroughly checked which meant slow entry. But the lawn didn't open until 3:30pm so we ended up standing in that line for a while too. They obviously wanted you to spend time checking out the sponsor booths, getting samples, and buying food, drink, or other little things. Borders was selling CDs at relatively high prices.
After eating a bit on the lawn, I stayed with our spot while they went off to check things out. They came back with a bunch of freebies. All the freebies are for women though, so I didn't really get much. One person still had a bunch of stuff she needed to get rid of before performances on the main stage started, so I was offered something for "my girlfriend".
I did get to see the one artist I really cared about though, which was A Fine Frenzy. Their set was kind of short and on one of the small stages though. And the audio setup wasn't super great. But it was still cool. Much cooler was getting Alison Monro to sign my CD (I bought it from the Borders tent after I found out there was going to be a signing). I think she was happy when I told her I came to Lilith specifically to see them. ^_^ The guy behind me in line was pretty nice and took a photo of me and Alison, which he promised to mail me later.
I didn't get a chance to see Terra Naomi (heard her a bit while in line for the lawn, and sounded interesting) or Kitten and I think I would have liked to. It wasn't that clear to me how the schedule worked; we only found out about the multiple stages after getting inside.
The sponsor booths basically shut down once the main stage opened. Everyone piled in to see the main attractions. But none of them had any real interest for me. All the new interesting artists were outside on the little stages, before the main performances. We stayed through Colbie Caillat, The Bangles, and left in the middle of Miranda Lambert around 8:15pm because they all had class the next day. Looks like we missed Heart and then finally Sarah McLachlan, who is the only one any of us had any interest in listening to.
There are a bunch of other artists participating in Lilith Fair that I would have really liked to see, but they weren't playing in San Francisco. Some of them "oldies" like Sheryl Crow and Suzanne Vega and Beth Orton, but most of them newbies or people I haven't heard about before (too many to list here) and they usually only showed up at one or two of the venues, whichever happened to be closest to where they live. I actually thought Lilith was primarily to show off new interesting female artists, so have a main set featuring artists that made music before I was born was a little disappointing.
Posted by josuah at 7:12 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 28, 2010
Asian Tour
I recently went on something of a whirlwind business trip through three countries as part of a project we've been working on at Netflix for a short time now. My trip started off in Hong Kong, then Shenzhen, China, followed by Seoul, Korea and finally Osaka and Tokyo in Japan. It had been almost ten years since I was last in Hong Kong, and it was my first time visiting Japan. I was in Korea last year for business but not in Seoul that time.
Things were pretty hectic in the beginning. We had one day in Hong Kong to acclimate to the time change, but Shenzhen and Seoul were completely filled each day with meetings and travel so there wasn't any free time at all. Mitch and I extended our stay in Tokyo, Japan a little extra though, so we could do some things that we wanted to. I was especially excited about Tokyo because I've wanted to visit Akihabara and Shibuya for a very long time.
In Hong Kong, we went to Lantau Island via the Ngong Ping Cable Car to see the Tian Tan Buddha tourist attraction. I say tourist attraction because when I was there ten years ago the site wasn't so commercialized. The clouds were very low that day, which meant our cable car went right through some dense fog, and walking around at the peak meant walking around through clouds.
Crossing from Hong Kong into Shenzhen meant going through the China border inspections. It wasn't a big deal, but it is like crossing between countries. (Returning into Hong Kong took much longer.) Shenzhen is pretty much what I expected with small towns, usually containing an obvious main street, based around industrial areas. The factories are what brings workers into Shenzhen and keeps money flowing into that area.
Both Hong Kong and Shenzhen were very hot and humid. My body is not at all accustomed to that sort of environment so I was constantly sweating. I think one day the humidity was listed as 90%, and the temperature was always above 30°C.
After China we flew into Seoul, Korea. I like visiting Korea because I have a friend there that works at Samsung. His English is quite good and we get along well. It happened to be his daughter's 100-day celebration when we were there, and he gave me a cute little rice cake treat. I was also hoping to meet up with someone in Seoul whom I just recently met at Can Jam 2010 when I was exhibiting, but a schedule conflict prevented us from doing so.
One thing that I really liked in Seoul were the interactive maps. Both the subway and shopping mall had an interactive map. Using the touchscreen, you could select where you wanted to go, or search for where you wanted to go, and it would provide detailed animated directions on the map itself for how to get there. This is so much better than the static maps used here in the United States. Although I suspect there would be some hesitation of installing expensive maps in U.S. subway systems out of fear of graffiti or vandalism. People, and police officers, appear to be so much nicer, polite, and courteous in Korea than in the U.S. (Obviously this is even more true in Japan, where manners are extremely important.)
After Korea, we flew into Osaka, Japan for our last business engagement. This is where it first hit me how expensive things are in Japan. I'd heard and read about things being expensive there, but a fruit plate in the hotel restaurant was more than USD $40, and I found out the waitresses at that restaurant were probably only making about USD $10/hr. I thought at least food should be about the same price as in big U.S. cities if the pay scale is about the same, but since it is more expensive and going out to dinners and drinks are such a big part of Japanese culture people must spend a significant portion of their income on food. The pre-packaged meals at 7-11 are priced around what I usually spend if I'm eating out to lunch at home.
Also really expensive are pets. We stopped in a pet store in Osaka, and kittens and puppies are regularly priced over USD $1000 and often close to USD $1500. Some of them were even around USD $3000-$4000. The pet stores were pretty small, and probably had about a dozen or so of kittens and puppies. There was one store that also had some monkeys. No prices were listed on the monkeys; I imagine they might be considered a luxury where if you have to ask, you can't afford it.
One thing I noticed though was that all the kittens and puppies were very young. It's a lot easier to sell cute kittens and puppies, and I saw a bunch of girls watching and saying kawaii a lot, but it also makes me wonder what happens to the ones not adopted. If they only keep young ones in the store, the others might be discarded. T_T
After Osaka we went to Tokyo. For a few hours one day Mitch and I took the train to Hakone and went to the Kappa Tengoku onsen. It took about two hours each way by train, and we spent about two hours at the onsen itself. The soaking pool water was very hot. So hot that I immediately started sweating like crazy and my body began tingling all over. I had to get out and shower in cold water once, and also sit mostly out of the pool, in order to cool down. I also got over a dozen bug bites right away. Most of them got bigger and only just started disappearing a couple days ago.
But by far I spent the most time in Akihabara and Shibuya. Akihabara was very exciting for me because of all the shops and the culture. Maid cafés have gotten very popular and there were dozens of maids on the streets handing out flyers and trying to convince customers to enter their shops. We didn't end up going into a maid café though. Which was fine by me since I was spending all my time shopping anyway. Although I would have liked to go to one. As well as check out some of the other crazy theme restaurants; I'm not sure where they are though since they're not in Akihabara. I didn't get a chance to check out a love hotel or capsule hotel either.
There are a bunch of otaku-stores in Akihabara, unsurprisingly. The stores tend to be thin and tall. Only the stores that sell electronics or are like department stores have enough floor space that things don't seem cramped. There was tons of manga, anime, movies and TV shows, figures, video games, and pink stuff. Although when it came to figures and trinkets only the most recent stuff was getting shelf space. I can't read Japanese so manga and anime was pretty much out. Plus, music and videos are super expensive over there. A new release movie on DVD or Blu-ray might be over USD $50. PC and console games are only slightly more expensive than in the U.S. And there is a ton more selection. I picked up a few video games that are only available in Japan including Atelier Rorona, Record of Agarest War, and Agarest Senki Zero; I need to learn how to read Japanese before I can play them though. I would have also gotten Atelier Totori but it was releasing a couple of days after our return flight.
I only picked up a couple of music CDs, because at those prices I couldn't just grab stuff that might be good. I did find a Final Fantasy XIII collectors music set though which I immediately purchased. (Have yet to buy the game though.) Mostly I bought figures to add to my collection: I got some Mari Makinami figures from the new Evangelion 2.0 rebuild; Nagi and Tsugumi from Crazy Shrine Maidens; Ein from Phantom, a couple of Vocaloid Hatsune Miku wind-up music toys; a distorted Rei; and Chocobo and Moogle plushies.
The other thing I spent a lot of money on is clothing. I really like Japanese casual street fashion. The sort of interesting stuff you can't find in the U.S. and gets featured in some video games. Most recently in The World Ends With You, a Nintendo DS game that deals heavily with fashion and takes place in Shibuya, although the store names were changed. (The game itself gets a bit repetitive and collecting all the items would take several play-throughs.) To find the better stuff, I ended up shopping mostly at Jeans Mate in Akihabara and Parco in Shibuya. Individual stores in Parco are relatively small and devoted to a single brand, the clothing selection is limited, and there is usually only a handful of specific styles per brand. Prices at Jeans Mate and some of the stores at Parco tended to start at around USD $30 for a T-shirt. But some of the really high-end stores in Parco sold a single T-shirt for USD $300. Some of the stores had more complex clothing, like jackets, that sold for USD $1000. This despite being something that could be made for a few dollars in material and labor. I limited myself to things that were priced at the lower end, but even then I think I spent more on clothing this one time than I've spent on clothing my entire life so far.
There were two things that made it more difficult to buy clothing in Japan. First was the extreme leaning towards girls' clothing. There are entire mall buildings that only contain girl clothes. I would say only about 10% of the stores sold boys' clothing. The two types of stores were also physically segregated in many cases. Only the larger non-boutique stores carried both male and female clothing.
Secondly, the clothes in Japan aren't sized for me. I had to purchase size XL / LL or size 4 (for shirts) and even then it is a tight fit. My shoes are 2cm larger than the largest they stock in shoes and socks. On many occasions I simply couldn't buy the clothes because they didn't sell it in my size. I guess there are a couple of stores that do sell larger clothing, but you have to go find them specially.
I think I could have spent a whole lot more money in Tokyo, both on toys and clothes. And there are still a lot of other things to do and see just in Tokyo itself, never mind the rest of Japan. I'm not much into sight-seeing, but I can imagine myself spending weeks more exploring just Tokyo.
Posted by josuah at 3:37 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 18, 2010
Florence + The Machine
I just got back from seeing Florence + The Machine live at Mezzanine in San Francisco. It was great and I had a lot of fun. Her music is unique and very engaging. There's something about her songs that is very hard to pin down; when asked what type of music it is I don't know that I can say something better than Alternative-Indie, and yet that's wrong. She sings real lyrics that remain catchy and magical. The backing band, and in particular The Machine, brings it all together to create an experience and music I want to listen to over and over again.
I ended up spending the night with Becker, whom I sold my extra ticket to, and a pair of sisters, Heidi and Mary, from Oklahoma who flew over for the weekend just to attend the concert (and do some tourist stuff). Becker was crazy excited the entire time. We also met a girl from Ireland who was stuck on holiday due to the volcano ash. Having them to hang out with did make it more enjoyable for me, although I spent most of the night just enjoying the music.
Before Florence + The Machine came on, some music was being played by DJ's Aaron and Nako. I liked some of what they spun, but probably less than half. The intro band was Holy Hail. Unfortunately it seems as though their setup was messed up because none of us could understand anything being sung. What little I could understand didn't impress me. Pretty much everyone was just standing around waiting for Florence + The Machine to show up.
Florence has an awesome voice and really gets into the music while singing, except she does it while being herself. When watching her on stage, I feel like she's dancing and flailing just the way she wants to and not through some choreographed set. I feel like she dances and moves the way I do. She sounds quite different when speaking instead of singing though.
I particularly like The Machine (Isabella Summers) who is on keyboards. I feel as though the drums provide the musical foundation but Isabella provides the glue. There are drums, bass, guitar, and harp. Everything else that flows throughout the songs is provided by Isabella. So I gave her a heart-hand and she gave me one back. ^_^
After the show, said good-bye to Becker as he was buying a Lungs T-shirt and gave Heidi and Mary a ride back to their hotel.
I should also mention that by chance Carol Chang happened to walk by while I was waiting in line. We talked for a minute or two as she was on her way to meet some friends for diner. I haven't seen her in years. It was really nice to see her again.
Posted by josuah at 10:21 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 28, 2010
FUTURESTATES is a miniseries of science-fiction webispodes that look at future social possibilities. The ideas aren't particularly ground-breaking, but the execution is excellent. I highly suggest spending some time to watch through them.
Some of the topics explored include the environment, over-population, virtual reality, economics, and social divide.
Posted by josuah at 8:06 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 11, 2010
Harder Better Faster Stronger
Words not required.
Posted by josuah at 7:19 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 22, 2010
Pow Pow
Solar Gard gets some free publicity from this amazing Pow! Pow! booth babe.
Posted by josuah at 3:20 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 19, 2009
What's In The Box
It's been a very long time since I last blogged. But something popped up today that really caught my attention. What's In The Box. I'm not really sure what this is. Do your own exploring. Something is coming. (Half-Life 2?)
Posted by josuah at 6:04 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 5, 2008
Final Fantasy XII
I finally finished Final Fantasy XII. This is probably the first Final Fantasy where I ended up trying to do all sorts of unnecessary and somewhat hard to find side quests. I suspect mostly because of the new combat system, which is a lot like combat might be in a MMORPG and no doubt a lot of the engine came from the work put into Final Fantasy XI. Exploring and moving through the environments was more engaging and interesting, because combat just happens without you having to enter a special game mode. Which makes moving between places feel more natural.
In this new combat system, you control one of your three party characters and can switch back and forth at will. The other two characters are set to execute commands in a prioritized list, using what Square Enix calls gambits. So you might set Penelo to heal whenever someone gets low on HP, but otherwise cast haste and then finally attack if none of those spells are necessary. Because I ended up doing a lot of exploring and side quests, I did get all of my characters to level 99. That's the first time I've done that in a Final Fantasy. It did help that you can equip accessories that will increase your experience awarded.
The party I ended up using most was Ashe, Penelo, and Fran. That provided a pretty good mix of close-combat, healing, and ranged-attack. Bathier wasn't particularly interesting to use with his guns. Vaan is sort of a basic all-around character, and Basch was my pole-arms fighter. In Final Fantasy XII, you sort of have complete control over how your characters end up developing because you can purchase skills on the License Board. In the beginning it makes sense to focus characters on different skill sets so you have a good combination in your party. Later on, it is possible to purchase all the licenses and the characters are then differentiated by their natural talent (i.e. stats).
Final Fantasy XII is set in a world called Ivalice. It's a very rich world, with good back story and everything was made consistent. There are a number of different races, the most interesting being the Viera who are an apparently all-female race of rabbit-like humanoids that live in the woods, separate from the rest of civilization. Only a very few leave the wood to live among the other races. I'm not entirely sure how the Viera reproduce. This isn't made clear in the game, but there is one side quest where a Viera and Hume begin a relationship although it seems clear the two species cannot reproduce with each other.
The graphics of Final Fantasy XII aren't all that different than that found in Final Fantasy X. Perhaps a bit more polished, and the world environment is certainly different because it is fully 3-D and can be explored that way. I do feel like the music was bit less memorable and more background than thematic though. The environments were large, and you tended to spend quite a bit of time in them just since you have to travel by foot, and the music was composed to match.
The story was good, and typical of what you expect from the higher-numbered Final Fantasy games. Interesting, fully fleshed out, but also somewhat grounded and less fantastical than the ones put together for the earlier stories. For me, this is a bit unfortunate because it doesn't have the feel of a sweeping epic or provide me with an intense emotional connection.
Posted by josuah at 6:05 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 30, 2008
LAFF 2008 + Electric Daisy
This year Netflix's film festival-related party was in Los Angeles as part of the LA Film Festival. Luna and I drove down and stayed in a hotel near the beach. We spent some time exploring there, and ate at a theme seafood restaurant (not super great). But probably the most memorable part of exploring was this pet store we found near the hotel that had some kittens and cats for adoption. Of course Luna wanted to bring them home, but we can't take care of any more cats than we already have.
Netflix's party was co-hosted by FOX again, in some expensive house up in the hills. I guess someone actually lives there, but it was available for rent. It has a really great view of Los Angeles, and there was a swimming pool and it was fairly large in comparison to the types of houses that you might find in the area. Luna mostly ate some food, and met Reed for the first time. I danced a little bit but not much. We didn't stay too late.
Since we had gone down to Los Angeles before, this time we went to Universal Studios instead of Disneyland. The park was much more movie-oriented of course, and more shows than rides. So I didn't find it as much fun but there were certainly a lot of interesting things to see. We did the ride that goes through the park and stage sets. There was a Mummy ride in promotion with the new Mummy movie. We had a good time for the most part.
At night I went with Greg Orzell to Electric Daisy. That was definitely the most exciting part of my trip. Luna isn't into that sort of music or dancing so she didn't go. It took us a long time to get inside, but it was really great. Tons of people, but not too many so you didn't have room to dance since it was outdoors at a stadium. Although it was too many if you wanted to try and get in and out of the stadium. I wasn't really dressed the part. I should have worn shorts and a T-shirt instead of slacks and a clubbing shirt. A lot of people were wearing a lot less clothing.
The best set was definitely by BT. His music is upbeat enough to keep the body moving, but intricate and beautiful at the same time instead of just being a bunch of drum 'n bass, jungle, or house. Paul Oakenfold was also there, but I thought his set was just okay. I also remember Paul Van Dyk's set, because he was last and probably the most heavily promoted of the artists. He included a strong laser light show, and it was probably good to place him last because his music is more trance and ambient so it slowed things down a bit. But that also meant it wasn't really the most exciting music to listen to in this party environment.
There was one scary incident during the carnival, when a girl collapsed. I ran to find the local paramedics, but by the time I actually found them someone had already called it in. I'm not sure what ended up happening to her, but I think she was okay when they found her.
Overall a really fun time. I danced pretty much non-stop for around four hours. Massive leg cramps but I danced through those too. :)
Posted by josuah at 6:56 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 18, 2008
Gunsmith Cats
Gunsmith Cats is a really fun read full of excitement and great characters. They're not really deep characters, but they've got a lot of personality and the interaction and relationships between them is excellent. This extends to the bad guys in the story as well.
I've blown through the original manga series, and started the sequel Gunsmith Cats Burst. Unfortunately the last volume of Burst isn't published in the U.S. yet, and so I'm left of a bit of a cliff-hanger. I'm really looking forward to the release of the last Burst volume.
I would guess the most distinctive feature of this manga is the attention to detail when it comes to firearms. Apparently Kenichi Sonada is a big gun fan, and so he does a lot of research into them and that carries over directly into the manga. Plus, he is very careful in his drawing and consistency, which I always appreciate since it gives a manga real polish. It's much more pleasant to read something that is fully consistent and view panels where you can see what is going on (even during heavy action) and flow together. A lot of mangaka fail at this, even the popular ones.
But what really keeps me going and not wanting to put down the book are the characters and plot. The story is long-running and fully fleshed out, and I can read these stories again and again and still enjoy them just as much as the first time. I'd have to say Gunsmith Cats is one of my favorite mangas.
Posted by josuah at 8:23 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 13, 2008
Visiting Karen
Karen will be leaving to Switzerland soon. I have to remember it's Switzerland and not Sweden by remembering it's the neutral place. She and Sebastian are moving there, because Sebastian got a professorship at the University. It's going to be a big change for her, and this'll probably be the last time I get to see her for a few years.
We drove up and then took BART into San Francisco to meet up with some of her other friends. Ended up going around to a few bars and just hanging out. One place was really tiny and crowded and the music was really loud. The other place was larger and so we had more room. Played one of those cheap video game kiosks and some darts. A bunch of people were playing beer pong in the back room. Looked kind of gross considering everywhere the ping pong ball was going.
Anyway, Karen had a lot of fun so that's good. It'll give her a good memory before leaving.
Posted by josuah at 6:44 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 8, 2008
Shortly after BloodRayne came out, I read all sorts of horrible reviews about it. People condemned Uwe Boll as worst director of all time and wondered how he could get funding in the face of his failure, and who in their right mind was willing to fund his future directorial works. When you read things like this, you can't be entirely sure if people are just being too hard on something or someone, or if it's sort of just a bandwagon sort of thing. But in this case, everything you'll read is right.
Cast a handful of excellent actors in character roles that are completely shallow, mix with a composer who doesn't realize the music must follow the movie, throw in one version of every scene you thought was cool when you were 10-years-old, and then cut corners on anything that will cost money. And don't forget the obligatory sex scene since your star is considered a sex symbol. That's pretty much what you'll experience with this movie. Oh, and the plot sucks too.
Posted by josuah at 7:25 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 7, 2008
Desert Punk
Sunabozu is an anime that is crude and unapologetic about it. In the Kanto desert, life is harsh and cheap. A catastrophe from long ago left the world barren and lifeless. Knowledge of the old technologies has been lost, and great metropolises are ruins. The Sunabozu, or Desert Punk, is the greatest handyman in the Kanto desert. Handymen are basically people you can hire to do just about whatever you want. His extreme cunning and skill with the shotgun has created a legend. But he's also an extremely horny and selfish boy; any beautiful girl turns him into a drooling idiot, especially if she has big ones.
Sunabozu's nemesis is Asagiri Junko, a skilled beauty who Sunabozu lusts after but who always seems to get the best of him. His sidekick is the Kosuna, a 14-year-old girl who desires to become the Kanto desert's most skilled beauty. She has some work cut out for her, dealing with Sunabozu and Junko. A number of other regular characters show up along the way.
The series is sort of split into halves. The first half is a bunch of random handyman missions that establishes the setting and the characters. These episodes stand alone and their primary entertainment value is on the humor, which is often crude and leaning towards the fantastical or slapstick. The second half launches into a political struggle between two different factions who have differing opinions on the direction things should be taken. It's during these episodes that a plot forms and the characters begin having to face more serious issues.
My favorite character would have to be Kosuna. And I really like her seiyu, Chiwa Saito. Her voice is young, energetic, and fits Kosuna perfectly. Plus, she is able to pull of a really cool monkey laugh that is a huge part of Kosuna's personality.
The artwork is very nice as well. Although I don't really like when they draw male faces all scrunched up and weirded out in order to show strange and extreme expressions. They never end up doing that on the female faces—they always look nice.
Unfortunately, Luna tells me that the series was forced to end early because it wasn't popular enough. I did feel a little disappointed by the ending because just as lines were being drawn and a story of epic conflict being built up, it comes to a conclusion. The future is left open and you never find out what will really happen. Still, seeing Kosuna grow up and watching the interplay of her, Sunabozu, and Junko is interesting.
One word of warning: the English ADR is completely changed from the original Japanese. So you'll be hearing a whole different set of conversations if you watch it dubbed.
Posted by josuah at 3:46 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 4, 2008
Woman on the Edge of Time
Calvin gave me Woman on the Edge of Time, by Marge Piercy, for a birthday gift. It was written in 1976 and features a world set at that time, seen through the eyes of a poor disenchanted Hispanic woman living in the slums of New York City. Consuelo, the narrator of this novel, wonders if she is going crazy because she begins seeing and talking to a man who claims to be from the future. She ends up in a psychiatric ward for other reasons, and comes to believe that there is a utopian future that runs a risk of not happening, depending on what she can do in the present day.
There are several layers to this book. At one level, this is a book that looks at and criticizes the treatment of and attitudes towards people who have been deemed by the rest of society as crazy. Piercy depicts a situation, based on reality, where these psychiatric patients are treated more like laboratory animals and sub-human creatures undeserving of consideration. This is also seen in the racial segregation between Caucasians and Hispanics. Consuelo lives in a world where she is ugly, poor, and must suffer the whims of those in power. Those in power are the white men and women who run the world and they are rich and beautiful, living with control over their own lives.
Another layer is brought out in the presentation of this utopia that Consuelo learns of and begins to love. In this future, her child is reborn carefree and loved instead of poor and stolen away. People live close to the earth, as large extended families who share material goods and love freely. It is a world where anyone can do what they wish, and both physical and mental illness are completely understood and easily cured. No one is wanting, although at the same time no one wants. It's both attractive and at the same time does not seem right. Idealistic but not at all realistic. But then they've figured out how to breed out the qualities they consider harmful.
Lastly there is a question of belief. It's never clear whether or not Consuelo is actually imagining things, or if she really is able to travel through her mind to the future and live there among those people as if she were there in physical form. The copy on the back of my book implies her experiences are real, but in truth the novel does not. If it is the truth, then calling her crazy and locking her up could be the worst thing for all of us. If it isn't the truth, then she really is crazy and probably needs to be there. How can you ever know?
Posted by josuah at 4:25 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 2, 2008
Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society
Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society takes place in the story line created in the Stand Alone Complex television series featuring Section 9. In those two years since The Laughing Man and The Individual Eleven incidents, Section 9 has changed. Motoko has left and is pursuing her own goals, and Section 9 is expanding which puts Togusa and Batou into teaching roles for a number of new recruits. The movie begins with a series of suicides somehow linked to a terrorist organization. All signs point to a hacker who is causing these suicides and has some overarching plan concealed by these inexplicable suicides. Motoko's role in these events is unclear, as she shows up at opportune times without providing an explanation.
This film appears to be commenting on social issues possibly facing Japan today, and the world as a whole to some degree. There is a growing class of elderly who require care but are not productive member of society. The birth rate in developed countries is declining as people focus on careers and couples decide not to have children. It can be very difficult to address these issues, because in a lot of cases the solutions run counter to individual desires or current socially acceptable policies and moral ideas.
The question is really whether or not doing the right thing is really what's best for us all in the long run.
Posted by josuah at 8:55 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence continues the story line that began in the original Ghost in the Shell and was also directed by Mamoru Oshii. You do need to have watched the first movie to fully appreciate the second, as it provides background into the characters and establishes the backstory. There are a lot of parallels in the presentation between the two films as well.
This time the story's primary character is Batou, as Motoko is unavailable after the events of the first movie (trying to avoid a spoiler). He and his partner Togusa are investigating a case of gynoids, or human-like robots with AI, that are murdering their owners. Their investigation leads them to a criminal operation or horrific proportions.
If you liked the first film, you should like this one. However there is a heavier requirement on thinking and deductive reasoning this time. In the first film, a lot of the ideas and questions were discussed outright. In Innocence, the ideas are presented through the plot, like in the first film, but not as much time is spent actually speaking out the implications of those ideas. And for some of them you'll really need to try and figure it out on your own; waiting for the explanation will cause you to miss the significance of what you just saw.
The visual capabilities have greatly improved in the past several years, giving Innocence a more polished look. The animation itself is also more fluid and animated than before, as it was done using cel shaded models rather than hand drawings. I think the same composer came back to do the score, and the sound is very similar to the first film although this time 5.1 was the original production goal. I don't like it as much as Yoko Kanno's work, but it's still good.
Unfortunately, it seems like the disc copy I picked up is of an older release that contains closed-captions style English subtitles.
Posted by josuah at 6:57 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Avalon is interesting, but it's slow. Directed by Mamoru Oshii, it's no surprise that there are a lot of deep thoughts and questions about life, reality, and ones perception of the world. However it requires the viewer to work hard at paying attention, as it can't keep you there on its own.
The world is in some sort of post apocalyptic era, where fresh food and studio apartments are considered a luxury. It's not really clear what the world is like, as everything in the film focuses on the game, which is a VR first-person-shooter of incredible reality. Ash, the protagonist, is exceptionally good at this game, and is trying to find some way to finish it; to get to the final level. Over time it becomes clear there's something unique about getting that far, and that only makes her want it even more.
Oshii is an excellent director, and there is a lot to take in from the film. The environments, backgrounds, and every detail contributes in some small way. Near the climax, I really found myself anticipating what would happen next, hoping to find an answer. And in that sense it was satisfying. However I wish the journey had been a little more enjoyable.
Posted by josuah at 6:56 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I didn't hear good things about Ultraviolet, even though I tend to like movies starring Milla Jovovich. It was written and directed by Kurt Wimmer, who also wrote and directed the amazing Equilibrium, and knowing that now I find it disappointing that Ultraviolet is in almost every way a the same story of Equilibrium, except without the emotional strength, inner conflict, and excellent choreography.
A lot of the same symbolism is used throughout, with the church and religion and big brother. The same scenes are used as well, with very similar rooms and types of action sequences. But the action sequences are horrible. In Equilibrium people with guns could actually aim. In Ultraviolet, the police don't seem to know how to point a gun at something a dozen feet away, and are so stupid they don't shoot even when Violet's basically harmless. I do like the overall feel of the movie, and its imagery, style, and use of color. There were some nice special effects as well.
But it's still a rehash of Equilibrium, which is a movie better by orders of magnitude.
Posted by josuah at 12:17 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 28, 2008
Luna's Birthday
It is Luna's birthday today. We didn't do much of anything special, but Silke did come over and gave her a potted flower as a gift. They were watching The Animatrix when I got home, because Silke came over earlier. For dinner we ate Chinese take out and Luna cooked some vegetables. Then we had a Sogo Bakery cake that we bought from 99 Ranch this past weekend. Later on we spent some time just sitting on the floor talking about random things, before it got a little late and Silke left.
Posted by josuah at 6:42 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 26, 2008
Night at the Museum
Night at the Museum, starring Ben Stiller, is pretty much your run-of-the-mill family movie. Ben Stiller is a down-on-his-luck dad who is now divorced and not exactly the greatest role model for his son because he can't keep a stable job. He finds a job as night watchman at the Museum of American History in New York City, where he's surprised to discover everything in the museum comes to life at night. What follows are pretty much what you expect: having to impress his son, deal with his job and overcome his personal desire to give up, foiling a plot, and getting the girl.
There are some pretty big time actors in the film, including Robin Williams, Owen Wilson, Dick Van Dyke, and Mickey Rooney, but it's not like this is a film requiring any great acting. Just lots of antics and continual comic relief mixed with simple action. It would be interesting to know if attendance at the museum actually went up following the release of this movie. Things like that usually happen, and I suspect attendance did increase for a short time.
Posted by josuah at 2:44 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 24, 2008
28 Weeks Later
I really liked 28 Days Later, and thought 28 Weeks Later should be pretty good too since it was supposed to closely follow the original timeline and looked very similar in style and visuals. I didn't know it was directed by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo instead of Danny Boyle though. Perhaps if I had known, or I'd read a little bit more about the film, I wouldn't have been so excited to watch it. I'd heard generally good things after it was released in theaters, but the two films are very different in purpose.
Whereas I liked to call 28 Days Later a movie with zombies in it (specifically a science-fiction movie), 28 Weeks Later is decidedly a zombie movie and nothing else. It's so much a zombie movie that it really doesn't make sense at time, when it was convenient for adding to the chaos. There's no reason behind the plot, and the character development is extremely slim. I think there were some attempts at putting in things to think about, but they are pretty simple thoughts and aren't presented in a strong or unique way. Might as well ignore them.
If you're just looking for a zombie movie, 28 Weeks Later might be perfect for you, although I personally like the Resident Evil movies better for that.
Posted by josuah at 9:45 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Lone Gunmen
I happened to notice that the DVD box set of The Lone Gunmen was on sale and picked it up, completing our collection. I thought this was a great spin-off show and was disappointed when it got cancelled, although I can understand it had limited appeal to the hardcore techies who watched The X-Files. The show's much more technical and focused on conspiracies, without the background that the general public can relate to. I sort of wonder what people thought about the show after 9/11, as the pilot episode was actually a government conspiracy to crash an airplane into the World Trade Center, and this episode was shown in March of that year.
I also knew that Luna would like watching The Lone Gunmen. She liked many episodes of The X-Files and especially those that were funny. The Lone Gunmen tends to have funny things in every episode, just because the characters are funny and they have absurd ideas about how to go about things. She especially likes Frohike because he acts so kawaii and looks moe.
Posted by josuah at 9:44 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 23, 2008
Visit from Silke
Silke's back in San Jose again after about two years. She's the new team lead for development in Germany, and Karsten who used to be the team lead is now a manager. So IBM flew her out to meet some of the people she's working with in San Jose and for some training. This was her first time meeting Luna, although I'd mentioned Luna to her the last time she was here.
We went to eat at Sato Sushi. The food was good although a little pricey as usual for a Japanese restaurant. We mostly talked about how things are at IBM and what the people there that both of us know are doing now. Luna talked a little bit about her classes. Luna thought it was strange that Silke would go to live at a monastery and learn Kung Fu.
Afterwards, we came back home and played a game of Hunters and Gatherers. It was actually a very close game until I got lucky and pulled out the shrine which let me get all of the field, which we were previously sharing, to myself. If I hadn't pulled that I wouldn't have won, because I was trailing by a fair margin the entire time.
Posted by josuah at 7:15 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 21, 2008
Patlabor: The TV Series
So whereas the Patlabor OVA was a little disappointing, the full length television series Patlabor: The TV Series isn't so bad. It's not great, but it's about what you'd expect from a Saturday morning cartoon. A bit of action, some laughs, and outrageous but likable characters. It's a little on the long side, at 47 episodes, but they go by fairly quickly and there are some interesting, although simple, stories.
Despite the franchise's tremendous success in general, I'm not really sure what it has going for it. I suspect it's more of a mecha action sort of appeal to younger audiences. Having recently watched You're Under Arrest! I have to say YUA is a much better show overall with more lasting appeal than Patlabor: TV.
Posted by josuah at 6:50 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 17, 2008
The Holiday
When Luna first saw the trailer for The Holiday she laughed and then punched me in the face. Cameron Diaz's character had found out her boyfriend slept with his secretary and walked out the front door and punched him twice. I don't think Luna put it on her queue right away, but we saw the trailer again and that's probably when she did.
There's really nothing special about The Holiday in terms of plot, but it does have some very good actors and a little gimmick which thankfully isn't overused. Amanda (Cameron Diaz) happens to be a movie trailer director/editor/something and every once in a while imagines hearing voiceovers describing the drama in her life. That's the gimmick, and it's used a few times. Otherwise, it's your typical people in bad relationship find other people and everything works out in the end. Simple, straightforward, and it'll be the characters that make you like the movie or not.
I did kind of like Miles (Jack Black) because his view on the world is a little kooky. He sees a theatrical score in just about everything and that's a fun and cool way of seeing things. He's a composer in the movie, of course.
Posted by josuah at 9:25 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 14, 2008
Strangers in Paradise
Strangers in Paradise, by Terry Moore, is a masterpiece. Every once in a while there comes a book that has everything and holds you so tight you forget to breathe and savor each page while being unable to turn to the next one. This is one of them.
I think there are some stories that can only be told right with pictures, and Strangers in Paradise really exploits the graphic medium to its fullest. You can't describe in words the smirk on someone's face or the burning in someone's eyes. Those simple words don't convey the whole and any attempt to describe it in words is like looking at a beautiful painting an inch at a time. You can only see those things by absorbing it all at once. In any other form, Strangers in Paradise would be just a pale rendering.
Moore's sense of composition and attention to emotional detail in each frame is perfect. It all comes together without once placing you in an uncomfortable visual flow or inability to fully understand the frame, the page, and the story. I'd love to read it in full color, but the black and white pocket books are really good anyway.
Katchoo, Francine, David, and their friends and enemies are wonderful. When you follow a person through good and bad, the rough spots and with all their emotions and thoughts fully exposed, you can't help by fall in love with them. They become part of you. Katchoo and Francine are soul mates in the real sense of the word. That doesn't mean they always get along and live in a perfect world. It means no matter what they're together and each carrying a part of the other even when they're apart, and that will never change.
There's all the stuff that makes life interesting, fun, exciting, and an adventure. Plus a whole other global conspiracy and criminal element that has them trapped and prevents them from being able to control their own lives. Those external events that you try to hide from the ones you love to protect them, or save them, when that means hurting them and sacrificing yourself or other people. Those sorts of hard but real-life decisions that many people face and struggle to overcome.
This is a story I'm going to read again. And I'm going to enjoy it just as much that time, and the time after.
Posted by josuah at 5:00 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 13, 2008
Fear and Trembling
Tintin got me Stupeur et tremblements for my birthday. It's originally a French novelette by Amélie Nothomb that I believe is autobiographical in nature. Amélie immigrates to Japan for the purpose of working at a Japanese company for one year. The cultural and corporate differences coupled with her gaijin status create a uniquely amusing yet ridiculously horrific experience for her. What she thinks shows good initiative or understanding in fact results in suspicion or corporate loss of face. Those she thinks are nice are in fact quick to betray. Hopes will be casually dashed by the inadvertent comments of a superior. In sum, a world of social politics that is like a mine field for Amélie and her coworkers.
The translation reads very easily, and the book itself looks as if published for a young teen audience with large type and lots of white space. There isn't any difficult vocabulary and the sentence structure is simple. I wonder though, as it was originally written in French, just how well it translates. It seems like a lot of the amusement would depend a lot on how it was written by the author. So perhaps something was lost in the translation. I actually finished the entire book in one sitting, but it's not a whole lot of pages so that's not much of a feat anyway.
Posted by josuah at 1:47 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 12, 2008
Hyper Police
I saw Hyper Police in the manga section of a bookstore, and remembered it because it looked like it might be a fun read. It's an action-comedy taking place sometime in the future where cross-breeding between humans and animals has created a whole set of new species like cat girls and werewolves and turtle men. Natsuki is a cat girl working as a bounty hunter with a bunch of other human and non-human characters. They all have very distinct personalities and the author, MEE, has a lot of fun with creating absurd situations and lots of fan service. When taking a break from all the explosions and craziness, romance between the different characters starts to grow.
The manga is ten volumes, and doesn't really have an overall plot. Each chapter tends to stand on its own as a little adventure, although sometimes a story will take place over a handful of chapters. There aren't any amazing ideas or new things presented in the manga, and if you're going to remember anything special it would have to be the characters and hysteria. Unfortunately, while I think the artwork itself is good, the composition could use a little work. It wasn't bad, but every once in a while there was a frame where you couldn't figure out what was going on, or the directions between adjacent frames would conflict.
Posted by josuah at 8:06 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 4, 2008
Infernal Affairs 2 & 3
Infernal Affairs 2 and Infernal Affairs 3 are the sequels to a great movie I watched a few years ago, Infernal Affairs. This first one was recently remade in the U.S. but I haven't seen it. The primary reason I liked Infernal Affairs was because of the competing tension between Yan and Lau both working for the other team while still trying to defeat each other. It's an excellent game of chess.
Wu jian dao 2 is different. This movie actually takes place before the first Wu jian dao, and focuses more on the relationship between the gangster Sam and police officer Wong, who are the leaders of the gang and police in Wu jian dao. We see their history, and what led them to who they became in the first movie. Yan and Lau are also there, but in their younger selves. The lack of tension and a somewhat confusing chain of events made it harder to like Wu jian dao 2. I felt the strength of focus found in the first movie was lost, even though the acting and characters were just as good and the story well tied into the series as a whole. (Brief glimpses into Yan's thing with watches and Lau's love of music are nice touches.)
Wu jian dao 3 is even more confusing than 2. This takes place some time after the first movie, as the police try to uncover who else might be gang moles. Lau is now a big time police officer, and involved in the investigation. However, things aren't exactly right. There are problems at home with his wife Mary, and his investigation seems to take odd turns. There are lots of flashbacks to new events that show more background on Yan and Lau. The psychiatrist played by Kelly Chen makes are reappearance. In the end, things make sense but you will have to piece things together. Unfortunately, the ending is disappointing but fitting with the whole series' idea of continuous hell.
Posted by josuah at 12:46 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 28, 2008
The original Rollerball film is one of those science-fiction classics that starred an out-of-place movie star in an interesting and thoughtful social commentary. I'm sure I watched it on television when I was younger, and something about it made me remember the name although not the content. This movie is about Jonathan, the star of a violent sport named Rollerball who is asked to retire despite an unprecedented performance. In this world, the lives of the populace are tightly controlled by multi-nationals that dictate everything from public knowledge to families. The multi-nats fear Jonathan's influence on the public, because the game was designed to create violent failures but Jonathan never loses.
This movie is about the growing influence of corporations and a subconscious fear of a dystopian future society. There is no more war, or poverty, or global conflict. Everyone has what they need to survive, but not what they want or desire. This is kept in check a great deal by preventing people from having any idea that there might be more to life than what the companies give them. And Rollerball is the blood sport that allows them to vicariously unleash their tension while reinforcing the idea that in the end you always lose. Jonathan struggles to break out of this mental prison and take control of his own life.
Posted by josuah at 3:51 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 27, 2008
District B13
Luc Besson's created another high-energy action thrill ride with Banlieue 13. District B13 is a run down slum that's been walled off by the French government. The people behind lack simple public services such as garbage collection or public schooling, and the district is run by criminal organizations and smaller gangs. Leïto's a sort of vigilante trying to take down the local power Taha, but runs into trouble with the authorities allowing Taha to enslave Leïto's sister, Lola. The remainder of the film follows Leïto's attempts to free his sister while working with an undercover cop named Damien to prevent the detonation of a nuclear warhead.
With only that simple plot and its over-the-top likable characters, this movie wouldn't be worth mentioning much. But Luc Besson really knows how to create a great ride and District B13 certainly doesn't disappoint. Leïto is actually played by David Belle who is famous for the parkour movement. This film is an amazing showcase of that physical art form, with extended sequences of parkour throughout. The action is swift, tight, and filmed very well so the audience can clearly follow everything. Many times a director will use quick cuts and jerky motion to create a false sense of excitement and activity, but that's not the case here.
All in all an excellent action film that's a lot of fun to watch, and fun to watch a second time.
Posted by josuah at 8:19 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Dragon's World: A Fantasy Made Real
I'm not even sure what you should call Dragon's World: A Fantasy Made Real. It's presented as a documentary, but it's pure fantasy. In a nutshell, an aspiring paleontologist (who happens to want to believe in fire-breathing dragons) comes across a frozen dinosaur. As the ice preserved tissue, he has more to work with than fossilized bone and discovers gas sacks and trace residue of metals capable of creating a spark. (Don't ask me how evolution results in a defense mechanism that requires eating rocks.) This researcher also theorizes about derivations of the dragon, accounting for the mythology found in different cultures around the world.
I guess if you already believe in dragons then you might be interested in watching this. But if you don't or are looking for something with actual scientific foundations then this is probably a waste of your time. At best, it's one person's extremely simple ramblings on what might have been, based on the human imagination.
Posted by josuah at 1:08 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 21, 2008
24: Season 6
I really like 24, but I was disappointed by season 6. I feel like this is where the show has finally Jumped the Shark. Previous seasons have always brought something new to the series. New characters, political discussion, and plot mechanisms are part of the special sauce for this show. But as long as there's excitement and tension, I really felt compelled to watch. Admittedly the blatant sell-out to Cisco in the previous season was a little annoying, but I tried to ignore that as it was only in one episode.
But season six is the first season where I felt like everything has been recycled. The plot lines, the technologies, the threats, and the core character types are all remixes of the previous seasons. There's certainly a good level of current events pulled in, but that can't get rid of the unbelievable aspects of the show, which I won't discuss in depth at risk of ruining it for others. Cisco does make another blatant appearance, and the terrorist threats are now on the order of every three or four hours. They really need to stop trying to outdo themselves based solely on quantity.
The only saving grace of this season is the clearer focus on the characters. That's always been one of the most important parts of this series, and I think the writers realized that needed to be given some extra attention this time around, since the plot was weaker and less realistic than it needed to be. I'm really not sure where season seven will take us; it's a bit difficult for me to expect something great.
Posted by josuah at 4:14 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 14, 2008
Eagle vs. Shark
Iris said she's been wanting to see Eagle vs. Shark ever since its debut at Sundance. That alone should give you some idea of what type of film it is, and personally I didn't like it a whole lot. However, there is a large group of people who do like this sort of humor, so I'm not surprised it was received so well as an indie romantic comedy.
The film focuses around two "social losers". Lily, who works at a burger joint, has a crush on Jarrod, who works in the same mall at a video game store. Neither of them fits into the mainstream, and Jarrod seems to live in a strange fantasy version of himself where he's macho and envied by others although he knows deep down this isn't true. Through a strange set of events, Lily and Jarrod find out just how well they fit together, while making fools of themselves the whole time. Which makes it so their foolishness really doesn't matter.
I found parts of the film amusing, but overall I don't think the film was that great. It's got a nice message and the acting is good in its own quirky way, but it's also sort of pointless and boring. Iris really liked it, I think, but I think Luna might have fallen asleep during the middle.
Posted by josuah at 6:35 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Patlabor: The Mobile Police OVA
Patlabor: The Mobile Police OVA is three discs of compressed story line and action starring Section 2, a group of special police officers whose job it is to handle Patlabor crime, or crime committed by people while in mecha. It's basically a police action-comedy. It's also what kicked off the entire Patlabor series of TV shows and films and was directed by Mamoru Oshii.
Despite all that I can't really recommend it. It's short at only a handful of episodes and as a result all of the character development and story is very compressed. The OVA itself doesn't really end, and you need to watch the movie to pick up where it left off.
Posted by josuah at 6:33 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 9, 2008
Wii with Karen + Sebastian
Luna, Iris, and I went up to visit Karen and Sebastian tonight because Sebastian will be leaving to Switzerland soon to start working there as a professor. Karen won't be joining him until after she graduates from Stanford, which should be sometime this summer. We went out to Thai food, which was good and reasonably priced, and I think I spent most of the time talking to Sebastian and Karen about the Presidential candidates and public policy ideas. Karen thinks it is unfair that people are fined based on their income in Switzerland, for example, while Sebastian and I think it makes sense because fines are supposed to be punishments rather than to be fees or to reflect any particular costs.
Afterwards we went back to Karen's place and played Wii Sports. It's the first time Luna or I had played a Wii; Iris had played before. I was okay at Wii Tennis, but I couldn't do well at Wii Boxing or Wii Bowling. Boxing seemed to have a very heavy delay between movement of the remote and nunchuck, and the most effective techniques really didn't look anything like what the characters on screen were doing. I don't really know what was wrong with bowling though, because I just couldn't get it to swing the arm and release the ball correctly.
Lastly we played a round of Pictionary. The teams were Karen, Luna, and me versus Sebastian and Iris. Our team pulled ahead early on very quickly, but then we got hit by a short period of losses and they caught up. In the end we got to the finish first though, and won the game. A couple of times it was easier to guess off the other team's artist, but that's okay because Sebastian likes to do that and so it's acceptable strategy. :)
Posted by josuah at 7:22 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 7, 2008
Ed Wood
I'm not really sure why Luna decided to rent Ed Wood, but I vaguely recall seeing it before. It's not exactly your typical Tim Burton film, as it's a biography of the real director Ed Wood's attempts to make it big in Hollywood. It has an amazing cast, starring Johnny Depp of course but also Sarah Jessica Parker, Bill Murray, and a number of other great actors in supporting roles. The best performance being given by Martin Landau for his portrayal of Bela Legosi. Every once in a while an actor really pulls off a real person, and Landau does that here.
The movie itself isn't all that interesting though. Most people these days have never heard of Ed Wood, and none of his movies are actually good (which is part of the point). Without anything real to connect oneself to the movie, there needs to be something special about it that will entertain, or fascinate, or emotionally grab the viewer. This movie really doesn't do that because it's just the life of Ed Wood, dramatized by Tim Burton in the same manner Ed Wood dramatized his own movies.
Posted by josuah at 3:46 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 3, 2008
Shrek the Third
I really didn't have any desire to watch Shrek the Third, but Luna wanted to so we did. I'm not a fan of the Shrek series since I think they're all very unoriginal and simple. Shrek the Third didn't disappoint in that regard; in fact I think it's the most cliché-ridden and predictable of all three. Particularly annoying to me was the whole baby sequence sometime in the middle of the film, especially since they didn't put a lot of effort into making the babies move realistically and instead it looked like a bunch of rubber toys.
I did like some of the nice little homages they put into the film, like the coconut horses joke from Monty Python and the voices of John Cleese and Eric Idle or the Charlie's Angels reference. But that doesn't really make up for the film as a whole. If you liked the first two Shrek movies, I suspect you might enjoy watching the third although perhaps not as much. I thought the first two were okay, and I didn't have any problem watching the third, but I wouldn't choose to spend my time watching it again.
Posted by josuah at 7:19 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 30, 2007
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Luna rented the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie because she's been watching through the entire new TV series and really likes it. I guess she wanted to see where it all started. I remember reading this book after getting it through one of the school's book orders.
I was actually surprised to see so many actors in the film that have either become famous or at least had serious careers. It's also a little different than I remembered, with more parody and self-deprecating humor; I remembered a lot of fighting in the book which I guess was an adaptation of the movie. It also surprised me to learn that Joss Whedon also wrote and directed the movie. He's a very highly regarded person in the television industry and by the general public, and I don't remember Buffy the Vampire Slayer having been considered a critical success.
Anyway, the movie wasn't anything special but I found it entertaining at times. Pretty short and straight forward. I can't find any faults in the film, but I think it's standard television movie fare.
Posted by josuah at 11:05 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
You're Under Arrest! The Motion Picture
You're Under Arrest! The Motion Picture takes place a few months after the OVA just as Natsumi and Miyuki are finishing up their training away from Bokuto station. The same cast of characters are there, and you really have to have seen the OVA to appreciate the movie because no time is spent on character development or back story. The movie really is a feature film with Bokuto station up against a band of terrorists and heavy on action and plot instead of humor.
In terms of production, it's obvious that a lot more time and money was put into the movie than into the OVA. The picture is clearer and there is a lot more detail in every scene. There is surround sound, although it's a little too discretely mixed. I liked seeing Natsumi and Miyuki in action again, and it was cool to see them in a slightly more grown up version of the television series.
Posted by josuah at 2:26 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 29, 2007
Why Hot Songs Are Crap
Rolling Stone has an excellent article about why compressed songs sound bad. The practice of compressing music is also referred to as mixing "hot", because all of the sounds are boosted until they all measure close to the max decibel level which is usually displayed as red and white on a spectral analysis graph. This can also result in a form of clipping when a frequency is boosted such that its amplitude hits the ceiling for too long. Imagine a sine wave that has a peak of -0dB. To the left and right of the peak, the amplitude drops. But if the entire signal is boosted, the areas to the left and right of the peak will also be at -0dB.
This is one of the most annoying aspects of music produced today because really high end gear will expose these problems. But on the other hand, it does mean that for lots of music, you won't hear much difference if you listen on high end gear or mass market gear. In other words, if that's the sort of music that you listen to, you don't need to spend time or money on good speakers or electronics. Things may actually sound better to you if you don't, because a high-frequency roll off will make it less fatiguing to listen.
Well mastered audio on good gear will sound loads better though. I've remarked before about an album from Tosca, classical music, and other well mastered CDs that let you hear the instruments and performers. Wide dynamic range adds a lot of depth and captures the meanings behind a passage that is supposed to be done with fortissimo instead of pianissimo.
Posted by josuah at 12:44 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 28, 2007
Home from Christmas
Luna and I just got back from spending Christmas at my parents house in New York. We were there for four days, not including the two days spent flying. Dennis and Iris were there until the 24th, after which they went to Iris' parents' place. Calvin took the same flights that we did.
Luna was really excited to see so much snow, and the first day she wanted to go outside and play in it. But it was raining at that time and she hadn't packed the right clothing for us. In fact, she only packed me one pair of pants and the wrong shirts, so I ended up having to go buy some pants and wash the clothes often. Luna also bought some boots and a bag while we were out. We never got around to actually playing in the snow afterwards.
And I actually spent two days just watching season one of Heroes on my mom's laptop. Luna watched season one just before we flew out, without me. Heroes has excellent characters and a great plot. That's really what's so good about the show. There is a pretty large cast of people, some with super powers and some without, who find themselves bound together through taut strings of destiny to save the world. As things are revealed and you try to piece together the puzzle of motivations and challenges, so are they doing the same thing.
Unfortunately, while there's a really strong cast and excellent plot, the execution itself is plagued with sloppiness. That's a real turn off for me, and Luna didn't like it either after I started pointing them out to her. There are scenes that show up in one episode, and then you see them again in the following episode but the dialog, action, and even the set have changed. Part of me thinks this must have become a deliberate choice, if it didn't already start out that way. There's even one character who shows up and then mysteriously disappears without explanation. And some Ando-paradoxes are never answered.
Still, it's a great show and I can understand why people really like it. There's a whole lot of inside jokes and little gestures as well, such as George Takei's license plate or Stan Lee's cameo. I did appreciate those, although I suspect the vast majority of viewers didn't even notice.
Christmas day Luna and I spent sleeping. She wanted to wake up early to get presents, but then after that we both went back to sleep and ended up spending a lot of the night actually awake instead of sleeping. I got a new pair of sneakers which I really needed because mine are so old; I was actually looking at some when we went out earlier to buy the pants, but ended up not buying any. I also got socks and some money. Luna got a coat and a pair of warm socks. Calvin got me Transmission and Luna a scarf. Dennis and Iris gave us Genki Hats of Luna and Artemis.
The day after Christmas Luna and I took Amtrak to New York City. She wanted to see the Statue of Liberty and ground zero. The train ride was about 2.5 hours each direction, and was convenient because once in the city we could just take the subway and walk. Unfortunately the actual Statue of Liberty ferries and stops took four whole hours to do. We had to wait in line for a long time to get onto the ferry, which has airport-like security screening, and then again on the way to Ellis Island and back to Manhattan. We couldn't get into the Statue of Liberty itself though because all of the time passes had been given out; you need to reserve well in advance it seems. So other than some quick pictures it wasn't very fruitful. It's also a lot smaller than I thought it would be. The tickets are sold out of Castle Clinton though, and the whole thing brought back memories of Deus Ex.
Afterwards we went to ground zero but didn't enter the special memorial thing they have set up while construction is going on. Luna just snapped some quick pictures through holes in the fence they set up around the hole. When we saw some local cemeteries she thought the people that died there had been buried right there, but of course those are just regular cemeteries next to churches.
Dinner was at Roxy's Delicatessen which is pricey but nice. I probably wouldn't go back again though. Service was a little slow and I saw one of the wrapped muffins fall on the floor and then get put back onto the shelf (it was wrapped, so not really a big deal, but still feels weird). We walked around Times Square for a long time, visiting places like the M&M store and Hershey store until it was time for our train back.
It's the flight back to San Jose that was really annoying. Our plane at Albany arrived late, so there was no airplane for us to take to Detroit even though we could have left if a plane and crew had been available. As a result, we missed our connection in Detroit and ended up taking a later flight to Minneapolis/St. Paul on standby. And since we were late arriving there, our flight to San Jose had already left and we would have to stay overnight if we wanted to catch the next one. Instead, we got on standby for a flight to San Francisco, and arrived at SFO around 12:30am without any of our luggage. We had to wait a long time for a shuttle that would take us to where Luna and I parked at SJC, and finally arrived home at 3am. Northwest needs to find our luggage and somehow get it back to California to deliver to our home.
Posted by josuah at 11:31 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Cat O' Nine Tales
Luna picked out Cat O' Nine Tales by Jeffrey Archer from the airport bookstore, probably because it had the picture of a cat on the front and some amusing cat illustrations inside. But we were both pretty disappointed at the quality of the stories and writing. I ended up reading the whole thing on the airplane, but Luna hasn't bothered to get past the first few stories.
This book is a compilation of twelve short stories, typically telling about some crime or interesting caper that Archer heard about while in prison himself, embellished from the short plot and punch-line that you'd read about in the paper. But those embellishments are extremely simple, predictable, and usually end up following exactly the sort of twist you've heard about before. The characters aren't interesting and rather two-dimensional, and the writing is suitable for young teens. All in all, nothing remarkable about this book or its stories.
Posted by josuah at 11:30 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Calvin gave me Transmission by Hari Kunzru for Christmas. In this story, psychologically stressed Arjun Mehta unleashes an extremely devastating virus onto the Internet which leads to a cascade of events he can no longer control. The book received some decent praise, but I found it somewhat dated and exaggerated. No doubt in 2004, when it was published, a lot of the ideas and slang Kunzru used would have been considered hip by the typically unaware critics, but I didn't find the "name dropping" that appealing. I refer to it that way because terms like RL are tossed out once but the overall tone of narration and its characters don't speak using that sort of vocabulary.
I was also disappointed with how the characters' plot lines were woven together and with the conclusion. It's not atypical for an author to begin a story with characters in different locations and plot lines, but Kunzru never actually brings those plot lines together in any meaningful way. Guy Swift, Leela, and Gaby really don't matter and are only there to provide some additional characters and interest. But they never drive the plot forward. And in the end, everything is wrapped up in an afterward-like concluding chapter that tries to explain what happened to everyone years later. But it's told from the perspective of someone who doesn't know, which sucks since the whole book was placing you next to those characters up until that point.
Posted by josuah at 11:30 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 27, 2007
The Great Train Robbery
The Great Train Robbery is one of Michael Crichton's earliest novels and appears to be getting another printing these days. It's a little different from his other books, in that it is historical fiction based on the actual train robbery of 1855 where a team of highly skilled and intelligent thieves managed a heist that was almost never solved. It also reads differently as a sort of dramatized documentary. A lot of the chapters are short but heavy on character and plot detail written as someone who is compiling information about the subject for informative purposes rather than entertainment. That's probably part of why I didn't find this book as fun to read as some of his others. However, the amount of research Crichton brought to this book is indicative of the dedication to accuracy found in all of his books.
Posted by josuah at 3:26 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 25, 2007
Empire is a novel by Orson Scott Card published last year. I found it in the airport book store and the back cover described a book very much like what I had recently been thinking about, regarding the current direction of the U.S. government and society as a whole. The main characters are all U.S. soldiers or veterans that lean right to varying degrees, who are caught up in a sort of rebellion when a successful rocket attack takes out the top members of the Executive branch and cabinet. In the resulting chaos, a left-wing group conquers New York City and various state and local governments begin aligning themselves with this new organization.
I wish Card had focused more on the issues, morals, and ideas associated with how and why this could happen and the consequences of a country that has become so divided and complacent. Instead the majority of words are there to move the plot along without a whole lot of commentary on the subject. That's understandable, considering this is supposed to be a thriller and exploration of a possible near future for the United States.
To his immense credit, Card does make parallels to a possible consequence within the story, and the book has underlying criticism of both right- and left-wing extremists as well as the citizens who have allowed things to reach this point. Which is good, because it slips those thoughts into the reader without forcing the issue. People of any political leaning can read it, enjoy it, and not feel like Card is trying to force his own beliefs upon them. Your individual political views will shape your perceptions of the story and its political opinions. Although I suspect (and no doubt Card does as well) that people who lean far in one direction or the other will not be able to see that they are exactly the kind of people being criticized by the book. Instead, they will believe the book vindicates their own political choices.
Posted by josuah at 9:55 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 21, 2007
My Neighbor Totoro
My Neighbor Totoro is probably Hayao Miyazaki's most famous film, although it's from 1988 and not as fascinating as his contemporary works. There's less action, less visual and aural spectacle, and a much simpler and shallow story. But it's also an amazing children's tale that you can still enjoy as an adult and it contains universal appeal. Basically it's a great movie that everyone will like and be willing to watch multiple times.
The film centers around 11-year-old Satsuki and her younger sister Mei after moving to the countryside with their father. Their mother is in the hospital with some sort of chronic illness that is never fully explained. The entire film is presented from the viewpoint of someone of Satsuki and Mei's ages, which means the world appears simple in some ways, grand in others, and magical but overwhelming. Totoro is a forest spirit that appears to Mei and then Satsuki. He lives in the enormous tree at the nearby temple.
I really liked this film. It's endearing, fun, and magical just like Satsuki and Mei. The songs have a sing-along quality to them, and the art is colorful and vibrant. The English ADR is pretty good as well since it was done by Disney. There aren't any deep thoughts or epic conflicts here; it's more like the type of movie you'd watch on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Posted by josuah at 5:43 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 19, 2007
You're Under Arrest!
You're Under Arrest! is an OVA of the manga of the same name written by Kosuke Fujishima. The two main characters are Miyuki and Natsumi, who are partners in the traffic division of Bokuto Police Station. They meet for the first time in the first episode and become quick friends and close partners. There are a number of supporting characters, including the love interests of both Miyuki and Natsumi. Every character has a very distinct personality which all together work very well. I particularly like the character of Natsumi. She's super strong, aggressive, and rough-and-tumble. Miyuki is the quiet intelligent one, with a not-so-secret love of machines and guns.
I would describe the series as a really good Saturday-morning cartoon. Each episode is pretty standalone with a few stories spanning two episodes. Of course there's a real progression of character development and plot over the entire series, unlike U.S. cartoons which are never intended to end or change. It's suitable for very young children as well as adults. In fact, I'd say young children and teens are the prime audience. I found Bokuto's police force very inspirational and I can imagine children wanting to grow up to become policemen and policewomen (there's even a girl that does that in the show).
I enjoyed You're Under Arrest! because of the characters, decent stories, and overall fun attitude with a nice splash of action. There aren't any annoying issues like reused cels or evident budget problems. Very solid production, but not particularly remarkable.
Posted by josuah at 4:38 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 18, 2007
Tank Girl: The Gifting
Tank Girl makes her return after a long haitus with Tank Girl: The Gifting from IDW Publishing. This compilation of short stories is a departure from the more traditional visual narrative of the earlier comics. Many of the stories contain only a handful of words and a few pages of illustration; some are simple ditties that speak with the Tank Girl attitude. But the overall personality of Tank Girl, Booga, and their compatriots in mischief is the same, and no doubt welcome by Tank Girl aficionados who are a little older and mature these days.
The Gifting was not illustrated by Jamie Hewitt, but instead by Ashley Wood who has created a look of rough lines and watercolor. It's certainly a more visually interesting and freeform approach, but I did find it a little dry because of the earthy, washed-out color scheme. And I didn't enjoy the plotless or very short skits as much.
Still, Tank Girl is back. She's a little more grown up but just as much an irresponsible and reckless misfit as ever, even if she no longer lives in a shack in the Outback. I believe she's going to be returning in some future volumes which I plan to pick up, in large part just because I've started the collection.
Posted by josuah at 4:07 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 15, 2007
After four years of university, the Genshiken manga comes to an end with a total of nine volumes. It's been quite enjoyable following the members of Genshiken as they came to know each other and to know themselves, and I have no doubt I'll be re-reading this manga in the future.
I could really identify with the Genshiken, their ideas and personalities, and the clashes arising from Kasukabe's and Ogiue's attitudes towards otaku. Kio Shimoku made some excellent choices in the characters he brought together in the Genshiken, with depth and realistic personalities (with the occasional amusing ones) that both highlight the ideas and challenges of otaku while complementing each other to bring out interesting and intelligent interactions and ideas.
Shimoku is a very good manga artist. Many artists, even for popular series, are poor at creating a sequence of panels, establishing context, and making clear exactly what is going on. This manga suffers from none of those issues. There's also a lot of time and detail put into every frame, into the characters look and mood, and the backgrounds. I suppose that's particularly important given the subject matter and audience of this manga, but it's always nice to actually see an artist put so much effort into his work.
At the end of the nine volumes, I found myself slightly disappointed that it was all over, but not as much as after reading through Azumanga Daioh. Perhaps that's only because I had to wait so long between volumes of Genshiken, and reading it through in one sitting would make my attachment to the characters stronger. There's a little bit left open for a continuing series, but I doubt that will happen.
Posted by josuah at 4:53 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 13, 2007
The Boy Who Would Live Forever
The Boy Who Would Live Forever is the fifth novel in Frederik Pohl's Heechee saga, and sort of falls outside of the previous novels by focusing on a completely new set of characters and separate plot line. The two main characters in this book are Stan, a boy who used to live close to poverty until getting to Gateway, and Estrella, whose background is more of a mystery. Together they become the first human visitors to the Heechee core, where time moves 40,000 times slower than on the outside. Klara and Albert Einstein play secondary roles, as well as Wan who is something of a galactic annoyance who cannot be ignored.
This time a lot of time is spent illustrating how the Heechee live in the core and on their cultural differences from Homo sapiens. I found some of that interesting simply because of the Heechee's tremendous influence in the previous novels, but honestly there isn't a whole lot of newness to this novel in the series. It feels much more like an auxiliary novel instead of an important one.
Posted by josuah at 4:09 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 11, 2007
All Over the Guy
All Over the Guy is a movie from a few years back that I found a promotional copy for at Netflix. Sounded a little interesting from the tagline: 4 friends, 3 guys, 2 couples &emdash; You Do The Math. (I guess it ended up with a different tagline later on.) It's a simple story about love and relationships, but with very complicated characters. The characters are what makes this movie worth anything, but I suppose anyone interested in this type of movie would already be looking at it from that angle. So while I found it interesting to watch, I don't think it's particularly great.
The four friends in the movie are played by Dan Bucatinsky, Richard Ruccolo, Sasha Alexander, and Adam Goldberg. Richard's character, Tom, is the one that I found most engaging and as a result felt the film focused most on, even though the screen time is probably fairly equally distributed with Dan's character, Eli. Eli's sort of messed up but in a sort of wishy-washy way. Tom's character is messed up in a weird mental-complex sort of way, which is what makes him unpredictable and frustrating but someone you want to see turn out okay and happy.
Posted by josuah at 4:34 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 8, 2007
The Day of the Triffids
BBC's 1981 television adaptation of The Day of the Triffids was available as a freebie at Netflix so I picked it up. I really didn't know anything about it, but I knew that it falls under the category of sci-fi cult classic. I figured it would look old, but still be interesting and worth watching for its cultural value.
Triffids are a plant-animal that sting animals and then eat them, much like spiders or insect-eating plants do in reality. Only Triffids seem to possess some mediocre level of intelligence and can move around. When an unexplained astral phenomenon leaves most of the human race blind, the Triffids start having a free lunch. Conveniently, there's no explanation for where Triffids came from (they are a magically introduced new species) or the astral phenomenon either.
The statements I later saw comparing it to 28 Days Later are apt. However, I really liked 28 Days Later and felt let down by The Day of the Triffids. What I didn't like about this TV series was that there wasn't a whole lot of direction. I've been led to understand that is how the novel was as well, but I felt for the time involved something more should be accomplished. The ending left things a little too open as well. The screeching music could be very annoying too.
Posted by josuah at 4:35 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 3, 2007
Cute Bunny and Bells
Ferry Halim has a new cute little game up called Winterbells. You are a little white bunny and it is snowing bells. The goal is to bounce up the bells for as long as you can to get points. If you fall down, your run is over. I could easily see myself playing at this for a while and trying to better my score. The sprites and sound effects are just great. :D
Posted by josuah at 10:17 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 30, 2007
Luna and I have both wanted to watch Ratatouille since we first saw the trailer. This is Pixar's latest film, and was directed by Brad Bird. We watched it with my parents because they were here helping us fix up the backyard.
I really liked it. There was a lot of fun stuff in there, and of course it's a movie that can be enjoyed by the whole family. Although the main character of the story is a rat, the human characters also play a large role and look very similar to the style used in The Incredibles. I was sort of hoping the people would look more realistic, or have some more texture to them.
I always like to try and find the new technological advances that Pixar put into their films. Each film usually adds something new but subtle. I think there were two things they worked on specifically for Ratatouille: reflections and crowds. A lot of action takes place in the restaurant kitchen, and that means pots and pans and lots of shiny surfaces reflecting all over the place. It was not focused on, but I think a lot of attention went into making sure those reflections looked real and were accurate. And a lot of action involves lots and lots of rats. In previous films, the crowds were composed of individuals that pretty much did the same thing (e.g. A Bug's Life or Finding Nemo). In Ratatouille, each individual is doing something unique and independent. There was one scene that was particularly nice involving all of the rats in the kitchen.
Posted by josuah at 7:04 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 28, 2007
Annals of the Heechee
Annals of the Heechee is the final book in the Heechee saga by Frederik Pohl. (The Boy Who Would Live Forever is the newest novel in the saga, but I don't think it was originally intended to be. I could be wrong though.) This time, the foe is finally revealed and their motivations are explained. The usual suspects are present, of course, although this time Robinette Broadhead is a machine-stored being, and a whole lot of the story and ideas revolve around the idea of living that way, while still being involved in the physical world.
I did sort of feel like some of the technological behaviors available to Robinette and the other machine-stored humans, Heechee, or AI programs were not grounded in science though. Pohl either didn't think it through, or chose to ignore those issues for the sake of the story. Although none of his books are really hard science anyway, at least the technology mentioned in the previous novels was of a type that did not require reconciliation with current science. The ideas behind machine-stored humans would have needed to match the science of 1987 though, and they don't.
One thing I felt brought some nice energy to the book were the characters of Oniko and Sneezy. They are children, one human the other Heechee, and their child-like innocence in serious situations and hoping to see how they would turn out in the end was exciting. Unfortunately, their story-arc takes a back seat to things once their purpose in the overall plot is done.
Posted by josuah at 7:18 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 27, 2007
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem is an interesting mix of dark plot, adventure game, and action horror. But more than all that it is creepy. Really creepy. That's the part I liked most about the game, but also the part that sometimes made me say I need to stop because it's too dark right now and I'm sitting by myself.
The gameplay takes place over a period of a little over 2000 years, and begins with the corruption of a Roman centurion, Pious, by one of three gods. Each god commands one aspect of the world: physical, mental, or spiritual. The three aspects balance each other out and this cycle of strengths and weaknesses plays an important part in your ability to defeat this centurion turned Lich as you use magic and physical weapons to defeat the undead and overcome obstacles. At different points in time, a person comes into contact with Pious' plans for his god, and you play as that person to unravel a little bit more of the story and learn new magic spells to combat the darkness.
I did like how the story unfolded, and learning how the lives of all those people involved thread together to prevent the coming darkness from being successfully unleashed upon the world. It's not particularly complicated, but it is well written and kept me curious and trying to piece the parts together.
Unfortunately, I was not as pleased with the combat system. It's a bit awkward, because you cannot execute movements and attacks as fluidly and naturally as I would have liked. It doesn't have the capabilities or easy of control found in many action-RPGs or fighting games. There was also a bit of a learning curve, but once I figured out how things were supposed to behave and how to work with the movement and combat system, it wasn't too bad. But definitely not exciting.
As I mentioned above, what was really great was the creepiness. There were sounds that got to me, especially the first time I heard them and was expecting something to happen with those sounds. And there are lots of little visuals that are subconsciously disturbing as you pass by, and then even more disturbing if you try to pay closer attention. The designers put a lot of attention into all of this, and it pays off.
You can also play through multiple times, with slightly different enemies and corresponding strategies, based on whom you choose, acting as Pious, to be your god. I don't think that's worth too much though, since the story will remain the same.
Posted by josuah at 7:46 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 25, 2007
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
High-energy excitement. That's how I would explain the contemporary film adaptation of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Unlike the earlier BBC attempt, which may go down in history as one of the most disappointing adaptations of all time, this version comes with good actors, a good screenplay, and the budget and production quality this book deserves. Complete with rodent overlords.
The movie captures very well the characters created by Douglas Adams. I thought the actor choices were apt, especially for Marvin who truly comes across as a depressed robot. Alan Rickman is just the perfect voice for that role. The only thing I found a little disappointing was the way Zephod's twin heads was done. It's certainly a lot better than a fake rubber head perched on the actor's shoulder, but it didn't play that much of a role in the film; you could have simply ignored that aspect of his character for the most part.
I did feel a little weird that the story and plot elements of the film didn't match up with how I remembered the book, and Wikipedia points out that I wasn't just imagining things. I think the movie is very good, but I wonder if I would have liked it better if it held closer to the original story. It's hard to say, because on its own this version of the movie is very strong.
The visuals and costumes were very good. I particularly liked the construction of Earth. That visual sequence was vast and contained some of the best exhibitions of natural beauty found on Earth. And the way it was put together looked believable, even if at the time I was thinking to myself how it wouldn't hold up to scientific analysis. :p
THGttG is considered an excellent subwoofer test, and I have to agree. The sound production is great. Very immersive and unique with great sound effects that are fun but fit right in. And completely full spectrum without holding anything back. The grilles on the top of my subwoofers got pushed off by the driver excursion which tells me this is the first movie that has actually driving my subs close to their limit. I plan to address that problem soon.
I'm sure real fans of Douglas Adams works are going to find a number of nits to pick about the movie, but I really enjoyed it and would watch it again.
Posted by josuah at 8:49 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Herman USA
Herman USA is a quaint film inspired by the true story of a sort of dating-event that was organized by the town of Herman, Minnesota. I haven't looked into the actual events, but in the film Herman is dying out because women are leaving and the men that stay behind are getting older and more desperate for love. One of the town leaders has the idea of hosting a festival with the specific intent of attracting women looking for love. The media attention predictably launches the event to unexpected heights and thousands of women descend upon Herman.
From there, the movie becomes a story about finding real love during and after a crazy weekend and a showcase of the human side of things. These are believable characters, in a situation that will easily resonate with many people. However, it's not a movie that's going to leave you feeling like you've just finished watching a work or art or like you are witness to an amazing event. It is in the end a simple story with a simple but heart-felt meaning to it, and will be an enjoyable experience for people who like that kind of movie.
Posted by josuah at 12:00 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 23, 2007
Howl's Moving Castle
Howl's Moving Castle is Studio Ghibli's latest production directed by Hayao Miyazaki, although based off the novel of the same name by Diana Wynne Jones. It's a great movie, and Miyazaki's movies generally are, but I didn't think it was as good as some of his previous works.
From a visual and aural perspective, Howl's is very well done. It's detailed and lush and there are really great themes running throughout the film. But it is not the visual feast of Spirited Away, or the aural feast of Princess Mononoke. And the story is a little simpler than either of those. It focuses upon Sophie, a young girl who doesn't really know what why she is there or what she means to herself, and her relationship with Howl, a wizard who reputedly eats young girls' hearts as he travels around in his giant steampunk walking castle. Over time, Sophie finds purpose and love in herself and her relationship with Howl.
I guess Howl is a little more of a pure children's story than the Miyazaki other movies I mentioned above. Perhaps that is why I don't like it as much, even though it is a great film. It lacks the layers and emotional intensity I really love.
Posted by josuah at 6:20 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 22, 2007
Macross, or The Super Dimension Fortress Macross, is one of the most famous anime series of all time. There are several television seasons and movies produced in this universe, and it is the inspiration for Robotech. It is one of the first examples of anime mecha shows, and a fan favorite for many reasons.
I'd never watched it before, but as one of the anime classics I thought I should. After watching the series, I can see why it resonated so strongly with children and fans of anime at the time, but in truth I found it to be disappointing in more than a few ways. Macross certainly has a very interesting story revolving around war and love, in a very complicated and all too human manner. That part I think was very well written. Unfortunately a combination of insufficient funding, poorly done or rushed animation, and dated character designs marred the production. There were two whole episodes that consisted of flashback material, which is usually an indication of funding or time problems, and certainly unwelcome distractions when watching the series. A number of times the animation was actually quite bad, with unnatural character movement or inconsistent drawing. And it's quite clear exactly what time period the characters come from, despite the science-fiction setting, because of their clothing and hair styles. This was also reflected in the opening theme song.
A lot of people do like the art style of Macross, which you can find in many other animes. I've never been a particular fan of this style myself, but at least usually it doesn't come across as a negative. This time it did though, because of all the problems with how it was drawn and how I kept thinking the people look like they're from the 70's or early 80's.
The idea of the Zentradi and how the human must combat this threat is quite interesting. The contrast between these two races provided a lot of fertile ground for the plot and philosophical ideas about men and women, social mores, and attitudes about war and the enemy. This story arc, and that of the love interests during the course of the series, are easily the most enjoyable aspects of the series.
Overall, I found some parts of the series enjoyable but at times the poor quality made me feel pretty disappointed in it. So there was sort of a roller coaster ride between disappointment and enjoyment throughout. In the end, I'm not particularly wanting to watch more in the series, although I sort of wonder exactly what will happen to the characters.
Posted by josuah at 11:01 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 19, 2007
Transformers is excellent, even if it was directed by Michael Bay. Possibly because he poked some fun at himself and displayed some restraint for sappy clichés and relationship scenes. Instead, we've got awesome Transformer-esque lines like "there's more than meets the eye to you" and Bumblebee playing back songs that are really amusing for what he's trying to convey. I guess if you've got all of that material to work with and can leave out the relationship scenes that take over the screen, you've got gold. "This is easily a hundred times cooler than Armageddon... I swear to god!"
There are really only two human characters that have large roles: Sam Witwickey played by Shia LaBeouf and Mikaela Banes played by Megan Fox. They both give excellent performances, but it's also very important that they're the only human characters that matter, because you can follow them very closely throughout the story and they're of an age group that just about everyone can identify with. Old enough for young kids to look forward to those days, and young enough for everyone else to remember and appreciate who they are.
The rest of the human characters are really supporting cast for Sam, Mikaela, the Autobots and Decepticons. And of course it's really the Transformers that steal the show. They've got the four that really matter: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Megatron, and Starscream. I can't remember the others, so they're not important. :p Truthfully, though, most of the Transformers don't have significant roles. The only exception is Bumblebee, and he can't actually talk until much later in the movie so his role is primarily used to facilitate the plot. What the Transformers are great at is being giant robots and are just super cool to watch.
The amount of detail and special effects that went into the Transformers is excellent. They've preserved the original transformation sound of the cartoon, and made the actual transformation process really amazing, with lots of detail and exposed lines and components. Technically, while there appears to be a lot of movement to their transformations, I think that's more an artifact of the complexity of the models, rather than the complexity of the transformation animations. But sometimes those animations are given extra attention when they're going to be the focus on screen. If you're going to do giant transforming robots that fight, you can't do much better than this.
With excellent visuals you need excellent aural support. And Transformers doesn't disappoint there either. There are full-range sound effects that are excellent with a really well done score and songs that keep your blood pumping and the pace quick and engaging. This isn't a movie where watching it a second time you might be tempted to skip over some parts, hoping to get to the next cool scene. (Well, there might be a few, but even then there's enough going on to keep your eyes happy that you won't want to.) Of course the audio track includes massive bass lines, for all those ground-smashing action sequences, but it also includes amazing use of the upper octaves to create a really full sound.
If there is one complaint I have about the film, it's the editing. There were a few cuts where it didn't really look like the different takes were meant to sit next to each other. Either that there was something in-between missing, or the two sides of the scene or conversation took place at different times, or with different people, and were then slapped together. Still, that's a small complaint and not one that detracts a whole lot from the movie.
Posted by josuah at 6:30 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Spider-Man 3
Spider-Man 3 is just as good as the other Spidey movies, in my opinion. I know some people were disappointed with it, and with Venom, but I really liked it. I don't really remember what role Venom played in the comics; it was a long time ago when I read the ones with Venom. But from what I can remember it is relatively faithful to the original characteristics, although of course the plot is changed for the purpose of the movie.
Tobey Maguire portrayed his descent into hedonism very well, although I am not really sure how that all worked out in the end without him going into real details on the situation with Mary Jane. That part was conveniently left out of the movie. I do think some of the criticism over the shallowness of Sandman's story is valid though. His character is given a backstory and personal motivations which are never brought to conclusion. But Topher Grace as Eddie Brock, Peter Parker's rival at the Daily Bugle, was an inspired choice. Not only does he bear a disconcerting physical resemblance to Tobey Maguire, but he carries the same sort of personality as well. I thought this really helped place him opposite Peter Parker.
The cool things about Spider-Man 3 are the action sequences and special effects, and I was not disappointed in either of those areas. There are some really cool aerial fight sequences, and the special effects for Venom and the Sandman are spectacular. Another aspect that might be easily overlooked is the makeup for Peter Parker. As he falls farther and farther from grace, the ugliness of his inner self begins to reflect itself upon his outer self. It's subtle, but very effective and well done.
Posted by josuah at 6:30 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 18, 2007
Heechee Rendezvous
Heechee Rendezvous is the third book in Frederik Pohl's Heechee saga. As the name implies, this is the novel in which humans and Heechees finally meet face-to-face. In addition to revealing what the Heechee look like, and providing answers to some of the questions that the human archeologists were constantly asking themselves about the Heechee, the story also reveals exactly why the Heechee did what they did, and why. A lot of answers are given in this book, along with really interesting ideas about the universe and why some things are the way they are.
There are some new characters introduced in Heechee Rendezvous, not the least of which are the Heechee. But a man named Audee and his wife cross paths with Wan, the boy from the second book who was raised on the Heechee food factory. Wan's character is uniquely defined, and an illustrative exposition of nurture over nature.
Posted by josuah at 7:16 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Gattaca: Today
I just came across a Wired article about 23andMe, who will decode your genetic sequence for a mere $1000. After submitting a sample of your saliva, your genotype data will be available for you to view on their web site. This isn't exactly the same as the early scene in Gattaca where upon being born, Jerome is given specific probabilities for certain diseases and health problems, but it's close. Based on the latest research into genetic influence on physical, mental, and health characteristics, you can see if there is some likelihood you might want to pay attention to certain things. You can also see how genetically similar you might be to other people in general.
deCODEme is another service that does the same thing, for about the same price. I'm not particularly sure if there is any difference in these services. Technically, they should be able to deduce and tell you the same thing, at which point it just comes down to price, but more than that privacy and the user experience. Privacy is going to be the most important, because as seen in Gattaca, it will all be about the protections in place and attitudes we adopt that determine what happens with this new capability.
Posted by josuah at 4:04 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 12, 2007
Apocalypto is Mel Gibson's latest film, about a tribe that finds themselves hunted by Mayans. Many are killed. The women are raped. The children are left to die. And the rest are tied up and led to a fate unknown at forced march. The movie then follows the efforts of Jaguar Paw, one of the villagers who was captured, as he witnesses the cruelty and viciousness of his captors on their journey, and then his escape and revenge.
A lot of the movie is cliché or at least predictable: the repetition of a "wise" saying, the replay of some activity or behavior that was seen earlier, or the fulfillment of prophecy told by one who is afflicted. I found myself being disappointed whenever these simple-minded behaviors or plot devices were used because they distracted from the beautiful setting of the film.
The film was shot in lush forests full of life and amazing sounds and sights. The actors were chosen to closely resemble what people of that ethnicity and time probably looked like. And all dialogue is in the native language, which adds to its authenticity and really helps convey the time, the culture, and the people. I think that's probably what I really liked most about the film; it transported me to a place in history.
However, I found the violence in Apocalypto a little harder to stomach. It wasn't that things were particularly cruel, like what I've seen in some other films. It's mostly that instead of people being wounded or dying by a sword through the gut, or an arrow in the back, people died by having parts of their skull scraped off, or being bludgeoned to death, or arrows through the back of their head. There was a lot of it, and it was graphic and blasé at the same time.
It's a little hard to watch a movie like this and forget that it was made by Mel Gibson. Recent events have made it clear what his personal feelings are about certain things, and one can't help but wonder if there are ulterior or subconscious motives at work in the portrayal of the Mayans. Still, this is an exciting action movie, as long as you're not looking for a deep plot.
Posted by josuah at 5:48 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 11, 2007
Settlers of Catan and The Crazy Stone
Tonight was originally a movie night, but Mitch and Tintin had to cancel which prompted Wendy to ask if we could have a game night instead; she said she was movied-out. So it ended up Wendy, Brian, Matt, Ling, and Thomas showed up, but I was a little annoyed because everything came together so haphazardly. For starters, Brian asked if we had any coupons to get food after I IM'ed him that morning, and I thought we had confirmed going to King Buffet at 7pm; that Matt and Ling would be carpooling with Wendy and Brian; and that Thomas was not coming because he never replied to the mailing list and Brian said not to count him in. Brian did say he would call back if that changed, but I missed his calls and didn't see any of Wendy's IMs (which ended up on my work computer).
With me, things aren't going to go very well with last minute changes or decisions because I am not easy to reach when I am home. I also rarely like to do things on short notice. Anyway, what happened is Luna and I drove to King Buffet and it was only after we were there for a while that I discovered Wendy's voice mail. We ended up ordering from Golden House Chinese and picked up on the way home to meet Wendy and Brian to eat. Matt and Ling would show up later, because they already ate, and I didn't even know Thomas was coming until later.
Regardless, we played a Seafarers scenario of Settlers of Catan. Wendy and Brian played as a team. I ended up getting trapped into a corner very early in the game because I took a risk on more resources rather than ensuring I could not get trapped. So it became a very tough game for me to enjoy. Luna had a lot of fun though, because she kept exploring. The rest of the players thought she was far ahead because she explored so far, but she wasn't building anything which would hurt her later. Wendy and Brian ended up having enough room to build a little on the mainland while maintaining the resources needed to explore out and establish themselves on another island. That, with their development card victory points, won them the game.
Afterwards, we watched Crazy Stone because Luna really wanted to watch it and kept talking about it all night. Wendy and Brian ended up staying, I think, just because Luna was so enthusiastic about it. They were really tired though, and left before it finished because Wendy was falling asleep. I thought it was okay; I don't like that kind of humor so much and found the way it was cut a little disorienting. Matt thought it was very funny though.
Posted by josuah at 6:44 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 9, 2007
Beyond The Blue Event Horizon
For some stupid reason, a bunch of the books in the Heechee saga by Frederik Pohl are out of print. And the ones that appear to be in print are expensive paperbacks. This is exactly the reason things like the Project Gutenberg and Google Books are so important, although in this case the books aren't that old and Pohl is still alive. Still, it should not be so difficult for someone to find copies of a book they want to read. Eventually, I was able to find them from various small bookstores across the country using AbeBooks.
Anyway, the second in the series is Beyond the Blue Event Horizon. Despite the title, this book is more about Robinette Broadhead's hope of crossing the Schwarzschild Radius that has tormented him. In fact, the majority of the book focuses instead on a family that has been sent out to a Heechee food factory, in hopes of ending the food shortages on Earth. What they find, in addition to the food factory, surpasses their wildest dreams.
This chapter of the Heechee Saga is a little different than Gateway. Whereas the first novel was heavily focused upon the mental state of Robin, Beyond the Blue Event Horizon is more about exploring the Heechee's technology and providing some background on their motivations. A lot of new ideas are put forward as the foundation for the novels that will come afterwards. I found myself really looking forward to finding out what would happen next, and trying to put together the puzzle pieces, but I was a little disappointed with the ending. The last chapter wraps everything up very quickly, and lays things out instead of letting things unfold over time. I felt like it was doing some clean up in preparation for the next novel.
Posted by josuah at 8:04 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 30, 2007
The Warrior
I don't really recall what prompted me to put The Warrior onto my queue, but it does star Ziyi Zhang which is a good sign. Unfortunately, I found the movie to be a bit boring. It tells the tale of a group of Korean soldiers who are trying to find their way back home from China through the desert, during a time when the Mongols in the North are fighting the Emperor of China (I think). Ziyi Zhang plays a princess who the Mongols have captured, and the Korean soldiers take it upon themselves to try and rescue her. What follows is a bloody battle where hundreds of soldiers on both sides die for the sake of the princess, who is understandably upset about this fact. "The Warrior" is one of the Korean soldiers who she finds herself attracted to, because of his skill and strength of character.
You can tell a lot of money was spent creating this film, with sets in the desert and other remote locations, costumes, the somewhat large-scale battles, and all of the sets. There are decent characters among the Korean soldiers, but Ziyi's character is probably the most interesting of them all because she changes over time, and plays such an active and important role in what happens and the actions of the soldiers that have rescued her.
Despite all that, I don't feel like I really got anything out of the movie, and the ending leaves a lot to be desired. It almost feels like a lost cause, where despite everything that has been done, the losses greatly outweigh the gains.
Posted by josuah at 12:54 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 28, 2007
Nurse Betty
Nurse Betty isn't the kind of movie I'd pay to see in a theater (not that I'd really pay to see things in the theater) or spend money on in general, but another Hollywood Video was closing and it was only $2.50. I knew enough about the movie to think it would be funny, especially since Renée Zellweger is such a good actress. And I figured it would be the type of movie Luna would like, because it would be a little whimsical sort of dark comedy.
Well, Renée Zellweger did a great job acting in this film. She came across as a totally believable and clueless woman in search of her true (imaginary) love. It really helps to approach this film without knowing anything about the story or what to expect, because it takes interesting little turns liberally sprinkled with doses of comedic gold. Luna and I both laughed out loud many times during the movie.
I could see myself watching this movie again, next time I want to see something funny or someone asks to watch something funny. We don't have many comedies on our shelf, and this is one of the better ones you could choose to have in your collection.
Posted by josuah at 5:12 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Craft
I really like The Craft. I've seen it before, and the image of Fairuza Balk's character has always been with me since then. She's so purely goth. The other characters don't really interest me as much, although it's Sarah, played by Rachel True, who is the main character and good witch in the film. The basic story shows the four girls, outcasts at school, forming a coven and invoking the spirit but then abusing the power. Sarah must do something to escape the wrath of her cohorts when she tries to leave the coven.
It's really the characters that I like best about this film. They're dark, sexy, and fiercely independent. They're the outcasts, who don't let the world get to them and find companionship and support in each other to overcome the things that oppose them. Unfortunately, Nancy (Fairuza Balk's character) has lived with pain in her heart for so long that the pain consumes her, and she lashes out. But that's why she's so interesting, and alluring. Rachel is very plain, and simple in comparison.
Overall it's a fairly straight-forward and formulaic in some sense, but I still find it entertaining to watch and a slightly thrilling ride.
Posted by josuah at 5:12 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 22, 2007
1408: Theatrical Version
1408 is the film adaptation of a Stephen King story about a ghost debunker who finally meets his match when he stays one night in room 1408 of the Dolphin hotel in New York City. Played by John Cusack, the main character Mike Enslin gets trapped in this room, where paranormal activity starts torturing him. The room is clearly out to drive him crazy or to suicide, and there's a one hour countdown to it. The movie follows Cusack's attempts to escape and survive, physically as well as mentally, the impossible things that the room throws at him.
And I think that's actually where I was left behind. I'm not so interested in seeing how the character deals with situations that are obviously not real. You might say he's in a parallel universe, or what happens in that room doesn't extend beyond the walls, or Enslin is just going crazy. But it's just one thing after another shown to the audience in a discomforting and disconcerting way. I think Cusack did a great job acting, but in this movie I didn't really care about that, although it was necessary otherwise the events would not be as believable. He is basically the only actor in the film, as the majority of time is spent inside the room.
Posted by josuah at 6:35 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Devil's Backbone
The Devil's Backbone is a ghost story by the same director as Pan's Labyrinth. Set some time during the Spanish Civil War (Guillermo del Toro must like that time period), it tells the story of a ghost that is haunting a boy's orphanage far from the nearest town. The opening scene shows that a boy somehow died a violent death, and now his ghost appears to want something from the other boys at the orphanage. The adult characters are in slightly dysfunctional relationships, and strange things begin to unfold as one of them makes a play for money.
The beginning of the movie was a little creepy, because there were a number of times when the ghost appeared to be hunting the other boys. However, later one it's not as creepy as the main focus shifts onto the actions of the living, and the ghost starts playing a minor role. I found myself interested in seeing what would happen next, but not by much.
Posted by josuah at 5:40 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Tomb Raider: Legend
Tomb Raider: Legend is the first Tomb Raider game I've actually purchased and played all the way through. I picked it up because it received critical reviews as a platformer that took Lara back to her original roots in great ways. And I have to say I was very pleased with the game, and went through it quickly and thoroughly in only a few days. (I did look at spoilers to find some of the harder trophies, but otherwise went through the puzzles and time trials on my own wits and skill. It might have been easier for me to find the trophies without cheating if the contrast on the TV was better.)
The graphics are great. Nothing awe inspiring, but there are rich environments in many different locations around the globe, as Lara tries to uncover the truth behind her mother's disappearance and unlock the legend of a sword and seemingly ubiquitous stones. It was enjoyable to move between these different places, seeing different things, and navigating the different puzzles with the platform variations in each location. There are a large number of cut scenes, rendered in the game engine, with wonderful voice overs by voice actors who did a fabulous job.
I think the music is better than the graphics, and that's saying something. The soundtrack was exciting, engaging, fit the mood and storyline wonderfully, and well done. I actually am a little disappointed that the subwoofer and speakers I have for our video game set up aren't that good. I think I would have enjoyed the music even more if they were.
I should mention that the hard difficulty setting isn't actually that hard. I played through everything on hard the first time through, and never really died as a result of combat. Mistakes yes, but not from bad guys hitting me with bullets. This game is not a fighting game. It's in there, as a nice change of pace from the platforming elements, as well as an opportunity to do some minorly cool things, but it won't win any awards or present a real challenge. There are also a few vehicle sequences thrown in for good measure.
What this game is really good at is presenting a platforming challenge with good puzzles that require you to think on your toes and interact with the environment to move forward. If you're into that sort of thing, you should definitely give this game a go.
Posted by josuah at 1:47 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 20, 2007
Night Watch and Vampire Effect (The Twins Effect)
We hosted a pretty big movie night tonight, and as it turned out it was sort of good that Wendy and Brian had to cancel at the last minute because we used up all the seats as is. Matt and Ling showed up a little late, and Mitch and his wife showed up for the first time. Tintin, Thomas, and Greg filled the rest of it out. We had two XL pizzas from Round Table because I had some coupons from the raffle I entered for Anthony's son's school Halloween party.
The first movie we watched was picked in a sort of democratic fashion. Even though it was supposed to be a scary movie night, a lot of people didn't really want to watch something that scary. So our first movie was Night Watch, a Russian film about good vampires versus evil vampires. It's a strange film, because the world of these vampires is a little kooky, rather than dramatic and beautiful. Their cars have jet engines on them and the bad guy boss plays video games while directing his minions. It looked a little low budget as well, and the storyline wasn't all that deep. Tintin liked it, but I thought it was just okay.
Greg, and Mitch and his wife left at that point, because they all had things to do the next morning. But the rest of us watched a second movie, Chin Gei Bin, which is primarily sold as starring the pop duo of Charlene Choi and Gillian Chung, with a cameo of Jackie Chan. Jackie Chan actually shows up for more than a cameo, and Karen Mok also makes an appearance which was pretty cool. I liked this film because it didn't take itself too seriously and was just a lot of fun. The action scenes are over the top but cool and exciting. The jokes flow freely and they aren't afraid to poke fun at themselves. And there's a odd-couple love story that makes things interesting. Ling told us afterwards that all of the subtitles were completely made up though. I've put the sequel, The Twins Effect 2, onto my queue. :)
Posted by josuah at 9:05 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 19, 2007
Interlude is an amazing science fiction three-episode OVA about a high school boy who finds himself falling into a parallel world involving shadow creatures and where the people he knows don't seem to exist. A mysterious girl appears to him in this parallel world, and seeing her is the catalyst that causes him to question his sanity and his existence. He is tormented by dreams and visions of tragedy, where his oldest and best friend, Tama, lies dying in his arms.
The three episodes break the story down into three parts. I don't want to go into detail, because that would ruin the mental exploration that you are forced to go through as the story unfolds and things are revealed, but I found the journey and its conclusion to be immensely satisfying. It's a story about oneself and the obligations, guilt, and love that we all internally demand of ourselves. In the end, it's up to each person to find his or her own peace and the ability to move forward with hope despite the overwhelming despair that we perceive around us.
Posted by josuah at 5:37 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 18, 2007
The Dark Crystal
Samir's mentioned The Dark Crystal several times as a great fantasy adventure movie. It was released in 1982 and created by Jim Henson and Frank Oz, perhaps the most famous of all puppeteers, as an unprecedented collaborative work. It tells the story about the crystal, which cracked 1000 years ago, plunging the land into chaos. The Gelfling Jen must go on a journey to return the shard to the crystal before the three suns are in convergence, or the land will forever remain in darkness.
The thing that struck me right away is the way the puppets do not move like puppets, much, and the shots (some of which involve blue-screening) do not hide parts of the puppets. Normally the bottom half of the puppets are hidden if they are being manipulated by stiff wires from below, or there are strings from above that make them move in a floppy manner. Even the facial movements seem to be like that of claymation, although not as expressive as it would have been if that was true.
The Dark Crystal is a great fantasy tale, but it's very simple as well. The simplicity and lack of real story development is what disappointed me. This would be a great film for children under the age of ten, but if you're looking for a fantasy story that is really engaging and challenges the mental processes of the protagonist and the viewer, you might want to look elsewhere.
Posted by josuah at 4:23 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 16, 2007
I got tickets to a pre-release screening of Rendition from Samit who couldn't make it. Rendition releases nationwide this Friday, and is a movie about the U.S. practice of extraordinary rendition with an all-star cast. Unfortunately, although I think the story is there, it doesn't have enough time to really explore the subject and its political agenda is blatantly clear, rather than one that forms in the mind of the viewer through the story and characters. I think it could have done more justice to the topic if the movie was an hour longer, and if the director had not chosen to create a "smart" ending that pushes aside the real point of the film and also happens to make the plot nonsensical.
The negative consequences of the practice of rendition are only exposed through the actions of Khalid El-Emin and Fatima Fawal but the movie depicts the horrors of rendition through the character of Anwar El-Ibrahimi. This presents a real disconnect, because Anwar is the one who the audience identifies with as the innocent and tortured, and as an American. Khalid is a foreigner who displays anger at the world he is living in. The consequences and long-term impact upon Anwar, his family, and the people involved in his detention, are not explored. Yet those are some of the most important political and moral problems associated with this practice.
I also don't think this movie is going to be able to change anyone's existing opinions on the practice of extraordinary rendition. It was fairly clear that the audience majority at the theater was against the practice. Despite this, I felt it was not always an emotional opposition, but for some only an objective opposition; the movie includes some attempts at lightening the mood (which I think is a mistake) and the laughter is something I could not participate in. Luna did not particularly like the movie because it is just a reminder to her of the bad things that are going on, which she doesn't want to see.
Anyone that agrees with the argument of necessity will attack the movie for having such a clear agenda and declare the film a fictional story that is not representative of the truth. And even if they can get past there, the movie does not require such a person to reach an internal conflict in their thought processes to force them to question their own beliefs. That's an extremely hard thing to do, and you can't do it with rhetoric as the movie attempts to do.
Lastly, I was disappointed with the ending. You go through the film being constantly subjected to the dilemmas of extraordinary rendition, and then the ending suddenly requires you to shift gears and try and figure out exactly what happened. And in doing so, you are forced to leave the theater thinking about that, instead of thinking about the real subject matter. Plus, if you actually think it through, the plot as presented is not congruent with the ending, and to some degree it would appear the consequences no longer torment those involved.
Posted by josuah at 6:20 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 15, 2007
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
Ubisoft has created a masterpiece with its trilogy of Prince of Persia games. The third and final installment in this epic story is Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones. In the first chapter, things are set up. The Prince's foolish pride and noble birthright open him to temptations that result in a catastrophe. In Warrior Within, the consequences of that catastrophe have tormented the Prince, twisting his soul. The Two Thrones offers the Prince a path out of the darkness, and a chance for redemption. The character development of the Prince and his interactions with Farah and Kaileena are wonderful to follow.
The mood, environment, and music of this chapter of the story reflects the Prince's opportunity for redemption. It is no longer dark and twisted, although at times the Prince's dark nature is reflected both in his physical appearance and in his location. But as he falls between the dungeons of the castle and climbs back up to fight the Vizier, the Prince begins to find his compassion and humanity again through the efforts of Farah. Unfortunately Farah serves only as a puzzle point and a focus of the Prince's thoughts, and not as a companion in combat like in the first chapter.
In terms of platforming, a few new elements have been added that keep the third game from being solely an extension of the first game. These new elements make it possible for the designers to create new platforming puzzles that are unfamiliar to the player. But the biggest change is the addition of quick kills to the combat system. If you are able to sneak up on an enemy, or multiple enemies, you can issue a series of timed reactions to quickly dispatch them without them having a chance to fight back or alert others to your presence. The hard difficulty changes in this respect, because quick kills become a necessary expedient, especially during combat where backup can be called upon. Quick kills are also integrated into the boss fights, so defeating bosses becomes a combination of strategy and timing, instead of pattern-based combo attacks.
As you can probably tell from the timestamp, I only spent a few days playing The Two Thrones. This is partially because it was so much fun, but also because it's a lot more straight-forward than the second game and quick kills are easier and faster for moving forward than trying to take care of a bunch of enemies without dying on the hard difficulty setting.
Posted by josuah at 4:31 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 14, 2007
Game Night at Karen's
Luna and I just came back from having a game night (afternoon) at Karen's place. Ilya and his wife Katya also came; the last time I saw them was at Jamie and Keelan's wedding in Philadelphia. We played a game of Settlers of Catan, without any expansions. It was a close match, but in the end Katya had more resources and managed to pull ahead because I lost longest road to Karen. With longest road, I only needed one more victory point but Katya managed to pull that one off with a development card. Luna even tried to help me win, but she only traded me enough to upgrade to a city and get one point. Ilya suffers from the same sickness as Sebastian, and was constantly peeking at Katya's cards.
Ilya and Katya had to leave because they had other dinner plans, but the rest of us went to dinner at a fancy Indian restaurant. Good food, but not a whole lot of it for the price. I guess some of it was too spicy for Luna, because even though we ordered non-spicy dishes she said they were all too spicy for her liking.
Sebastian will be leaving for Switzerland at the beginning of next year, and Karen will be going after she graduates. So I'm not sure if we'll meet up with Sebastian again before he leaves. He's going to be doing post-doctoral work at a university there, and Karen plans to get a job in industry.
After dinner, we played a couple games of Apples to Apples. It's a party game where you try and pick a card from your hand that best matches the idea for that round. For example, the idea might be arrogance and you might have a card that is for an actor you think is arrogant. Or you might have nothing similar, in which case you'd play something completely unrelated. Each round, there is a judge who picks the card they like best, and whoever played that card wins a point. Conceptually it sounds like it might be amusing to play, but in reality it wasn't that much fun. Perhaps with more players, or judges who picked by some more ridiculous criteria, it would be.
Posted by josuah at 5:22 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 13, 2007
Battle Royale II
I wasn't planning to watch it, because I'd heard it wasn't much of a movie, but Luna rented Battle Royale II because she wanted to watch it. I thought the first movie was brilliant. Unfortunately, the sequel really doesn't make any sense and has no purpose to it. It's just a violent mash-up of teens with guns and insane adults with guns, justified by superficial motivations and excuses. There's a lame attempt at a political message, but it's completely an afterthought that doesn't actually have much influence on the plot.
In Battle Royale II, Shuya Nanahara leads a terrorist organization called The Wild Seven from an island off the coast of Japan (which for some reason the Japanese government does not want to simply bomb to oblivion). This time the students are kidnapped for a new Battle Royale where the purpose is to storm the island and kill Nanahara. Their landing looks like a small reenactment of World War II. About a third of the students die before you even recognize their faces. The Wild Seven claims to be fighting all adults, for having created a world where children cannot live in happiness and specifically Japanese children. Apparently blowing up downtown Tokyo is the method by which this will be accomplished, despite there being lots of Japanese children in Tokyo.
The Battle Royale II Wikipedia entry has a little bit of analysis of the political message that is supposed to be conveyed by the film. But the contrived plot (Nanahara has heavy artillery, why didn't he shoot down the helicopter instead of trying to swat flies on the beach?) and lack of character development makes it pointless. And in the end, nothing was accomplished other than a lot of people died for no good reason. Only this time, it was because of Shuya they died. The corrupt government and adults of the world are certainly doing bad things but Shuya hasn't done anything better.
Posted by josuah at 8:13 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 12, 2007
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within is the immediate sequel to Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. It picks up where the first game left off, with the Prince travelling to an remote island in an attempt to stop the Empress of Time from ever creating the sands of time, because having changed the past there is a creature hunting the Prince to remove him from timeline. This creature, the Dahaka, torments the Prince and thus the Prince himself has become a tormented soul. Everything about Warrior Within reflects that darkness with a Prince that has lost all compassion and acts out of desperation, and combat that is vicious and violent.
That's the first thing that will hit you when to start playing Warrior Within. The prequel was bright, morally simple, and contained a fair share of playful banter between the Prince and his partner Farah. That has completely changed here as the environments are dark and monochromatic with enemies and creatures obscenely disfigured and hellish in their appearance. The soundtrack is loud, harsh, and violent during combat but can be quite nice and ambient otherwise. (Think Quake and Trent Reznor.) The combat is extremely violent now, with finishing moves like decapitation or full body-length splices. Instead of disappearing into sand, the enemies now exhibit blood and gore before turning to dust.
Whether or not you feel this change is for the better or worse, the gameplay itself is a significant improvement, taking something great and making it excellent. The platforming is not as simple, although the basic elements are the same. Hand holds and ledges are integrated into the environment and structures. There are new elements that you must use to move forward and new traps as well.
The new combat system is a lot more fun. It's more intense and you can do so many more things than before. In much the same way as Oni, you can grapple with, throw, and manipulate your enemy directly during combat. Unlike Oni, though, you can use all of your moves from the beginning, instead of having to learn them over time. But you can also make use of the walls and poles around you, allow for leaping, spinning, and other acrobatic attacks and escapes. There are a bunch of combinations you can execute, and then chaining combinations together makes for exciting and challenging battles. If you choose the hard difficulty, using your environment wisely and identifying the most effective strategies for each enemy becomes very important. It also makes combat very hard overall.
The plot and motivations of the Prince and the other primary characters is very different this time around. Instead of trying to save others, the Prince is motivated by a selfish desire to save his own life, selfish in that he does not care who else has to die in order for him to accomplish this. There is no doubt or conflict involved in his decisions to murder those that would oppose or obstruct his goal, regardless of their motivations.
Overall an excellent game. I ended up playing it a second time through, right away, to get the better ending, and when doing so it was just as enjoyable as the first time through.
Posted by josuah at 7:28 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Pursuit of Happyness
I remember seeing a trailer for The Pursuit of Happyness a while back, and thinking it must be an excellent film. Will Smith is an amazing actor who happens to be a real person and who has the ability to portray a real person, unlike many other actors. The story sounded inspirational, and very well done. That turned out to be true, and I really liked this movie.
Although not entirely accurate, the film is extremely close to the real life story of Christopher Gardner, who transformed his life from that of a homeless single father to that of financial security and independence, by pursuing his dream while never giving up on his son. Twenty years later, the real Chris Gardner is an extremely successful man, who pursued and obtained happiness, and is enjoying life.
The two main characters of the film are Chris Gardner and his son, Christopher, played by Will Smith and his son Jaden Smith respectively. Both of them give outstanding performances, although Jaden probably didn't have to act as anything other than himself for most scenes. I thought it was an amazing display of ability how Will Smith portrays such a devoted and caring father who sometimes loses it when he's faced with the loss of his son, or the inability to care for his family, and the stress and uncertainty of it all gets to him. When frantic, he can't help but lash out at those around him, even at his son. Jaden has a few great acting scenes at those times, which I'm sure must have been very strange to him since I'm sure his father doesn't act that way in real life.
Posted by josuah at 5:14 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 9, 2007
Vandread is a two season anime series (the second season is called The Second Stage) of 13 episodes each. Despite being two seasons, the plot takes places across the two evenly, so it's really like one season of 26 episodes. The initial premise is very amusing: a world of men at war with a world of women. Each side has no realistic concept of the other sex, and reproduces artificially. In fact, men are indoctrinated to see women as barbaric ugly monsters that will eat their insides, and women to see men as disgusting egotistical creatures. When they are forced to meet, because some female pirates captured a male battleship, they don't even want to touch each other.
That initial conflict begins a very interesting and fun tale of gender exploration and adventure, with a healthy dose of symbolism. Over time, the three male characters and several primary female characters learn to live together, understand each other on an individual level (losing stereotypes and conquering their conditioned fear), and also to complement each other. The symbolism exposes itself through the ways by which the cast finds their lives better and their abilities strengthened when the men and women come together to overcome their problems.
Some of the best parts of the series are the space battles. This is exciting and fast-paced space combat with hundreds of ships on the screen at the time. They really went all out to make it look great both visually and mechanically. I was very glad to see the CG work here does not look sterile; the cel shading is well done. Each battle introduces new twists and challenges, as their enemy adopts new attack vectors. The final battle is immense and really brings things to a climax. I also liked the a number of the regularly repeated melodies. They fit well and helped form the mood and emotions of the scenes.
The only thing I didn't like so much was the regular monologuing of Hibiki, the main male character, about proving his existence. It's a nice idea and one that is central to the thought processes of this series, but I'd rather not get hit over the head with it. Especially since it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to be wasting time over that when looking down the barrel of a laser.
Posted by josuah at 7:32 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 7, 2007
Game Night at Matt & Ling's
Luna and I just got back from a game night at Matt and Ling's place, up in Fremont. They live very close to Shannon and Yvonne, actually. Wendy, Brian, and Quyen were there and Thomas showed up later at 8pm. We ate some random stuff for a while before starting the games. Luna wanted to play Bohnanza again so we played that first. Wendy won that with 13 points; I had 12 and Luna had 9. By that time Thomas had arrived so we needed to figure out how to get eight people into a game. We ended up splitting into two groups. Luna played Settlers of Catan with Wendy, Ling, and Brian. And I played a game called Nexus Ops with Quyen, Thomas, and Matt.
Nexus Ops is a little remiscent in the look of its units to Starcraft. The basic idea is to acquire victory points by completing missions and winning battles against the other players. There are six types of units, with the cheaper ones being very weak and the more expensive ones very powerful. The mid-level units have certain abilities that make them more useful in some situations than in others. You're also limited in the number of a type of unit you can purchase, and the combat system makes it benficial to have a good mix of unit types.
The main mistake I think many of us made was to consider this a territory game. That's how the board looks, and also how many similar games are designed. But Nexus Ops is a capture game, which means there is no reason to try and take and hold territories unless there is some immediate benefit. Losing a territory makes sense if that lets you win a battle somewhere else. It's a pretty fun game, but tense because just about everything you might do is likely to leave you open to a successful counter-attack. It becomes important to figure out the trade-offs. I ended up coming in second place, with 11 points; Quyen was the first to 12. I think if I'd been more aggresive I could have won, because I would only need to win one more battle to reach 12 points before Quyen.
Posted by josuah at 7:58 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 3, 2007
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Ubisoft really captured the essence of the original Prince of Persia with their updated version, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. The original platforming gameplay has been redone in 3D but with the same essential ease and simplicity of the original by keeping the direction of movement in the six primary directions, by maintaining discrete movement units, and by including many of the same elements. Combat is also very similar to the original, although with updated moves and new acrobatic techniques. Each enemy tends to have a specific set of attack and defense vectors, requiring you to identify and then use their weakness against them. The difficulties in combat arise from having to combat many enemies at once and keeping everything straight during the fast-paced action. It's also important to continually avoid entering a bad combat situation.
The difficulty of combat and the platform puzzles increases over the course of the game at a very nice pace. I found myself with sweaty hands on many occassions when trying to jump from place to place and figure out the right way to proceed, especially nearer the end when a wrong move spells certain death. Combat becomes fierce enough to give your hands and wrists a good workout. Many of the puzzles are similar in their elements but put together present new challenges and will require you to think things through. Thankfully there tends to only be one path by which you can proceed through an area, so you don't have to worry about putting yourself into a dead end.
I also liked the introduction of the Prince's partner, Farah. In a vein similar to Ico, Farah must be kept safe from enemies (although she usually is, being able to move and think on her own and attack from a distance with her bow) but she is also able to help solve puzzles because she is thinner than the Prince and can fit through cracks. She also moves the plot forward because she knows what needs to be done to undo the sands of time and is someone the Prince can have a conversation with.
Posted by josuah at 5:12 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 30, 2007
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords
I started playing The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords a long time ago, with Shannon. In fact, I pretty much bought it because it can be multi-player and I wanted to play it with Shannon and Yvonne. But we haven't seen much of each other in a while so I decided I might as well finish it up. While this Zelda is really good, it is just more fun to play with other people because that's how it was designed. Plus, you can only play the Tingle mini-games with more than one player.
This version of Zelda is much closer to the types you find on the Game Body platform, instead of the recent console platforms. Partially because it makes use of the Game Boy Advance screen to provide different views for each player. It's very similar in look and feel to The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past from the Super Nintendo, but with updated gameplay and nicer graphics technology. Being able to control four Links, either on your own or with other people, lends itself to new and interesting puzzles that require cooperation or can be done more quickly or easily with friends at hand.
Nintendo really did something cool, with GBA multiplayer games. It's an expensive hardware investment, but it does make for some really fun and engaging play with friends.
Posted by josuah at 10:04 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 29, 2007
GameStop Ratings Advisories
Luna and I stopped in at GameStop today, and while we were browsing through the games I heard something interesting. There was a mother in, buying a game for her son who was not there with her, and as she was paying for the game, the GameStop employee was informing her of the ESRB rating and description. I suppose this is normal policy now, when selling games to parents or grandparents, because of all the public outcry, lawsuits, and legislation attempts over children ending up with violent or sexual games.
Of course, I'm in the camp that believes the responsibility for making sure your children play games that you think are suitable belongs entirely with the parents/purchaser. But since computer and video games are something the majority of that generation don't understand, they want a ratings board and laws to do that for them.
Posted by josuah at 10:57 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Phantom: The Animation
Luna put Phantom: The Animation onto her queue; I'd never heard about it. It's a three-episode OVA from a few years ago, that's very similar to the storyline of La Femme Nikita, only this time there are two of them. Ein is a young girl who has been brainwashed and now serves as an assassin for someone named Scythe. Zwei was given a choice to become train and become an assassin as well, after having his memories erased.
With nothing else in their lives, Ein and Zwei find meaning in their work and in each other. The chance for redemption and escape is always there, but it's one thing to do that, and another altogether to live a normal life when your talent and mental state is one of murder.
I liked how the emotional aspects of the characters were approached, although there were a few times things were a little too whiny or exaggerated. At least the writers did not make Ein and Zwei crazy-talented gunslingers; their methods of assassination and how they shoot are pretty close to reality, but the enemies are strangely slow to the trigger.
The artwork and CG of Phantom is very good. It's a perfect mixture of clean lines, bold colors, and moody atmosphere. The movements of people and the physics of the environment are excellent. The characters were designed by Koji Watanabe, and I really liked the character design in Phantom.
Posted by josuah at 7:08 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 28, 2007
Blade Runner: The Final Cut Coming Soon
Wired is running an interview with Ridley Scott about a new version of one of the most famous Science Fiction films of all time. Blade Runner: The Final Cut will be released in theaters this October, and on DVD this December (finally someone understands long windows before DVD suck, although I'm sure this time it's motivated by sales research). Scott answers some interesting questions that have been batted around by fans of the film for decades, and talks about why he's been working on The Final Cut.
Superficially it seems like something similar to George Lucas' desire to refresh the original Star Wars Episodes IV-VI, but it looks like Scott's motivation is just to clean it up, so we don't have to worry about stupid changes to the plot or scenes. Wired writes about Scott's efforts:
As the millennium turned, he continued polishing: erasing stray f/x wires, trimming shots originally extended to accommodate the voice-over, even rebuilding a scene in which the stunt double was obvious.
I'm definitely looking forward to this. Blade Runner is one of my favorite films of all time, and was very influential to me growing up. It really defined an entire genre of books, movies, and even video games. I just hope the DVD won't be particularly expensive, and perhaps I'll even be motivated to purchase it in a high-definition format, although that really depends on where things are in the marketplace and DRM as the new year comes around.
Posted by josuah at 6:26 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Misaki Chronicles
I would have watched Misaki Chronicles earlier, having ordered it right after finishing Divergence Eve, but I don't like to watch more than one thing at a time. Misaki Chronicles continues the story of Divergence Eve where it left off, and the first few episodes slowly reveal exactly what is going on, and why. Once the mystery is understood by both the audience and the characters involved (Kiri, Lyar, and later Misaki) then the plot shifts towards trying to solve the mystery, and save themselves and the universe from annihilation.
A lot of Misaki Chronicles is spent revealing Misaki's past and her motivations for joining Watcher's Nest. The plot is really driven forward by Lyar though, which is a little unusual but very effective. You will see a little bit of her background as well, and get to know her character better as she goes on missions to defeat the Ghouls on Earth itself. Suzanna is also brought back into the show, after having become a supporting character in the first season. Some of the questions about Pris and LeBlanc are also answered.
I really liked how Misaki Chronicles took things to a conclusion. As a whole, the two series tell a very interesting story, with a nice mixture of character development and science fiction. Once you learn what's going on, you need to go back and re-examine exactly what you thought you'd seen and learned about Misaki's past and the pasts of the other characters. The end is satisfying, if a little sad, but also with just the right amount of hope. Hope for the future, and for the memory of Misaki too.
Posted by josuah at 4:22 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 26, 2007
Shadow of the Giant
Shadow of the Giant is the final installment of Bean's story, covering the final world unification by Peter Wiggin as Bean nears the end of his life. It reads as the direct continuation of the previous book, Shadow Puppets, and is a little more rewarding and easier to follow if you read the two together.
Although I really enjoyed the entire Shadow series, I didn't feel as excited or interested in this specific novel. There is a lot of stuff going on, with Bean and Petra searching for their babies and Peter attempting to unite the world against Hot Soup, Virlomi, and Alai's plans for world domination. But there isn't a lot of depth. Reading it, I felt like many things were glossed over a bit too much. I think there are whole portions of the plot that could have been a novel on their own, but instead the actions and results are treated like anecdotes. That's not exactly wrong, considering this is supposed to focus on Bean's life, but even then Bean's role isn't in the forefront.
Perhaps Card is trying a little too hard to avoid the emotional and intellectual meaning that he put into the sequels to Ender's Game. Those novels were very different in flavor, compared to Ender's Game, and aren't as popular as a result. However Shadow of the Giant lacks the special ingredient that is needed in a book that is supposed to be closer to hard science-fiction: a new idea. Shadow of the Giant seems more like a clean-up effort than something that is supposed to be a great work of fiction. It's unfortunate, because I did really enjoy the earlier Shadow books.
Posted by josuah at 7:33 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Goblin Cat
It's hard to find a good reference of the three-episode short story Luna and I watched tonight, Bake Neko (Japanese pronunciation). Which is unfortunate because this is an amazing grown up ghost story, done in a very unique and visually appealing manner. It's hard to envision it correctly, from the screen capture shown here, but the art style looks like pencil on paper, with the grain and flat coloring found in some types of older art. This shader caught my attention right away.
Bake Neko is the third story in a series of three, bundled together as a three-disc set titled Ayakashi Japanese Classic Horror. We only watched Bake Neko though; Luna did not put the other two on her queue because she said they're not as good. Bake Neko is about a demon cat (thus the name) who is killing the members of a family with questionable moral fortitude. A travelling medicine peddler happens to be there when the bake neko strikes, and takes on the task of defending the family against the bake neko, while forcing the explanation of why this spirit is holding a grudge.
I think this is a perfect ghost story tale, but not suitable for little children. The nature of the grudge and the events that led up to it, along with the visual depictions, are much closer to authentic Snow White than the Disney Snow White. But I think this is the sort of movie that you will want to share, and watch again with different people.
Posted by josuah at 5:20 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 24, 2007
Okage: Shadow King
I picked up Okage: Shadow King from the bargain bin for $5. It's a little old, and I vaguely remembered hearing about it, so for $5 it seemed like a good thing to take a chance on. As it turns out, the price I paid is pretty close to what it's worth, relative to the cost of other RPGs you could buy, either back then or today. The premise is strong, but the execution is weak.
In Okage, you play the role of a teenage boy named Ari who is possessed by an Evil Shadow King named Stan, and then rushed off by your parents to go questing to destroy other Evil Kings. Stan, as a Shadow King, is your shadow. He's tethered to you that way, and actually far from evil and quite powerless. Most of the fun in Okage comes from the amusing and cool dialogue and silliness of its plot.
The visuals are pretty nice, anime-styled, bright, and colorful. The music is okay, but not anything special, and suffers from having been written without knowing how it was going to be used. In other words, the music isn't appropriate to the mood or action that is taking place on the screen, in my opinion. But that's a nit compared to where the game really falls apart.
The biggest problem is with the mechanics of the game. Instead of walking up stairs, or through open doorways, you have to hit a button. And sometimes it seems like the animators took the easy way out and moved the camera to first-person-view instead of animating the action, like when you go up and down ladders. Load times are very slow, and until I got used to it moving between rooms or areas was always a test of my patience. Load times are also slow after combat, with no indication as to when it is okay to hit a button and continue your journey. Instead, I would just keep button mashing until the post-combat screen exited. Experience and level ups are handled in series, instead of in parallel, and when the level up music plays everything stops for the full music duration.
Another annoying aspect of the combat is the transition between menus. It's very hard to identify the currently selected menu choice, and when you select a menu item the next menu does not immediately appear but instead transitions in. This transition is slow enough that you cannot enter commands from memory without inserting conscious pauses, and the fact you cannot easily see the current menu choice means you need time to look, to avoid making mistakes.
The game also comes in a little short, and I finished it in about 25 hours. I think the majority of time was spent in combat, sometimes fighting enemies that I originally fought while at level 1, because the designers do not adjust the enemies in different areas based on your progress. Most combat was boring, until I realized you can fight more efficiently by executing combination attacks and there was a real-time aspect to the turn-based actions, similar to the first Final Fantasy where it might pay off to select different enemies from the start. Then it was no longer simple button mashing, but unless the enemies were difficult, it also meant battles were pretty much the same if you hit the same monster groups.
Overall, Okage is about what I'd expect from a group of developers and designers who had never put together an RPG before, possible one of their earlier video game works, and who aren't avid RPGers themselves.
Posted by josuah at 5:34 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 23, 2007
Madlax is a more recent anime done by Bee Train, the same people who did Noir. I guess as their sophomore work in this genre, Madlax certainly shows that they've matured. But I think there's still a long way for them to go.
Madlax suffers from some of the same problems that Noir did, such as close-quarters gunfights with unrealistic dramatic emphasis, and a soundtrack that is better but misused. This time the music was pleasing, but it repeated so often and was not used as character themes but instead mood music, that it became tiring. Although you'll probably walk away with it stuck in your head. There is extensive recycling of content again, including as the series comes to a conclusion, which is disappointing.
What Bee Train got right this time, though, is the character development and plot. Madlax is told in a manner similar to some excellent novels, where in the beginning you move back-and-forth between different players whose threads are then brought together as their relationships and roles in the plot are revealed. Sometimes I think this approach works very well, and other times I think it makes you get lost. In Madlax, I think they used the approach successfully. However, I also think they moved too slowly in the beginning. A viewer will need patience and the will to try and piece things together for the first several episodes, otherwise boredom is likely to set in.
I did feel that the ending was a little disappointing. The nature of the conclusion and the connection between Madlax, Margaret, and Laetitia were fulfilling and met my expectations and suspicions, based on things that had been hinted at or revealed before. But I felt the end result was a little bit too close to taking the easy way out, in terms of writing an ending. There was an opportunity to really expose Margaret's innermost desires, and the opportunity wasn't exercised to its fullest potential.
Posted by josuah at 4:51 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 22, 2007
Pan's Labyrinth
Wow. Pan's Labyrinth is not what I was expecting. I was thinking some magical fairy tale where a young boy or girl has to overcome personal adversity and go on a journey of self-exploration and wonder, with some nice ending when the quest is accomplished. But that's not what this is. There is magic and personal adversity and a journey of self-exploration and wonder, but it ends with a cruelty that surprised me. It may not surprise you if you come into this film with different expectations. It probably won't shock you, because there is a significant level of cruelty and disillusionment throughout the film.
That is actually part of why this film is a masterpiece. This fantastical tale is not for children. There are two plots running parallel, with the little girl Ofelia trapped between them. On one side, a cruel and vicious captain commands a military occupation while hunting rebels in the woods. This captain is the new step-father of Ofelia, but there is no love between them, and his presence is as a poison to Ofelia and her mother. On the other side is Ofelia's quest to reclaim her crown as princess of the underworld. She must acquire treasures at great personal risk and with great bravery, in order to do so and escape from her unfortunate circumstance. This dichotomy drives everything forward, and produces such a wonderful contrast between hope and despair, innocence and sin.
Posted by josuah at 5:29 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 16, 2007
Nine Person Game Night
We hosted a pretty big game night yesterday evening. It started out with plans for just Brian, Wendy, and Tintin in addition to Luna and me for a total of five people. But Thomas, Matt, Ling, and Quyen (somehow pronounced like Quinn) showed up as well. Matt and Ling brought four huge pizzas from Mr. Pizza Man because they had organized a tailgate type party up in San Francisco and there were leftovers. I'd never heard of Mr. Pizza Man before. The pizzas aren't great, but they were free and a lot. They only brought cheese and pepperoni, which I don't like so much anyway, so maybe the ones with lots of toppings taste better. The crust was pretty nice where it met the pizza.
Quyen brought a big tub of games to choose from, but with nine people it was pretty hard finding a game. We played something called Bohnanza. Basically, each turn you are forced to plant beans that you have in your ordered hand or that you received by trading, and the goal is to create large bean patches that you sell into the discard piile in exchange for gold. There is a different number of each type of bean, which is inversely proportional to their gold value. Selling beans removes some number of those beans from the game. The person with the most gold at the end wins. I thought it was okay, but not really my type of game. Luna, however, likes it because it's straight-forward and moves quickly.
Next we played a six-player game of Settlers of Catan with the Seafarers expansion. The doubled-up teams were Matt and Ling, Luna and me, and Wendy and Brian. Even on the same team, Wendy and Brian didn't always act in agreement, which shouldn't be a surprise. I think if this game had involved military pieces, they'd have somehow gotten themselves into a civil war. :p Despite that, they won very handily because they were the primary producers of wheat, with enough sheep and ore to puchase a huge number of development cards. They ended up winning with cities, victory points and largest army, and always had a huge stock of resources since seven didn't come up very much. Luna and I were in second place, and would have done better if I had listened to Luna and placed our second settlement at the corner of some resoures on the other side of the board, but instead I chose the wood port on a single brick hex.
Luna keeps making fun of me for losing whenever we play Settlers of Catan. I think it's been too long and I'm out of practice, since when we played in North Carolina, it was often me or Alan in first place.
Posted by josuah at 7:32 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 13, 2007
Origin: Spirits of the Past
I think I got a promo seed packet for Origin: Spirits of the Past from this year's Fanime. I don't know where that seed packet went though. It's a little strange, because I guess Origin was published in the U.S. at the end of last year. But I suppose Fanime is exactly the right place to advertise for a movie like this.
Origin takes place in the future, after mutated plants in a lunar research lab erupted and attacked Earth. Most of the initial damage was due to large chunks of rock that flew off but then the forest began taking over. This isn't explained right at the beginning, but knowing this is not a spoiler. From there, it starts looking like one of the central themes will be man having to choose between cooperation or control over nature.
I really liked this film because it mixes some good, basic ideas, with a decent dose of action and science fiction. It reminded me in a lot of ways of some of the thematic and action films produced by Studio Ghibli, although Origin was produced by Gonzo and according to Luna a lot of the artists were outsourced to a Chinese firm. It doesn't have as many layers or subtleties as some, but it's got enough for the whole family to enjoy.
Posted by josuah at 5:43 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 10, 2007
After watching Serenity, I thought I should give the Firefly TV series a second chance, as I liked Serenity but didn't have the full back story. When Firefly first started airing, I didn't get into it because I felt it lacked meaning. I don't think that's why it didn't do very well and ended up getting cancelled, but I've come to look for TV series that are leading somewhere and are designed to have a definite ending rather than an ongoing open plot. And while there is an overarcing plot to Firefly, about River and the men with blue hands, the individual episodes of Firefly are designed to stand alone. So plot-wise, it doesn't really matter if you had seen a previous episode, for the most part.
What Firefly is is an amazing character study. There is a depth to the characters which is very rare in most television shows, and significant character development both within an episode and across episodes. In a lot of ways, it is the kind of character exploration you find in those books that become best sellers or classics. A great deal of attention was given to ensuring the people and world of Firefly seem real and human. And I think they did an excellent job at it.
It also doesn't look like they skimped on any part of the show's production. The costumes and sets and outdoor scenes were completely filled out and felt whole. The feel of things, the dirtiness, and the consistency of environments all fit together perfectly. It's unfortunate the series did not pull in enough viewers and was cancelled prematurely. The unexpected cancellation also means the series did not really come to a conclusion, which Serenity tries to provide.
Posted by josuah at 3:41 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 9, 2007
Tintin & Bottle Rocket
Tintin came over yesterday evening to play a game of Settlers of Catan. We played the basic version, just Tintin, Luna, and me. Tintin didn't pick very good starting locations, which ended up making it very difficult for her to do well. Luna got really lucky with a bunch of rolled elevens and ended up winning by a pretty good margin.
As it happens, Tintin's movie also arrived yesterday and so we ended up watching it after the game. She got Bottle Rocket, a Wes Anderson film starring Owen and Luke Wilson as a couple of reckless friends who don't really know what to do with themselves and end up holding up a bookstore. This is followed by escaping to a motel where the maid becomes a love interest, and then returning to try and pull off one more heist that couldn't have gone more wrong.
If you're familiar with Wes Anderson's quirky sense of humor and movie style, and you like it, then you'll probably like Bottle Rocket. If his movies don't really appeal to you, then it's more of a 50/50 chance as to whether or not you'll think this movie is something special. This was his directorial debut, as well as the acting debut of the two Wilson brothers.
Posted by josuah at 10:39 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 6, 2007
Xenosaga: Episode III
It's been a long time since I finished a video game, and there were several points in time when I didn't play for a week or more, but the final chapter of the epic saga is done and I do believe Xenosaga: Episode III to be the best in the series. I'll go into technical details later, but the all of the open questions, character backgrounds, and plot twists are finally explained. But because the authors never shy away from taking as much time as necessary to tell the story, it doesn't at all feel rushed or artificial. This time, the lengthy cut scenes did not leave me feeling impatient to continue, because everything from the previous two episodes starts to make sense and held my interest. I think they also made a conscious decision to leave out cut scenes or portions of cut scenes that did not reveal any new information, or at least hint at something that you want to know.
I also found the ending very satisfactory. It'd say it ranks up there as one of the best endings of any role-playing game. No doubt it helps that there is so much depth to the story. The ending sequence is quite long and feels both sad and triumphant at the same time. It does not trivialize the long journey that you, the player, had to go through in order to reach it and bring things to a conclusion. Things will be different from now on, but finally things will also be all right. It really shows a remarkable attention to quality to see such a large storyline succeed over the length of three games.
Visually, Xenosaga: Episode III is a nice improvement over Episode II. The body movement of character is more natural during the pre-rendered scenes, and now have subtle facial expression changes that were not done before. I would say the visuals during gameplay are very similar though, and if there are any improvements they are minor enough that I could not notice them outright. The environments are much nicer, more detailed, and feel more open though. I think some effort must have been taken to try and make urban and natural environments that felt more realistic and interesting than they did before.
The music is well done again, and there are some really nice final battle music. Not as memorable or emotional as the most famous of them all (Kefka) but I noticed them and liked the mood created by the music during those battles.
Travel is still handled the same way as before, with larger world maps that have areas you can enter, and the majority of your travel occuring via the Elsa during which time you can work on side quests. Movement through combat areas is also pretty much the same, as is the feel of the puzzles you encounter. The puzzles are new, which is good, and some of them are forms of less common types of puzzles, which is also good.
One of the most important aspects of any RPG is the combat system, and I think Episode III finally got the character battles right. You have enough EP, or you can make it so you have enough, to utilize ether skills and tech skills liberally which is the primary strategic aspect of combat. The boost and special attacks are still there, and share the same gauge. It's possible to increase the maximum of that gauge as well, which can be extremely useful. Special attacks are used to maximize awarded points at the end of combat, so it's important to use them often, which means you won't use boost often. However it is nice to have it there because boosting can make a big difference when in a pinch. Overall, you have a lot more control over things and the different tech skills provide more variety during combat. You can also use the ether skills to good effect most of the time.
The E.S. combat is still not as fun though, even if it is less boring this time because of the inclusion of special combinations depending on the attacks you use and a much greater importance on using the right types of attacks and support items during boss battles. However, regular E.S. combat might as well be holding down the attack button. The boss battles are also only difficult in that they have to be extremely drawn out. Since there really aren't a whole lot of options during E.S. combat, the only way to make them hard is to make them long, with special high-damage attacks by the boss that you need to prepare against. I would have been perfectly happy with the E.S. battle system left out, even though it isn't as bad as before.
A new skill upgrade system is also introduced this time, although it is very similar to the one from Episode II. You still spend points to unlock skills along a few set paths, but there are only two primary paths this time and you can traverse them in parallel if desired. However, completing a primary path gives you a special master skill which can be very useful. At certain times during the story you can also find items that will unlock additional EX skills. These skills do not require you to follow a path to obtain them, and you can learn them at any time provided you have enough skill points. These skills let you give a character a useful auxiliary skill that doesn't have anything to do with their primary paths, or taken as a whole may let you adjust the combat or support options available to that character in a significant way. I found this skill system to be less annoying and confusing, and more flexible, than the previous ones.
Posted by josuah at 2:41 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 5, 2007
Divergence Eve
Gary gave me a $5 coupon to Best Buy the other day, and I had a couple of $2 gift cards from when Luna and I went to one of their special events and filled out a survey. Most of the time, it doesn't make any sense to buy something from brick-and-mortar stores because it's cheaper to order them online, but with $9 in credit I decided it was worth stopping by to take a look at what they had. After talking to Tintin for a while on the phone, comparing prices in the store against prices online, I chose to get Divergence Eve. As it turns out, the price I paid after the coupon and gift cards is about the same as what I would have paid if I ordered online.
But I think it was a pretty decent choice. Superficially the series is about massive fan service, but to be honest I don't think it spends an abnormal amount of time on that. It's more like something that just is, rather than something the storyboarders went out of their way to focus on instead of other things. Of course many people are likely to disagree on that. What I liked about the series is how well thought out the overall plot is, as things are revealed with hints and little backstories, with the protagonist Misaki figuring out what's going on and her role in things. Plus, the series doesn't shy from consequences of the situation or the indifference of some of the players involved.
Misaki and three other cadets, Luxandra, Kiri, and Suzanna, arrive at a some sort of research facility named Watcher's Nest that has been set up around a strange orbital body. Faster-than-light travel is somehow connected with the phenomenon that is occuring at this location, and the four of them are joining the defense forces there to fight an "enemy", the nature of which is classified. Each of them has their own different reasons for leaving Earth behind and pursuing this career, but unfortunately it won't end happily for most of them.
There is extensive use of amateurish-CG for the 3D space craft and outer space visuals. It's amateurish because it has the budget look-and-feel of older 3D CG work, rather than more sophisticated work that is available. As a result, the space structures and ships look flat and fake, and plastic rather than organic and gritty. CG is also used for some of the 2D visuals, which work fine since those are mostly console interfaces or visual displays and not supposed to be physical objects. This sort of cheap mashup of CG and drawn or cel-shaded art always disappoints me. Over time I got used to it, but it's still a let down.
The biggest disappointment, however, was the ending. Throughout the first twelve episodes, things move at a fair pace, although not quickly. During this time, things are slowly revealed. The motivations and different loyalties, and the opening scenes showing backstory, give depth to the plot. Even though there isn't a whole lot of character development other than for Misaki; the time spent on other characters is too little, although not insignificant in their meaning. But in the last episode, everything is suddenly explained outright when it really could have used a few more episodes to try and actually illustrate the situation instead of dictating it, and the ending is conveniently short and without any exploration of the repurcussions.
The only thing I can think of is that Divergence Eve is not supposed to be considered complete. There is a second thirteen-episode series, Misaki Chronicles, which looks like it explores the consequences of Divergence Eve's ending. But in a fun and entertaining way.
Regardless, I enjoyed watching Divergence Eve and have ordered Misaki Chronicles because I want to see what happens next. The series kept me interested in the plot, and I found myself attached to Misaki and really trying to understand how she could get out of this okay, considering what has happened to everyone else. There's also a lot of deeper subtext going on throughout the series which isn't focused on and doesn't need to be picked up in order to understand or enjoy things, but its presence does provide a little more depth.
Posted by josuah at 4:26 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 2, 2007
Paycheck is a full-length movie based off a Philip K. Dick short story by the same name. Philip K. Dick is one of my favorite authors, and many of his stories get turned into movies that I like. Paycheck isn't the greatest movie, but I still like the premise and the ideas involved, even if I think the writers failed to create a logically consistent plot. Philip K. Dick might have been a little crazy, but his stories always made sense. The reason the movie's plot doesn't work is because you are shown enough information to know how and why the protagonist, Michael Jennings, comes to his decisions, but that information is inconsistent with what he ends up doing. If you can get past that, then this is a decent action-thriller.
I don't want to give away any spoilers, but the Paycheck movie basically takes the simple and interesting science fiction premise of the short story and builds a longer plot around it. The premise is really something that can be presented in a much shorter time frame, which is why most of the movie is John Woo action. At least it wasn't crazy over-the-top action like some of the other movies he's directed, although there are a few times when things are just a little too convenient. And I won't say Ben Affleck's acting is very good, but I always like seeing Uma Thurman act.
We also discovered something interesting while watching this movie, though. Kiba seemed to really like it. He watched most of it, and the ending, and sat comfortably the whole time to do so. At the climax, when there were lots of explosions with loud noises and bright flashes on the screen, he even got down and went closer to the front, instead of running away like the other cats would do.
Posted by josuah at 6:12 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 1, 2007
Rome: Season Two
Well, season two of Rome is finished. Luna actually watched the last disc without me while I was at work today, so she had to watch it again with me when I got home. There's not a whole lot more to say about this series that I didn't cover in my entry for Rome: Season One. The two series comprise a whole, and it is not as though things change much in the manner, style, or quality between the two. It's unfortunate that the series will not continue; I suppose there wasn't enough viewership of season two in the U.S. to cover the exorbitant costs of its production. Which is a shame since it is such a well done drama.
Season two is slightly shorter than season one at ten episodes instead of tweleve, and follows the rise of Octavian to "first citizen" and the fall of his political rival, Marc Antony. Lucius Vorenus remains cursed after the death of Niobe, but tries to find redemption by his children and meaning in his principles. Titus Pullo's life becomes a tragedy of love, betrayal, and bittersweet conclusion. All in all, and excellent ending to an outstanding series.
Posted by josuah at 6:14 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 31, 2007
Mission: Impossible III isn't too bad. I really liked the first movie, but the second wasn't particularly great. However M:I:III is a great action movie with a lot of the gadgets that made the first movie fun. It is not as much an espionage movie like the first one though, which is a little disappointing, but if you just want a really exciting action movie then this has you covered. The film was directed by J.J. Abrams who also did one of my favorite TV series, Alias and Ethan Hunt's activities are a lot like those of Sydney Bristow, but with a little more James Bond and a little less Marshall Flinkman. Ving Rhames is back again, and the villian is played by the very villainous Philip Seymour Hoffman. But most of the actors take a back seat to Tom Cruise, except perhaps for Hoffman.
There's nothing particularly amazing about the special effects, action sequences, visuals, or score. Although there are a few times where things were pretty cool, like the helicopter chase or building jump. But J.J. Abrams does what he does best, which is to create a heightened sense of tension and emergency throughout the entire film, with downtime used to forward the plot.
Posted by josuah at 7:00 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 29, 2007
Scary Movie 4
And, now Scary Movie 4, which Luna put on her queue. This installment of the parody series takes much of its content from Saw, The Grudge, The Village, and War of the Worlds. Much of the same cast returns for this film directed by David Zucker, including Brenda who mysteriously is alive after having died in a very obvious manner in Scary Movie 3. There are also a couple of self-deprecating cameos by Dr. Phil and Shaquille O'Neal in the beginning which are actually quite good. Still, it is another Scary Movie which means Luna liked it a lot but I didn't so much.
Posted by josuah at 5:08 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 28, 2007
300 was not exactly what I was expecting. I was expecting a historical retelling of the Battle of Thermopylae, full of drama, action, historical accuracy, and realism. I guess I should have done a little more reading up on what the movie was, because it was something completely different. It's my own fault though, because anyone who'd bothered to check would have known this. 300 is the movie adaptation of Frank Miller's graphic novel of the same name, and a very good adapation of it at that. But because it is a very good adaptation, it oozes the Frank Miller style, and is more of a tall tale account of the battle, with outrageous creatuers and larger than life characters.
The movie is quite good, but you should not go into this expecting much of a story or a lot of drama. Characters are archetypical, from King Leonidis to the description of the Spartans to the traitor and Xerces the Great. If you leave this movie thinking those are accurate depictions of the characters and Spartan society, you'll be fooling yourself. (Not that everything described about Sparta was incorrect.) The basic facts about the actual battle, however, are fairly accurate. You can compare the events of the film with those described in the Wikipedia article about the Battle of Thermopylae.
Overall, a very enjoyable movie with outstanding if fantastical visuals and stylized combat and an excellent score. I didn't really like the metal that played a few times as a sort of theme song, but I'm sure most people found it worked very well.
Posted by josuah at 6:31 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 27, 2007
Scary Movie 3
After watching Scary Movie 2, Luna wanted us to watch Scary Movie 3 which stars many of the same actors in returning roles and spoofs again many contemporary films like The Matrix, The Ring, and 8 Mile. The thing is, while I know and enjoy pretty much all of the films spoofed in the movie, I didn't laugh out loud while watching it. There were one or two chuckles, but that's about it. It could be that I was super tired, but I still don't think many of the jokes are that funny. They're goofy and slapstick which Luna really liked, but I found myself watching and waiting for something more interesting to happen.
Posted by josuah at 7:08 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 26, 2007
First Game Night with Wendy
We had our first game night with Wendy, Brian, and Thomas just now. They have game nights fairly often, with a usual crowd which Luna and I haven't met before. This time, though, game night was at our house and it was just the five of us. Which is a good number. We ordered take out from Buca di Beppo because I had a $10 gift card that I received in the mail at some point, but Thomas is picky about food or something and brought his own Chinese food. Wendy was really happy to meet Nami and Kiba, and to play with them. I think she said she likes Nami more, but that might have just been because Nami was wearing her cone which makes her look cuter. Brian couldn't remember their names. :p
Afterwards, we played Settlers of Catan. I think SoC is my favorite board game, and it's one that Wendy and Brian really like to play also. I guess they are used to playing with someone who has some house rules and does some things a little differently, while I'm only used to playing by the specific rules mentioned in the rule books. I guess they have also never played any of the non-predefined maps, because this time we played random (which actually shows up in some of the map books) and they were a little surprised. Brian won the first game, and Wendy the second; we played with Seafarers the second game.
Wendy and Brian are incredibly competitive, but Brian more so I think. Brian spends a long time trying to figure out the right move, and tries to be tricky about his cards and trading and stuff like that. They were sitting next to each other and often arguing (in a friendly manner) about trades and points and strategies and other things like that. Often poking or pinching each other too. :) Thomas was a lot quieter, but built steadily. Luna and I were also kind of poking at each other, but not so aggressively as Brian and Wendy. Even though Luna played before, with Karen and Sebastian, she'd forgotten all the rules.
It wasn't anything bad, except for one time that Brian tried to take one of Wendy's resource cards after using the robber without waiting for her to give it to him. He grabbed a development card instead, which Wendy smacked down on to make sure he couldn't see what she had. But that ended up bending the card pretty badly. Brian gave me a replacement card though, which was nice of him. Otherwise it'd be really easy to spot the card in the development card deck.
For the second game, Luna and Brian switched seats so Brian and Wendy couldn't reach each other anymore. Things became a little calmer then; I think it's probably best if they are out of each others reach for these kind of games. After the game though it doesn't matter. They don't hold grudges or anything like that.
The second game ended after I traded a sheep resource to Wendy, which allowed to her build a city and reach twelve points. In retrospect, it may have been wiser to not trade with her, but I don't think I had that good a chance of winning anyway. The early game had stuck me with very little resources after being cut off by one of Wendy's settlements, and I needed longest road or largest army to have a chance, but Thomas was far ahead of me in road length and Wendy had like six soldiers out.
Anyway, we ended around 3am, and they left shortly afterwards. Luna had a really good time. Better than she thought she was going to, and she wants to play again sometime soon. It'll probably be a while before we play again though. Alla is coming back for the Labor Day weekend so we're going to meet up with her then. Maybe the weekend after.
Posted by josuah at 11:01 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 25, 2007
Scary Movie 2
Luna watched Scary Movie back in Shanghai, and she thought it was super funny. So we watched Scary Movie 2 tonight. This one in the series spoofs a whole lot of movies, although many of them are short spoofs. The one long-running spoof is of them trapped in the haunted mansion, trying to defeat the ghosts that are sort of trying to kill them but not really. I kind of felt like there were too many little spoofs without anything really funny about the spoofing of those movies. Luna really liked it though. She found some parts really hilarious, and other parts entertaining if they weren't hilarious.
Posted by josuah at 7:43 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 24, 2007
All About Lily Chou-Chou
I'm not going to write a lot about the film All About Lily Chou Chou. I didn't bother to watch the whole thing. Luna picked this movie because it's supposed to be famous and she likes the people in it or something. But the movie just isn't good. The story is boring and slow and it was shot on such a low budget I think a mass-market camcorder was used without anyone in charge of the lighting or anything else. As far as I can tell, the story is about a 14-year-old boy who starts liking the music of some pop star Lily Chou Chou, and starts participating in a fan site. But he's also an idiot who lets a bunch of bullies abuse him all the time.
The only good thing about the film is the music. It's not great, because either it wasn't recorded very well or something else about how the movie was made decreased the quality. You can tell it's missing something that you'd find or a CD. But there are some pieces where I liked it more to close my eyes and listen than to be distracted by the blurry picture on screen.
Posted by josuah at 5:35 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit
Maybe it's because I'd already seen the ending on the airplane, but Wallace & Grommit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit seemed to lack humor. I don't actually think it is because I'd seen the ending. Movies like this, when funny, are supposed to be funny no matter how many times you've watched it. I think it's kind of like how the Mr. Bean shorts are really funny when he's not talking, but then his movie wasn't. It seemed something like that. So I was disappointed that it wasn't as funny as I hoped it would be. Luna didn't like it at all, and even fell asleep in the middle.
If I were to pick the most amusing part of the movie, I'd say it was the little bunnies. Unfortunately, they don't play a large part in the film. Neither, in fact, do Wallace's contraptions. There are contraptions, but they don't actually matter that much and their "contraptionism" doesn't matter that much. There are little jokes and funny things here and there, but I want antics. And there aren't enough antics to go around this time.
Posted by josuah at 4:46 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 23, 2007
You've Got Mail
Luna decided to watch You've Got Mail because the English language lessons she is listening to these days talked about the movie. I guess she wanted to know a little more about what they were referencing so we watched it. To be honest, it was better than I expected it to be, but that's not really saying all that much. I think to a large extent the movie was put together to make money, since it put Tom Hanks back with Meg Ryan for another romantic-comedy-in-the-big-city-between-two-people-who-are-far-apart-but-come-together. In other words, Sleepless in Seattle, also starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. This time, they're both in New York and instead of the radio and snail mail, they exchange email over AOL. The movie was made in 1998, just as AOL was starting to fall apart.
The one thing I did kind of like was how the story captured the difference in personalities a person has in RL as opposed to online. The manner of speaking when you write an email, or communicate in a chat room, is very different than how you would speak to others that you meet in person. Both Hanks and Ryan exhibit this behavior in the film.
If you do watch this movie, the only thing I'd say is be prepared for it to be as realistic as any other romantic comedy. In the end, everything works out romantically, but all the other details are ignored.
Posted by josuah at 5:31 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 22, 2007
Stranger Than Fiction
I think Samir is the one that recommended I put Stranger Than Fiction onto my queue. I'm glad I did, because it turned out to be a really wonderful movie. It's intelligent, witty, unique, and kept my attention the entire time. In an interesting way, this film about a book made me really think the way reading a book would, and is a "page turner" in that respect. The film works on a lot of different levels because of how its put together the same way a story would be. Most movies or books of this type are supposed to have some meaning because of the depth of its characters or the plot. But this time the slice of life is presented as an interesting idea by placing you outside the story. And just like Harold Crick, I didn't know if this was going to end up being a tragedy or a comedy.
The beginning of the movie is pretty interesting in its own way. Harold Crick works for the IRS as an auditor. He's probably in his late thirties, and is obsessed with numbers in an autistic sort of way. He counts his steps. He counts the number of tiles on the floor. He always does the same thing, each day, at the exact same time. All of this is explained by the narrator as Harold is introduced to you. But suddenly, Harold can hear the narrator too. And so as Harold's day-to-day routine unravels because he thinks he's gone insane, he meets a woman Ana Pascal who is going to change the way he thinks about life.
Harold is played by Will Ferrell, but this is not a comedic role. It's a serious character, who quite literally belives himself to be a character it someone else's work of literature. It's interesting to imagine how one's life may just be a plot device. A character who was created for a specific purpose, and then discarded once that purpose has been fulfilled. Ferrell does an excellent job, in my opinion, which shows that he can do more than be the goofball.
Ana Pascal is played by Maggie Gyllenhaal, and I think this is the first time I've seen her in anything. She also does an excellent job with her character. You can really tell what she is thinking, or trying to convey, through the quality of her words and body language. I think she's an intriguing actress, because she doesn't seem to be the kind of woman that gets cast into a leading role. It's almost like she's the person that isn't an actor or actress. She doesn't really look like one, and it doesn't really seem like she's acting. But I suppose that's what it would mean to actually be a great actress.
Anyway, I liked everything about this movie. The story, acting, ideas, music (not remarkable but still very nice), and the precise balance by which you, the audience, is both outside the story and part of it at the same time.
Posted by josuah at 7:34 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Emperor's New Groove
The Emperor's New Groove is several years old, and I've never found it appealing enough to watch. Luna thinks it is funny though, and so we watched it tonight. I just don't think there's a whole lot to the film. It just seems too simple for me. I'm sure it's great for kids though, because it plays just like a Saturday morning cartoon (only longer) and has action, excitement, bad guys who lose and good guys who learn a valuable life lesson in friendship. And I'll admit I did find one or two spots funny, but overall it didn't do anything to surprise me or make me laugh out loud. Too straightforward and the plot predictable. And I also had a really hard time getting the voices of David Spade and Wendie Malick out of my head, having watched them on Just Shoot Me! for so long.
In fact, I didn't think the voice actors were well chosen. David Spade didn't sound right as the Emperor. Something about his voice didn't fit the body. And Wendie Malick doesn't actually sound as young and lively as Chicha looks. Even John Goodman doesn't really fit the body of Pacha; Pacha's more fit than the voice sounds, I think.
The other main attraction of a film like this is the songs. And there really isn't a memorable song during the movie, and I can only vaguely remember two or three songs with singing in them. Other movies of this type, especially Disney movies, have timeless songs that children and adults will remember, even after they've forgotten other things about the movie. Nothing of that sort here.
Posted by josuah at 5:22 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 20, 2007
Robin Hood: Season One
Well, I started watching the first season of BBC's Robin Hood with "modern sensibilities" and I immediately didn't like it. Luna agreed with me that the show was pretty stupid and poorly made. How can you like a show where in the first episode a troope of horses sneak up to within a few meters of a person in the forest, Robin Hood has a sword fight where the primary goal seems to be to perform as many ineffective but flashy moves, and the castle archers can't hit people that are ten feet away? Well, I suppose you could if you really didn't care about any of that. The appeal of these modern sensibilities appears to be mostly a failed attempt at making Old English sound hip. But if you give it a little longer, things actually get better after the fourth or fifth episode.
Although things do get better, that's not to say they become great. Each episode pretty much stands alone with some sort of idea or lesson to be told or illustrated through the actions of Robin Hood and the peasants involved. The badly choreographed fight sequences and focus on flashy presentation are slowly replaced by actual plot and drama, although the plot and drama isn't all that deep or complicated. Still, once that happens the show becomes an acceptable diversion. It won't win any awards for acting, or costumes, or plot, or pretty much anything though. It also becomes a little tiring to see how many excuses the writers have to come up with so the Sheriff of Nottingham and Guy of Gisborne don't just die, even though Robin Hood has more than ample opportunity to do so.
I do have to say that the first season finale is somewhat satisfying. The situation does actually move forward in the final episodes, with the conflict really coming to a head under the public eye. However, in the last fifteen minutes everything gets fixed up and the world is back to normal (and there's one last incredibly stupid bow and arrow trick just to make you feel dumb again) and ready for another pointless episode when season two begins.
Posted by josuah at 2:13 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 19, 2007
I ended up liking the science-fiction thriller Cypher more than I thought I would when it first started out. I think the reason I liked it so much is because the film keeps you guessing, and Jeremy Northam does such a good job at playing a character that has to keep guessing too. The movie opens with Morgan Sullivan, Northam's character, going through a job interview to become an industrial spy. His personality is strange: willful but subdued. As things move forward, it becomes less clear exactly what is going on, who is in control, and who to trust. Sullivan bounces between startling revelations that threaten his life, and somehow has to find a way out.
While the majority of the film focuses on Sullivan, his life-line, so to speak, is his contact Rita Foster, played by Lucy Liu. Sullivan wants to trust Rita, because she's the only one that doesn't seem to be trying to use him. But she's secretive and reportedly works for someone that no one trusts. I think Lucy Liu was a great choice for this role, because she has a certain flair and pulls off the role of secret agent very convincingly.
The CG in this film isn't perfect. It's not bad or poorly done, but it's also not seamless. When CG is used, it's somewhat obvious and I always feel that reflects poorly upon a film. CG should be used to create a reality that is part of the whole, instead of single-shot special effects that suddenly don't fit with the rest of the environment or movie. While my complaint does not apply to every use of CG in the film, I still think it could have been done better.
Still, overall the directing is pretty good and I also think the score works pretty well. This movie isn't a blockbuster and won't become a cult classic either. It lacks a truly unique vision or something new and exciting. It's just a really good thriller.
Posted by josuah at 6:00 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Death Trance
Another movie that isn't very good. Death Trance is a no-story, no-sense, beat-em-up action movie that doesn't actually have much to do with death or trances. The premise is simple: there is a coffin which will grant its owner any wish and a few different people who try to get this wish. Of course, the real result of opening the coffin is a little different. Because this film doesn't even try to have any purpose beyond the fighting, there's nothing else to talk about. The combat is highly choreographed stylistic violence, with an emphasis on "coolness" without making sense. The hordes of fist-fodder don't even fight back. There are three really good fighters in the film, and the only time things aren't a one-way beating is when they're fighting each other.
Two little tidbits of note. This is the acting debut of Kentaro Seagal, the son of action star Stephen Seagal, who happens to be asking the FBI for an apology these days. The film features music by Dir en grey, a famous "J-rock" band that seems more heavy metal and industrial than rock to me.
Posted by josuah at 6:00 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Midori Days
While not great, the anime Midori no Hibi is fun to watch and is in many ways your typial shonen anime with decent amounts of fan service and subtle jokes. Of course, the most obvious joke is the basis of the story: a 17-year-old boy wakes up to find his right hand (which is his fighting hand) has turned into a 16-year-old girl who has had a crush on him for the past three years. Seiji has to learn how to cope with a cheerful girl stuck to him 24/7, when his place in life has so far been very isolated and somber. He has a reputation for being a violent and delinquent punk and portrays that character in public, while inside he secretly longs for a more normal high school life (and a girlfriend). Midori also has two public and private sides to herself. In public, she is extremely shy and unsure of herself. In private, and as Seiji's right hand girl, she's loud, bold, and full of energy.
There are a few other characters who play important parts during the anime. Seiji's 10-year-old neighbor also has a crush on him, and seems to know more about male and female relationships than should be appropriate. The class president, Ayase, is a super-serious and head-strong student, but tries to show her softer side after finding out what Seiji is really like. Seiji's older sister, Rin, is even "tougher" than Seiji and occassionally has fun beating him up and in general causing him grief.
I feel like the anime is split into three parts. The first third is probably the funniest, with both Seiji and Midori having to try and figure out how to continue living this way and all of the crazy things they have to do to try and hide the truth from others while discovering truths about each other. The second part is not as fun or interesting to watch though. Some of those episodes felt a little like filler, although in another sense it shows just how familiar Seiji and Midori have become. It's more of a normal part of life at that point. And of course the third part brings everything to conclusion, forcing Seiji and Midori to make their own decisions and grow as a character.
From a technical standpoint, Midori Days is done very well. The art and sound is excellent, which isn't too surprising considering it is only a few years old. There's a certain vibrancy and engaging pace that makes it very easy to watch and keep your attention. Luna watched it too, but doesn't find it interesting except for the funny parts. She doesn't really care about characters or plot, only if there is something hilarious going on. I thought the Japanese voice acting was very good too, and somehow the voice of Midori seems very familiar, but checking the history of Mai Nakahara I haven't seen any of the others. The English ADR is not good though. I wouldn't recommend watching this dubbed.
I suspect if you like the anime, you might like the manga as well. I'm considering whether or not I should get it. Although this really isn't my type of anime or manga, it does seem like it would be an amusing read and one that I might read through more than once.
Posted by josuah at 6:00 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 18, 2007
Kazuo Umezz's Horror Theater
Next in Luna's series of Japanese horror films is the 6-episode Kazuo Umezz's Horror Theater. Each episode is its own short story, about an hour long, and generally focuses on one particular psychological fear or disorder of some sort. If you like a sort of supernatural bent to an issue like that (e.g. dealing with the loss of a loved one, obsession, fear) then you might like this series. However I didn't like it at all. The stories moved slowly, and the scenes were often longer than they should be, ruining the pace of things. The directing appeared amateurish in many cases, resulting in disjoint scene cuts that did not maintain the correct perspective or cheap ways of achieving something. The special effects were pretty cheaply done; you can tell when something is fake because of the stilted movements and unrealistic appearance. The acting was also very inconsistent, but mostly on the low end. And there was no good mood music. A good score could have helped support the stories and compensate a little for the other flaws, but most of the time there was no music. When there was, it was usually wrong.
Posted by josuah at 5:38 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 15, 2007
Whisper of the Heart
Whisper of the Heart, or Mimi wo Sumaseba, is a Studio Ghibli film produced by Hayao Miyazaki (he also wrote the screenplay), but it was directed by Yoshifumi Kondo and is based off a one-volume manga by Aoi Hiiragi. The anime is about a young girl and boy who end up falling in love, with the focus on the girl, Tsukishima, learning things about herself and love. I really liked this film a lot. The story and characters are endearing and fun to watch, and will put a smile on your face.
Tsukishima has an adventurous and bold personality, with just a bit of soft little-girl-femininity. She has a quiet determination, and looks at the world with her own unique perspective. It's a perspective that includes the sort of magic and imagination a young child has, coupled with moving into the world of adolescence. This lets things serve a purpose in many different levels. For example, the Baron could be alive and just pretending to be a statue, and then later on takes on a much deeper meaning for both Tsukishima and Shiro Nishi.
I was a little surprised at the score used during the film, the first time it popped up. It's not conventional. It has some electronic influences, in a film that doesn't really have that mood. But it works, and after a while it feels right. I think that has a lot to do with the colorful and lively attitude of exploration and excitement than Tsukishima's character portrays.
Among the other Studio Ghibli films, I think Whisper of the Heart is closest in feel to Kiki's Delivery Service. I just thought I would mention that, because this film did remind me of Kiki in a lot of ways.
There's also a nice little reveal during the closing credits, if you watch closely. I thought it was a really nice touch that showed just how much the people involved care about the characters.
(The image is from Tatsuno Hiroyuki's web site, which no longer appears to be available. I pulled it off the Wingsee art page.)
Posted by josuah at 7:04 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
One Missed Call
Luna's entered another one of her horror movie phases, which means Japanese horror movies. One of her favorites is One Missed Call by famed director Takashi Miike. This movie follows the familiar plot line of a sort of death curse that moves from one person to another, as each person dies. It's up to the one girl who has seen her friends die one by one to figure out how to stop the curse from continuing. In this movie, the victims receive a voicemail from the future, from themselves with a recording of their death. The curse moves onto the next person by following a call from the victim's mobile phone address book.
I didn't like the movie, but for the reasons that fans of the genre would like it. It's creepy without being just one big gore-fest. It features pretty girls trying to escape from their imminent death. You have to try and figure it out as it goes along, and in true Japanese fashion there is some sort of horrible background that is the source of the curse. (American horror films are usually just the result of a psycho.) It moves a little slowly though. Overall it's just not my taste.
Posted by josuah at 5:01 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 13, 2007
Casino Royale
Casino Royale is good. Much better than the couple of Bond movies that came before, this film was directed by Martin Campbell who also did Goldeneye, the last really good Bond film in my opinion. This movie, and Daniel Craig as the new James Bond, is very different from the more recent movies. The overall tone is much darker, and Craig does not play a womanizer or flippant jet-setting secret agent but instead a ruthless agent on a mission. This carries over into everything, and Bond's life really is in danger, unlike previous films where Bond is cool and collected even as sharks or lasers are bearing down. The action is also very exciting. I think the first foot chase of the film might be the best I've ever seen.
Although this film is a remake of Ian Flemming's first Bond novel, it takes place in the year 2006 with all of the technology and political issues of the contemporary world. There is even a direct reference to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The villians in this film are not uber-evil maniacs with enormous but unexplainable financial resources, but instead just "organizations" with interests in something or another that involves violence and things of similar ilk. There are in fact four different plots strung together, with the main one providing the bulk of the movie, but each of which involves a different criminal activity. Although the movie does refer to all of them as terrorist activities, they really aren't by definition.
I did notice something interesting about this Bond film though. There really aren't many women involved, and there is a distinct lack of sexual overtness. The opening theme song is sung by a man and the accompanying sequence does not have any female forms in it. Bond never has sex with a woman as a strategy to turn her or gather information, or even just as recreational movie entertainment. Not to say he doesn't engage in similar tactics, but in this movie his actions are only until the point he has what he wants, and it does not at all appear to be something done out of pleasure. It's just his job.
Posted by josuah at 4:23 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 11, 2007
Rome: Season One
HBO has created an amazing historical drama: Rome. Whatever they're doing to figure out how to make original content, they're doing it right. Season one of Rome follows the fall of the Roman republic and rise and then sudden fall of Gaius Julius Caesar, as well as the lives of two soldiers of the 13th legion during that same time. With characters from both the aristocracy and plebian classes, the series presents a really vibrant and wonderfully accurate picture of Roman civilization at the time. Of course many of the specifics of things are pure speculation and dramatization, but I don't think most people are in danger of taking those things at their face value. The only exception being the close relationship between Caesar and the two soldiers, Vorenus and Pullo, when there is no historical knowledge of such a relationship from what I know.
What is amazing is that no expense was spared in the production of this series. The sets are lavishly constructed to exacting detail on such a grand scale. The costumes, dirt, props, clothing, and everything else is realistically rebuilt as well as can be from historical documents. The designers and writers really did their homework, as can be seen from the situations and people and little things in every scene throughout each episode. The full religious influence and social and cultural aspects of Roman civilization reveal themselves all the time. And the actors are outstanding in their portrayal of the same.
It's important to keep in mind that means this show does not flinch from depicting many things that contemporary people would find offensive, disgusting, or even simply foolish. But ridding oneself of an ethnocentric view towards things is one of the best things a person can do. The DVDs come with a special feature "Roads to Rome" which changes the angle and will overlay informational tidbits in a pretty decorative box throughout the show, explaining words, phrases, situations, and other values of the time. Watching with this turned on can be very educational, and maybe even necessary for people who don't already have a background in Roman civilization. I say necessary because otherwise it could be very easy to dismiss things as there for the sake of drama or creative license, or to regard Roman civilization as barbarous when it was one of the most civilized.
I think that's what I really like about the series. It isn't shy about immersing the viewer in true Roman society while giving life to history in a facinating and entertaining way. I'd recommend taking a look at HBO's Rome Revealed presentations which are short introductions to some things Roman. A good starting point, but not really much in depth.
Of course, not everything is covered and there is argument over how Rome presents things. One of the things Luna picked up on was the contradiction between how people in the show seem to engage in sex all the time. Homosexual, bisexual, heterosexual, and the nudity of performers and slaves don't match up with the severe stigma associated with adultery. There's also a history of incest in the families of some famous Romans like Caligula and in Rome between Octavian (later the first emperor Augustus) and his sister Octavia. Yet incest was very much taboo back then as it is today. But I think the show does a decent job of depicting how things really were behind closed doors, when the public face of things was very different. It's just that most of the time things are taking place behind closed doors, so it's harder to pick up on those aspects that represent how one must carry themself in public.
For more historical inaccuracies and errors, check out the extensive documentation on the individual episodes listed on Wikipedia. Click on the actual episode title for the information.
Posted by josuah at 5:47 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 6, 2007
I watched the first few episodes of Firefly when it was airing on television, and never really got into it. Sure, it was a decent cowboy space opera, but it didn't seem to be going anywhere in particular. I was never interested in Cowboy Bebop either though. Anyway, there was a ton of hype and excitement about Serenity, especially among the hard-core Firefly fans. And it looked like the kind of movie I would enjoy, so Luna and I watched it last night. I think the movie can be summed up as a really good episode of Firefly with some answers revealed and larger risks exercised. But just like the show, you're still sort of in the same place you started.
If you liked Firefly, I'm sure you'll like Serenity a lot. The movie is very well done, and the only criticism I have is the one I mentioned above where it feels like one episode of an ongoing storyline, only you know the storyline isn't going to reach any real conclusion. The special effects and combat choreography are top notch and blend seamlessly into the overall weave so you never feel like something is there just to show off. Sometimes those things are either focused on too long, or the only thing to look at, which makes the movie suffer. But not here. There also aren't any cheap camera tricks or scene cuts to try and up the excitement artificially.
I should also briefly comment on the sound. The score and sound effects are also very well done, but there isn't anything really memorable here. Some movies will leave you with a theme song or chorus melody that is unforgettable, while others will really impress upon you a aural feeling that will make you remember the movie's audio, even if you can't really explain why. Serenity's sound blends into the movie perfectly as a mood enhancer, but it doesn't do anything else.
Joss Whedon is known for the quality of his screenwriting, and Serenity is no exception. The story is interesting, moves at a good pace, with little twists here and there but also a healthy amount of things being obvious or expected to the viewer, so the casual viewer won't feel like you he doesn't know what's going on. There are two different science-fiction themes running through the movie. The first is the centralized government versus the outer-rim colonies. The second has to do with conspiracy and cover-up of a scientific accident, which is already giving away more than I should but the movie's been out for a while now. These are decent additions to the story, but I would have liked more exploration of them than they could fit into the two hours.
Posted by josuah at 4:12 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 2, 2007
The Prestige
The Prestige had some success when it came out, although I think it ran into a little trouble from sounding a lot like The Illusionist which came out at the same time. Regardless, I decided I'd give it a shot since it looked a little interesting. And turns out that it was pretty good. The story revolves around the rivalry of two magicians during the 19th century (looks like to me) who each wants to be the better magician, but whose rivalry is obsessive and dirty after the wife of one dies during a stage accident.
The entire movie works as a magic trick itself, described in the film as three stages: the pledge where the ordinary is shown, the turn where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the prestige when the everything is shown to be all right. During the course of the film, you are presented with that same problem. Things are happening which don't really make sense, yet without any explaination for how. Then the how is slowly revealed, and at the very end what you thought happened is shown to not have happened. At least superficially, because just like with a magic trick getting to the last part is where all the real magic is.
This film stars some excellent actors. I've always like Michael Caine, and I think he does an excellent job here as well. Hugh Jackman also does a good job, but I like Christian Bale's performance more. Bale has been acting longer and from a younger age, so perhaps that's not so surprising. I'm also sure a lot of people are happy to see Scarlett Johansson, but I think she's much better in some other films.
Posted by josuah at 7:00 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I, Claudius
Watching the television series I, Claudius is one of my most memorable moments from high school. Our Latin teacher, Mrs. Stark if I recall correctly, showed us this series as a way of teaching us about both the historical facts as well as the culture and society of the Roman Empire. Luna likes learning about history, so I thought this would be a good thing for her to watch. At first she found it a little boring, because it is a little old and somewhat dry, but after a while she really got into it. The intrigue and drama is very interesting.
The 13-episode series tells the story of the first emperors of Rome, starting with Augustus, then Tiberius, Caligula, and ending with the death of Claudius. It is Claudius who is the narrator of this long story, as the one person who manages to survive the political assassinations during all three of the previous emperors' rule.
Even though Rome was ruled by men, it is really the women and the ability for women to control their emperor that moved the political landscape. Livia, the wife of Augustus, is probably the finest example of this because of her cold heart and calculating nature. One by one, without care for who it is, she removes obstacles from the path of her son Tiberius becoming emperor. But many other women, such as Livilla and Messalina, are just as cruel and conniving.
Of course, there is some dramatic license used in the telling of this story, especially since so many things are not known for sure. But from an educational and historical perspective, I think this is an excellent series. The quality of actors and the sordid facts really brings this part of history to life.
(As a bonus, you can see Patrick Stewart when he still had hair.)
Posted by josuah at 7:00 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 29, 2007
The Great Yokai War
I'm not really sure why Yôkai daisensô was recommended to me, although it does fall into the genre of childrens' fantasy. The story is a very simple stop-the-bad-guy and save-the-world situation, featuring a young boy who has greatness bestowed upon him as the Kirin Rider, defender of the people (although he kind of looks like a girl sometimes). But other than the fantastical costumes, there's not much going for this movie. In fact, the protagonist doesn't even really fight that much; he just holds onto the sword as the sword fights.
The movie does star Luna's favorite Japanese actress, Chiaki Kuriyama, as the servant of the evil guy, but she doesn't do a whole lot in the movie. There's brief fighting, but not a lot of material for her to work with. Sometimes I wonder how she picks which films or television series to star in, as she's very recognizable (at least in the United States) and has a very long filmography, yet doesn't seem to ever play an outstanding role.
The movie is supposed to be a little goofy, and is probably geared towards younger children despite having a MPAA rating of PG-13. This is the sort of stuff I think children would watch when they're ten years old or possibly younger. This is despite being directed by Takashi Miike, who is more well known for his gory, scary films.
Posted by josuah at 8:55 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 22, 2007
Ah! My Goddess
The full 26-episode version of Aa! Megami-sama is a lot better than the stripped down OVA which removes a lot of the plot and character development. The relationship between Keiichi and Belldandy evolves more slowly and naturally, and the supporting cast is introduced slowly and really only as support for the two of them. Whereas I thought the OVA was rushed and incomplete, the TV series was fully fleshed out although later on I felt like things were dragging along in their relationship.
One thing I noticed right away was the improved art quality of the anime. It was produced a few years after the OVA, and recent advancements have been significant, but it was still extremely clean and nice to watch. I did not notice any tearing from deinterlacing artifacts, and the coloring was bright and lively. The opening and closing animations and songs were not that catchy or entertaining though.
Overall I think this is an anime series that well represents the genre. The characters are memorable and the goddess costumes are very distinctive. There are plans for a second season of the series. I'm not entirely sure I will decide to watch it, as this genre of anime doesn't appeal to me that much, but I do think this series falls into the classics category.
Posted by josuah at 7:37 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 16, 2007
This Film Is Not Yet Rated
This Film Is Not Yet Rated is an independent documentary that looks at how the Motion Picture Association of America rates movies for theatrical release. They have a secret review board whose job it is to evaluate submitted films and make an "average parent" judgement as to its rating. The creater of the documentary, Kirby Dick, makes a pretty good case that the MPAA is applying the personal morals of the people in charge to films, in ways which are sure to please some particular groups, but also hurt the public at large. And because of how those ratings are used, the morals of those individuals really do dictate what can be made and what cannot.
I think really that this film is a good start at exposing how movies (as well as television and video games) are not considered equal intellectual pursuits as books. The same sort of judgemental activity applied towards books is the motivation for Banned Books Week. People seem to recognize that you can't just classify violence as categorically bad, or sex as categorically bad, or even pedophilia as categorically bad. Yet the same intellectual truth disappears when applied to other "relatively young" media.
One great example of this, as pointed out in the film, is the movie Boys Don't Cry. The original submitted version received an NC-17 rating for the sex scene between Brandon Teena and Lara Tisdel. However, the film as a whole is an extremely important film that portrays a real story and discusses a sensitive but timely subject in a very grown up and intellectual way.
Another example is the documentary Gunner Palace, which is a documentary about the soldiers in Baghdad that uses real footage taken as interviews with soldiers and as operational documentation. Of course, given the subject matter, violence, language, and other realities of life and war are fully exposed. This film was given an NC-17 as well, but really is exactly the sort of thing the American public, including children as they are paying attention to world events and politics, should see. The director made a very lucid comment about the silliness of trying to put a rating on reality.
In fact, one thing critics of violence and sex in popular media never allow for is the difference between fantasy and reality. It's always a blanket statement that all children cannot distinguish between the two, when of course it's all individual. Plus, there is the argument that fantasy violence desensitizes people towards real violence. But there are ten-year-olds who can go on gory and realistic frag-fests for hours a day, then get grossed out by a dead rat. While there are fourty-year-olds who can't tell the difference between the two (i.e. they find the fantasy frag-fest as disgusting as the dead rat).
I guess my overal rant is simply about individuals, or groups of people, trying to impose their personal morality upon others. This applies not only toward movie ratings, but also towards other personal moral beliefs like homosexuality or polygamy/polyandry or even less controversial things like social mores. And just as much towards fantasy (as a depiction) violence and sex, the two big flags when it comes time for the MPAA to assign a rating to a movie.
Posted by josuah at 7:37 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 12, 2007
Invader Zim
Invader Zim is an amazing Nickelodeon series by comic author Jhonen Vasquez. It's funny, off-the-wall, exciting, and as exaggerated as any children's show full of satirical imagination can be. Pictured here is Gaz, who is the most awesome angsty goth girl you'll ever find. Luna and I laughed a lot. Enough to make you hurt. The show isn't perfect; there are a few times when an episode or sequence lacked that extra spiciness, but overall its excellent.
Zim is an Invader of the Irken military, at least in his mind. As an Invader, he's maniacal, insane, and while technically competent, about as likely to conquer a planet as a shoelace. Havoc is very easily possible, its just conquering that's a problem for him. His sidekick is GIR, a dysfunctional robot slave who has more interest in TV and junk food than in fulfilling their mission.
Zim's archnemesis is Dib, a super-intelligent dweeb who sees Zim as the Invader he is, but lacks the ability to convince anyone else of this fact, despite Zim's inhuman behavior and physical appearance. As the lone defender of Earth against Zim's incompetent invasion, Dib struggles mightily against Zim without once receiving acknowledgement by anyone else. Dib's sister Gaz is the only other person who knows of Zim's true nature, but she's intelligent enough to know Zim's doomed to doom to fail with doom, his doom, and would rather spend time playing video games.
Some episodes are short at about 10 minutes, while others span a couple of episodes clocking in around 40 minutes. There's usually some simple social situation or human characteristic that an episode explodes into a comic force, like teenage acne or avoiding late fees at your local video store. The hilarity of a water balloon the size of Greenland, with a big stylized smiley face on it, is genius.
Besides all of the wonderful content, Zim is outstanding in two other categories as well that aren't often so special for an afternoon television show: art and music.
The majority of artwork is CG and its amazingly good. Lines are bold; figures are animated and vibrant; movement is smooth and appears like what you might expect from a hand-drawn character. The shapes and colors are basic, but filled out to provide depth and texture. The only ugly is the poor deinterlacing or cadence flags that was done during the transfer to DVD.
The music is amazing. This is music you'll want to buy on CD and use as background music or personal theme songs all the time. It's heavily influenced by techno, although extremely well matched to the mood and action, and full of awesome little surprises like the choir of piggies. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the tracks (which are not recycled) are available for purchase.
Lastly, although extremely important, the voice acting is excellent. The tone, pacing, and speech patterns are perfect for each character, sounding realistic but exaggerated enough to make the characters really unique. Zim, in particular, must have been extremely difficult to voice because of his constant tonal and pacing changes. But Richard Horvitz pulled it off amazingly.
Posted by josuah at 7:15 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 6, 2007
The Last Carcassone
So Alla will be leaving soon for the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania to get her MBA. Her orientation classes start at the end of the month, and next week is her last week at IBM. She's really busy getting everything ready, and planning to take a short vacation before she flies out to start classes. And so last night she and Eric came over for one last game of Carcassone. I ended up making some mistakes, and didn't build any cities which is why I didn't win the game. Luna ended up with the most points by playing under the radar and won the game.
Alla also met Kiba and Nami for the first time, and she really liked Nami until she tried climbing up her back during the game. She played with Nami a little bit before dinner, but Kiba didn't come down until later.
It also seems like Alla might have broken her toe. She told me someone at work stepped on her foot by accident, really heavily and with some hard shoes, and it's been a week already but it still hurts to walk and move. I think it should be okay.
Posted by josuah at 10:13 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 3, 2007
Luna and I watched MirrorMask last night. Samir had recommended it to me, and I like Neil Gaiman's The Sandman graphic novels (although I didn't like so much his Anansi Boys). MirrorMask is a really fun and interesting fantasy movie about a young girl in England who visits a world of her own creation in a dream, after being forced to deal with the possible loss of her mother who is undergoing surgery that same night. The allegorical aspects of that crisis and her personal desires for a different life extend directly into the dream world, giving her quest and trials personal meaning. However, I wish it could have been treated as a real fantasy world, rather than a dream one.
The protagonist Helena is played by a young actress named Stephanie Leonidas. While I don't think the acting was that great, I think she did a decent job. There were a few times where body language and emotional displays seemed too choreographed and scripted. Unfortunately, that did detract a little from the mood.
The special effects are pretty good though. Not amazing, but very convincing and imaginative in a dreamy way. Overall I really liked it as a fairy tale story about a quest. I don't think it's as good as some other movies in this genre though, because some things just felt a little lacking. I don't like how it was a dream, or how certain things that happened in the dream world were a little too convenient.
Posted by josuah at 6:21 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 2, 2007
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End with Karen
Karen came down to visit us today. It's been a long time since we've seen her. We introduced Nami and Kiba to her, and she had fun playing with them even though she's allergic. Because she played with them, she started sneezing a lot. We'd vacuumed a lot before she came over, so she wouldn't be uncomfortable, but playing with them kind of defeated the purpose. She brought over a couple of movies, but we decided to head out to see Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.
We got the to theater a little early. It turns out we were able to use those $5 vouchers I got back from a Century Theaters in North Carolina, even though that was three years ago. Since we were there early, we played around in the arcade. Luna and I tried some shooting games. Karen tried a shooting game one time, but then moved onto pinball.
There weren't a lot of people in the theater. Probably about twenty or thirty. This third intallment of PotC didn't feel as good as the first, or even the second. It's basically a straight continutation of Dead Man's Chest, which was sort of a problem for Karen since she didn't remember the previous movies. The first half of the movie was a little boring to me. I thought they could have done more there to make it a little more exciting. And while I found the climax very exciting, it did leave a lot of unanswered questions. It seemed that all of the pirate ships were destroyed, yet afterwards they weren't. And the issues between Will and Elizabeth aren't really resolved, they just sort of get ignored.
After the movie, it was pretty late so we drove to a Vietnamese place on Capitol Expressway near the Target. They stay open a little later, and have good food for a good price. Apparently Karen's never eaten that kind of Vietnamese food before.
Posted by josuah at 6:48 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 1, 2007
Happy Lesson
Happy Lesson that advertised itself into my queue. It's not the type of anime that appeals to me, but after seeing its trailer run on so many DVD previews, and wanting to find something funny to watch, I decided to give it a shot. Unfortunately, my initial assessment of this series turned out dead on. The best part about Happy Lesson? The chibi closing animation. I love those chibis.
The basic premise of Happy Lesson is a lesson in happiness for troublemaker student Chitose by five of his teachers who become his self-appointed moms. Chitose's parents died when he was very young, and he grew up in an orphanage. For whatever reason, he returns to his parents home, the only thing left to him, when he enters high school.
The five moms each have very distinct and exaggerated personalities and quirky behavior which is what makes the series fun and endearing. Each episode tends to focus on one mom, or later on one of the other girls who enters Chitose's life, with antics galore. There isn't really any over-arcing storyline, which does mean it ends a little weakly. It doesn't really feel like an ending at all. Of course, there's the second season, Happy Lesson Advance, but that's not available yet. I might decide to check it out, just to see how things go.
There is also a Happy Lesson OVA, which is on the fourth disc. The first episode of the OVA is the same as the first episode of the 13-episode series. So you can skip it. But the second and third episodes are new, and somewhat worth watching. However, the relationships between Chitose and his adopted sisters is completely different, and doesn't match the series. The fourth and fifth episodes are not available in the U.S.
Posted by josuah at 8:12 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 28, 2007
Movie Night: Breach
Had some different people over for a movie night tonight. Tintin and Ken came again, but Greg and Angelika are new attendees. Both of them work at Netflix with me, although Angelika just started. I wasn't sure if Julie was going to show up, and she ended up not coming, but I'd ordered Round Table pizza this time at her suggestion. There was some communication issues about the movie, and it ended up that no one put anything on the queue. So Tintin and Ken brought some movies that they'd had at home, and we ended up watching Breach.
Breach is a dramatization of the capture of a U.S. operative, Robert Hanssen, who delivered intelligence to the KGB over many years while working in Russia. Chris Cooper plays this double-agent, and Ryan Phillippe plays the young and ambitious FBI rookie who befriends and then exposes Hanssen. The rest of the cast is filled out with other excellent actors like Laura Linney and Dennis Haysbert. And the acting is superb.
The plot and dramatization is pretty intense and interesting. Although Hanssen is introduced as the bad guy, he really doesn't seem like one. Even if you disagree with his very conservative and religious morals, you can't help admiring him for his integrity. Which makes it all the more difficult to accept him as a traitor. I think that dichotomy is really the films strongest point.
Posted by josuah at 7:23 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 24, 2007
The End of Evangelion
I've been resisting watching The End of Evangelion, because I really like the original ending of Neon Genesis Evangelion and thought any attempt at remaking it to satisfy the people who felt let down or confused b the original attempt would be something of a corruption. But I decided to give it a go after seeing that it has been welcomed by many, and also after Tintin said she was going to watch it. While I do really like how it turned out because it's pretty exciting, I don't think it's as good as the original ending, and in fact I felt let down by this version.
There are some real answers in End of Evangelion, such as the real goal of SEELE and how the human instrumentality project is of interest to them. And the level of action and excitement is pretty high, providing a traditional sort of climax instead of the completely philosophical and psychological exploration of the original ending. The ending provided by End of Evangelion is similar in some ways to that of the original, but spelled out in a much clearer manner. But deep thinkers will still be happy to find so much available for interpreation.
However, I really felt like these were not the real characters. Their behavior and attitudes were exaggerated and did not match what I remember taking away from the series. Asuka's complete reversal is especially disturbing. It really made me feel like this was not Asuka, and that her performance was forced. There was also much more overt sexuality throughout the two episodes. I think this might be in part just pandering the fantasies of fans, although there is some merit to how its used.
One thing I didn't like was the use of real life shots. I understand some people really liked them, and it does add a certain dimension to the film which can be considered important and meaningful. But I didn't like the discontinuity.
Posted by josuah at 12:36 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 23, 2007
Little Britain: Season Two
Season two of Little Britain brought the skits and characters much closer to those that I liked in season three. It's still not as good as season three though, and comes in a little short at only six episodes. The second disc is actually a big compilation of outtakes and interviews and special features. There's a documentary on it as well, but I didn't bother to watch much of the second disc. Luna watched a little more. The included image is from of one of the better skits from season two: "bitty"!
Posted by josuah at 11:50 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 19, 2007
Dead Leaves
I just finished watching Dead Leaves, a crazy psychadelic action comedy anime about a pair of mutants who stage a wacky shoot-em-up beat-em-down prison break that is non-stop visual and aural excitement. And that's about it. Sure, it doesn't have the best plot or any character development or any redeeming social value. But neither do most music videos. And I really think that's the best way to characterize this movie. Watch it with your brain turned off, just absorb the wonderful visuals and music, and you'll really enjoy it.
The DVD features both stereo and 5.1 surround sound for both the Japanese and English audio tracks. The film itself isn't drawn with a huge amount of detail, although it certainly does have a crazy amount of movement in its short 50 minutes, so I suspect it compresses very well. Which allowed them to fit a lot of extras on the disc. If you're into watching typical, and some not-so-typical, Japanese post-production interviews then you should definitely check out the extras.
Posted by josuah at 5:10 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 18, 2007
Little Britain: Season One
After enjoying the third season and live production of Little Britain so much, Luna and I watched the first season, which is eight episodes long. We both really liked the third season and live DVD, and Luna was laughing out loud non-stop. But the first season wasn't all that good. There were a few real funny gems, but a lot of the skits weren't all that entertaining. It felt more like watching some completely random characterization, which would only be funny if you knew someone that was just like that. But since the characters tend to be completely fictional exaggerations, that's not very likely. Unless maybe you live in Britain.
Posted by josuah at 7:40 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 17, 2007
Shannon & Yvonne for Dinner
Shannon & Yvonne and Mei-Ling came over for dinner last night. It's been so long since Luna and I last saw them, which was when we went over to their house shortly after Luna arrived. Luna made a bunch of Chinese dishes for them to eat, and a fruit plate. They brought some leftover ice cream for dessert, even though we'd bought ice cream before, and orange juice too. Of course the first thing they all wanted to do was find the kitties. They all ran under the bed at first, but after a while Niea and then Asuka came out. Yvonne managed to scare Chie out later on, and after I held him for a long time he calmed down and Yvonne and Mei-Ling could also hold him.
After dinner, Luna started playing her PSP, and Yvonne looked for a movie to watch. Since Shannon wanted to play a board game, Yvonne could watch whatever she wanted and she and Mei-Ling watched Monty Python's The Meaning of Life. Shannon and I played Scrabble, and I won by a few dozen points. Shannon kept trying to make up words so she could use her high-point letters. After a while Luna sat next to us to watch.
It was after the movie ended that Yvonne actually scared Chie out. And Shannon petted Shelly while I held him out of the aquarium. Shelly wasn't too scared. Probably since he'd spent a lot of time around Luna and me while I was trying to grow the plants and Ellie was having disinfectant put on every day. I put Blue Man Group's The Complex Rock Tour Live on to play in the background during this time. After they all left, Luna and I watched it for a short time, before going to bed.
Posted by josuah at 6:51 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 15, 2007
Kingdom Hearts II
I'm more than a little late to the game, but I just finished playing through Kingdom Hearts 2, although I'm not entirely sure if I'm ever going to get around to going for 100% with this one. In terms of gameplay, technical features, and the visuals, Kingdom Hearts 2 is the same as Kingdom Hearts. They kept the same voice actors, which really would be a requirement for something like this, and the story continues where Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories ended. It's not required to have played KH:CoM, but it will help.
The world situation is a little different in KH2. While the worlds in KH tended to be more "dungeon-like" with many passages and places to explore as you tried to find your way around, the worlds of KH2 (some of which also appeared in KH) are more natural. You'll go through hallways and foyers or through mountain paths and towns, but for the most part there aren't any extra halls or rooms created just as something to go through. This also means finding treasures isn't a puzzle; they're all laid out in front of you as you move forward.
You also end up visiting each world multiple times. Each visit is a little shorter than they would be otherwise, but as the storyline progresses, things change on the worlds and you have to come back to find out what's going on and advance the plot. At first, I felt like there wasn't enough meat in each world's episodes. Too short and very straightforward. But after a while it felt more like a book, where the chapters aren't too long and you can read one chapter at a time, letting you then choose if you wanted to stop or continue.
I do seem to vaguely recall the storylines of the movies each world is based upon, being followed to some degree in KH. But it seems odd that coming back to those worlds in KH2, the storyline of the movie is played back again, but with some different angles. I'm not sure though, because I can't remember very well exactly what happened in each world of KH in terms of story.
There were some interesting worlds presented in KH2, which I wasn't expecting. The world of Tron makes an appearance, which was pretty cool. I was pleasantly surprised to find a world based on Steamboat Willie (I think the boat is referred to as Willy in KH2) and they really went out of their way to make it feel right. Luna was excited to see Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean, and Beauty and the Beast (I still think there are real problems with that film) and Chicken Little.
I finished my first run of the game in about 55 hours. That included several hours playing through the Gummi sections, trying to find everything. But since it's so hard to know what you need to do to get some Gummi blocks, I ended up with about 95% completion there. I also didn't complete all of the Jiminy journal entries at this time, because it looked like that would take a long time to do. And it did.
I wasn't bothering to use my Drive forms or Summons for most of the game (I also didn't actually know how to initiate a Summon for a long time) and leveling all of those up, and completing the Moogle synthesis stuff, probably took another 10 hours. At this point I reached level 99 and could fight Sephiroth without dying in a few seconds. That battle is one of my favorites, both in KH2 and KH. I'm at about 70 hours now, and the only thing I have left open, besides the Gummi blocks, is the final Paradox Cup tournament. Apparently finishing that cup takes about an hour straight through.
Posted by josuah at 6:29 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 14, 2007
Full Metal Panic!: The Second Raid
Full Metal Panic!: The Second Raid is the second storyline in the Full Metal Panic! series. The second series, FUMOFFU!, doesn't really continue the storyline. TSR picks up about three months after the end of the first series, with the Viper-class ARM slave showing up again to cause trouble. TSR feels just like the first series, but with the characters growing up a little bit. There is not as much focus on action this time, and with only 13 episodes most of the time is spent on the non-action parts that make this series great.
In fact, the final battle isn't all that interesting. The best part about it is Kaname, and she's not fighting so much as giving Sosuke a scolding, in her own special way. In a lot of ways it felt really good to hear the voices of Kaname, Sosuke, and Testarossa again. Sosuke and Testarossa have the most distinctive and excellent English voice actors of Chris Patton and Hilary Haag, respectively. I think they're absolutely perfect choices for those two characters. Luci Christian's voice is not as distinctive, but it still felt good and familiar.
The final episode does close with a very open ending, which explictly points to a third production to continue the storyline. But given the time difference between FMP! and FMP!TSR, it might be a couple of years before we see it.
There are two things of note. First, make sure you watch the bonus OVA located in the extras on the fourth disc. You should watch this after watching TSR, since it takes place afterwards. It's a nice little thirty-minute episode that follows Tessa while they are docked and everyone has the day off to relax. I found it very enjoyable.
The second thing of note is that these DVDs were mastered such that you cannot skip over a bunch of logos and trailers in the beginning. Doing things like that really annoys me, and so again I wouldn't recommend purchasing the DVDs. It is incredibly annoying to have to watch some trailers or logos when you just want to get to the next episode, or to have to sit there for a few minutes when you really want to get started with what you want to watch.
Posted by josuah at 4:46 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 10, 2007
Waking the Dead
I picked up a copy of the pilot and first season of Waking the Dead from Netflix. Looked a little interesting, and a lot of BBC stuff is pretty good. I didn't like the pilot that much. It felt a little too convenient and the acting and characters too forced. As if things needed to be specially dramatic and personalities extremely apparent and well defined. But the following episodes felt more natural and I enjoyed them more.
Waking the Dead is another one of those crime dramas where a team of investigators go through forensics, psychology, and plain old detective work to solve a murder. Where this series is a little different, and I think better, is that each story is given two full hours rather than one, and the clues and revealed such that the audience can really try to figure things out themselves. Since the camera isn't always on the investigators, but also on the other players, the audience has an opportunity to see the whole story, from all the characters' perspectives.
Another strength is given the full two hours, a lot more time can be spent on the actual motives, characters, and things don't have to be rushed. Things can progress more naturally, and the clues and detective work can go down some interesting avenues that don't actually involve the murder itself.
I also think the forensic work is a little more realistic. Although in one of the earlier episodes it was almost like Frankie, who leads the forensic team, had committed the murder herself considering how she examined a murder scene. But otherwise it doesn't seem as though they have magic computers or tests or anything like that, for the most part.
Still, overall its just about what you'd expect and very similar in flavor and subject matter to the other shows of this type.
Posted by josuah at 3:59 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 9, 2007
Wolf's Rain
We finished watching the final disc of Wolf's Rain last night, and Luna really likes it. It's very different from the manga, which I haven't read but she has, and apparently disc seven was an extra four episodes added after fans complained about the lack of closure from the original ending which is on disc six. Personally, I think it ended better and also made more sense on disc six, rather than disc seven. Plus, disc four is entirely recaps which I skipped completely. So it's not that long a series, but I think it's really a story about the journey. In a lot of ways it feels like one of those epic travel stories, where it's really the trials and struggles along the way that give it meaning.
It's that feeling that is the greatest strength of this series. The character development is very good, and the changing attitudes and personal decisions made by the characters as they journey together, come to rely upon each other, and discover different truths about themselves and the world around them, is what really makes it interesting to watch.
Posted by josuah at 5:20 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Flags of Our Fathers
Flags of Our Fathers is the companion film to Letters from Iwo Jima, told from the U.S. side. This film came out a year before Letters from Iwo Jima, and has a very different feeling to it. Whereas Letters from Iwo Jima focuses more upon the Japanese soldiers and the battle itself, Flags of Our Fathers spends relatively little time on the battlefield, choosing instead of explore how three soldiers coming back from the fighting deal with their celebrity status and then the remainder of their lives. It jumps back and forth a lot, between the war, time after the war, and the present day to tell their stories.
I didn't like Flags as much as Letters. There isn't as much excitement and it doesn't feel particularly extraordinary the majority of the time. It's much more like a memoir, or character study, of those three soldiers as they go through their lives during that time. But it lacks something. I'm not really sure what it lacks, but I wasn't engrossed in the film and it didn't feel like if I missed a portion that it would matter later on. Maybe it is the discontinuity of things that makes it that way.
The visual and audio quality is very high though. Both during the scenes on Iwo Jima and the ordinary settings back in the United States. You can tell that a lot went into making this film authentic at home, because it never feels wrong or staged or artificial. And the sound really is full range and makes you feel like you're there. I don't think the music was as good in this film though. I sort of feel like there were times when the mood could have been heightened, but wasn't. That's really an artistic choice though, in this kind of film, since realistically we don't walk around with background music. And it felt like a documentary or biography in that respect.
The acting is pretty good, overall, and Ryan Phillippe is an excellent actor. However I really felt like the one outstanding performance was that of Adam Beach, who played a Native American soldier and no one let him forget it. In a lot of ways, his character is the most tragic, because for everything he tried to do, it feels a lot like life left him behind and also that he could not find a way to move forward. Watching him, it really feels like he's carrying a heavy burden or is surrounded by ghosts. Even though it's Ryan Phillippe's character that seems to witness the most death and gore in the movie.
Posted by josuah at 6:35 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 5, 2007
100 Girls
Luna and I were just looking for something relatively random but funny to watch, and ended up watching the movie 100 Girls. This is one of those cheesy sort of comedies about a boy trying to find a girl and the clash of the sexes. But it's also completely shameless when it comes to talking about that adolescent situation, sometimes in a little vulgar but foolish manner. But it's not gross or really over the top. I don't think this movie is that great, but it has amusing versions of the jokes you'd expect, with a lot of eye candy.
The basic plot can be outlined by the main character, Matthew, running into "the girl of his dreams" after a strange blackout that prevents him from actually knowing who the girl is. So he engages in various shenanigans to try and get into the girls' dormitory and identify the girl that he encountered that night. Some of what he does is funny, or crazy, but predictably over time he starts to have a certain appreciation for the other sex and how relationships are viewed differently by girls and boys.
Posted by josuah at 10:51 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 2, 2007
Letters from Iwo Jima
The movie night I scheduled for tonight was cancelled because no one could show up except Samir. So we ended up with just me, Luna, and Samir to watch Letters from Iwo Jima. Jamie had gone down to Los Angeles to visit her family. Letters from Iwo Jima is a Clint Eastwood movie (as in he's the director) about the U.S. victory of Iwo Jima during World War II but told from the side of the Japanese troops that tried to hold the island despite being outnumbered and outgunned. It's a bleak film that depicts the horrors of war, but also one that portrays the Japanese soldiers as human beings who struggle despite knowing their homeland and families will be lost. This is a very good movie, but also one of those which you would not want to go through a second time.
I thought the actors were very good, and convincingly played the character roles they were given. Eastwood tries to give each of the characters some time to illustrate their basic humanity to the audience, with flashbacks and dialogue between the soldiers before the U.S. troops stormed the beachhead. I found myself a little confused though, at some times when I thought the social deference of officers was not correct.
Samir did not think it made sense for the soldiers to commit suicide, but Luna tells me that is how things were in reality, once the Japanese soldiers heard from their Emperor that they had lost the war. She says that many soldiers even killed their families and babies before killing themselves. This mental disposition continues today in Japan, and was recently discussed in a Slate article: Why are there so many suicides in Japan. But the article does not go into the real cultural and social reasons as much as arguing that public policy and social aversions towards mental illness does nothing to prevent this.
Luna and I are planning to watch the companion film, Flags of Our Fathers sometime soon. It wasn't rated as highly as Flags of Iwo Jima, although that may only be because Flags of Iwo Jima has much more of a freshness factor to it.
Posted by josuah at 7:08 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 1, 2007
Luna's disc arrived damaged, so we couldn't watch what we were planning to tonight. Instead we watched a Japanese horror film named Kairo. Turns out Luna's seen it before, and she found the movie sort of boring and poorly made. It is poorly done, at least for the first half of the movie, and pretty slow paced, but I found it really creepy and scary. The music contributed to the creepiness; even Niea through it was really creepy music.
For the first half of the movie, it's not entirely clear what's going on. Something strange is happening, and people are dying or disappearing. Wherever they died there's a black blotch left behind, like their shadow but made of ash or some sort of stain. There's some connection to a web site that talks about seeing ghosts, and "the forbidden room" which is a room with the door taped over to stop people from going in, or anything from coming out.
Over time some ideas are introduced about ghosts, and lonliness, and the ethereal realm leaking into the physical world. And it's about this time that things also seem to have been done better. In the beginning, a lot of backgrounds looked fake and the editing pretty amateur. The lighting was also too dark, and lighting issues either improved or became less noticeable later on.
Overall it's not a great movie, but I thought it was pretty creepy. There's a U.S. remake also titled Pulse, but I don't plan to see it. The synopsis of the U.S. version seems to have changed the overall plot though. Possibly in an attempt to make things a little clearer and more logical.
Posted by josuah at 7:43 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 29, 2007
Final Yamato
I've been a fan of Leiji Matsumoto's drawing style for his heroines, even though I've never really watched any of his work. The one exception being his work on Interstella 5555, because I picked that up a while ago. I just watched Final Yamato (spoilers), and while I did really like how Yuki was drawn, I don't think the movie was that great. Maybe having watched the last chapter first was the wrong way to approach things, but I think Final Yamato is designed to stand alone while carrying more value for people who have seen the earlier episodes.
Some people really love the Yamato franchise. And it is certainly a grand and epic space opera, from one perspective. But I felt the movie lacked any real purpose. There's a basic plot and the characters feel like fully developed people, although I think there is not a whole lot of actual character development in the film. But it's kind of simple. There are bad guys and the good guys have to stop them from destroying the Earth.
Perhaps for someone who was really into the entire Yamato series, this movie would be a satisfying and proper conclusion. But I couldn't feel anything special about the characters or the final mission of Yamato.
Posted by josuah at 7:12 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Napoleon Dynamite
So I've finally gotten around to watching the cult comedy, Napoleon Dynamite. The opening sequence where Napoleon has a little fun with He-Man on the school bus really sets the overall tone of the movie. It's inane yet somehow strangely rewarding. Despite Napoleon's grand loser status, everything works out just fine the way he is. And I think it's great how never once during the movie does Napoleon try to be someone he isn't.
Luna really liked watching Napoleon Dynamite because it's just so silly and full of stupidness. She really likes those kinds of comedies and laughed a lot during the entire movie. Something as simple as getting hit in the face with a piece of steak can have a lot of comedic value, and the actors in this movie can really pull that sort of stuff off. I think primarily because they can play the part of loser so well.
Posted by josuah at 7:12 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Zeiram 2
I just watched Zeiramu 2, which I ended up deciding to watch after seeing Iria: Zeiram the Animation. For some reason though, I failed to put the first Zeiramu movie on my queue first. I have to say the live action movies are similar to the animation in almost every way. Meaning it's fine on action but has absolutely no real plot.
In this movie, Iria needs to retrieve some sort of teleporter energy source, and is partnered up with a robot to do so. Although the partnering only lasts for a few minutes and was sort of without Iria's approval. However, the robot goes crazy and ends up targeting Iria and her friends for destruction. The rest of the movie involves fighting off the robot and trying to retrieve the teleporter energy source so they can escape.
Nothing really special about the movie, but some mind find it enjoyable as a dumb, but sort of fun, action movie featuring intergalactic bounty hunter, Iria.
Posted by josuah at 7:11 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 27, 2007
FanimeCon 2007
Luna and I got back from FanimeCon 2007 at around 7pm. We got on the light rail this morning around 10am, and got to the convention center around 10:45am. Unfortunately, that was too late. This was the first time I'd gone so late, and it also seems like anime's increasing popularity is being represented at the cons (there are more cons this year as well). We ended up having to stand in line for at least 2.5 hours! The longest I've ever had to stand in line in previous years was about 15 minutes, although I'd never gotten there so late before. There were a lot more staff members this year as well, and I think they expanded into more rooms.
Anyway, we spent the vast majority of our time in the dealer's room, since both of us just really care about picking up some hard-to-find collectibles. At first, Luna got really sidetracked by seeing some of the dolls, because she saw some people selling clothing and accessories for them in the artists' room. And so we ended up not going through systematically and sort of running around to look for the doll seller. They're too expensive though, so she won't buy one until later.
Luna also ended up not always knowing what she wanted until after we had left a store, so in a couple of cases we actually ended up coming back to the same store to buy things a second time. Which is bad because you can usually get a little discount by buying more things all at once. So we probably could have saved a little more money if she would have known what she wanted at the beginning instead of only deciding later.
Yvonne had told me she wanted something from Paranoia Agent or Romeo x Juliet, but I couldn't find anything about those two shows. We ran into Sonia later on, and I asked her what Yvonne might like instead, but she couldn't think of anything except Romeo x Juliet. So we ended up getting Yvonne and Shannon one plushie each. Although now I'm not sure if Yvonne already has the plushie I ended up picking for her. Luna also picked up a Gackt single to send back to her cousin in Shanghai.
Anyway, I purchased a Gunslinger Girl wall scroll, while Luna got one of Kyo Kara Maoh!. I got a Tachikoma 1/24 scale model, although not at the greatest price, and the four figure Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children figure collection. Luna got a five-piece One Piece figure collection, but they didn't make a figure of Sanji who is Luna's favorite character. She decided not to get the special versions of Nami or Usopp. I got one doll of Lain in her bear pajamas, and also a doll of Kasukabe Saki in her President cosplay outfit, from Genshiken. I want to get the Ohno cosplay dolls as well, to go with Saki. I didn't see any of Ohno at the convention. Luna got the first eight volumes of xxxHolic and a Mokona doll that wiggles when you pull a string.
We walked a lot today, and carried back a lot of stuff. Both of our feet hurt now, but I think we found a lot of pretty good stuff that we wouldn't have found elsewhere. The One Piece collection is actually from a Japanese store that has two branches: one in Japan and the other in Los Angeles. The sellers were actually Japanese, and one of them didn't know very much English. So Luna talked to her in Japanese asking about the collection. They were also selling a Keroro collection but for the size of the pieces, neither of us thought it was a good price.
I did think it was interesting that this year's most popular characters were from Kingdom Hearts 2, by far. Organization XIII and Sora were popular cosplay costumes, and so many of the doujin artists featured Kingdom Hearts 2 characters. Final Fantasy and Naruto were not as popular anymore. There were a few people dressed as Princess Mononoke, more than I expected. The girl in front of us in line actually had a very good costume. There was also a bunch of Mario Bros. characters, and one group of girls came together as Princess Peach, Daisy, and Toadstool. A Shy Guy and Mario found them and they made a good group picture.
Here is a photo of Luna with Keroro and Tamama, and one of me with a couple of Empire employees.
Posted by josuah at 5:54 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 24, 2007
This Ugly Yet Beautiful World
I just finished watching This Ugly Yet Beautiful World, and ended up liking it more than I thought I would as the series originally progressed. Things start out a little like you might expect of a relationship anime set during high school, and about half way through I sort of decided it was a standard relationship series with a stupid monster attack gimmick. But once things were explained, things got a lot more interesting.
This anime is really about finding something for yourself, but then having to deal with the loss of something precious. Takeru begins the story as an apathetic teenage boy, who has ended up the way he is due to abandonment issues as a young child. He and his friend end up meeting Hikari (and later Akari) and suddenly things are different. Takeru starts growing up and coming out of his shell, because Hikari needs him and he has found something he needs just as much.
Unfortunately, things are not going to end up as everyone would wish they could. Ultimately, different people have to make different choices. And making one choice means giving up something else. This is not one of those stories where a boy is surrounded by many girls and he has to pick one (or be friends with them all, at least). This are a little less perfect in This Ugly Yet Beautiful World. But Takeru is going to learn to deal with it.
Posted by josuah at 7:41 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Shadow Hearts: From the New World
So I ended up not playing Shadow Hearts: From the New World because Luna played through the entire thing. Which isn't too bad, since it turns out to be a lot like the previous Shadow Hearts: Covenant. It's basically the same engine and in a lot of ways the same characters too, with a sort of simliar storyline. I think the fact all the characters are the same is a real turn off, although I really did like the new world look set in the Americas. She wanted to do everything and get all the items, including get both endings, which meant a final playing time of over 90 hours.
The reason I say all the characters are the same is because the skill sets and even some of the combat mechanisms and special abilities are the exact same. The initial protagonist, Johnny, carries a camera just like Anastasia. Although Johnny isn't all the strong at magic or fighting, so he actually isn't a great character to use for most of the game, but you have to keep him in the party to use the camera. Shania is this chapter's Yuri. Frank is Joachim (even down to the silliness and weird way of walking). Hilda is also like Joachim because she transforms into different attack modes depending on use. Ricardo is Lucia, except with a stupid guitar-weapon. Natan is like Karin, but not as interesting or important. And instead of a wolf (Blanca) now we have Mao (a giant talking cat) that doesn't have wolf bouts but instead tries to make a movie by fighting other giant talking cats.
Graphically, things are basically the same since it's the same engine, but with some minor improvements. Bodies and faces are smoother, with better polygon integration. Especially during movement. You won't see clipping or tearing. Motion capture also seems more natural. I really liked the initial look of the backgrounds because they're much more colorful and natural looking than the dark look of the previous games. So much so that I didn't feel the gothic vibe at first, and in fact I don't think this game has as strong a gothic vibe.
The combat system is a little improved as well. Combination attacks are a little more interesting because you can't just perform combos all the time. You have to increase your stock gauge by attacking and being attacked, and then use up a stock unit to combination attack. Performing combo magic requires you to consume two stock units. So first you have to beat on the enemy a little and then attempt combo magic. This usually means only being able to execute combo magic once per boss fight. Also, if there is a combo break, you don't lose the character's turn. The addition of stock is sort of in trade for SP to execute combos.
I didn't like the new Stellar and Stellar Chart magic system though. It made it very hard to assign magic to characters, since you first assign magic into groups (the chart), which has some limitations unless you spend money to improve the chart's flexibility, and then you have to assign the charts to the characters. Since you can't really tell what magic is already on a chart without moving the cursor onto each individual one, it becomes a somewhat labor intensive process. And it's not at all clear if doubling up stellars results in lower cost magic, which was one of the best ways to make magic affordable in Covenant.
Luna liked the game, but thinks it was a little short. It was only one disc, but I don't think it is that short. Luna probably could have finished it faster if she didn't try to find every last item. If you can read Chinese then you can read her entry about it.
Posted by josuah at 3:49 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 20, 2007
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Luna and I just watched the second movie in the trilogy, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. While there's a good amount of action and the running gags involving Captain Jack Sparrow can be very funny, the overall movie was lacking a really good plot. There are some basic motivations, without much exploration into the characters owning those motivations, to aquire a certain artifact. And then random action and hilarity ensues. So while this is a pretty fun movie to watch, I don't think it is as good as the first one.
There are a couple of subtle jokes, playing off the Pirates of the Caribbean Disney theme park attraction and the first movie, which I thought were nice to have included. But a couple of times I felt a lot more like it was the theme park attraction as a set, instead of a realistic environment. Not because of how things looked, but because of little behaviors that aren't really how people would act. I found that a little distracting.
I also didn't particularly like the way the crew of The Flying Dutchman was put together. I guess they wanted to do something different than just skeletons from the first movie, but I found the costume design to be a little far-fetched. If the crew is supposed to be composed of sailors, they should at least look like sailors in some fashion.
Despite that, the audio and video quality was very good. I really did feel immersed in the movie while watching, and that things looked very real. Including the special effects which can sometimes look too fake in some movies. Here, it was done very well and seamlessly integrated into film.
I am interested in watching the final installment, which will be coming out this year. Dead Man's Chest ends without a real conclusion, and I hope things get wrapped up in the third movie. In that way, I may decide the two movies should actually be together as one, and taken as a whole be a much better movie.
Posted by josuah at 5:04 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 15, 2007
Pochi-Chan's deviantART
Pochi-chan (a.k.a. Sonia) is a really good artist who still has a little bit of trouble believing in herself. So I figured I'd plug her Pochi-chan deviantART page. Her style is very unique, in my opinion, and also very good. She's been spending a lot of time working on her style and technique, and has gotten a lot better. Some of her stuff looks amazing. Sonia thinks she needs her imagery to look sharper, with stronger distinct lines. But I think part of what's great is her softer approach to things. A more blending of colors and imagery.
Here's a link direct to her gallery. Some of the pieces I like are Time Mailman, 2007 Yay (more nostalgic than anything), Reincarnation, Eternally Hopeless Situation, Amelie, Mother's Day, and Fairy Tale In The Heavens.
Anyway, check it out. She's really into talking to people about art and technique so if you like something leave a comment on for her. Her dream is to do this professionally, and I think she has the talent and determination to make it. She just needs a little more confidence.
Posted by josuah at 5:21 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 14, 2007
Calvin's Birthday
Luna and I celebrated Calvin's birthday today. We went over to his place in the afternoon to watch Children of Men with some of his friends, and then went to have dinner at A&J Restaurant in Cupertino Village. The food was good, although Luna thinks it was just okay since it wasn't really anything special. There were about eight of us total at dinner. I think most of them are friends Calvin met through work.
Children of Men is a movie that I had heard a little about and was slightly interested in seeing, but not really wanting to see it a lot. I feel a little funny about Clive Owen as an actor. He's good, but for some reason I don't really like his personality or something as an actor.
Anyway, the movie is about a police-state near-future variation of Britain where crackdowns on terrorism and illegal immigration have become both everyday background noise and also the political movement. The rest of the world has fallen into chaos, supposedly, with refugees trying to get into mainstream British society to live a better life. Of course, there is a political movement against these draconian policies. But the core of the plot is that humans are no longer able to conceive. The opening sequence is about the murder of an 18-year-old who is a celebrity only because he is the youngest person in the world.
Supposedly the movie is changed from the book in many ways to make it a political and social criticism of the current state of affairs. And I actually found that part of the film to be the most interesting. There isn't a lot of focus on the science, or reasons, or social changes that would result from a world without children. Although there is brief attention given to the violence that would arise from an entire species without hope of the future.
Unfortunately, I don't think there was anything that revolutionary or really special about how the film went about it. It kind of feels like the world situations and ideas are put together in a collage, but without any real thought about what that means. As someone that already knows about what goes on in the world, I don't feel like I got a whole lot out of it. And if someone doesn't know what's going on in the world, there's nothing in this film that would help them make the connection.
Posted by josuah at 5:01 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 13, 2007
An Inconvenient Truth
I finally got around to watching An Inconvenient Truth, a documentary about global warming focusing on the personal crusade of former Vice-President Al Gore to educate people about this "climate crisis". A real quick presentation about the issue was given at the 2006 TED conference, which you might want to check out. I greatly respect Gore as one of the very few really educated and contemporarily-savvy politicians of our time. And the global warming problem is one that I have believed in for a long time now.
I think one of the primary reasons I really liked this documentary is because it feels less like an opinionated exposé or personal agenda and much more like the sort of presentation or lecture you might find in academia. Of course, due to the nature of the presentation, the actual research and science involved is glossed over, but it's important to note that the scientific results and their projected impact on our world are presented. Which is where things change from opinion and subjective points of view or conjecture into real scientific data, interpreted in a scientific manner, and presented for public consumption.
One thing of note about the DVD is there's a 30 minute extension in the extras that half rehashes the existing talking points of the presentation in the documentary, and half brings in new information about the topic that is related to those talking points that have come out of research since the movie was produced. It's probably of interest to some people, but if you've already accepted the situation then it's probably not worth the time. Might be better to find newer information on the web.
Posted by josuah at 8:36 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Gunbuster, or Aim for the Top!, is a facinating anime from 1988 that, for lack of a better description, contains a whole lot of heart. I approached this series thinking it was a simple "spacegirls in mecha" anime, but in fact I believe this is one of the best science fiction stories you could find. There is a little bit too much 80's flavor in the beginning and for the commercial intermission, but otherwise it's almost perfect. It seems like it could have been perfect if budgeted for a longer run (perhaps originally four episodes then extended to six).
Gunbuster follows a young girl who becomes one of the elite pilots of giant mecha to defend Earth against invasion by some sort of space monsters. In the beginning, it almost feels like an adaptation of Rocky with its focus on working out and training to make it into the space corps. Thankfully that soon ends, although the phrase "hard work and guts" continues to pop-up in the post-show science explanations.
But hard science is used for the physics of space travel (with some theoretical liberties, of course), and so suddenly the film starts taking on aspects of one of my favorite novels, The Forever War. It's a concept that was also very nicely explored in Voices of a Distant Star. The character and world situations are also very similar to those from Ender's Game. Irrespective of my comparisons, Gunbuster is a sum greater than its parts and an outstanding science fiction drama.
The thing that really makes this series shine is the character development and the viewer's personal involvement with those characters. The protagonist, Noriko, goes through real growth and transformation that is necessary, difficult, and also tragic. This series doesn't pull any punches. The situation and plot may be overwhelming for some, despite this series being approachable by both children and adults. In fact, I think this is one of those stories that can really be appreciated as a child, yet have even greater worth when you come back to it as an adult.
I also think that the seiyuu for Noriko, Noriko Hidaka (they share the same given name), did an outstanding job. I really felt like her character came across in a lot of ways through the voice work. Amano and Jung also have great voice actors behind them, although it was really Noriko that stood out to me. I didn't much like how Coach, voiced by Norio Wakamoto, sounded though.
One interesting thing of note is that each DVD has a short sequence available in 5.1 audio in the extras section. The sequence actually belongs in the plot of one of the episodes on the DVD, but is not part of the actual episode. So it's a little strange, watching something that provides a little more meat to the series but only after you've already gotten past that part of the story.
Apparently Gunbuster 2 will be coming soon, and I'm looking forward to it. It's been licensed by Bandai Visual.
Posted by josuah at 5:07 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 11, 2007
Nightmares & Fairy Tales: 1140 Rue Royale
Serena Valentino's final chapter in the Nightmares & Fairy Tales comic series, and a significant departure from the earlier issues as well. The previous chapters focused on sort of gothic adaptations of fairy tales and similar types of stories. The thread tying those stories together was the doll Annabelle, who is alive. 1140 Rue Royale is not that though, and instead loosely affiliated to the previous stories but primarily a single, focused drama providing revenge to the slaves of the real 1140 Rue Royale house in New Orleans.
While I found the previous chapters of Nightmares & Fairy Tales to be nice diversions and something like short bedtime reading, 1140 Rue Royale is more like a regular short story that can really pull you in. If you are unfamiliar with the real life events and stories about 1140 Rue Royale in real life, as I was, then the book's discovery process and mystery surrounding the house will be even more engrossing for you. If you're already familiar with the story, then this book provides a nice alternate ending to the legend, which you can add to your mental collection.
One thing I noticed right away upon opening this issue of Nightmares & Fairy Tales was the artwork. A new artist was signed on for this volume, and I like the style. It's not too detailed, but it's detailed enough to make it feel pregnant with mood. There is a great deal of line work involved to texture the people and places and give them that dark, gothic feeling. But it's not so overwhelming as to distract from the core focus of each panel. I did have some problems with the panel arrangement in the first few pages, because they did not clearly identify the visual flow. So I sort of guessed as to the correct chronological ordering.
Posted by josuah at 10:02 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 10, 2007
My Beautiful Girl Mari
Mari Iyagi is a Korean film about a young boy who is going through a period of time where people are coming and going outside of his control. He finds a "sheep-girl" that becomes an alternate reality for him, allowing him to escape to a simple and beautiful world. While there is a lot to be said about the depth and emotional meaning carried by this anime's story, what I really enjoyed about it is its artisitic quality. To me, that was its most valuable aspect.
The film has a very interesting and unique artistic style to it. The environments are incredibly detailed, although not in terms of realism but rather in terms of existence. That's not exactly clear, but what I mean is so much effort was put into building out the landscapes and buildings and trees and grass, on a grand scale. As the characters move around, they are going into new places and each place has individual blades of grass and pieces of this or that all over the place. Things are not glossed over by painting large swathes of a single color.
Plus, it seems like everything was done in CG with a cel shader that I've not seen used anywhere else. Surfaces are actually flat, like you might see in a two-dimensional rendering done in a vector drawing program. (There's a subtle plug for Adobe in the opening sequence.) I really liked the look, and found it very pleasing to watch.
The art by itself is complimented by an exceptional score and foley work. You will want better quality audio gear to appreciate it, and surround sound. I could easily see people picking up soundtracks of this film because the individual tracks are excellent. I do think, though, that to fully appreciate the music you either need to be remembering the scenes associated with the music or watching the animation sequences while you listen.
Posted by josuah at 7:38 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 7, 2007
Little Miss Sunshine
I watched Little Miss Sunshine because it was one of the most popular Sundance Film Festival choices last year. Both Dantam and Samir liked it a lot. In fact Dantam loves the characters and the story and the jokes and just about everything. But I wasn't that entertained by it. The acting and everything is top notch, and it's probably one of the best dark comedies every made, but that's just not my preference. I need a movie like this to be more amusing throughout the duration, which it wasn't. Amusement started to kick in when grandpa died, and then I laughed out loud during the beauty pageant ending. But otherwise I was just watching a dysfunctional family on a road trip.
If I were to give points, Little Miss Sunshine would win a lot for the acting. Everyone does a really great job. Olive, played by Abigail Breslin, feels like such a natural and real little girl, and not at all like a character or an actor. There are some really excellent scenes where you can see the body language coming across as if unconscious behavior. But the caliber of acting really carries over into all of the characters. The father and mother are played by Greg Kinnear and Toni Collette who are not moviestar characters but stressed-out and honest people. Alan Arkin plays an over-the-top grandpa who only has sex on the mind and speaks his mind quite loudly, which is a somewhat unrealistic character premise but one that really works and fits in with the family. Paul Dano plays the rebellious, gangly, sloppy, overall discontent teenager who feels stuck with his dysfunctional family. And he plays the part perfectly. Steve Carroll as the uncle kind of fits into the same odd place as the grandpa because of his mannerisms and personality, but in a strange yet insightful way it works out considering he tried to commit suicide at the beginning of the film.
It's possible I would have enjoyed the movie more if I could have watched it straight through without interruption. But Luna kept interrupting me to do things or ask me things or something. The upstairs computer crashed because she turned off the air conditioner even though I intentionally left it on, and she kept bugging me until I restarted it. At one point she even unplugged the projector which initiated a ground loop hum and instantly cut out the fan and bulb, possibly shortening the bulb life because it would have overheated a little at that point.
Posted by josuah at 7:00 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Magic: The Gathering Draft Tournament
I drove up to Stanford myself today to participate in a Magic: The Gathering draft tournament. Luna doesn't have any interest in playing, so I went by myself to an event organized by Karen's boyfriend, Sebastian. It was the first time I'd participated in a draft tournament, so I didn't really know what to do. Plus, the expansions we were drafting from were ones I was totally unfamiliar with. I ended up building a blue and white sliver deck which didn't do all that well. I won two out of six games, resulting in 2nd-to-last place.
Basically, in a draft tournament each participant opens a booster pack and selects a card before passing the remaining cards around the table. You then pick a card from the bunch you just received from your neighbor. And you continue this way until you've picked cards from the pack. You repeat this with two more booster packs, resulting in a total of 45 cards in your hand.
I was kind of operating under the assumption that I would need a fair amount of the picked cards to build my deck, so I ended up picking only blue and white, and only cards I felt would be compatible with each other the entire time. But in reality you should end up using only about 25 of your picked cards to build a 40-card deck. After I lost the first round (partially due to mana problems), Sebastian advised me to build a 40-card deck that included 17 lands. I did a little better once I did this.
I should have been more flexible in my drafting and picked cards from many different colors, independently of what I originally started drafting. Because I would have a decent chance of selecting 23 cards from a pair of colors that would be compatible with each other, and would have ended up with stronger cards. Instead, I didn't even incorporate any rares into my deck, and only had one viable strategy at the end. If I had not limited myself to blue and white as cards were passed around, I could have done better.
Plus, the new expansions are more complicated than the old cards. There are things like double-strike, and flanking, and other strange things like cards that can be used as either one or another card. The Time Spiral series also includes things like vanishing and suspend, or other time-based effects that result in cards appearing and disappearing from gameplay over time.
Anyway, there were eleven of us total, and the tournament took about five hours to complete, once you included organization overhead and then the final rare redrafting process at the end. This redrafing is done to prevent people from just taking rares during the draft process so they can keep them, regardless of whether or not they build a good deck.
Posted by josuah at 7:00 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 6, 2007
Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure
I found Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure to be a sometimes entertaining 13-episode anime series (the 14th episode is sort of an extra) which seems to be a play on Evangelion, but done in a fun way. The character parallels are obvious, as is the connection between their endings. Anyway, I liked the first half of the series better than the second, because most of the funny stuff happens in the beginning. Things become more plot-oriented after that. From a technical standpoint, I don't think there's much to remark upon. It's sort of your average fare all around. I wasn't particularly impressed by anything, but there's nothing lacking either.
The basic plot is that due to a choice made in the past, two possible universes branched out. In one, things are pretty ordinary by realistic standards. In the other, alien technology has allowed for the creation of massive mecha. Two factions, led by researchers who used to work together, have control of this technology. One is attempting to take over the world while the other is trying to defend against global conquest. But this war is approached a little differently than you'd expect. I won't reveal that difference here, since it actually plays well to discover it while watching.
This is also one of those anime series where a bunch of girls end up all liking the same boy, who isn't doing anything to try and make them like him, and doesn't really know how to handle all the attention. In fact, because there are two parallel universes, it turns out the same girl likes him twice (counterparts from each universe). Conveniently there isn't a counterpart for himself, as then there would be two boys involved in the storyline which wouldn't work right.
Despite that angle, you won't find a lot of fan service in this series. It has more of a good-natured feeling to it. Unfortunately, the series is not particularly deep or revealing because of its mood. This might be perfect for some people, but I do like there to be a little more to things. Some things just aren't really answered fully, and the characters are pretty basic in their attitudes and actions. With the expected changes taking place at the expected times.
Posted by josuah at 1:06 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 2, 2007
Shadow Hearts: Covenant
I just finished playing Shadow Hearts: Covenant, after about sixty hours of gameplay which is a little bit longer than I was expecting. But I ended up trying to find all of the best items and completing all of the sidequests, so the total time actually isn't that surprising. Covenant continues the story of Shadow Hearts, with Yuri continuing his role as protagonist. In fact, the storyline is very much a continuation, with characters and motivations from the first game carrying over into the second.
Overall, this sequel is an improvement in all aspects over the first game. Both technically and in terms of the story and gameplay. I'll start with the combat system, since that's probably where most of the time is spent. The introduction of combination chain attacks, different elemental physical and magical attack types, and useful auxiliary spells makes combat fun and strategically interesting. This is a much needed improvement over the combat system of the first game, where it was almost mechanical.
The judgement ring serves the same combat purpose in Covenant, but there are some customizations available depending on how you like to play. I preferred the "technical" setting, which makes hitting the correct areas a little harder and the punishment for missing a little more severe, but also allows for very nice combination attacks if you get good at it.
The graphics are also much improved. Character polygon counts are much higher and rendered and FMV scenes allow you to get right up to the characters and environments without things looking blocky. Motion capture, or careful animation work, is applied to all characters and monsters so that different movements are possible. This makes things look much better during predefined animation sequences, and also during combat since the different types of attacks can result in different enemy and character motions.
Another great thing about the graphics this time is that enemies don't always turn into crazy monsters or ghosts. Fighting a human actually involves fighting a human. Many monsters look more realistically physical, rather than spiritual manifestations, like snails or giant insects. Of course, demon possession and other magical or spiritual transformation still takes place, but in a much more accepting manner.
The music is also better overall, although I still found the music too repetitive in many cases. Especially for combat. I would have liked more variety in music as I travelled between different places and entered combat in different places. But the music seems to be limited by disc. So the music you encounter changes once you get to disc two, but then you're still restricted to the portion of the disc which was alloted for music.
A lot of the problems I mentioned in my earlier post for Shadow Hearts are resolved in Covenant. I didn't have to deal with not enough of a particular accessory, forcing me to keep swapping out accessories between characters. And the only time you ran into enemies that you really couldn't defeat without knowing ahead of time their special attacks or weaknesses was in special battles, where generally a loss would be okay and you could try again.
I did really like how the plot continues from the first game, and also continues the trend of not really having evil antagonists (for the most part) but instead simply people with different viewpoints about how they want to change the world. Although there are a few times when insanity or just plain evil surface, due to humans losing control or great tragedy befalling them, for the most part. Regardless, if you liked Shadow Hearts, you'll like Covenant a lot more.
I'm looking forward to the next one, Shadow Hearts: From the New World, but Luna says she wants to play that one. So I'll probably end up watching most of the time, so I don't miss out on the story. But because of how Covenant ended, it looks like FtNW won't have any direct connection.
Posted by josuah at 4:58 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 29, 2007
I just finished watching the four-disc series Kamichu!, which is an anime about a junior high school girl who overnight becomes a god. She doesn't know what kind of god though (this is traditional Japanese gods, where there are gods for everything from soy beans to rice to wind and boats, see Shinto), and she has two close friends who end up leading her on fun godly antics. I liked the earlier episodes more than the later ones, because things were more exploratory and oriented around discovery in the beginning. Later on, it becomes more about learning life lessons and stuff like that.
There are a few things which I think really worth mentioning about this anime. First is the artwork. I really liked the art, and the character designs. In fact, some of the more detailed artist renderings are illustrations I'd be happy to pick up and frame. I've never heard of the artist before though. Unfortunately I can't find a reference to him or her right now. The backgrounds and environments are also very detailed. It does not at all feel like a simple or rush job, and everything's wonderful to watch.
The second thing I really liked was the music. Both the opening and closing songs, but in particular the closing song. It's sung by Mako of the Japanese pop group Bon-Bon Blanco, who plays the maracas in the group. The song itself isn't written by her or Bon-Bon Blanco though. The closing animation is particularly fun to watch because it has Yurie dancing with the maracas along with Matsuri on taiko drum and Mitsue on guitar, all to the tune of the song. Yurie is voiced by Mako, and this is a little tribute to that.
Posted by josuah at 7:14 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 23, 2007
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
Boksuneun Naui Geot is another movie by the maker of Lady Vengeance and Oldboy. It's actually the first one of the three that was made. I don't think this film is as good as the others, and in fact the newest one, Lady Vengeance, is the best of the three in my opinion. However, if you like Chan-wook Park's films you'll probably appreciate this one.
All of his films are punctuated by a certain gruesome mentality which is certainly present here, as well as a sort of desperate and emotional motivation that drives each of the normal personalities towards cruel and vindictive extremes. Many more people are victims of that situation in this film than the others, though. Unfortunately, I found parts of this movie a little slow moving and therefore sometimes boring. The intensity was less focused and interrupted on occassion, which actually prompted me to playback at 2x right near the end.
Posted by josuah at 2:41 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 19, 2007
Thank You For Smoking
I watched Thank You For Smoking, and tried to get Luna to watch it as well but it did not hold her interest. Before starting to watch this movie, I had some preconceptions about its subject matter. I knew it was a comedy, and figured it was a story that would poke fun at the cigarette industry and all of the things it does to try and increase its market share. But, it turned out to be a much more interesting discourse about the right to persuade, cajole, and argue either side of an argument and pokes fun at everyone involved.
I think the acting is very good in this film, and Aaron Eckhart does a great job as the protagonist whom you are sort of rooting for since he's just a normal guy and decent father, but at the same time represents an industry that the vast majority of people dislike. This presents a very interesting dichotomy which allows for a lot of fun conversation and character interaction, such as bragging rights about who is a target for murder or how many people a product is responsible for killing.
The central theme of the movie seems to be taking personal responsibility for personal decisions, with a "moral flexibility" which is not exactly admirable but is certainly relatable. But one thing many of the advocates of legalization of controlled substances for personal use do not address is the impact of such use on our society's overall health and the economic consequences. Unfortunately, that's not directly addressed in this movie either, but it certainly does argue that as a society we've decided to allow that burden to exist as the trade-off for personal vices.
Overall, I really enjoyed this film and would recommend anyone to see it. It's rated R for language and sexual content, but I think this is an R-rated films which parents should be willing to take their children to see.
Posted by josuah at 4:48 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 15, 2007
The Grudge & The Grudge 2
Luna keeps putting scary movies onto her queue, so we watched The Grudge and then right afterwards The Grudge 2, both American remakes of the original Ju-On Japanese horror series. I'm easily scared by these kind of films because of my imagination, and these two movies are no exception.
The first film is more Japanese-like in how it approaches horror, and closely follows the original Ju-On. There is a mystery about why there is this woman killing people, which is gradually unravelled as the story progresses. Things are logical and realistic, other than the supernatural aspect (arguably), which heightens the suspense.
The second film is a little different. Although a little bit more about the characters pasts are revealed, the viewer already knows what's going on and to a fair extent why. The plot jumps around a little more than it should, so the seemingly simultaneous "hauntings" in Japan and Chicago are a little confusing until you piece together the puzzle. But overall this chapter is more about showing Kayoko in action a lot.
I think the creepiest part of the two movies is the audio mix. The dynamic range is very large for a movie, which means regardless of your listening volume the heart-pounding sequences are going to surprise and intensify. Plus, the surround channels are put to extremely good use, with seamless movement and precise location. Which is somewhat disturbing since you don't have eyes in the back of your head, and that's exactly how things are going to get you in the movie.
Posted by josuah at 6:36 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 14, 2007
I stumbled across a series of shorts called HellHoles today. There are four episodes. Each is about four and half minutes long. I actually watched the fourth and final episode first, but it's entertaining enough that I ended up watching the first three as well. Despite being a web short, the production quality is very high and I think I recognize the actors. It's not really scary so much as interesting and amusing.
Posted by josuah at 6:59 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 13, 2007
Genshiken: Cosplay Confessions
I finally got a chance to watch the final volume of Genshiken. I ordered the three disc set because I like the show so much (I've also been reading the manga) and even though I'd seen the first two discs already, I watched the three discs through again. The TV series follows the manga closely, which is good. I think both the manga and anime have their own good points and are very complimentary to each other, since the presentation formats are each used to their full potential.
There's some narration at the end of episode 11 that hints at the anime being cancelled prematurely. It was a 12-episode run, which is not the 13-episodes of a half-season, and far short of the normal 26-episode season. So the last episode ends when Sasahara becomes chairman of Genshiken and right before Ogiue shows up. Despite this, the anime ends well without feeling forced or incomplete.
It seems that a Genshiken OVA has started showing in Japan. I'm not entirely clear yet on if I will have to purchase the Kujibiki Unbalance OVA to get three Genshiken episodes, in a format flipped from the Genshiken series having three Kujiun episodes.
Posted by josuah at 8:12 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 12, 2007
Luna rented another Japanese horror film, Mail, which also stars Chiaki Kuriyama. This time, the main character is a ghost hunter who recites some special mantra and then shoots ghosts who are tormenting the living. The show is a series of nine short episodes, some only a few minutes long while others are much longer depending on what needs to be revealed. Chiaki shows up as his sidekick after a couple of episodes.
Unfortunately, I think the split purpose is a weakness. Some of the episodes are just little ghost hunts that don't have anything to do with the main plotline. They're there to illustrate his job more than anything, and at least they show up in the beginning rather than continually splitting up the real story. But later on it really doesn't matter because the important episodes are the long ones at the end that reveal how he came to be in this situation.
The twist is a little predictable though, and the ending is supposed to be very emotional and smart, but it also happens to conflict with one of the earlier ghost hunting episodes. So having remembered that, suddenly the ending becomes a little disappointing. The story itself is decently written, but nothing great. Chiaki's performance is also okay, but not great. At least the special effects are consistent and the overal production quality isn't lacking.
Posted by josuah at 6:40 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 11, 2007
Kids Return
I just finished watching Kizzu Ritan with Luna and although it's a critically acclaimed movie, which Luna likes a lot both for its content and its soundtrack, from a famous Japanese directory, I didn't like it much. At times, it held my interest because I wanted to know what was going to happen next, but most of the time I couldn't even tell what was happening to whom and how much time has elapsed between scenes.
In terms of flavor, this movie feels a lot like those 80's movies I remember of a somewhat stupid but good-looking guy in his mid-20's trying to accomplish something like become the best boxer or fighting champion. But it does actually have a lot more meaning and depth than any of those crappy movies. I think if I could actually figure out what was going on most of the time, I would have liked it better.
The problem is that although the movie succeeds at following a group of boys trying to find their place in life following high school graduation, I wasn't really sure what each of the boys was actually doing. I can tell you where they've ended up, but for example I don't think the shy boy with the doll ended up marrying the waitress Sachiko, even though it seems like it at one point. I also thought Masaru was killed, but then he wasn't, and I still don't know how he became a major Yakuza player. There's also some time spent on other supporting characters which I think resulted in some loss of focus.
Anyway, Luna thinks it's a good film, and a lot of people out there do too. I do like some of the music, and I think Luna likes it too because some tracks have a video game flavor to it.
Posted by josuah at 5:52 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 9, 2007
RahXephon (TV series and The Motion Picture)
Some people recommend watching RahXephon: The Motion Picture as a cap to the TV series. I, however, recommend only the TV series if you choose to watch this work, and even then it's not all that amazing. The problem is that RahXephon is someone's attempt to remake Neon Genesis Evangelion in a manner that makes more sense. The RahXephon movie does a better job of that than the TV series, but it's also a chopped up that the plot doesn't make sense. And in both cases the depth and emotional meaning of Evangelion is lost.
It is a little disappointing to be watching something only to think very often "that's from Evangelion". It ruins the whole idea of watching something new. The angels are replaced by Mulians, and Unit 01 by the RahXephon. Ayato even goes through the same sequence of internal conflict and realization that Shinji does. Instead of some complex character dynamics, things are pretty standard fare with the protagonist having multiple love interests, so to speak, and predictable character development.
There are some pretty nice visuals, but the art quality is a little inconsistent. At times, I thought the artist had changed because of the difference in visual depth afforded to characters, and also line quality of character faces. The larger, more complicated sequences tended to look better than the simple conversations with characters in profile. The music is okay for the most part. I found the choral aspect of combat and "tuning" interesting at first, but then a little boring.
The movie makes things a little clearer because it starts out with some explanations of what's going on, rather than revealing them over time as the protagonist Kamina Ayato discovers them. And the ending narrates exactly what's going on rather quickly and concisely, whereas the TV series prolongs the explanation and forces the viewer to figure things out as they unfold. It should be noted that although the meaning remains the same between the TV series and movie, there are significant differences in the plot and the ending itself.
Posted by josuah at 3:39 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 7, 2007
MPD Psycho
Multiple Personality Detective Psycho is a six-episode TV series that Luna wanted to watch because she really liked the manga. She likes this kind of genre a lot; where there's some sort of supernatural death going on and a detective. But MPD Psycho turned out to be really boring, slow, disconnected and strangely pointless, with really poor production quality. Even Luna admits that the television adaptation is boring and not something worth watching.
For starters, most of the time things really don't make any sense. Somehow, things are supposed to be connected and the multiple personality disorder of the detective is a big part of this. But each episode something new happens which doesn't have any logical connection to where things have gone so far, such as deciding to put flowers into the brains of random girls, but then deciding to set fire to a bunch of people. Throughout, there's one antagonist who has the ability to transfer between people, but even then the transfer protocol changes without explanation.
On top of that, the picture quality is bad with poor lighting. It looks a lot like someone filmed things on a consumer-grade camcorder and then used random special effects they found in some cheap video editing software. There were a number of times when it was blatantly obvious the rain was added in post-production even with such low picture quality. Later on they had real water, coming out of a sprinkler. And in the last episode, the fire special effects were just horrible since there wasn't any smoke and the things that were on fire weren't actually burning.
In the end, the motivations are revealed and the big questions are answered, although unlike a good detective story the viewer really has no way of piecing together the answers for themselves. In large part because none of the little questions can be answered since they don't make any sense at all. It's simply too random, illogical, and disconnected.
Posted by josuah at 5:54 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 6, 2007
Luna and I watched Shinobi today. I'd saved it on my queue for a while now, because Tintin said it would be a good movie to see. I thought that while it doesn't have anything particularly special about it, the action sequences are very entertaining and the plot satisfying. Luna was disappoinnted though because she's seen the original and prefers that. A good way of describing Shinobi is as a ninja version of the classic Romeo and Juliet.
Visually, Shinobi is very rich and vibrant. Since it's a modern film, there are a lot of special effects that are well integrated, on a picture that is enjoyable to see. A lot of the movie takes place in various natural settings, such as in the forest, desert, or rocky areas. The audio production is also pretty good, with music and sound effects that accentuate the situation and action sequences.
Unfortunately, Shinobi lacks the depth of story that would really take this movie to the next level. I would watch Shinobi again as a fun movie, but it's not one that I would recommend as there are better choices that are also as visually satisfying and of the same caliber action.
Posted by josuah at 5:18 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 4, 2007
Luna and I watched Shikoku, a Japanese horror film made in 1999 that features one of Luna's favorite actresses, Kuriyama Shiaki. The story takes place on the island of Shikoku and is about the island's name being "Four Lands" but the pronunciation the same as "Death Lands". I won't go into how the two are related because that would give away too much, but if you like those kinds of Japanese horror films you'll like Shikoku.
Despite being filmed in 1999, the picture looks a little outdated. As if it was made in the 80's. It does have something of a low-budget feel to it, and there certainly aren't any amazing special effects. Everything you see is realistic and contemporary, which heightens the level of tension.
It's also probably better to watch it in stereo, despite the DVD having a DTS 5.1 track, because the surround mixing was not done correctly. There are times when you think something should be in the background but it only comes out the mains, and other times when something comes out of the surrounds but actually occurs in front of you.
Posted by josuah at 8:08 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 3, 2007
GloomCookie: The Final Curtain
Just finished reading the latest collection of GloomCookie: The Final Curtain. This volume collects issues 24-28 and also features a new artist, Vincent Batignole. Unfortunately, I wasn't as pleased with this latest set, partly because the story seemed a little thin, and also because the artwork was very flat.
In comparison to earlier GloomCookie issues, these have much less text and dialogue, and many pages consisting of mostly art panels. And while I feel Batignole's characters are very stylish and evocative, I also feel his style lacks depth or detail. There are a lot of solid colors and large blocks, rather than intricate detail or really gothic flavoring. Most everything is mono- or duo-tone. That's certainly his style, and one appreciated by many people, but I find it lacking in comparison to earlier artists.
This set features heavily on the characters of Moon Raven and sort of cleans up where things were left off with Sebastian. But it doesn't have as much development or revelation, or as deep a romantic and moody feeling, as the earlier volumes. I feel as if it's either a transitional volume or a somewhat weak closing just to get things tied up at the end of the series. It could have been a lot stronger, I think, if there was more drama or emotional risk involved.
Things are left unanswered regarding Damien and Chrys though, so I look forward to reading the next volume and seeing how the GloomCookies continue.
Posted by josuah at 4:49 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 31, 2007
The Greatwinter Trilogy
I purchased the hardcover edition of Souls in the Great Machine, by Sean McMullen, back near its initial release. The promise of sequels was there, but I didn't get around to reading them until just now. The Greatwinter Triology is finished off with The Miocene Arrow and Eyes of the Calculor, but I felt both of these books lesser works than the first.
Souls in the Great Machine takes a very interesting premise about where things might end up if advances in electrical engineering were stunted by an artificial force, and how in such a situation the ownership of a calculator (i.e. calculor in Greatwinter) would be a force to reckon with. There is a lot of interesting character development and world development in this novel, as well as lots of ideas to play with. The book consists of two parts, where characters and ideas are developed in the first half, and the climax and revelations are revealed in the second. This is not a seminal work, but it's very enjoyable to read.
Unfortunately, The Miocene Arrow was not as interesting to me. Perhaps the biggest obstacle was how closely it resembled the manga Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. The miasma became the callscour. There are warring factions where combat is primarily conducted through airplanes (although I wonder just how much research McMullen put into aerial combat). The idea of female flyers is unique and romantic. There's even reference to the Dorok people.
There is also much less character development in this novel, and a much greater focus on play-by-play narration of combat. I can't really recall any interesting or new ideas, either. Regardless, after reading about half way through, I found myself wanting to find out what happens next.
Eyes of the Calculor brings things to a conclusion, and the lands of Australica and North America are brought together. (Mexhaven appears to be ignored, despite claims of a large population. And apparently no humans survived on any other large land areas, even though one would imagine the Call being less fatal over Asia.) It reads much like The Miocene Arrow, and also suffers from a lack of character development. The interplay between Martyne and Velesti is interesting for a time, but the radical change in character of Serjon was somewhat unbelievable and the complete dismissal of Bronlar was disappointing. The relationship between Samondel and Martyne pales in comparison to the one between Glasken and Lemorel in the first novel, or even the lesser one between Darien and Ilyire.
I also found it somewhat interesting that in all three novels, McMullen presents at one female character as insane. In Souls in the Great Machine, it was Lemorel. In The Miocene Arrow it was Bronlar. And in Eyes of the Calculor, there is Jemli. In all three cases, these women were normal and endearing characters to begin with. Only to suddenly become vindictive, petty, and cruel. I really don't know what to make of this particular aspect of McMullen's trilogy.
Posted by josuah at 7:32 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 25, 2007
The X-Files
Luna and I just went through all nine seasons of The X-Files, and the movie. The X-Files is one of my favorite television series, so I grabbed all of the DVDs when they went on sale a while ago. Luna likes some of the episodes more than others. She finds the more action-oriented creature features or the comedy ones most to her liking. I like those, but its the conspiracy episodes I like best. One thing Luna didn't like when we started watching was the opening theme song, because she thought it was creepy. Later on, though, she didn't mind.
There were a couple of interesting things I noticed, watching through everything in one go. One example is the transition from fullscreen to widescreen, where some of the middle seasons actually stretch the picture on occasion to achieve widescreen aspect ratios. But the later seasons are really widescreen. I also found there was one season which overall seemed like a bad transfer. I think it was either the second or third seasons.
I also realized that the series really wasn't as good once Mulder left, and Agents Doggett and Reyes became the main characters. It also sounded a little weird hearing Scully take on the more imaginative character once Mulder wasn't there. Doggett became her foil as the skeptic, which was her previous role beside Mulder. The creature features became less creative and more of what you might expect on a typical horror film.
Another aspect that I initially found a little strange was watching episodes one after another. Most of the episodes are not continuations, and expect to take place in time with their airdates. In other words, there really is supposed to be a week of time between episodes, or even an entire summer (two or three months). Skipping over that elapsed time is a little strange.
Now we just need to wait until December 22, 2012.
Posted by josuah at 11:20 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 11, 2007
Bridge and Settlers of Catan
Karen and Sebastian came over yesterday night. Luna spent most of the afternoon preparing food for our dinner. She made beef curry, mapo tofu, some cooked vegetables, some sort of soy sauce flavored chicken, and a fifth dish I can't remember now. This was the first time Sebastian's been here, so he spent some time looking at the bookshelves and turtles and playing with the cats. I think Karen sort of played with the cats vicariously at first, but then later on she played with Niea with Luna's rope. Her allergies didn't act up because I'd vacuumed a lot that day.
After dinner we played bridge for a few hours. I was partnered with Sebastian this time, so it was boys against girls. We didn't play perfectly; Luna didn't bid something she should have when she probably had ten of the clubs and both Sebastian and I bid wrong once. But in the end Sebastian and I beat them by a hundred or so points. It was a pretty long game.
There was some time left after bridge before Sebastian and Karen wanted to go home, so we played a game of Settlers of Catan. Luna dropped out after a while because she was too tired (although after she napped for a short time she was awake again). Near the end of the game Sebastian and Karen were vying for first place, trading the Longest Road points and attempting to build as quickly as possible since they were both getting most of the resources. But I built slowly, with three cities cut off from expansion and each other, and with very few resources. And on my final turn I grabbed Largest Army and revealed two victory point development cards, allowing me to leap from six to ten points as a surprise to both Karen and Sebastian.
Posted by josuah at 10:44 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 8, 2007
iiO - Poetica
Anyone who's into the dance scene is sure to know of iiO's amazing single, Rapture. The duo recently released an album titled Poetica, which contains more dance numbers of the same high caliber featuring Nadia Ali's distinctive voice. It also contains a few tracks which have different sound to them. Maybe less dance and more melodic or down tempo. Not as catchy but still very good and worthy of appreciation. Overall, I find the entire album very enjoyable.
Posted by josuah at 6:30 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Sinéad O'Connor - So Far...The Best of Sinéad O'Connor
So, this album, So Far...The Best of Sinéad O'Connor, collects the best singles of Sinéad O'Connor's career up until 1997. While I've always felt somewhat drawn to her, and vividly recall seeing her tear the Pope's photo on Saturday Night Live, I never really paid attention to her music before. And I found myself not really noticing this album while listening to it. Perhaps it was just because I wasn't entirely focused upon it, but more so I think it's that her songs aren't catchy or unique or rhythmic. Instead, it's the lyrics that really matter and that requires careful attention.
I suspect I'll have to listen to this album and the songs several times. I will have to listen carefully to the lyrics and exactly what she is trying to say. Her songs are very contemporary and fueled by her feelings and opinions on current events and the human condition. So maybe I won't have the background or context that is required to fully appreciate her music. Regardless, I don't think I'll be able to appreciate her music without putting some more effort into it.
Posted by josuah at 6:20 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 3, 2007
Half Nelson
Tonight's movie night featured Half Nelson, a Sundance film selection that Tintin brought. Ken came with her, and Wendy and Brian showed up and brought along two new people: Ling and Matt. Thomas and Julie also showed up. Half Nelson was okay, in my opinion, although it has gotten excellent reviews from critics. It's a very intelligent and interesting character study, but not very entertaining or thought provoking in my opinion. The acting is certainly very good, and the plot and environment are both believable and well developed. I think the film has a firm basis in reality.
Posted by josuah at 8:32 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 18, 2007
Shadow Hearts
I just finished playing Shadow Hearts, a gothic RPG set in 1913 shortly before World War I. It features some traditional RPG concepts like elemental magic and standard dungeon exploration and combat. The biggest differences are in the mood which is more spiritual and religious while set in realistic environments and the use of a "judgement ring" as your key to successful action both in and out of combat. It's also a little shorter at about 30 hours, in part because it eschews world travel in favor of moving directly between individual locations.
The storyline and environments are interesting and fully realized. Since you move between locations without having to manually traverse the distance, and the locations can only be seen from one angle, they are fully rendered with detail and care. Over time, you'll come to understand the motives of both your archnemesis and the protagonists in a very natural and fluid manner. And at the end, when everything is revealed, those motives are ones you can sympathesize with.
The judgement ring deserves special attention since so much of what you do involves it. It's most often used during combat to successfully execute the action you chose from the battle menu. As a spinner turns, you have to time your button press as it passes through certain areas. Depending on how well you an time things, you may or may not succeed at performing your selected action, and you may be able to perform the action with a bonus like extra damage or stronger magic.
The ring is also used at various parts outside of combat to open doors and win items. This secondary use is somewhat pointless as there isn't any real penalty for failure since you're always close to a save point and in most cases you don't lose anything—you just have to try again.
Unfortunately, the judgement ring is probably the only thing that keeps combat from becoming a boring button pressing session. Since you have to constantly focus and concentrate on timing, the ring keeps your attention. Otherwise both you and the enemy will end up performing the same actions over and over again. There is little need for variety in attacks since your choices are so limited (there are not a lot of spells or special skills to choose from). That's not to say combat doesn't require some strategy and thought. It's turn-based and the enemies are strong enough that you'll have to pay attention to healing and status abnormalities.
Also, some of the bosses are difficult because they have unique attacks often with status effects and there is no way to plan ahead for protection against those effects. You'll only find out the best form of preparation after you've entered battle, and by then it's too late to change your equipment or characters. Since you are limited in what accessories you can equip, I often found myself in trouble for not having the right things equipped, and there aren't enough of the rarer items to keep them equipped on characters all the time. Eventually I was removing all accessories before swapping a character out.
Graphically, the monsters and characters aren't all that great. The polygon count seems low, although perhaps not for the time, and the movements a little jerky. Plus, all the monsters look very strange. They're often some form of deformed ghost or spirit, and even normal enemies that you would expect to be human become some sort of monster during combat to reflect strange occult experiments that were performed on them or their mental state.
I did like the music. It fit the mood and environments very well, although they are not the best compositions.
Posted by josuah at 12:29 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 17, 2007
Le Portrait de Petite Cossette
Luna got me the two volume manga Le Portrait de Petite Cossette for my birthday. She really liked the anime, and I think the story is a little interesting and well done for such a short work, but it suffers from some technical problems. The first volume introduces Cossette and Eiri and sets everything up. Cossette was murdered and is cursed to linger for eternity due to the hatred of her worldly possessions. She needs Eiri to gather her possessions together and free her soul. But the second volume introduces an unexpected twist that suddenly paints the whole situation in a different light.
I like the gothic artwork, mood, and emotional aspects, but it can be extremely hard to keep track of what's going on. Sometimes there are two dialogues going on at the same time across several panels which makes it a little harder to follow what's going on unless you want to read through it twice. And panels often don't flow together correctly, with changes in angle or movement that takes effort to decipher. There's no indication of scene changes or gaps in time, so you may not realize that the location or time has changed until later on when more context is revealed.
Posted by josuah at 7:28 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 15, 2007
Galaxy Angel
I finally finished watching the four-disc set of Galaxy Angel. It took so long to finish because I started watching Battlestar Galactica with Luna. Not really a problem since I thought the series was okay but not great. Each standalone episode is short and contains what might be considered typical bishoujo comedy but I don't find those recycled antics that amusing.
Posted by josuah at 4:57 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 14, 2007
.hack//AI Buster
.hack//AI Buster is a novel originally written in Japanese and translated to English. The storyline takes place in the .hack world, which is a MMORPG taken to technological extremes. While the book is decent, it's real target audience is much younger. I'd say around ten-years-old. The writing style, manner of basic and obvious explanation, and straightforward narrative match that audience. Even the print is large and well spaced to be less overwhelming.
The author seems to have a decent understanding of how things could work from a technological point of view, but the mythology of .hack is very simplistic and betrays the non-technical background of its creators. The claims and ideas that the .hack world is based upon are homogenous and idealistic without much basis in reality. Still, the central arc of the story is interesting if cliché. Although I'm sure it would come across as very exciting and new to someone without a technical background and of a younger age.
Posted by josuah at 3:55 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 11, 2007
Breakfast of Champions
Calvin got me the book Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut for Christmas a while back, but I'd placed it on the bedroom closet shelf and forgotten about it until I came across it the other day. So I decided to read it as I'd gone through just about everything else and had nothing new to read. Unfortunately, it reads like vintage Vonnegut and I've never liked his style. He's got a lot to say, and there's humor for those who can appreciate the style, but it's not for me. It's a satirical work of fiction that hits home in a lot of ways but for myself I'd rather read something else.
Posted by josuah at 10:46 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
27th Birthday
I had my 27th birthday party today. Luna and I cooked Italian food, including spaghetti and meatballs, some fried salmon, and a tomato-based chicken dish. We had bread and cheese, some green grapes, and ice cream cake for dessert. Alla showed up, of course, as did Ellen, Tintin, and Samir and Jamie. Dantam couldn't make it because she was caring for one of her friends who was sick. A lot of people arrived late, and then Ellen left early because she had plans to go dancing in San Francisco, and Samir and Jamie left around the same time as her.
Alla, Ellen, and Dantam pitched in to get me a Logitech Harmony 550 remote control for the upstairs system. Samir and Jamie got me Xenosaga: Episode III, and Tintin got me an interesting little postcard for Neon Genesis Evangelion. Luna got me the two volume manga of Le Portrait de Petit Cossette and a copy of .hack//AI buster.
Since Alla and Tintin stayed around, we played a game of Puerto Rico. It moved a lot faster this time since we knew what we were doing, and we also discovered that some of the things we'd done the first time were incorrect. This time Luna won. For a short period of time in the middle Tintin and Alla weren't paying much attention because they started talking about French movies and the language.
Posted by josuah at 8:12 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 10, 2007
BT - This Binary Universe
I've always liked BT's music, and recently picked up his This Binary Universe DVD/CD combination album. The DVD features music in DTS 5.1 audio format, which adds a new dimension to the composition since it was designed that way to begin with. I found the surround version more immersive and engaging than the stereo version, no doubt because BT had that format in mind to begin with. This album is a little different though, because it's less of an ambient or trance work. Instead, it has more in common with classical, jazz, or an opus with electronic flavors. Some, including myself, may find this less appealing than his earlier works.
Posted by josuah at 7:49 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 1, 2007
Battlestar Galactica Season 2.0 + 2.5
Whereas season one of Battlestar Galactica dealt primarily with survival and escape, I think season two deals more with the politics and economics of the new fleet civilization. Now that they've managed to escape the constant fear of Cylon attack, things turn inward. Episodes in season two deal with the political landscape, economics and morals in a time of war, and internal military conflict. This season also goes in depth into the Cylon civilization, way of thinking, and also culture (to some extent). I think the most interesting issue dealt with here is also the idea of Cylons as individuals instead of a collective.
In terms of production quality, season two is of the same high caliber as the previous season. Unfortunately, I ended up originally purchasing on season two point five because I assumed it was sort of like season two with some extras, notably the extended version of the Pegasus episode. But in fact the full second season must be purchased in two disc-sets. Which is both pricy and annoying. Because we finished season one, and didn't have season two, we ended up buying it from the store for about $10 more than if we'd ordered it online.
Posted by josuah at 7:11 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 29, 2007
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
I've finished playing Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. It's very similar to the style and pacing of Metal Gear Solid 2 but the approach is a little different. There's a greater emphasis on camoflauge, which made it easier for me to hide in this game, and also on using things to fix yourself up in the field. I was a little confused at the beginning because I didn't realize this game chronicles the first mission of Snake, but not of Solid Snake.
I found the storyline of Metal Gear Solid 3 to be less thought-provoking than the previous ones. It was only at the end that reasons and motivations were revealed, and those revelations weren't that interesting. Just somewhat basic and expected. There is, however, an ongoing dialogue regarding the idea of allies and enemies as they change over time with the political landscape. Perhaps an interesting new thought to some, but not to me. I do think it is a little sad how the notion of a soldier in this game results in so much sacrifice, even though it's a noble idea.
Posted by josuah at 12:43 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 24, 2007
Battlestar Galactica: Season One
I've been saving Battlestar Galactica to watch with Luna. It's a really good space drama, and we just finished going through season one. Most of season one focuses on recovery of the fleet after fleeing the Cylon attack. Each episode tends to deal with a particular aspect or issue that is likely to arise in the sort of situation they're in, such as dealing with the Cylon spies, finding resources, and the revelations of new information about different people. The episodes maintain the primary plot arc while developing the characters and exploring the issues of survival.
The production values of the series are extremely high. The sound, picture, story, and acting are all top-notch. Episodes, although individually dealing with something new and separate each time, flow together very well and keep the viewer engaged and thinking. I also think every episode challenges the actors and the production crew.
Perhaps the only disappointing aspect of the television series proper is the slower pace. Whereas the miniseries was one epic and fast moving storyline, like a really well developed and deep movie, the television series does feel more like a television series that is not as tight and drawn out simply because each episode is written after the previous, rather than all at once as a single longer unit.
Posted by josuah at 5:57 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 22, 2007
Magic: The Gathering and Bridge
Luna and I just got back from visiting Karen and Sebastian. We went up and first played a little Bridge. Karen had to re-teach me and teach Luna how to play. I think Luna and I did okay, especially considering that Karen is really into it. She didn't really know what to do when I started playing a little irrationally, but that made things more interesting. After playing a while we got hungry and went to a Thai restaurant to eat. The food was pretty good. We talked about random things like Sebastian's research and television shows, then went back to their place to play cards a little longer.
I also played a few games of Magic: The Gathering with Sebastian. He's still really into the game, and recently went to a tournament. While we played that, Karen and Luna played a different card game but I'm not sure what. Sebastian has some newer cards and dealt more with direct damage or disabling effects which posed a major problem for my creature-based decks. There are some very interesting cards available now, which unfortunately can really alter the balance of gameplay in my opinion if you're not up-to-date.
Posted by josuah at 9:50 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 21, 2007
Dish Network
Luna's been a little homesick lately, and she really wanted to have some Chinese television programming to watch. So we looked around at some satellite dish services and found a package and channel she wanted from Dish Network. We ordered only the Chinese package, and the installer showed up today to get everything set up. He was quiet but did a good job and wore booties over his shoes while inside the house. It took a while to get the dish pointed correctly, with me inside reporting on the signal test results.
Installation required drilling a hole through the exterior wall and running a coax cable. So, the satellite dish is really only available from one location right now: the bedroom. Moving the TV would require running coax through the floor or walls or something, and I'm not going to do that anytime soon.
Another issue is the set-top box itself. It's a Dish 381 unit, and it's hot even when turned off. No components can be placed on top of it, even with some breathing room. I had the Playstation 2 on top of it for a short time and that caused it to shut down while I was playing a game, even though the Dish 381 was off.
The Chinese picture and audio quality isn't that great. You can see compression artifiacts, and most of the time the picture looks worse than local channels. But it's real Chinese television so Luna is happy.
Posted by josuah at 5:08 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 19, 2007
Puerto Rico
I got Alla the board game Puerto Rico for Christmas. It's an economic building game where players compete against each other to produce goods and build the colony. This was our first time playing. Alla also invited Christian, Marcus, Duncan, and Marie. Luna and I were on a team, as were Alla and Marie although Marie didn't really pay attention. The rules are a little complicated so we spent a lot of the initial time reading each rule as the game progressed.
Once we got the hang of things, the game is actually pretty fun. I still don't like it as much as some other games because although you are competing against each other, you don't directly interact with each other as much. The way things progress is a little strange at first, but then makes sense. And the way you pick roles ends up introducing some strategy which is more subtle than one might first think.
Posted by josuah at 8:53 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 18, 2007
We had a fair number of people over yesterday as a sort of "meet-Luna" movie night. Dantam showed up, but Alla couldn't make it (we stopped by to see her before though), as well as the Wendy-gang: Wendy, Brian, Thomas, Anh, and Kristina. Samir also showed up for the first time in a long time, but Jamie couldn't make it because she was up in San Francisco. Tintin and one of her coworkers, Ken, also showed up.
We had pizza for dinner, and spent some time talking about random things. Dantam wore a pair of Luna's Keroro-Gunso slippers (I think Dororo).
When it came time to pick a movie, no one was sure what to watch and we ended up watching XX/XY, which Anh brought from his Blockbuster subscription. Luna didn't understand a lot of it other than the main character, Coles, was basically having sex with everyone else. The beginning was strange in an artsy way, but then basically it got a little boring. It's supposed to be a look into relationships and a man who really doesn't know what he wants or what he's doing, but it just wasn't very fun to watch. The only person who seemed to like it was Ken. And we'd never met him before. :p
Posted by josuah at 6:34 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 15, 2007
Blood Child
Calvin gave me a copy of Octavia E. Butler's Blood Child (the collection of short stories and essays) for my birthday. I think she is an excellent writer, which means my opinion pretty much matches everyone else, and I enjoy reading her work although I'll admit they're a little different from the science fiction I prefer to read. Blood Child contains a few really interesting and poignant short stories, and a couple of essays. Everything is pretty engaging, although I didn't care for the essays so much.
Posted by josuah at 8:31 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 12, 2007
GitS:SAC 2nd Gig Soundtrack
The 2nd gig of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex is also scored by Yoko Kanno. As I mentioned before, the soundtrack is even better in this season, and very enjoyable. That said, there are some differences between this season and the first. I found the second season's soundtrack to be more experimental. Somewhat mixing rock, classical, jazz, and electronic influences together in an interesting way that is sometimes very pleasing but also sometimes a little grating. I'm sure other people would have different opinions about each track, but my personal tastes made me like some songs much more than others.
Posted by josuah at 6:53 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig
I just finished watching the 2nd gig of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. I think the second season takes what they accomplished in the first season and improves upon it in all ways. The artwork and CG is better than before; it's more refined than in the first season. Yoko Kanno takes the music and soundtrack even farther, and I really like how every episode has its own audio production instead of recycling the music. Perhaps the best part of 2nd gig is how there is more character involvement. Motoko's past and emotions play a larger role this time.
The ending is a little sad, but very well done. Unfortunately Motoko and Section 9 are not able to prevent the last assassination, because they learn about it too late. Although I'm not entirely sure exactly what motivated the last part, as there are two characters involved whom I did not recognize although it seems they should have appeared earlier. I particularly appreciated the last scene which plays homage to the original manga.
Posted by josuah at 6:51 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 8, 2007
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
I just completed Dragon Quest VIII. It took me about 75 hours, which is not as long as I thought it would since Bryant told me it took him 110 hours because he kept dying a lot. The game is very good, although I found myself spending a lot of time in combat. The battles are not too boring or repetitive, so that's not necessarily a bad thing. The character design is by Akira Toriyama, who is famous for his particular drawing style. There are several great things about this game, with a few minor issues that don't really detract from the overall experience.
The arching storyline is long, well developed, and interesting. Things start out fairly simple, and get more complicated and involved as little things are revealed and discovered along the way. It really helps that there are some well developed supporting characters, as well as very well developed main characters, who give the story more feeling. The voice acting, of which there is a fair amount, really helps flesh out all of the people involved.
Although I did like the character design, after it grew on me, it is slightly annoying that so many of the people you meet look the same. Maybe several dozen character designs were made for the people you will meet casually, which means you're going to see the same person over and over again in many places. The monster design is very interesting though, because lots of animations were developed for each monster.
There is a flaw in the combat system though. Dragon Quest VIII takes the approach where you have to choose the actions for all party members at the beginning of each turn, thus requiring you to make some strategic decisions to maximize the effectiveness of each turn. However, if you change your settings so that Jessica, Yangus, and Angelo make their own decisions, you'll actually get a better result. This is because in this mode, each of them makes a decision on what to do right before they do it, rather than at the beginning of the turn. So they can make much more informed decisions that are appropriate for the moment. They also seem to have more information about the current status of each enemy's remaining hit points and their weaknesses. So you can become a much more effective in combat if you don't take control.
I liked the music, from an orchestral point of view, although I don't think there's anything particularly special about it. I wouldn't be interested in the soundtrack, or really be able to tell you about any specific songs. The same music was used in many places many times, which is not unexpected, but it also reinforced the problem of repetition that you saw with the characters.
Another minor issue I had was with the controls. Two buttons act as confirm depending on the situation. So sometimes I found myself trying to open the menu but instead performing an action. You get used to it, but every once in a while it still gets you.
The alchemy system is a little interesting, but not that exciting. Many of the better items can be made using alchemy, but you're best off just getting a list of recipes and continuously shoving stuff in your alchemy pot. If you try to put stuff together that doesn't create anything, you find out right away, so there's not a whole lot of point in experimenting. Sometimes you do create something worse, but most recipes don't end up that way.
I really liked the ending. It's actually an interactive ending, so while the ending moves forward you can walk around and explore and talk to people, and also make some more of the yes/no decisions that pop up throughout the game. I don't actually think the yes/no decisions, during the game or during the ending, affect the ending or the storyline though. Mostly you can just use them to change the response you get for that particular question. I think it would be great if more games adopted interactive endings.
Posted by josuah at 12:57 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 7, 2007
Galaxy Angel Z
Galaxy Angel Z happens to be the second season of the Galaxy Angel series, but I ended up watching it first by mistake. Each episode is approximately 15 minutes long and both designed and suitable for younger children. The jokes are blatant, episodes are stand-alone, pacing is fast, and the plot is simple. I'm sure many adults will still find the show funny to watch, but I wasn't interested most of the time. A few moments of amusement, but that's about it. I did enjoy the opening and ending songs though.
Posted by josuah at 12:19 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 4, 2007
Material Girls
Material Girls is another movie that Alla put on her queue. It's a movie I would consider targeted at pre-teen and early teen girls, because it stars Hilary Duff and also her sister Haylie. The plot's pretty simple and predictable, so nothing special there, and the acting is pretty bad. The only good actors involved are Brent Spiner and Angelica Houston, but their characters are so simple they could have played the parts in their sleep. There were a few little in-jokes which you might appreciate, but overall nothing worth watching.
Posted by josuah at 8:23 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 3, 2007
Alla put Hostage on her queue, but hasn't taken it home yet. The story is extremely cliché: police negotiator makes a mistake, causing him to be full of guilt, and have a messed up family as a result. Then ends up being in a situation that brings back memories of that mistake, and he has to deal with it and overcome the guilt to save the day. Overall, the acting is not so great, and the plot convenient and exaggerated and unimportant. Perhaps the worst thing is that the ending is incomplete. The real reasons behind what's been going on are barely revealed, and after what happens at the end, you expect that things are not going to be okay. But instead, they are okay. Which doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Posted by josuah at 6:40 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 1, 2007
War of the Worlds
I put War of the Worlds on my queue mainly because it's a movie that has caused many a subwoofer to bottom out. And I wanted to put my new subwoofers to the test. If I'd done everything right, I'd be able to listen to this movie at reference levels and my subwoofers should not bottom out and instead capture the earth-shaking intent of the sound mix. I was very pleased to discover that my subwoofers were up to the task.
There are many sequences in the film where the characters are experiencing what are essentially mini-earthquakes. I played the movie at perhaps -5dB from reference, not entirely sure, but those times the subwoofers really did recreate the earthquake experience in my primary listening position. It felt like an actual earthquake, although not as high on the richter scale as if I was actually in the movie (which would be bad, if my house collapsed), still something that would have been recorded and felt by seismologists.
Anyway, with regards to the movie, it was a decent action movie but there isn't much of a plot or anything really going on except for mass hysteria and a general fleeing from the aliens by the public. The acting is okay, but it's not like any of them have to do much except be really scared and run away a lot. Nothing else happens, since all of humanity's efforts are in vain, and the audience is not involved with any plans to fight back.
But it's an excellent movie for exercising your subwoofers, as long as they can handle it instead of breaking.
Posted by josuah at 2:19 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 31, 2006
Koi Kaze
Koi Kaze was not what I expected. Based on the cover art I was thinking it was a shoujo anime, but it's actually very complicated and serious. And the topic it deals with is not one that most people will find themselves comfortable with. In Koi Kaze, a 27-year-old man, Koshiro, and a 15-year-old girl, Nanoka, end up meeting each other, and by circumstance going on something of a date at an amusement park. Mostly because they didn't have anything better to do. They end up finding themselves somewhat attracted to each other, but then learn that they are in fact brother and sister who have not seen each other since their parents' divorce.
Koshiro finds himself attracted to Nanoka despite his best efforts to fight it, and so acts in a very gruff and arrogant manner towards her. But it's clear he really cares about her and is actually very protective and treats her somewhat badly because he doesn't know of any other way to deal with it. Nanoka, on the other hand, finds herself with growing feelings towards Koshiro even though she has some suitors at school.
Eventually, Koshiro and Nanoka need to figure out how they are going to deal with their mutual attraction and love for each other, despite the cultural taboo against incest and also their significant age difference. In many ways, all of the same feelings and social pressures they are subject to can be seen in what homosexuals have to deal with, in certain cultures and communities.
These ideas create a gut reaction of disgust or perversion in many people, even though there is not necessarily a real reason for it. If you mention incest, or an age difference like that, the majority of people will immediately come to certain conclusions about the two people involved. But this is more of a learned behavior and prejudice than anything else. Being able to overcome that is a very difficult thing to do. Koshiro remarks on this when he asks who else but he and Nanoka has the right to decide if this will make their lives miserable.
I found the artwork of the series very interesting. It's drawn in a style almost like watercolor or crayon, that has a sort of nostalgic feel to it. I think this is the first time I've seen that art style, but I don't watch a lot of shoujo anime.
Posted by josuah at 9:11 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 30, 2006
Dark City Movie Night
I had a bunch of new people show up to tonight's movie night, since Wendy and Brian have too many friends and so always have more people to bring. Although all of their friends do happen to be Asian. Anyway, Alla also showed up, and so did Thomas. New people Anh, Kristina, Roger, and Naomi showed up as well. Alla didn't stay for the movie though. This was the first movie night I've held with the new subwoofers, and I played back the Irene scene from Black Hawk Down as a demo. I'm not sure they felt as much as they could, because everyone was sitting in the second row during the demo.
We ended up watching Dark City, in large part because Kristina thinks Keifer Sutherland is really attractive from his role in 24. He plays a completely different kind of character in Dark City though, so I don't know if that worked out for her. Naomi actually only showed up shortly before the movie started, and left right after.
Most people left after the movie, but Wendy, Brian, and Thomas stayed longer. We decided to watch another movie, and Wendy picked The Avengers. She found it amusing in the beginning, but both she and Brian fell asleep pretty early into the movie, since it was so late. I was pretty tired too, but I stayed up to watch the whole thing.
Posted by josuah at 8:30 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 29, 2006
24: Season 5
The fifth season of 24 was exceptionally good. I was very pleased to see the writers were able to take things to the next level, rather that simply trying to pile on more terrorist threats. I also felt this season held a much more balanced view of politics than season four, while still trying to make the viewers think about things for themselves. I think it was a good choice to include a more international flavor as well. The drama and tension of the series remained high throughout, and it was unfortunate that a number of good characters were killed off.
The acting I was most impressed by was that of President Charles Logan. I can't believe that was just acting. It really feels like his personality and behavior. He has facial tics, body language that matches up with his thoughts, emotions, and personality very well, and a character that really captures a lot of ideas and complexity seemingly without effort.
There is still a little in-show advertising going on though, which I don't really like because of how blatant it can be, and thus revealing of the artificial nature of the show. Both Sprint (I think, I didn't notice the phone brand much) and Cisco got way too much air-time, and the extensive use of texting was yucky and didn't make sense most of the time.
I also think 24 needs to get some real technical advisors, both for technology and other procedural things. But the thing that really got to me was inserting random technobabble whenever they want to make something sound complicated. Using the term "data mine" five times each episode does not make those people sound like they know what they're talking about. You'd think the writers feel you could data mine your grandma.
Posted by josuah at 7:39 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 24, 2006
The Place Promised in Our Early Days
I didn't know it until watching through some of the seiyu interviews afterwards, but Kumo no Muko, Yakusoku no Basho was also created and directed by Makoto Shinkai who created by himself Hoshi no Koe. This followup work had full financial backing and a full production crew, and as a result could be much longer and fully realized. And like the predecessor, this work is also a masterpiece in all aspects.
Visually, the anime is stunning. CG and an extremely high level of perfection with the cel shading and animation, plus absolutely beautiful environments full of emotion make this film a joy to watch. The character designs are wonderful and full-bodied. The music is also amazing and was composed by Tenmon. There are some choice string pieces featuring violins (which play an important role in the film) and a piano, as well as a beautiful ending song, Kimi no Koe, performed by Ai Kawashima.
There are some parallels in the storylines of Kumo no Muko, Yakusoku no Basho and Hoshi no Koe. Both deal with a boy and girl who become separated from each other due to events outside their control, living with that separation over an extended period of time, and feelings of profound loss. There are several situations of separation and then reunion that play across the span of the story. They also both have interesting technological aspects that play an integral part in these emotions. But this film leaves the viewer with more hope for the future than Hoshi no Koe does.
One interesting twist to the setting is that post-WWII, Japan is split into the North and South by what appear to be Russia and the U.S.A. In a manner very much like Germany was. A sort of cold war exists between the two halves, which are separated by water instead of a man-made wall. And there is a constant threat of further war between the two sides.
Although I watched the film in Japanese with English subtitles, there are a number of English voice actors that were cast for the English ADR which I really like. I suspect the English dub is pretty good. There is actually a short period of English dialogue between to American military officials in the original Japanese, which sounds very wooden and strange.
Posted by josuah at 6:12 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Alla's Final Essays
I spent most of today over at Alla's place, going over her MBA application essays. Got there around 11:30am and left around 6:30pm. I'd say we probably spent about four or five hours with me reading and offering suggestions for improvement. But these should be her final drafts, pretty much. She's getting some feedback from Ellen and Tomer as well. She also hired a professional review service for $300, but wasn't entirely happy with the results. I think I've probably spent a couple dozen hours working with her on her essays over the past few months.
We also exchanged Christmas gifts. I knew what she was getting for me because she told me not to order "anything". She gave me season five of 24. I also gave her present to her, although I'd had it ready a while ago. She didn't want it before. I got her the board game Puerto Rico. She wasn't very surprised. But I haven't played a board game with her in a long time. This might be the last board game I get her, since it's hard to find really good games and you don't want too many since you won't play them that often.
Posted by josuah at 3:47 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 23, 2006
Kakurenbo is a short film done entirely in CG but with cel shaders to look like traditional animation. It's a creepy story, the kind you'd consider campfire fare, about kids who play hide and seek in an old city but never return once they enter. The rendering, atmosphere (both visual and aural) are excellent and chilling. The story is a little short; I think a longer version could build more suspense and pull the viewer in deeper. But otherwise it's great.
Posted by josuah at 3:50 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 22, 2006
Trigun is one of the most famous anime series, which originally aired in 1998. If you go to a convention, you'll definitely see a Vash or two. Easily recognizable and well known. I think the storyline, concept, and episodes are pretty good. Entertaining and meaninful at the same time. The only thing I didn't particularly like is the revelation of Vash's true nature and how things came to be on the desert planet. I feel like things would be more meaningful if that wasn't the case.
The real focus of the story is on what is the right thing to do. Unfortunately, it also asks and answers the extremely hard question of sacrifice or sin for the greater good. And while I think the message that Naito-sama is trying to convey is a good and important one, I don't know if I can agree with it. I feel like my opinions are closer to those of Wolfwood, rather than those of Vash. Because the truth is, all of the suffering could have been lessened if Vash had been willing to punish Knives to begin with. Even if the truth is that he has no right to do so. I do think it's more important to do the right thing than the thing that serves the greater good, but you also have to be able to do what's necessary to protect others. I believe that protecting others is the right thing even if it doesn't necessarily serve the greater good or requires you to do something which you really shouldn't.
That's why I thought the ending was a bit of a let-down. I really don't think things will necessarily get any better. But the whole point of the series is to make it clear that you have to try. And many times it won't make things better, but sometimes it does. And maybe that's the best you can do, and that's really the right thing to do.
Posted by josuah at 5:00 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 20, 2006
Luna Was Approved
Luna's K-1 visa application was officially approved today. :D She had her interview at the U.S. Consulate in Guanghzou, which is about a day's train ride away from Shanghai. The interview was about ten minutes long, although she didn't get in to see the interviewer until maybe an hour and a half or two hours after her scheduled time. She was asked how we met, a few basic factual questions about me, and some simple things like that. Nothing tricky. She had to hand over all of the information about both of us for their records.
The only bad thing that happened was sometime before or during the interview she lost her Keroro wallet. Nothing important in it, only some cash. But Luna says that it's okay because the good thing balances out with the bad thing. And she can try to buy the wallet again from the store in Shanghai near her workplace. She thinks it might have been stolen when she wasn't paying attention, because Guangzhou is so crowded and busy, and people visiting the consulate might be convenient and good targets.
Anyway, she has to go to the Guangzhou post office on Friday to pick up the visa packet, along with her passport. I'm not really sure why the packet is sent to the Guangzhou post office to get picked up, and not just picked up at the consulate or actually mailed from the Guangzhou post office to the Shanghai post office or her home. It's probably a good idea for it to be kept very safe so the visa couldn't be intercepted and used by someone else. But still seems strange. So she's staying in Guangzhou until she can pick up the visa there.
Posted by josuah at 7:18 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Alias: Season 5
Season five marks the conclusion of Alias, one of my favorite television series. The viewership had been dropping off, and I think the supernatural turn taken in season four may have contributed to that. Regardless, I still think it's a great series in all seasons, full of intensity and drama and intrigue. And knowing that the show was coming to an end, they produced an unbelievably good conclusion, that really feels like an ending and not a cancellation.
Season five brings back more of the original cast which helped make the series great, like Sark and Will, with some cameos in flashbacks for characters like Francie and Marshall's wife. Everything comes to a head with Sydney's mom, Irina, finally revealing her endgame in a manner which really makes you wonder what her feels are for Sydney, both in this series and in everything that she did previously. Sloane's quest is resolved, and all the questions about Rambaldi are answered.
Some new characters are introduced, and I think Rachel does an excellent job acting, although sometimes the lines seemed a bit corny or convenient. Not just for her, but also for other characters like Will, a handful of times in different episodes. I also really liked Renée Rienne, and it was kind of interesting to see a few people from the first season of 24 show up, all together, and all for the bad guys.
Posted by josuah at 6:48 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 19, 2006
Sealed Sonotube Subwoofers
In my quest for the ultimate subwoofer (restriction being no infinite baffle) flat to 5Hz, I purchased four 15" TC-2000 single voice coil drivers. After going through WinISD Pro and forums and gathering information and advice from many sources over a few months, these are the drivers I ended up with and the enclosure design would be to use sonotubes. I decided to use a sealed enclosure rather than a ported one because the port volume would be too great and a passive radiator would have too much group delay and somewhat extreme mass requirements for reaching 5Hz. I've put up photos of the construction process.
The sonotubes are approximately 4' in length, and 20" in diameter. Each endcap is three layers of 3/4" MDF, with two layers inside and one layer outside. Having three layers for the endcaps posted a problem because you cannot purchase binding posts long enough to go through that far. So what I did is run brass bolts in from the inside to meet with short binding posts run in from the outside. The end caps, dowels, and protective grille over the top driver brings the total height of each subwoofer to approximately 4.5'.
Most people cover their sonotubes with a black fabric "sock". I wanted something that would look a little nicer, so I covered mine with cherry veneer. Unfortunately, due to bumps in the outside of the tubes, there are some ridges in the veneer. And Alla and I had some issues with the glue, so there are some glue marks on the outside near one of the endcaps. We also had glue on our hands for a few days afterwards. So overall the finished look is not commercial quality when seen up close, but from a distance they look very nice.
The project as a whole took a few weekends to complete. A lot of time was spent waiting on the endcap paint to dry, and sand, and recoat. I purchased a high quality mask to protect myself while cutting the MDF, as MDF creates a very fine sawdust when it is cut, and contains carcinogens. It's really best to cut MDF outside in the open air, rather than in the garage. I wish I'd found and purchased a larger circle jig though, because my makeshift one was not perfectly accurate.
I am driving the finished subwoofers with a Behringer EP2500 subwoofer and giving it low-pass boost and equalization to mimic a Linkwitz-Transform using a Behringer DCX2496. You can accomplish the same thing with a cheaper unit, but the DCX2496 provides some additional flexibility. The cables were cut from a spool of Impact Acoustics 14/4 (four runs of 14awg in the sleeve) I won in a contest a while back. I'm doubling up the runs so the signal path is 14/2 each. Each channel of the EP2500 is driving two drivers in parallel, for a ~2Ω load.
Using a Behringer ECM8000 microphone with an M-Audio MobilePre, I calibrated and equalized the subwoofer response flat down to somewhere below 5Hz, possibly even 2Hz, because of room gain benefits. The subwoofer can be driven to reference levels without clipping.
With the flat response, you have to bump up Black Hawk Down pretty high to feel the 5-7Hz 0dB signal from the Irene scene. I've included a copy of the waterfall chart posted by MingL here:
At reference levels, it's a tiny bit noticeable. It's possible to increase the low-pass filter to boost those frequencies several more dB, in which case it really feels like there is a rotor passing over you. I'm not really sure what the dB level is supposed to be; 0dB implies 115dB to me, which I don't necessarily think I can reach at 5Hz, but at ~105dB it's already vibrating the entire house. The whole movie plays way loud at reference levels though, since it's all gunshots and explosions.
Regardless, at this point I feel like I've accomplished building the ultimate traditional subwoofer, and can reproduce all the infrasonics I might need. Now I just need to get much better speakers that have flatter overall response and can reproduce high frequencies well. :)
Posted by josuah at 5:05 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 12, 2006
Luna tells me that Gungrave is considered by some to be too commercialized, but that she thinks it's really good. I also think it's pretty good, however I like the first half of the storyline much more than the second. Basically, it tells the story of two street punks who have been together since growing up in an orphanage and how they transition into the mafia. At a particular point in time, events drove them to decide upon what it means to have power and control and the purpose of such things. But their decisions are split, which leads into the second half of the series. But I think the second half is too action oriented and supernatural. I liked a lot more the first half which deals with the characters and ideas.
From a technical standpoint, the animation is very good. I particularly liked how well the artists were able to convey the aging of each character as they grow older. The story takes place over a few decades, and seeing characters faces as they age is probably a distinctive quality of this series. The music is also pretty good, but sometimes I felt it a little odd. Styles change depending on the mood and setting, in ways which seem appropriate for those changes, but which sometimes don't mix together in the right way, in my opinion.
There are some ideas, ideals, and questions posed in this series. I think that some of those are very well represented and presented. However I'm not sure if a viewer can just accept those at face value. Because, unfortunately, it seems like each character's beliefs are strict rules, rather than circumstantial. And ultimately, the things they were striving for may have been achieved more easily and in a better manner had they taken a different path in life. Given that, I can't say I'd agree with the choices most of them made. Although taking that other path may have been a very difficult thing to do.
Posted by josuah at 6:29 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 11, 2006
Christmas Presents w/Shannon and Yvonne
Yesterday I went to visit Shannon and Yvonne having not seen them in a long time. I brought them their Christmas presents, but also had to show them how to order things online to order my own Christmas present. :p They both wanted to get me Kingdom Hearts 2 because they want to see it. Hopefully they know how to use a shopping cart and go through the checkout process now and can do it again in the future. During dinner we talked a little bit about things like the video game controversery and the different attitudes towards sex and violence seen in the United States and Europe.
Afterwards, we decided to go to rent some movies. Wasn't sure what to pick. It's hard to find good movies at the store because the selection is so small. Shannon wanted something funny. Yvonne kept picking weird movies like the black and white Robin Hood. We settled on Beetlejuice, The Princess Bride (again), and Back to the Future. Beetlejuice is too creepy for Shannon, so only Yvonne and I watched it. Yvonne got creeped out too though. They both really liked Back to the Future and we need to rent the sequels next time. Back to the Future gave Yvonne a chance to make fun of me for being old. XD I'm just going to have to get them a copy of The Princess Bride rather than keep renting it.
Posted by josuah at 3:19 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 9, 2006
Blade Trinity
Blade Trinity is a movie I mostly got because I enjoy the series in general. While I think this film lives up to expectations in terms of action, I think the plot is a little weak because it relies a bit too much on cliché and style instead of substance. I also did not particularly like the attempt at mythology introduced both with the villian and the conclusion. It didn't fit with the previous mythology. And for some reason humans are able to compete with the vampires. That doesn't fit either. Anyway, as a pure action movie it's fine as long as you don't think too hard.
Posted by josuah at 6:19 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 8, 2006
Ice Age: The Meltdown
Ice Age: The Meltdown is the sequel to the very entertaining and creative Ice Age. I really like the first one. It's funny, has great characters and character development, a somewhat simple but well executed story, and great visuals and audio. Unfortunately, I don't think the sequel lives up to the name.
The sequel seems short with a recycled storyline and a lot of filler. It's just not as exciting because the build-up isn't there, nor the character exploration. There are several Scrat shorts interspersed within the film, and they really have nothing to do with the storyline. Instead, they eat up time and distract by acting as frequent and hollow intermissions. I also felt a lot of the jokes fell a little flat.
I did really like the sloth music sequence, but I think it could have gone a little farther. It's similar to the dodo music sequence from the first movie, but slightly less amusing.
Posted by josuah at 6:27 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 7, 2006
Chapterhouse: Dune
Chapterhouse: Dune is the last novel of the original Dune series by Frank Herbert. It tells the second half of the story started in Heretics of Dune and follows the first half in pacing, tone, and content. I find myself more engrossed in these later volumes even though they contain less food for thought and more traditional plot movement. Yet there remain some interesting mysteries with the Bene Gesserit, Bene Tleilax, and the Honored Matres. But at the same time, it almost feels like Herbert is less imaginative and leaves too many unanswered questions.
Perhaps the weakest part of this novel. At the end, I don't feel as though anything has actually been resolved. The landscape of power changes dramatically, but not in any way that is so dramatic or revelatory with regards to The Golden Path. It's as if things are just back to where they were before, and all of the opportunities for further exploring The Golden Path, human evolution, and changes in social order are lost or ignored.
It feels like Chapterhouse: Dune should transition into another story that answers the questions and examines the impact of the new Bene Gesserit order. But there isn't anything more to the story.
Posted by josuah at 7:59 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 6, 2006
Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus is the prequel to the cult favorite Ico, but developed after Ico by the same team. It has much of the same mood and atmosphere, and control scheme that tastes familiar although is more advanced and refined. The graphics are improved, and the sound track was done by Kow Otani, whom I think is an excellent composer. The coolest thing about this game is how you take on the giant colossi.
That's something which I think would be extremely hard to accomplish. You have a person of normal height, and you have to defeat colossi of all shapes and sizes, both in the water, on land, and those that go through the skies. The behavior and AI of the colossi seems natural although limited in their actions. Each has a particular weak spot or specific sequence of events that allow you to defeat them. Identifying the correct sequence of actions to take, and how to approach each colossus, is the real puzzle and a wonderful puzzle.
The ending is excellent. I was left with a feeling of foreboding, having played Ico, and at times felt saddened with a sense of loss, then at times held hope. The music and scenery and how things transpire in the end made me wonder if I'd done everything I could, and also wondering if I'd done the right thing. But that's where the hope comes into play.
Shadow of the Colossus also provides additional challenges for those who want to play through again. Apparently there are special items and weapons you can acquire if you play through on hard mode or with the time challenge. Those don't interest me a whole lot because the basic attack strategies are already known to me and I also know what the ending will be.
Posted by josuah at 7:52 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 4, 2006
Ellen's Indecisive Birthday
So this year I've christened Ellen's annual event as her "Indecisive Birthday". Because we spent like two hours just figuring out what to do after dinner. Alla and I got her a gift certificate to some dance studio she likes, but Alla wasn't able to make it to the party. We had dinner at an Italian restaurant named Fiorillo's. Nice atmosphere and food, but fancy-pricey. Huong and Marty were there, along with Rita and her boyfriend, Ryne, whom I'd never met before, and Karissa and Brian, plus the usual Ellen-birthday-regulars that I don't remember names of. The original plan was to go roller skating afterwards. But things got all weird after dinner.
So after dinner the group of us were going to Cal Skate Milpitas. I'd brought my rollerblades, and it was Huong and Marty, Ellen, Rita and Ryne, and I think and Justin and a Brian. But when we got there, a few of them got spooked by the atmosphere and some people they say, so we decided to go to the Dave & Buster's at the Great Mall.
D&B's seemed so much more like a Las Vegas casino than it did when I went to one with the IBM Extreme Blue team over in New York maybe four years ago. People were getting carded to get in, and if you didn't realize you were looking at arcade games, you'd think it was a casino floor. Anyway, once we got in, people weren't sure what to do and started thinking about going to a movie. Or to the miniature golf place also at the mall. Justin didn't even really want to see a movie.
Anyway, I gave up trying to figure out what we were going to do at some point during the discussion and we ended up going to see the movie Deja Vu. The movie was okay. It got some of the technical details right, and there are lots of interesting clues along the way. And I really liked how they approached the terrorism subject and that it was not overly focused upon as anything more than a crime. But parts of it were predictable and other parts were just scienfically convenient/irreconcilable.
Posted by josuah at 5:16 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 30, 2006
Had a bunch of new people show up tonight to watch Cars, Pixar's newest feature film. Dantam came after not being here in a long time, and Julie showed up again. Kristen and her fiance (or husband) showed up also. As did Wendy and Reza. Unfortunately Brian had to work late and couldn't make it. Originally even more people were coming but there were a number of last minute cancellations. We ordered Round Table pizza this time, which turns out to be much more expensive pizza, although also more food and toppings. Kristen brought salad and wine.
Kristen is supposedly allergic to cats. She showed up and had forgotten to take her allergy pill, but wasn't so bad. A few sniffles maybe. I vacuumed a lot the day before so that probably helped. I didn't open the windows though because it's too cold these days. Reza and Kristen's fiance seemed to have some interest in car subwoofers. And Reza seems to know a lot about cars. He recognized a lot of the cars in the movie right away.
Cars is one of Pixar's best films yet. There are a lot of subtle and little jokes, that show an extreme attention to detail and overall fun. The credits were filled with lots of fun stuff too. And I especially liked the John Ratzenberger sequence. The story is excellent and while not the most original, the execution was superb.
I think the new technology featured in Cars is lighting and motion blur. Anyone familiar with 3D rendering knows that one of the reasons you need high frame rates is because there isn't any natural motion blur when you render a scene. It's a static image. So if you only show 24fps of a static image, the brain won't be able to fill in the missing frames and you'll see jerky motion. But in Cars, motion looked real. Absolutely necessary for something as fast paced as car racing.
The special deal with the lighting was in the reflection, gloss, and refraction. Cars have a very reflective surface, and many things both in nature and man-made have certain lighting behavior. Dealing with things like mirrors and bending of the light to match the material requires enormous computation time because each individual light ray needs to be traced as it bounces around the scene. But Pixar got it, and it's all over the place in this film. The car reflections look right, and so does the lighting from headlamps on the pavement and the ambient look of highway signs.
Although the sport of car racing doesn't interest me, I think Cars is an amazing movie and wonderful story.
Posted by josuah at 8:20 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 25, 2006
Giant Robo: The Animation
Although highly recommended, and praised as an epic and powerful anime, Giant Robo: The Animation couldn't hold my attention very well. I felt like things were sometimes too silly for its serious tone (seeing the army of Dr. Wily is a bit too comical), like things were sometimes stupid in their approach (Giant Robo destroys town to save citizens, a la Power Rangers), and also like the producers felt their audience needed to be smashed in the face with explanations. I like epic shows to have depth and complexity, rather than shallow motives and extensive dialogue explaining things in an unrealistic manner.
Posted by josuah at 3:31 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 21, 2006
Heretics of Dune
Heretics of Dune marks the full transition of Frank Herbert's writing from the more dry and objective style found in his earlier works to an emotional narrative that includes characters with raw humanity. It also, however, represents a work that seems less polished in some of the word choices. This is the first novel where I noticed sentences and sayings that you might easily find in other stories. The complexity and depth of the novel remains on par with what you expect and demand of Herbert, but Heretics of Dune also manages to grip you more strongly than his earlier novels. It's more of a "page-turner".
One thing I find interesting is that although the Golden Path has changed things in many significant and subtle ways, and that this is visible in the novel, the plots and machinations of the various power groups still remain. It is as if the human race, and these organizations maintained through ritual and extreme religious loyalty, are somehow stagnant in terms of social progress. I'm not really sure what that says about the world of Dune, or if it is really just saying something about Herbert.
Also, the more I think about this series, the more I wonder why it falls into the category of science fiction. In seems to be lacking the scientific basis for many of the differences between its world and ours. Perhaps you could say those details have been overlooked, but I think if you replaced the physical elements with antiquities, the books would have instead been classified as fantasy.
Posted by josuah at 7:34 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 18, 2006
Impromptu Movie Night
I originally invited some people over tonight for a game night, because Luna was supposed to have French class today. But people ended up being more interested in having a movie night instead. So I ordered some pizza and Wendy, Brian, Christian, Tintin, and two of Wendy's friends, Jennifer and Thomas, showed up. We watched Shiri first, and then 2LDK.
Shiri was Wendy's pick, because it looked interesting to her as a Korean combination of action and romance. But it turned out she'd already seen it. She just didn't remember. She only remembered the original poster, with Hyun/Hee on the front, which is not on my version of the DVD because I have a special edition from Korea.
2LDK was a sort of group pick, between Wendy, Thomas, and Jennifer. Brian didn't watch it because he had something he needed to work on. Everyone really liked it, although Wendy thought the end went too extreme and gory for her taste.
Posted by josuah at 9:25 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 16, 2006
Genshiken! :_(
So I've started watching Genshiken and it is so extraordinarily good. It's smart, funny, insightful, thought-provoking or goofy depending on your mood, and introspective all at the same time. This is an anime, based off a manga, that goes into the otaku subculture with a critical and appraising eye. It's also a perspective that I can really relate to, because these sorts of things are exactly what I go through myself. All I can say is that I'm super lucky to have found someone like Luna who is the same as me.
The only crappy thing (and thus the reason for the :_( in the title) is that Netflix doesn't have the third disc! That's crappy because now I'm stuck wanting to find out what happens next and I can't. I'm probably going to have to see if some place like Hollywood Video, Blockbuster, or the library has it. But I really doubt it. None of the searches are turning it up either.
Posted by josuah at 6:39 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 15, 2006
Kiddy Grade
Kiddy Grade turned out to be more entertaining than I thought, primarily because of the character personalities. They are solid personalities and also extreme, but without overwhelming stereotypes or excessive repetition. The plot and pacing is standard fare, and there's some fan service. The world presented is interesting. Overall I found the premise and characters engaging and fun to watch, although I wouldn't say this series is anything special.
Posted by josuah at 4:06 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 13, 2006
Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life
I didn't feel like playing video games as much tonight, so I ended up watching Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life. I just really like these movies because they're fun, exciting, and entertaining action movies with fairly interesting plots that aren't simple or dumbed-down. The action sequences are good, and visuals of many places around the world and of exotic locations makes things more surreal while at the same time establishing the type of world the movie takes place in.
Posted by josuah at 6:00 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 12, 2006
The Saint
I don't remember when I first saw The Saint, but I remember really liking it. Simon Templar was intriguing because he moves between personas so fluidly and easily. And the plot and action was well developed and gripping. Although not a whole lot of time was spent talking about cold fusion, the concept was presented quickly, without obviousness, and as part of the overall whole. I just watched the film again, and I still like it just as much.
Posted by josuah at 12:32 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 10, 2006
The Rundown
Tonight's movie night featured The Rundown, an action comedy starring The Rock, Seann William Scott, Rosario Dawson, and one of my favorites, Christopher Walken, as the bad guy. I ordered food from Buca di Beppo because I had a $10 off coupon. But it turned out more expensive than I wanted even with that coupon. At one point, up to ten people were going to be here, so I cooked a lot of spaghetti and meatballs, but there ended up being only six of us. Wendy and Brian came, and so did Christian and Alla, and one of Wendy's friends who is a new attendee, Julie.
This was a pretty hectic movie night since I had to cook spaghetti and meatballs, and stop at Albertsons to get French bread. I also picked up Christian from his place and dropped him off afterwards, but he lives close. I picked up Julie from nearby as she took public transportation. Alla left at 10pm right after the movie because she had to do some other things, and sort of started the exodus. Which was probably a good thing because it took me about an hour to clean up everything. One of the kitties had tasted some spaghetti and meatball which resulted in some vomit.
The Rundown was fun, funny, and exciting. All of the primary actors acted in the way you would expect, if you're familiar with them, and as always Christopher Walken was great as himself. The bullet dodging was a little extreme, but nothing you wouldn't expect from this sort of movie. I do think the director cheated a lot of the action sequences by using fast cuts and extreme angles to make things more exciting than they actually were. But it was still cool to watch. Julie was exploding with laughter throughout the movie.
Posted by josuah at 7:30 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 7, 2006
Chrono Cross
I just fiinished playing Chrono Cross, the sequel to the extremely enjoyable Chrono Trigger, although it's a sequel in terms of world and events, rather than characters and timeline. Chrono Cross has everything that was great about the first game, in terms of characters, plot, and time interest. But for some reason I found myself sometimes having trouble coming back to the game to continue forward. Still, there are lots of interesting aspects to the game and once I got into it I tended to keep going.
I found the combat sometimes on the boring side. Most battles were very easy, unless you cared about trying to set element traps or get special items. You can pretty much just do whatever to win most battles. This isn't true for bosses or other certain battles, where elements come into play. The element system is simple but effective and inserts a level of strategy that can make battles interesting and fun. When the elements would make a difference. For the vast majority of normal encounters, selecting melee attacks over and over worked.
The plot is very good and twisting though, and certainly held my interest. Although as things neared the end, I felt like everything was being revealed through narration rather than exploration or discovery. People tended to start monologuing and the whole of things would be revealed through information databases or other access terminals.
As far as sound and music goes, I wish the regular combat music was more interesting, or would change more often. I didn't like it that much and found it repetitive. Special battles and other environmental music was pretty good though. At those times, the music was good at conveying a mood or invoking certain emotions complementary to what was occurring on screen.
Posted by josuah at 7:31 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 6, 2006
God Emperor of Dune
The fourth novel in the Dune saga is God Emperor of Dune. The story continues, four thousand years after the ascension of Leto II, and at the end (or beginning, depending on your viewpoint) of the Golden Path. The economics, politics, culture, and social behavior of the entire species has changed as a result of those four thousand years of specific and controlled totalitarianism. God Emperor of Dune has a lot of ideas with regard to social orders, rather than political ones, and also some interesting personal revelations.
God Emperor of Dune brings back the open conflict of the first novel, pitting an Atreides descendant against the tyranny of Leto II, who is now almost entirely sand worm, maintaining only his human mind. I found the characters of Siona, Duncan, and Hwi very interesting and captivating because of their viewpoints and interactions with Leto II.
Posted by josuah at 10:25 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Ah! My Goddess! The Movie
Aa! Megamisama! The Movie takes place a short time after the end of the five episode OVA. The storyline is not a continuation of the OVA, and instead of much more action and plot driven. There is an antagonist, from Belldandy's past, who fights against the wrongs of heaven. Overall, the production is much nicer for this big-screen feature, and it's exciting to watch. Building upon the character development from the OVA makes for a richer experience.
The only thing I wish hadn't occurred is the final revelation when the antagonist is defeated. There is a long and good build up of his reasons for trying to change the celestial order, and at the beginning these reasons can be considered valid and also make his fight desireable. But then at the end, when it is revealed how he will bring about change, it all goes bad. His means are not acceptable or desireable, although his goal is. I wish they could have kept the two in sync, which would have made the climax more interesting and made either outcome possible.
Posted by josuah at 7:27 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 5, 2006
Children of Dune
It's been a while since I watched the Sci-Fi version of Dune, and I've been wanting to see Children of Dune ever since. I just finished watching the two disc miniseries, and found it very enjoyable, but not as much so as the first.
Children of Dune doesn't have the same amount of intensity I felt in Dune. I think it's partly a result of the somewhat rushed pacing of the first part, which does admittedly mirror the book in that manner. Parts two and three are actually the story told in Dune Messiah, and more captivating.
The most intriguing character this time was Alia. I think her character was the most interesting and difficult to portray. Unfortunately, I don't think the acting was that great overall.
The special effects were pretty good, when they weren't obvious. There were a few times where things didn't look very well done. But there were dozens of times when it was very well done. The audio production and music was very good as well.
Posted by josuah at 7:20 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 4, 2006
THX 1138
I was intrigued by the poster and brief description of THX 1138 when it was rereleased a few years ago. I found the film very interesting. It's a very strange film, with a plot and ending that I feel leaves a lot of room for interpretation; if it even makes sense to do so. The movie shares a lot of themes with other dystopian and Orwellian movies, but also has some unclear elements that made me wonder about the reality of THX 1138's existence. A reality further put into question as other things are revealed.
I found it surprising high quality in terms of visuals, special effects, and audio for a film made in 1969. But it turns out George Lucas reworked scenes to improve them when it was re-mastered for DVD release, and apparently redid some scenes in their entirety, only inserting the actors into the rendered environments. So I guess that's not too amazing after all. But I think the final product is very good as a result.
Posted by josuah at 6:33 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 3, 2006
Oh My Goddess!
Oh My Goddess! is one of the more famous anime series, based off a popular manga. I watched the first OVA, which is only five episodes. I really liked the characters, and the short length of the series means the character faults are not overdone. But at the end of the fifth episode, I was left feeling as if the series wasn't over. I would have liked it to keep going. Perhaps I'll grab the full season TV series.
One thing I noticed right away about the OVA is the catchy and recognizable songs. There are a few songs which for some reason just seem familiar, including the ending theme. Despite being played over and over, I never got tired of them. There are also some really cool animation sequences. I especially like the crayon-looking drawing of Skuld chasing after some bugs.
Posted by josuah at 9:12 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 2, 2006
And Now for Something Completely Different
And Now For Something Completely Different is a collection of skits by the Monty Python troupe. I like the majority of their films, and this collection has some really great skits with some of their most famous lines. But it also had a lot of random filler that I felt wasn't particularly funny and pointless. So it kept feeling like I was going back and forth between funniness and boredom. I think a much shorter version with a smaller selection of skits would have made for a tighter and better film.
Posted by josuah at 7:01 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 1, 2006
If you're going to do historical fiction, at least make it historically correct. That's really what ruined the movie Gladiator for me. I can accept that this is a dramatization and fiction, so characters play different roles and you could consider this an elseworld, but at least get the culture and civilization correct.
The opening combat was just wrong, which started things off the wrong way, and every time I saw incoherent lettering or the thumbs-up I just got distracted. I also don't think the correct landscape was used for the city of Rome; I could not identify the seven hills I was expecting nor any aqueduct waterways. And for some reason, the contemporary speech patterns and emphasis tones just didn't sound right for a culture that spoke and wrote Latin.
Although overall the score was well done, there was significant influence in some of the compositions from Mars: Bringer of War. So much so that I kept thinking of that instead of the movie.
I also thought that while a lot of effort was put into generating the CG landscapes and city population and buildings, the fact that it was so obviously CG detracted from the effect. It is still extremely important to composite the CG and non-CG elements together, and I don't think they succeeded as much as they needed to here.
If there is any overly redeeming quality to the film, it's the acting. I think everyone involved gave exceptional performances. Some of that was unfortunately offset by poor dramatizations, especially at the end. I think the truth is much more moving than a choreographed tribute, but that doesn't seem to be the style of big-budget action films.
Posted by josuah at 6:31 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 30, 2006
Maburaho is one of those silly romantic comedy anime series where a bunch of girls chase after a boy for some reason or another and hilarity and silliness ensues. I do think Maburaho delivers pretty well in that regard, and I really liked the characters. There are some really great plot devices, but I didn't find it as consistently funny as some other series'. Still, I think if you go for this kind of series, Maburaho is probably exactly what you're looking for.
Posted by josuah at 7:16 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
A Spanish Skeleton
This weekend I spent a lot of time with Shannon. She came over with her mom on Saturday because they needed back the mattress. They don't sleep over anymore because they're all so busy with school and things like that. And they have a guest visiting now so they needed the mattress. We played some more of The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures and Shannon ate some of the food I cooked even though it has tomatoes.
I took Shannon back home and then slept over that night because we worked on making her a skeleton for her Spanish class today. They do this every year for Día de los Muertos, although Shannon didn't pay attention and didn't know what it was for. We ended up cutting out the basic shapes from styrofoam and sticking them together with the metal wire from inside of twisties.
The rest of the day both Shannon and Yvonne did a lot of studying and homework. I helped Shannon study her Spanish and also a little with her English. But for some reason I was very tired so I took a nap. I think maybe because it was so cold.
Posted by josuah at 8:49 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 29, 2006
Gundress has the name Masamune Shirow attached, and that somewhat attracted me to this film because I really like his work. But that public relations gimmick is about all this movie has going for it. It's a very simple and unoriginal action movie with some basic characters and a bit of excitement. There's really nothing special about this movie.
There are a couple things to note regarding the linked review. Nudity while navigating the mind or cyberspace is signature Shirow because it represents the inner view of oneself. A person's own view of himself or herself doesn't really have anything to do with external trappings like clothes. The nudity is symbolic. And the reason the male representation does not have any genitalia is because it is illegal to depict those things in Japan (or at least it was—I'm not entirely sure of the current law). Alissa didn't have any genitalia depicted either.
Posted by josuah at 6:21 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 28, 2006
Silent Hill
I had some people over last night to watch Silent Hill, the movie adaptation of the first game of the series. It's close to Halloween, and so Wendy said a scary movie might be a good choice. Silent Hill isn't a gory or slasher movie. It's a creepy movie. And I thought it did a very good job of being creepy, although the acting and dialogue wasn't wonderful and the plot seemed a little rushed near the climax. But everyone agreed it was creepy.
Wendy's husband, Brian, also came. As did Alla and Christian and Tintin whom I hadn't seen in a long time. Alla had some trouble understanding what was going on, I think because the movie progressed somewhat like the game would in revealing clues over time and making it so things were confusing and disorienting. This does heighten the creepiness in my opinion. But she didn't like it because it wasn't realistic to her.
Posted by josuah at 2:27 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 23, 2006
A View to a Kill
I watched A View to a Kill, Roger Moore's last James Bond film, just now, and I'm starting to think overall it's not worth going through the entire Bond catalog. The past few James Bond movies I've watched I've rated only three stars on Netflix, and I can't really think of any that I enjoyed as much as Goldeneye. What I did really like about this film though, was Christopher Walken. He's a great villian in this film.
Posted by josuah at 7:35 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 22, 2006
Killer Bunnies
I gave Killer Bunnies to Shannon for her birthday, and got to play it with her and Yvonne this weekend. It turns out to be a very fun game, as recommended by the owner of the Legends store at Oakridge. The rules are a little bit complicated, which made Shannon give up on reading them, but once you understand them the gameplay is very simple and relatively fast moving. What's great is that strategy, planning, and competition are strong elements while not being overwhelmingly complex. And it's just plain fun. It would be even more fun with more players.
One drawback is that winning is to some extent luck. You can do a great job of dominating the game by killing off the other players bunnies efficiently and quickly, but if you don't happen to end up with the correct carrot, you can still lose. So even though you are the better player, you aren't guaranteed to win despite winning everything along the way. I suspect this was done to make things a little less annoying for younger children where poor players might just give up completely. It also makes it so the game can continue even though one player has gathered a plurality of the carrots.
Another issue is that you can keep buying expansion packs to get stranger cards and more wacky behavior. I do think they took a less money-grubbing approach than other collectable card games, since you just buy specific expansion packs in a certain order that provide specific cards. And that certainly allows the game to stay fresh for longer. But there are a lot of expansion packs and you probably do want to get them all.
After we played Killer Bunnies, we watched The Chronicles of Narnia. Shannon and Yvonne both remembered the books much better than I do, and were able to point out some minor inconsistencies that seemed to have crept in as a way to meet the film's time limits and make things a little simplier to absorb. I think they both liked it, and Yvonne did agree the women in the film weren't exactly the greatest. Mei-Ling kept getting scared for no real good reason. She said the music was very erie and that was making her get scared, even though the rest of us didn't feel that way.
Before I left, I helped Yvonne with her chemistry homework. I hope she understands better the shells and energy levels and concepts about atomic geometry a little better now. But mostly she just tries to find the answer and write it down without thinking much about why that's the right answer. We found the Atomic orbital entry on Wikipedia quite useful. Especially for visualizing the orbital shapes.
Posted by josuah at 11:34 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 21, 2006
Children of Dune
In preparation for watching the Sci-Fi channel's adaptation of it, I read Children of Dune, which is really the culmination of the plot started in Dune: Messiah. Children of Dune follows the next generation of Atredies as they maneuver through plotting and events as momentous as those described in the first book of the series, and as they reach their destiny. Although I think the focus is much more on Leto II and not his sister Ghanima.
Everything you liked in the first book is here in the third as well. There's political intrigue and betrayal, as well as mystery as to where things can be driven by the Atredies family. Explorations go into the mysteries of prescience and the risk of Abomination. The path which Paul chose to discard are not rejected by his son Leto II, perhaps because Leto does not have love to temper his decisions. In any event, the story continues to unfold and remains very interesting and the ideas presented very thought provoking.
Posted by josuah at 1:45 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 16, 2006
Lady Vengeance
Chinjeolhan Geumjassi, which for some reason seems to have two English web sites (1, 2), is the final installment in director Chan-wook Park's Vengeance Trilogy. The second in the series is Oldboy, but I haven't seen the first one yet. That's okay, because it's not necessary to view these in order. The thing about Lady Vengeance is that it really hits you in the gut with a powerful fist of raw, primal emotion.
This film deals with kidnapping, which can automatically invoke extreme feelings in just about all directions, if well done. And Park doesn't hold anything back. Lady Vengeance is "The Witch", a woman who can appear kind-hearted and full of love while at the same time so cold and calculating against people who have wronged her. She is sent to prison at the age of 19 for kidnapping and smothering a 5-year-old boy to death. When she is released thirteen years later and offered a tofu cake by a priest, she tips the cake onto the ground. This sets the mood of the entire film.
I found myself gripped by the characters, which are portrayed by outstanding actors, the story, which is intelligent and complex, and the emotions which are so basic you cannot avoid a vicarious experience. As with Oldboy, be prepared for anything, because everything is going to be put before you.
Posted by josuah at 7:05 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Donnie Darko
Donnie Darko is a cult classic that happens to include an amazing cast set in an amazing premise. This is not a film that reveals the truth. It's a film that posits and explores the potential in humankind's experience of life. At times it's thrilling. Other times scary. It's definitely thought-provoking, and completely captivating. It's very hard to explain, but the most important requirement when watching this film is to try and believe.
There are lots of ways to look at the content of this film. This is one of those movies that if it was a book, you'd find English teachers trying to get you to come up with interpretations and explanations and themes, all of which could be right but are probably more a reflection of the viewer than the author.
I think the best thing about this film is that you have to figure out for yourself, along with Donnie, exactly what must happen. There are people who contribute to the solution, but unravelling the situation is a rewarding puzzle both for the audience and for Donnie as his character comes to a realization.
Posted by josuah at 1:04 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 15, 2006
Voices of a Distant Star
Hoshi no Koe was an amazingly good short film. It's only 25 minutes but it's exciting, emotional, and poignant all at the same time. There have been some comparisons to The Forever War but they're really very different. In Hoshi no Koe, two friends are separated by the limitations of light speed. One has no connection with normalcy except through the SMS line, and the other is tethered by that line.
Human lives are short. It used to take weeks to send a letter by mail. And as the film alludes, your world can be measured in how far you can send a message to someone else. Today, you can easily send a message to someone anywhere else on Earth and it will arrive in less than a second. But once there are people away from Earth, the time to send a message will become measured in light seconds. In this particular case, the messages are taking much longer than that.
As a soldier on a battleship, traversing through the stars, you leave behind everything that is Earth. You also leave behind the people who represent humanity. And sending a message will take a very long time. Years may pass between replies. But that is your link to everything else.
For someone on Earth, to receive those messages, is like hearing from a ghost, but at the same time is someone whom you know to be real and familiar. That person is not gone, but by the time you've received the message, what was said is long past. And the world continued around you, as this message travelled through time to reach you in the future. And so you're trapped by your past. But it's not a trap you can simply escape from because doing so means abandoning something precious.
The worst part about it all is that there's always the chance someone you saw yesterday really died years ago.
Posted by josuah at 12:59 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 14, 2006
Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight
Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight is considered an anime sequel to Record of Lodoss War, but it is actually a more lengthly adaptation of the original manga. As a result, if you watch both of the series, the first disc of the sequel won't seem to make sense given the events of the first. But if you only watch the sequel, you won't understand everything that took place in the first have of the first series. Basically, you're stuck.
As with what I wrote about the first series, I wasn't too impressed with this series. On the first disc I saw a number of production flaws. The remaining three discs cover the longer second story arc revolving around the knight in training Spark, rather than free knight Parn. There's some decent character development here but no real depth to anything. Visuals are okay for the time, music could have been better, but the rest of the execution is amateur. The basic plot is still there, it's just not used very well.
Posted by josuah at 5:44 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 10, 2006
Anansi Boys
Since I didn't bring anything interesting on the airplane (I wasn't sure what they would try to confiscate or make me check into my luggage) I bought a copy of Wired Magazine and Anansi Boys to read on the flight back. Anansi Boys is the first Neil Gaiman novel I've read. The story is extremely good and extremely well written. But I don't think it's my type of book. So I'm not sure I'll read his other novels.
What Anansi Boys is, is a fully developed folk tale like you might have read as a child or read about if you studied other cultures, mixed with a little bit of a modern thriller to give it an extra bite. It's the kind of story that you might find about the animals of the zodiac or why there is a sun and moon or why the fox can never be friends with the hare. That sort of story, at its basic roots. And Neil Gaiman pulls it of perfectly.
Posted by josuah at 3:20 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Devil Wears Prada
On my flight over to Philadelphia, the movie shown was The Devil Wears Prada, which I actually first heard about from a blog posting The Devil Wears Prada Theater Uniforms. It's a movie that delivers pretty much exactly what you would expect, although there seems to be a tiny argument saying the fashion industry is important because of its impact on everyday life (so does the candy industry--that doesn't mean candy is actually so very important).
Meryl Streep is of course excellent in her role, which can be both cruel and heart-wrenching at the same time. But I was surprised by how well Anne Hathaway performed in this more grown up role, even if she wasn't amazing. The only thing I felt a little unfulfilling was the ease with which everything worked out for her in the end. It was too simple, too under-developed, and her boyfriend didn't ask any questions.
Posted by josuah at 2:56 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 2, 2006
Dune: Messiah
Dune Messiah is the second book in the series by Frank Herbert, but it's sort of a transition book. It's a little shorter than the novels that come before and after it, and has less meat to it. Rather it sort of bridges the empire built by Paul Atreides with that which will be governed by his children. So it's a good book, but not as interesting or thought provoking as the first or third.
Posted by josuah at 4:01 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 28, 2006
Radiata Stories
Radiata Stories takes the world of RPGs to an entirely new level. The one word that really describes the world and people and culture of Radiata is vibrant. It just seems so alive. There are over 200 different characters, each with their own personality, daily schedule, and role to play in the game (small or large). As I learned more and more about each person, I came to know them all fairly well. I knew their names, places they would frequent, and sometimes motivations. The scenery, maps, and architecture are brilliantly realized; this is not a tiled map. I would often admire the scenery as I travelled on roads (yes, roads, like normal people).
From a technical standpoint, this game really delivers. There were several new technologies put in as nice touches which you wouldn't really notice, but help to put polish on the game and also add more life to the world. Some examples of this are the random behavior of street lamp halos, or the POV display of characters during battle, or correct shadow placement, or texture and lighting shaders applied to the screen.
The music is also very good. It's environmental but exciting and always fits the mood. The only thing I wish was that the battle music would be a little more interesting. I found it a little too monotone or repetitive to my liking.
In fact, the only thing that wasn't so great was the combat. There was a little strategy involved, where guarding and moving to a new position could help. And you have to order your teammates to perform certain things in support on some occasions, although the AI is pretty decent regardless. But overall I felt like it was a little on the button-mashing side and once you've picked a decent set of attacks it doesn't matter anymore. You can't really do any special moves and getting new abilities or attack modes requires you to change your party members.
Another thing that's really great about the game is how you can make a real life-altering decision halfway through. It completely changes how you have to view things, having to choose between two mutually exclusive choices. Either choice requires you to make compromises which in an ideal situation you wouldn't have to make. And each side can be considered right and wrong at the same time.
Because the split makes playing through the game a second time worth it, I clocked in about 75 hours total. That sets a new record, beating out Star Ocean by a few hours.
Posted by josuah at 6:13 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 27, 2006
Record of Lodoss War
Record of Lodoss War is a famous anime. Considered one of the archetypes of the fantasy genre. And it does follow very closely the sorts of things developed in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy and also Dungeons & Dragons (original). But I didn't think it was that great. The art and music was fine, especially considering the 1990 date. And the basic plot was there. But it was just very simple and straightforward, without much depth. I also felt the dialogue could have been better; conversations were very convenient at times.
Posted by josuah at 6:05 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 24, 2006
Alien Nine
Alien Nine is a four-volume manga by Hitoshi Tomizawa. It's about some middle-school girls who join the Alien Party; a group of school kids whose responsibility it is to protect the other students from alien invaders. But the real situation is a lot more complex and subtle than that. I really like the ideas presented in this story, which is very imaginative, and I also like the characters. They're all unique and interesting. All of that put together in this unique situation makes for great reading.
The only thing is that there doesn't really feel like a real conclusion to the plot. I think that's partially simply because the world the story takes place in is familiar enough to feel like something that would happen in the near future, but strange enough that you feel a need for things to get back to our reality. But that's not something that will happen, and this alternative future is something that fits their sense of normalcy so anything that changed that would be a strange thing to occur.
Posted by josuah at 8:38 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Love Fest SF 2006
I just got back from the San Francisco LoveFest, 2006. I didn't go the previous two years (when it was called Love Parade) because Shannon had her birthday parties. But this year Shannon isn't having a birthday party. I took Caltrain up to BART right to the middle of the event. Took a little under 2 hours that way. I met up with Alla and some of her friends as the parade was moving down Market Street.
The parade wasn't as good as I thought it would be. For starters, most of the people were not dancing. The crowd got larger in the afternoon, but most people just stood around. It seemed more of a San Francisco parade where people were more interested in dressing funny and strutting around than in the music and dancing. We saw a bunch of naked men walking around, and also a naked transvestite. The number of naked men far outnumbered the number of topless women. Alla's friends weren't much interested in dancing either; they just kept walking around and standing in front of floats.
The music also had good points and bad points. I would say about half the floats had music I didn't like, and the other half had decent music that was just messed up because the speakers were being overdriven and creating a lot of distortion. They also boosted the bass frequencies and at times, because the floats were so close in the plaza, it seemed like a war between DJs as they tried to out-bass their neighbors. During the parade, there were large sections without music, which also wasn't that great.
Unfortunately, it was so loud my ears were ringing within the first few minutes. I should have brought my earplugs.
There were a few floats that were good. And DJ Rap showed up to do a set later in the afternoon, which was really cool to see. She was doing a little less breakbeat and a little more drum 'n bass, so while I liked seeing her and was excited, I didn't like her music as much as her debut album. But it was the right type of music for this venue, I suppose. Alla didn't like what she did with the synthesized music at all; she said it made her feel naseous.
I did find out about the promotional tracks off Beatport though, which I was able to download for free. Not WAV format, unfortunately, but MP3. They gave out a download card if you gave a $10 donation to enter the plaza. Turns out you really didn't need to get the card in order to access the promotional tracks. Two of Alla's friends thought the $10 donation was required, partially because of how they set up the entrance, and decided not to enter the plaza.
I feel a little sick now, with a headache and I notice now a sunburn. I think the sun, the activity, and a lack of water has left me dehydrated and with a headache. I bought some Gatorade that I hope will help a little. Not sure if I will go next year. If I do, I'll have to remember to bring ear plugs.
Posted by josuah at 4:44 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 22, 2006
Noir looked very appealing to me because it featured some female assassins and claimed stylized gunfights and good action. But I was really disappointed by how it turned out. It's 26 episodes, but because of the heavy use of flashbacks as a plot device and to recap the previous episode, I think it could have been done a lot better as a 13 episode series. If anything, the word I would use to describe this series is inconsistent.
The action sequences are inconsistent. Sometimes, especially in the first episodes, Kirika and Mireille do some really cool things, both physically and strategically. But at other times they just walk up and stand there for a while pointing their gun, then shoot. In fact, I think they should have died within the first few episodes and the only reason they didn't is because the bad guys completely suck. Even the special bad guys are stupid and suck. How can they be surrounded by a dozen enemies, who are standing within a dozen feet, and not get riddled with bullets because they don't even move. They don't even turn their body to provide a smaller target.
The music was inconsistent too. Sometimes it sounded really good, but other times it was all messed up. For example, I don't know how it could be considered a good idea to mix a regular beat with choir singing when that singing isn't scored at the same tempo. Someone needs to go back to music school or at least the director or mixer needs to get their ears fixed.
Now that it's over, I'm not sure what happened at the end.
Posted by josuah at 5:49 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 20, 2006
Battlefield Earth
I finished re-reading Battlefield Earth, a book I bought a while ago. I thought back then it was better than I expected, and I still think it's a great book. It's nothing spectacular or really ground-breaking, but it is exciting and has some really imaginative points. Mostly it keeps you wanting to read because you want the Psychos to get overthrown and see humanity liberated. But what I really like is the epic nature of the story, which includes a lot of detail as it progresses. Of course, it's detail that is explained plainly and blatantly, so it's not a complicated plot, but it's still very enjoyable.
Posted by josuah at 4:49 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 16, 2006
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Movie
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Movie is a two-hour sequel to the series that picks up a while after the series ended. You cannot appreciate this film unless you have watched the entire series, so that is something to keep in mind. The story background and character development heavily depends upon the series, although there is a weak attempt in the beginning at giving new viewers some context. I found the pacing of the movie to be much better than the series, while still maintaining a quality story.
The villian of this movie doesn't have the greatest amount of screen time, but her character and role doesn't feel rushed either. Probably because she is involved in things from the beginning and her plan unravels slowly but steadily. Unfortunately, the movie does suffer a bit from trying to hit you over the head with its message regarding war and conflict and fear and hate.
What was interesting is the movie draws explicit parallels between the persecution that it is depicting now, in this parallel world, with the persecution that was a focal point of the series. And the gypsies are dealt with as the primary target, rather than the Jews, which is very uncommon but actually closer to history. It's probably that there's never been a large community clamoring about what happened to the gypsies, compared to the Jews, at that time in Germany.
Posted by josuah at 6:40 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 14, 2006
Fullmetal Alchemist
Luna really liked Fullmetal Alchemist and told me I should watch it. She liked the story, and the ending, and the opening and closing music. I also liked the ending, which was surprising and also very well done, but found the story too drawn out and the rock music isn't my taste. The artwork is pretty decent and a lot of the action was pretty good too.
I liked the characters and the overall plot arc, but it just took too long and I felt like things repeated themselves too often. I guess a lot of things were sort of building up over time, in a detailed manner, but it wasn't until the episodes near the end that I thought anything was really getting accomplished. At that point, the extended character development does pay off a bit, but not a whole lot.
Posted by josuah at 7:21 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 11, 2006
Turns out Thunderball is another James Bond movie that I've seen but didn't recognize by the name. This Bond movie was okay, but not that special I don't think. The best part about it were the underwater scenes, which were done very well and also somewhat exciting. But the villian wasn't particularly evil, although the cat-and-mouse dance between him and Bond did keep things a little interesting.
Posted by josuah at 8:48 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 7, 2006
Replacement Plus 12.3 Driver
The replacement Plus 12.3 driver I requested from SVSound arrived today, although it didn't get sent to my office like I'd asked. I guess that change got lost in the RMA shuffle. Anyway, swapped it into my subwoofer and the rattling is gone. I played back Kodo's Ibuki and the two tracks Dub Gusset and Swords off Leftfield's Rhythm and Stealth. No rattling from those tracks or the startup thump either.
Posted by josuah at 6:23 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 6, 2006
Mom over Labor Day
My mom visited this past weekend because it was Labor Day weekend. She arrived Saturday night and left early on Tuesday morning. She did bring me the pluge router I wanted. She also brought me two small albums of the wedding photos Luna and I had done last time I was in Shanghai. The photos look good, but the albums are a little crappy if fancy looking. They have the name of the studio on the front, instead of our names, and the veneer is missing from the back of one of them. My favorite picture is the one where Luna looks angry and is holding the Hello Kitty dolls.
Sunday morning my mom and I went to a Church in Fremont because Calvin went there to say a few words about Labor Day. He really only talked for about 5 minutes, and I had to sit through all the sermon stuff and preaching. I wonder if preachers recognize some of the hypocricy they spout. In this particular sermon, the only reason you might not consider it hypocritical is if you aren't willing to question your own faith. Which is the point, I guess.
The rest of the time I watched Full Metal Alchemist and played Radiata Stories.
Posted by josuah at 6:59 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 2, 2006
Memnoch The Devil
I read another Anne Rice book, Memnoch The Devil, and I've sort of decided not to continue reading Anne Rice books for a while. Memnoch The Devil captures all of the brilliance and cultural elegance I think is the strength and beauty of Anne Rice's stories. I'm not entirely sure what her intention is regarding the discussion between God and Memnoch, but it's an intriguing discourse and also an interesting way to think about the history of Christianity. It is that back-and-forth between Memnoch and Lestat that brings a level of intelligent intensity to this novel.
Posted by josuah at 4:18 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 31, 2006
I finished Psychonauts last night, a critically acclaimed but not so widely known platform game where you play the character of Raz, a boy who goes to a psychonaut training camp that is really just like a stereotypical summer camp in the woods for little kids. And that's where all the fun begins. From a gameplay standpoint, the game is full of perfection. You'll do everything from platforming to collecting items and exploring your environment. It's just a fun game in that sense. But where it really shines is the humor.
Everything is insanely amusing. The job of a psychonaut is to use psychic powers in the real world and to enter the minds of others to solve their psychological problems. Thus a large part of your time is spent exploring the minds of people who have psychological issues. Since the real world itself is a little on the crazy side, entering people's minds is even more entertaining. Imagine taking the phrase "it's more afraid of you and you are of it", turn it into a nightmare, and a fish. Then run around in there. That's the kind of humor you'll find in Psychonauts.
I think the game designers did a great job of putting in fun gameplay mechanisms, like facing off against Napoleon in a strategic battle. Or lucha matches with a wrestler that can fly. Emotional baggage is a crying hatbox or purse. And you're going to face off against tiny little men in suits trying to stamp you out. All full of dry hiliarity. I especially liked the milkman. Who is the milkman?
Posted by josuah at 4:49 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 27, 2006
Tales of Symphonia
Tales of Symphonia was excellent. Probably the best (there aren't many anyway) RPG I've found for the GameCube, and also one of the best regardless of platform. I was surprised to discover many of the combat features from Star Ocean seem to have originated in Tales of Symphonia, although Star Ocean did improve upon them. In terms of gameplay and mechanics, Tales of Symphonia was excellent. I couldn't complain about anything.
I think the first thing that will strike you in this game is the graphics. The world is bright, colorful, and vibrant and looks very much like the animation cut-scenes because of the cel shaders. Although somewhat simplistic in appearance, the characters and backgrounds are rich and build an excellent environment for running around in.
The story is a bit traditional, although there are a few tweaks thrown in and the basics were expanded upon in depth and with a great attention to detail. One thing that was really well done is making sure there aren't any loose ends in such a complex plot. You really do have to take everything to completion in order to save the world. It's not as simple as defeating a final boss and everything goes back to normal. The struggle to save the world is long and involves many people and enemies.
The only thing I wish was better is some of the dialogue. At times, the conversations are a little out of place because it doesn't seem like the sort of thing people would say in reality. A bit too explanatory and forced at times.
Posted by josuah at 7:00 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 21, 2006
Shaun of the Dead
I just watched Shaun of the Dead, a movie that Anthony from work said was really good and funny. It's an odd sort of movie, mixing zombies with a sort of casual attitude and British humor. For example, instead of running away from the zombies, Shaun and his friend decide to sit on the couch and figure things out. I enjoyed it, and it was fairly amusing at times although yucky at other times.
One unfortunate thing I discovered is that one of the Plus 12.3 drivers I received from SVSound is defective. It rattles sometimes, and I found it even rattled when out of the subwoofer just from the initial turn-on thump. I thought this was due to a loose screw or loose fastening before, but turns out it's a defect in the driver itself. So SVSound is shipping me a replacement. They do have some of the best customer service I've experienced.
Posted by josuah at 12:42 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 19, 2006
I actually saw parts of FLCL for the first time on Adult Swim while at a hotel somewhere. It was extremely strange and didn't make any sense. And actually, that turns out to be pretty much true even if you watch the series from beginning to end rather than in pieces. The main character, Naota, gets beat up by guitars and robots erupt from his head on a regular basis. And just about every other scene makes fun or something or other, or is done in a comedic fashion. But I have to say I actually enjoyed it as a whole.
FLCL just has some strange amount of extreme energy throughout the entire series. It shows up even during the end credits, which are longer than usual but captivating in its own way. The sound of the show is rock, and it sounds like pure Japanese rock to me—not Western-adapted rock. And it fits and fills the show perfectly.
I guess never knowing what will happen next, coupled with great artwork and visual sequences, energetic music, and crazy memorable characters just makes the series work in a strange way. It's like seeing some artwork that shouldn't make sense but has an unnatural attraction to it anyway.
Posted by josuah at 11:42 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 14, 2006
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Amazing. That's the one word that came to my mind almost immediately after beginning to watch Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. I've been waiting to see this for a while now, and finally managed to find the DVD for a decent price. I think the story was a little too action-focused, but not in a bad way. The visuals were amazing, and the amount of detail and effort they put into the world and sequences is amazing. The soundtrack was very evocative, and the movie brought back so many memories and emotions.
The reapperance of Sephiroth gave me goosebumps. Even though I knew he was coming, seeing him again and feeling the evil with his theme music was very tense and dramatic. It felt like a resurrection of evil. Sephiroth really does epitomize hatred so well, and knowing the background behind him and Cloud and what Sephiroth has done and seeks truly makes him a fearsome character. I do still think Kefka is still a better antagonist than Sephiroth, but Sephiroth has the emotion whereas Kefka is more of a villain.
It does help a lot if you have played Final Fantasy VII, because a lot of the characters and the world and plot depends upon the development of things in the game. While the DVD does include a decent synopsis of events from the game, it doesn't capture everything. But, it would be a good idea to watch the synopsis before watching Advent Children if you've never played FFVII or if it's been a while since you have. Even then, there are things about the film you will not fully understand unless you have played the game.
Posted by josuah at 6:06 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 13, 2006
Underworld: Evolution
I really liked the first movie, but the sequel Underworld: Evolution lost just about all of the original's culture and is a pure action movie. The action sequences are pretty intense and exciting, and the creature effects are great this time as they were in the first movie. I think the sexuality of both Beckinsale and Speedman are over exploited though. I wish the sophistication of the first movie had remained though.
There was an opportunity here to continue the exploration of the culture, the politics, and the infighting but instead all of those chances are skipped so as to move from one fight scene to the next. What happened to all of the other lycans and death dealers? It's like they've simply disappeared from the conflict, when we know they're still there and should be intimately involved in the chaos. I did like the scenes involving the historian though, as that brought back some of the wonderful sense of mythology found in the first movie.
Instead the majority of non-fight time involves Selene remembering more of her past. This is somewhat important, because it reveals back-story that further enriches her character, but it's also a little convenient in that it's history that wasn't necessary for the character development. And I think the extensive use of flashbacks was a poor choice of directing. Flashbacks in the first movie served real purpose for revealing truths and moving the plot forward. This time, they're more of a gimmick and contain very little information.
Posted by josuah at 10:40 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
So Close
So Close is a Hong Kong action movie that looked pretty entertaining from just what I saw and read on the DVD case. And the action part is certainly very entertaining. I think this movie is a good example of Hong Kong martial arts movies, and all three actresses are very good at acting and the choreographed martial arts. Unfortunately, the movie lacks focus because the writers tried to cram too much into it and the sequence of events is not always clear.
Posted by josuah at 10:40 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
I just completed Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and it was every bit as enjoyable as the previous one, although even more expansive because the world is larger. From a gameplay standpoint, Echoes is pretty much identical to Prime, except some of the weapons and gear have been replaced with new variants that lead to new types of puzzles. I did like the change in enemy. Space pirates and metroids play a minor role this time.
Posted by josuah at 6:13 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Banner of the Stars I & II
It seems I forgot to write an entry for Banner of the Stars, so I'll combine it with my entry for Banner of the Stars II, as they are really too closely tied to be considered sequels instead of the same series. Unfortunately, I still have to see Banner of the Stars III but it isn't yet licensed in the U.S. The story as a whole is what really gives this anime value, so I am really looking forward to watching the next chapter.
As I mentioned earlier in my review of Crest of the Stars, there isn't anything particularly special about the series. Banner of the Stars has the same look, characters, and continues the story. But taken as a whole, the story becomes exceptionally motivating because of the characters. Since so much time and effort is put on developing the characters and also revealing the characters to the audience, I think anyone would start to care for them. And so although superficially there isn't anything special about the series, the normal story and normal characters do create something special which is very complex and takes time to appreciate.
Posted by josuah at 12:56 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 12, 2006
Vittorio the Vampire
I finished reading Vittorio the Vampire last night. It has a very different tone to it than some of her other books, and is different in other ways as well. The religious aspect seems to be at odds with the beliefs presented of vampires in The Vampire Chronicles series, and the length of time involved is also very short. It's still captivating in its own way though, and at times interesting to read not so much for the locale or the details as it is for the story.
Posted by josuah at 7:34 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 11, 2006
V for Vendetta
A few friends came over tonight to watch V for Vendetta. Jeannie, Gary, and Dantam showed up and Bryant was supposed to be he never did and we couldn't reach him by phone. The movie turned out enormously better than I was expecting. Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving were excellent, and I was especially impressed by how well the personality and emotion of V could be portrayed even from behind the mask. The visuals, action sequences, and sound were also very good.
One aspect I particularly liked was the basis in reality that the world of V exists within. Although this is a comic book adaptation, the people are not supers and do not have any abnormal powers. There aren't any strange guns or weapons, and the characters are human in their normality and emotion. This is extremely important because the ideals and morality of this film is built upon the idea of you and I, and not the idea of something supernatural or larger than the individual.
There really is too much to say about the ideals and morality present in this film, and they come directly from the comic. The original work is sometimes said to be a satire and criticism of the UK government when Margaret Thatcher served as prime minister, because the comic features the opposing views of anarchism and fascism. The movie was modified to some degree to feature the opposing views of liberalism and (religious) conservatism, to some degree. It's taken a little farther than simple left-wing/right-wing politics.
Unfortunately, the thing that really made this movie have an impact upon me is because it captures so well exactly how I feel about certain things today. I think it's been such a long time since a movie that does this has been produced, where the current political, social, and economic situations are the real focus rather than an intellectual side-note. And it's certainly the first one that takes it as far as this one does for something that I am living through.
I do hope people will understand when it is said "artists use lies to tell the truth" that the statement is as much about the movie itself as it is about what's going on in the movie.
Posted by josuah at 6:54 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 8, 2006
The Law of Ueki
I found the first disc of The Law of Ueki for free at work, and watched it shortly thereafter. Nothing special, but I figured it was only one more disc so I might as well finish it. Well, I watched the second disc yesterday and discovered that there are in fact over fifty episodes, and many more discs to come (but not entered into Netflix). So I've decided not to continue watching. It's just not worth it.
The story has a strange and potentially promising premise, here gods are battling for the supreme title, and humans are given a single power to act as their proxies in battle. Ueki is given the power to turn trash into trees. And from that you can figure out the basis of every episode. Each episode involves Ueki meeting one or more combatants and of course defeating them.
There is an extremely weak attempt at creating some background or personality for each combatant. I think it'd have been better to just completely skip that as it doesn't make much sense to have flashbacks during battle and there's no value resulting from the backstory. There's also a relatively weak attempt at justifying the reasons for fighting this way.
There are a few funny points, but not enough of them that are funny enough to save the series. Many attempts at humor were simply lost on me. The voice acting is not that great either. The voices do match the personalities, but don't seem that refined.
Posted by josuah at 10:20 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 7, 2006
Tomb Raider
I ended up watching Tomb Raider again. It's not a particularly great movie, but I like it for the action sequences, electronic soundtrack, and overall high level of energy. There are of course things that just don't seem to fit because the movie seems much more real than the video game, but if you can overlook those then there's no issue. And Angelina Jolie's attitude as Lara Croft is excellent.
Posted by josuah at 2:43 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 6, 2006
The Fifth Element
I got a little tired of playing video games, so decided to watch another movie. I hadn't watched The Fifth Element in a while so I decided to pop it in. The Fifth Element is one of my favorite films because of the action, music, visual sequences, and mostly because it's just a lot of fun. Crazy things are always happening with crazy characters. So as usual, I enjoyed it a lot.
Posted by josuah at 6:55 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 5, 2006
The Incredibles
I watched The Incredibles again today. That's probably the fifth time I've watched it. I would have continued watching the anime series I started, except Netflix is taking too long to deliver them. Anyway, The Incredibles has some incredible bass sequences and gave the new Plus 12.3 drivers a workout. One of the drivers wasn't screwed in tight enough, which resulted in some problems during high excursion, so I had to pause the film and fix that.
Posted by josuah at 11:54 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Queen of the Damned
I just finished reading Queen of the Damned again, after having watched the movie a while back with Dantam and Alla. Since the movie wasn't very good, and left out a lot of the real value of an Anne Rice novel, I wanted to go back and compare it to the book. The book is much better, of course, and also very different than how the movie ended up.
I don't like Queen of the Damned as a book as much I liked some of Anne Rice's other Vampire Chronicle books. Maybe in part because it tries to establish the origin of vampires and thus remove some of the mystery. Maybe also in part because it has less to do with the contemporary seductive qualities of vampires or the exploration of history than others. Anyway, it's still good, just not one of my favorites if I were to pick one.
Posted by josuah at 1:47 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 3, 2006
Crest of the Stars
Crest of the Stars is the first series of a string of anime based off the works of Morioka Hiroyuki. On its own, this series is an interesting but simple story involving two unlikely teenage companions thrust into the misfortune of war. At times it's touching and exciting, but overall nothing too spectacular. However, I have hopes that following these two through all of the series will result in a sum that is greater than its parts.
I do think the artwork, both 2D and CG, is very good and well integrated with each other. I think they did a good job of spending the time and effort to produce each episode without cheating by reusing scenes too much, although that may be because a lot more of it is CG than I suspect. The background music was also decent, with what looks to be a full orchestral score.
Posted by josuah at 6:05 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 1, 2006
I just finished playing Xenogears, which is an old game from 1998 but one with an amazing story and depth of intellect and emotion. From a technical standpoint, it's a very traditional RPG that has all of the hallmarks of the time. Which is good, but lacking in comparison to contemporary games. As a result movement, combat, and the audio are not particularly great. In particular combat is somewhat repetitive although a bit above par for the times. It's really the content that makes this game shine.
The first thing that one needs to realize about Xenogears is there are two layers to everything in the game. On the surface, you are presented with a lot of challenging ideas and plot mechanisms and characters that will really make you think. But beneath all of that is additional meaning which you can only extract if you have the background required to do so. And I am pretty sure I don't have all of it.
Some of the discussion points referenced include World War II and Nazi Germany with themes that can be applied towards anti-semitism as well as prejudice and social caste systems that apply or have applied to many other societies, such as India. There are also references to Freud's ego, superego, and id which make concrete appearances. Some references are to popular culture and include Star Wars, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Volton, Final Fantasy, and Soylent Green. I'm sure I've missed a few.
Perhaps the biggest talking point is how the concepts of religion, the church, sin, sacrifice, and God become the central plot around which everything else revolves. There is meaning behind the protagonist being the one who will destroy God, as well as arguably the reincarnation of Adam while another protagonist is the reincarnation of Eve. Other characters have representative roles as well, including Miang and Cain and Abel. The lambs have both a negative conotation in general speak, but a positive conotation in regards to biblical reference. There is both a clear criticism of how religion has been approached by people and an argument that tries to force you to find your own true faith. People assume certain things when it comes to God and religion because those are assumptions that are comforting. If those assumptions are removed or proven incorrect, are you willing to reshape your own view of the universe?
All in all, while I wasn't particularly impressed by the gameplay I do think many things were done very well for the time. But all of that is of very little importance compared to the storyline and the amount of thought that went into conveying those ideas and questions to the player. The second disc actually goes into a narration mode for significant amount of time, no doubt because expanding upon those parts of the story would easily have doubled the game's play time. I'm very satisfied with where this game ended up.
I do have a few questions which aren't answered. This installment of the game is referred to as Episode V. And there is a clear connection between this game and Xenosaga. But I have no idea how tight that connection is.
Posted by josuah at 3:32 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 30, 2006
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040
I watched Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 for maybe the fourth time. Although this time it was the Essential Anime edition which features a 5.1 remix of the English soundtrack and some special features like VA commentary. In almost all respects this edition is the same, and I don't think the surround channels were used to their fullest potential. Unfortunately the Japanese soundtrack was not remixed as well. I did also notice a few transfer errors on maybe the 4th disc. Regardless, this is one of my favorite series and always enjoyable to watch.
Posted by josuah at 11:38 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 20, 2006
Venus Hum - The Colors of the Wheel
I ordered a promotional pre-release copy of Venus Hum's new album, The Colors of the Wheel because I really liked their first album. But this second album isn't as enjoyable. It's too discordant and feels experimental. The sound is very different than the first album. The lyrics themselves have the same sort of similar range of expression though. Sometimes celebratory and at other times hinting at some deeper, personal emotion.
The promotional copy was shipped out to customers earlier than the public release date came with a set of four crayons and a little coloring picture of The Colors of the Wheel, although this was shipped without any hard backing so it arrived with some creases. Certainly not in collector condition. That doesn't really matter to me though, as I'm really just interested in their music and the crayons and coloring sheet are just something fun to have gotten as a bonus. I'm not actually going to use them.
Posted by josuah at 4:01 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 16, 2006
March of the Penguins
The best thing about March of the Penguins are the visuals. You get to see Emperor Penguins up close because the cameras were right in with them. This docu-drama chronicles the mating ritual of the Emperor Penguin from the time they leave the ocean until the babies enter the ocean for the first time. It's a very moving film, but I got the impression that things were so difficult for the penguins I'm not sure how they keep up their population.
Posted by josuah at 1:06 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 15, 2006
I finished reading Idoru again last night. I actually think I like this best out of all his books. Perhaps because of all his works, this one seems to be one that feels the most real. Maybe it's just easier to digest because it doesn't require as many changes to our current society and level of technology. Regardless, it has a bit of everything in it presented from that abstract, objective point of view that characterizes Gibson's writing.
In Idoru, Gibson takes some then-current, and now even more current, ideas and expands upon them in a way that might seem a little far-fetched to some, but very realistic to others. And truthfully some of the things he's talked about have come to pass in their own way, although not to the extent he has described.
Even if you don't take any interest in that aspect of the book, the plot is captivating and fast-moving. You might find the ending, and some parts of the interim, unsatisfying as there are some loose ends and it doesn't really feel like Gibson had figured out the conclusion himself. But a large part of Gibson's appeal is the ride and as with most rides, you'll feel a little let down at the end because it is just simply over.
Posted by josuah at 5:24 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 10, 2006
But I'm a Cheerleader
But I'm a Cheerleader is supposed to be a really funny satire on "fixing" homosexuals. And I do think they put a great deal of effort into that, with both the obvious and the little things in the background contributing to the overall effect. Unfortunately it wasn't super funny. Perhaps because no matter what happens along the way, you have to end up with the expected ending. Or maybe the comedy is a little too dry.
Posted by josuah at 5:32 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 9, 2006
Mezzo is a hard-hitting action TV series involving the Danger Service Agency, your for-hire danger team. Each episode involves the DSA being hired to perform some sort of dangerous activity like delivery of volatile goods or acting as bodyguards. I really liked it as a fun action series, but there really isn't any encompassing story arc so don't expect much there. The artwork is nice as I do like Yasuomi Umetsu's work. I also really enjoyed the rock music by BARNABYS.
Posted by josuah at 11:49 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Indigo Prophecy
As a movie, Indigo Prophecy is a dramatic psychological thriller. But as a game, it's crap. From basic point of view, Indigo Prophecy is a movie script adapted to a choose-your-own-adventure video game. And just like those books, there are different premature endings and a few different final endings you can end up with. But the path is extremely linear as well, where your choices really don't have much impact on the overall flow of things unless you hit a premature ending.
What makes Indigo Prophecy a crappy game is the gameplay. Of which there isn't any. There are three action types: simon-says, button mashing or balancing L/R, and one time of target practice. Every single action sequence, such as dodging cars or fleeing a scene, involves simon-says. Whenever you're supposed to be exerting effort, you button mash L/R. Whenever you're supposed to be controlling effort, you balance L/R. The target practice is one time at a gun-range so it stands alone. But that's it for gameplay. Many times the button mashing L/R occurs for no apparent reason as well.
The regular action choices and conversation choices are selected by moving the right analog stick, rather than a menu. That's not innovation or even intelligence, especially since the displayed choices are so vague. A person's name might show up, and selecting that name might result in you asking about that person, or it might result in hearing that person's thoughts. The single verb stay might me one thing in one context, and a completely different one in another. So just as with the gameplay, the menu system is crap.
Lastly, moving around is crap as well. The camera moves too slowly for decent manual control, changes angles on you all the time so you're no longer pressing a direction on the analog control stick that makes sense, and it's too hard to get your character to actually walk in the right direction. So you're going to look like you're walking and running around drunk, slamming into walls and walking diagonally or in circles. Plus, you have to line up correctly with items to interact with them, but it's not easy to do that as turning isn't really possible as a separate behavior.
I'm just glad to get the game over with. Total playtime about 6 hours, not including the numerous premature endings that resulted in reloads. Which happens to be another stupid aspect of the game. Loading takes a long time, and it occurs often as scenes change. And if you hit a premature ending, you have two choices: load last save or stop. If you select load last save, the game completely reloads the state even though you were just in the same place. Everything should already be in memory.
Posted by josuah at 12:22 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 7, 2006
The Professional
The Professional is one of those strange films that leaves a lasting impression on you. Written and Directed by Luc Besson, this is one of his earlier films before he went all out in action. The story is interesting in an outrageous way, but the best thing about this film are the characters and how well they are portrayed by the actors.
The three main characters of this film are played by Jean Reno, Gary Oldman, and a very young Natalie Portman. And the acting is superb. Jean Reno carries out the portrayal of a hitman who is completely dumbfounded by the 12-year-old Portman with amazing believability. Natalie Portman is also amazing in her role. Her character is at times strong despite wounds, and at other times emotional and immature. Gary Oldman's character is intense, psychotic, and realistic in a combination that makes him a formidable antagonist.
One thing I found a little disconcerting was the score by Eric Serra. It sounded too close to the compositions used in The Fifth Element, also scored by Eric Serra and by Luc Besson (and also with Gary Oldman in a great role).
Posted by josuah at 6:16 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 5, 2006
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom was the only Indiana Jones movie I hadn't seen. So I watched it tonight and it's another fun Indiana Jones movie full of action, light comedy, and crazy villians involving an unbelievable plot. And as a light action film, it's great. There's not much else to it, but that's okay because this movie isn't trying to do or say anything special.
Posted by josuah at 4:10 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 4, 2006
Full Metal Panic? FUMOFFU!
Full Metal Panic? FUMOFFU! is a completely hilarious follow-up to Full Metal Panic! and the title hints at the attitude of this series. Whereas Full Metal Panic! was a comedic, but serious, storyline involving terrorists and some sort of bio-technological secret, FUMOFFU! is a tongue-in-cheek romp across everything Full Metal Panic! and I couldn't help laughing out loud throughout the show. Warning: spoilers below.
My favorite part of the show was the appearance and antics of Sousuke inside his custom designed Bonta-Kun A.S., which he later developed as a combat suit for sale on the arms market. It is just too funny to see a theme park mascot, who happens to look much cuter than anything from Disney, running around beating up the bad guys and protecting Kaname while only being able to say "fumo".
There are lots of other comedic elements throughout the series, many of which depend on shock surprise for its impact. So unfortunately, I think there are many comedy sequences which won't be as fun to watch a second time around, although anticipating those sequences might be part of the fun too, depending on the sequence and your personality.
Posted by josuah at 6:39 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 3, 2006
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Platinum
Neon Genesis Evangelion has always been one of my favorite anime series. It has a little bit of everything, and does it with an incredible level of emotional and thought-provoking impact. It's also one of the most confusing anime, with a great amount of freedom of interpretation. If there is any anime which will survive as an epic classical work, this is it.
Recently released was the Platinum Edition of Eva, which remixed the audio in 5.1 and also included quite a bit of cel clean-up. The audio is much nicer and the 5.1 channels are used to excellent effect, although I did hear a few glitches. The major cel transfer problems have been corrected, although I did still see one segment which had some alignment jitter.
Also included in the Platinum Edition are director's cut versions of episodes 21-24. These director's cuts include a few minutes per episode of additional background story or revealing secrets. This additional footage can help one understand a little bit more of what the conclusion is leading up to and what the characters went through to become who they are. But sometimes it also results in more questions. Some of the footage is different as well, such as the Eva graveyard or elevator.
Posted by josuah at 6:03 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 29, 2006
Full Metal Panic!
Full Metal Panic! turned out to be an entertaining anime, although in a lot of ways it's a typical mecha show without much else. What is great about it is the constant level of excitement and comedy. The characters all have very extreme personalities that are amusing on their own, and when combined with each other and crazy situations the entertainment value rises pretty fast. There wasn't anything special other than that.
There were a few nice songs during the series, but not many which means most of the songs were played back quite often. So in some ways the songs worked as a theme for certain situations, but in other ways it just felt like you were hearing the same thing again. However, the opening and ending songs and video sequences changed a few times, and that was actually interesting.
One thing I found annoying was the voice-over done by the voice actors during the FBI copyright warning at the beginning of each disc. That sort of thing alone would make me not want to purchase the series. It's an in-your-face reminder of how some executives and industry people think of their customers. Especially since this anime featured one of my favorite voice actors, Hillary Haag, as well as others I recognize.
A few things about the story and situation were not revealed at any time during the series. I suspect those questions might be answered in the sequel.
Posted by josuah at 7:48 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 28, 2006
Queen of the Damned
Today I held a small movie night, with only Dantam and Alla attending. I moved it from tomorrow to today because Alla has something else planned for tomorrow night. So I cooked some food at home, which seemed to impress Dantam for some strange reason. And then we watched Queen of the Damned. Unfortunately, I think this is a movie that sort of gets more content for having read the book, and also loses some of its appeal for having read the book.
Stuart Townsend does a very good job at portraying the Vampire Lestat, but I really think casting Aliyah as Akasha was messed up, or at least what the director had her act out was just wrong. It doesn't fit the role of Akasha very well at all, and I also recall the physical description of Akasha being different in the book. Townsend matches Lestat very well, on the other hand.
I also thought there was way too much emphasis on the rock music and also messed up special effects. Blurring people to make them seem faster doesn't accomplish that effect. It only makes things look messed up. And then there were some sequences with crazy visuals that really didn't make sense either. Some aspects of the plot were inconsistent with the mood and emotional aspects that I think Anne Rice tries to convey in her stories.
I think the most memorable part of the evening was Dantam's opinion on Stuart Townsend.
Posted by josuah at 6:09 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 25, 2006
A Deepness in the Sky
I just finished re-reading A Deepness in the Sky, another Vernor Vinge book that I think is very good. This book stands alone from his previous work, A Fire Upon the Deep, but knowing what you do from reading that book does make certain things both more clear and also places things in a different, larger light. It is something that changes how you will perceive the book and the things it talks about.
There are lots of interesting concepts and technologies worked into this story. The Spiders are a unique and interesting species, that have evolved in a way very different than what you would expect possible given their unique environmental conditions. There is also a strange virus or bacteria called mindrot, which when controlled can create a "Focused" person who becomes an intelligent computer, essentially achieving the dream of artificial intelligence, but at the cost of a person. Another interesting concept threading throughout the story is the physical, social, and cultural difference between Spiders and humans.
In addition to of all that, the story itself is very exciting and the characters very interesting to read about. The character Pham Nuwen has a very special role, especially knowing what his fate will be from reading A Fire Upon the Deep. There are other characters who are also uniquely intriguing, such as Qiwi because of howw she is molded and manipulated by the villian Thomas Nau, and Ezr Vinh who has an unbreakable loyalty to the woman Trixia Bonsol even though she is lost to him for decades.
Posted by josuah at 2:46 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 22, 2006
Pulp Fiction
I'm not really sure why people like Pulp Fiction so much. I remember it was one of Jessica's favorite movies when it came out. So I finally watched it, and while it was somewhat unique in its storytelling approach, Chungking Express came out the same year and shares a similar storytelling approach. I suppose it's no coincidence Quentin Tarantino brought Chungking Express over for a U.S. release given his statement of being a huge fan of Won Kar Wai. The only difference is that I'm not really sure what the point of Pulp Fiction is. There's some speculation about religion being a factor, and maybe that's true, but I don't think that's really clear or prominent.
Posted by josuah at 6:40 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 20, 2006
Steamboy was an amazing film. Everything about it was excellent. The visuals were extremely detailed to an extent I'd never seen before. The CG work was almost seamless, and artistically done. The audio was immersive and explosive and the score wonderful. The story itself has meaning without weighing down the pure action of the film. And the characters have depth, in a very focused but not really one-dimensional way. Throughout the entire movie I was totally engrossed in the film and fully enjoying it.
Sony got some amazing voice talent for the show, including Patrick Stewart who has become more popular for anime voice acting, and he is very good at it, and also Alfred Molina and Anna Paquin who did a great job. The distinctive voice of Kari Wahlgren is also there, who it turns out has been in many shows and video games that I am familiar with. Because this movie takes place in England, watching it with the English voice actors is actually a much better choice than watching it with the Japanese voice actors.
Steamboy has some incredible audio as well. There is a constant amount of background audio in the movie, as many scenes take place in areas containing heavy machinery. And the massive action sequences involving steam engines and other steam-powered war machines are filled with the noise that will accompany such action and machinery. This film also has a large number of low-frequency effects that require a bottom-feeding subwoofer, and accurate reproduction of machinery that will stress good high-frequency reproduction as well.
Watching the special features, the artists and animators talk about how this was the one anime where there was no deadline on the artwork. And so they could spend as much time as they wanted to draw the images Katsuhiro Otomo envisioned and put down on paper. And that is an incredible amount of detail. This is one anime that would really benefit from a high-definition video transfer. And the images are beautiful as well.
Underlying the story is a cautionary exploration of how technology is a cold, powerful, and raw tool that must be tempered with morality and the human heart. Ray's father and grandfather represent the extremes of this spectrum, and he is torn between them as he tries to find for himself an answer that he can live by. But of course this isn't an easy question, and it does't have a simple answer, and it is still one of those ideas which is something a person can only provide an answer for from their gut and their heart. Otomo will not give you an answer.
Posted by josuah at 6:19 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 19, 2006
Fruits Basket
Fruits Basket was recommended to me by Netflix, and it seems to be a highly regarded series. This is true, to some extent. The characters are well developed but one-dimensional in their complexity (which drives the meaning of the series). And the animation work is very good for most of the episodes. But while the series does make a valiant attempt at humor and poking fun at anime in general, it doesn't pull it off as well as I had hoped. Instead most of the humor was lost on me. Ultimately, the theme of the movie is intelligent, but something that I've already heard many times so while the episodes do very well at discussing the theme, I found them somewhat boring and simple.
Posted by josuah at 4:42 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 15, 2006
Must Love Dogs
A bunch of people were going to show up for movie night tonight, but at the last minute the roster got shuffled. So Alla, Dantam, Zhao, Sasha, Femi, and then at the last minute Kristie, showed up. Originally the girl-to-boy ratio was going to be higher, but regardless we watched Must Love Dogs which has a very clichéd and predictable plot, but some really funny points which is what made the movie enjoyable. Otherwise, it would have been just another typical romantic comedy.
MySpace became a big topic of discussion at this movie night for some reason. I'm not a member and don't plan to be, but everyone else attending has at least an empty profile on there, and some are actively using the site. The discussion about MySpace, and also other things, seems to reinforce the idea that the universe is actively working against Dantam when it comes to certain things.
Posted by josuah at 7:48 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 13, 2006
Pikmin 2
I finished Pikmin 2 after a gruelling 25 hours of gameplay. Pikmin 2 builds on all of the strengths of the first game, and adds the twists of white poisonous and purple heavy Pikmin, which have a sometimes minor and other times interesting effect on gameplay. I think the addition of the purple and red juices has a much greater impact on strategy and skill, because of their effect and limited duration which can be used to extreme advantage at times. The wider range of enemies and and requirement for more fine-grained and speedy control of your Pikmin army makes things more challenging and more fun at the same time.
Posted by josuah at 6:59 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 12, 2006
Karen recommended Downfall to me a few weeks ago. It's gotten very good reviews, and I can understand why. The movie tells the story of the last days within Hitler's bunker from a few different viewpoints, and is partially based off a book by Hitler's secretary during that time. The re-creation is very realistic, although a lot of it was dramatized for theatrical effect, and I suspect miscellaneous plot additions were made to enhance the viewing experience. The acting is very good, and I think the real value in this film is how it makes the all of the people come to life as people and not just as villains.
I was impressed by the attention to detail in this movie. Everything from the rubble to the uniforms, and maybe even behavioral characteristics (although I can't be sure about that) seemed very auhentic. I'm certain that a great deal of effort was put forth in making all of that as close to the original as possible. I also really liked the sound production values. The surround mix is used to good effect both within the bunker and outside when Berlin was being shelled. Underground, low frequency information made it possible to somewhat experience the effects of artillery landing above.
Posted by josuah at 2:44 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 11, 2006
No Way Out
No Way Out is a decent thriller, starring Kevin Costner with an important but relatively short role by Sean Young. There's nothing really special about this movie, but if you like thrillers I think this one will satisfy. The basic storyline is one where an accidental death and the potential for scandal result in a coverup investigation. Costner's character knows what really happened, but needs to find a safe way to expose the truth.
Posted by josuah at 7:41 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
A Fire Upon the Deep
I just finished re-reading A Fire Upon the Deep and even though I already knew the plot and ending, it found myself just as engrossed by the story this time as I had the first time. As a writer, Vernor Vinge is both visionary and imaginative. Some of the ideas which he uses in this book are very interesting but he doesn't hit you over the head with them. Instead, they are finely woven into the story so that you come to accept those ideas as part of the world involved. This book is exciting and smart at the same time.
Posted by josuah at 1:11 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Iria: Zeiram the Animation
I didn't know this until after the film, but Iria: Zeiram the Animation is the prequel OVA to two live-action movies starring the same character. While I enjoyed this anime, it really is just an action movie without much more going for it. But as an action anime, it was very well done with really no repeat frames and a fast pace without the artists cheating out by showing barely moving images. There really isn't much story or purpose to it though.
Posted by josuah at 1:08 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 10, 2006
Netflix 5M Celebration
Today Netflix had a company party to celebrate reaching 5 million subscribers. Shuttle service was provided to Nestldown, a private park-like area in the Santa Cruz mountains. The theme of the party was a carnival, so there were some carnies, carnival games, and food like hot dogs and cotton candy.
I learned how to play Bocce Ball from William, and played against him, his wife, Donna, Tod, and one of the event people (who was also a Netflix subscriber, going through the top 250 movies off IMDB). I did okay, especially at the beginning, but later on I wasn't thinking about it as much so didn't do as well.
Afterwards, Tod and I went down to the pond and listened to some live music from a quartet playing a violin, two guitars, and an acordian. All of the instruments were amped though. I saw Lin's daughter Alexandria there so went up to talk to them. Then Alex wanted me to go with her into the forest so I went up. We walked around in there for a while and we were going to go back but then she changed her mind and started hiking some more. She ended up seeing the train and running after it, and I couldn't get her to stop so we could tell Lin we were going after the train.
We followed the train for a while then stopped in the games field to play some volleyball and frisbee and use the swings. Then we'd been gone for a while so I told her we had to go back, and followed the train tracks back to the pond where she met back up with her dad. Turns out Lin didn't realize we had run off and so went looking for us back at the cabin area.
Afterwards, I met up with Samir and Jamie and we rode the shuttle back down to Netflix HQ and then I drove home.
Posted by josuah at 3:53 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 9, 2006
Poker at Alla's
Tonight was the first time I'd played Texas Hold'em, although I'd watched Bryant play before. Alla wanted to have people over so she invited me to play at her place. I didn't realize, although I should have known, that we would be playing for money until after I got there and asked. I also didn't want to stay very late. We were going to start at 8pm, and I was planning to leave at 9pm.
But things didn't really turn out that way. No one else showed up until 8:20pm, and even then many people didn't know how to play either so we didn't actually start playing a game until 9pm. A lot of people showed up, I think 13 total people were there including Alla. And so we split into two games. I ended up at the table where most of the other people didn't know how to play either, other than Paul and Alla.
Anyway, I started with $9, and we played maybe a dozen hands. In the end, I tied with Kristie at finishing with $17, although she started out with $10. The last hand also resulted in me giving her a couple of dollars because I was already pretty ahead, and so I played it through even though I knew she had better cards than me. It was kind of uncomfortable playing, because it was very warm with so many people there.
Posted by josuah at 7:47 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
24 - Season 4
The fourth season of 24 was not as good as the previous three seasons. While I think the story was as well developed and still very dramatic and intense, I also think the writing changed in three bad ways. First off, sometimes the dialogue sounded a little silly. The relationship discussions didn't fit in as well as before. Second, there was one episode that looked like a giant Cisco commercial. That ruined things a bit. Lastly, this episode took a very one-sided approach towards recent events, when it used to take a more objective view that at least included a balance of both sides.
That third aspect did bother me a bit. The entire season argued heavily in favor of being able to do whatever it takes to achieve your end. There were a few times when things were presented in the other light, where principles and law have to be upheld, but the arguments were weak and the plot and counter-arguments always won over. In previous seasons, the line between good and bad, the right thing to do and the wrong thing to do, were always a little fuzzy. In this season, the line was razor sharp.
Another thing I noticed that just about all of the technical details, and the terms they used to describe them, were just plain wrong. Someone made things up and just assumes the audience has no idea that it's all fake. That's not really a bad assumption, but it did make some things just wrong for me when I watched it. Interestingly, when uber-hacker Chloe actually said things or did things, it did make sense and was accurate. It's almost like she rewrote her lines to be correct or something. Although that seems extremely unlikely.
Posted by josuah at 12:38 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Stellvia turned out to be better than I thought it would be, although not as good as it could have been. The series starts out a little slow, and I felt like there wasn't enough content in many of the episodes. The character Shima Katase also stays a little too long in the unconfident crybaby mode, although I don't necessarily think that's unrealistic. Despite this, the story got more interesting in the second half and contains some good moments, especially dealing with relationships and sometimes human nature, although it didn't focus too hard on any one aspect.
Stellvia has some good music, and also pretty good graphics. I liked the character designs a lot, for the most part, although I felt they didn't get the CG work right for the ships because they didn't take into acceleration. So the movements were too stiff and visibly wrong.
I did really enjoy some of the jokes and joke sound effects, but they started to occur less often as the show became more serious. I would have liked it if they included more of them, but that could have detracted some from the seriousness of the ideas and topics later on. So I can understand leaving it out.
Posted by josuah at 12:21 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 6, 2006
0:2 at Settlers of Catan
Alla came over last night to viist, mostly motivated by desire to pick up her movies. Anyway, we ended up playing two games of Settlers of Catan, the second one with the Seafarers of Catan expansion. Unfortunately, I lost both games.
Posted by josuah at 6:12 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 31, 2006
License to Kill
I watched License to Kill not knowing that I'd already seen the ending to it before. I like this James Bond film because it has an interesting plot and pretty good action sequences. Supporting actress Carey Lowell has been one of my favorite Bond girls since I first saw this film, and Q's more active role as a field agent is also memorable.
Posted by josuah at 7:18 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 30, 2006
Building a Pushcart
Yesterday Shannon and Yvonne had the day off from school. I also technically had the day off, but I came in to do some work for a few hours anyway. Anyway, Shannon had to build a pushcart for one of her class projects because they just read a book called The Pushcart War. I picked up some balsa wood and carved wheels (made in China) from Michaels and then went over to their house in the afternoon.
It took us a few hours to build the pushcart, but it came out pretty good. I tried to let Shannon do as much as possible, but Yvonne wanted to cut some wood and also liked to use the sandpaper a lot. And Mei-Ling didn't want Shannon to use the saw, even though using a hand saw is safer than using a utility knife. Afterwards, Shannon and I made little paper boxes and bags filled with beads and stickers to put into the cart for her to sell. Shannon kept rejecting other ideas for what to sell.
While I was there, Yvonne got tortured by some guy who was visiting. He kept trying to make her use her MP3 player and then said he would show her how to clean up her hard disk because she has almost no space left. Which of course would have been a tragic thing if he had succeeded in his attempt. Yvonne is doing a lot of schoolwork stuff lately because she's been thinking too much about getting into a college and doesn't think she can get into any good ones. But her levels of failure are, in general, much higher than reality. So she should be fine. Only she needs to figure out what she wants to study.
Posted by josuah at 6:55 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 29, 2006
Gunslinger Girl
Superficially, Gunslinger Girl is a story about pre-adolescent and adolescent girls who are trained as efficient killers as part of a government special operations team. But if you approach this anime with that mindset, you will be extremely surprised at what this extremely tight and intelligent series really offers. The characters, story, and emotional aspects explored by the writers are some of the best I have ever experienced. What this series is really about are young girls who are trying to understand what life means for them in respect to their father-figure handlers.
You might think it cruel for these girls to have been brain-washed and forced to live in such a controlled and violent environment. But on the surface, all of these young girls were saved from horrible situations and the conditioning serves both to help them forget about what happened to them and to perform their duties more effectively. It might be hard to say whether or not they are better off with their new lives, or if it would have been best to leave them to die or live with their physical and mental scars. I certainly would not wish any young girl to live the way they do, but I think given the choice that this is a better option.
What really drives this series forward are the relationships that each girl has with her handler. Although they are not biologically related, the pair of handler and girl is referred to as a fratello, and their relationship is very much like that of a father and daughter. But as with reality, some girls will suffer tragedy or emotional hurt due to events outside of their control or from how their handler views them. Some handlers look at their cyborgs as tools to be used and nothing more. While others treat their girl as their own daughter. And because the girls and handlers are human, they come with all of the flaws and complexity that you would expect to find in real life. Regardless of if you like how a handler treats his girl, you have to understand that they are a fratello, and the girls would never accept a different handler.
I think that the depth of these characters and the realistic complexity of their relationships would actually provide more than enough detail for a much longer storyline or for greater focus on individual girls. But this series is extremely focused and so there is a great deal to pull out of each episode. The ending is so bittersweet and should really strike a chord within you because you've grown to understand and feel for the girls.
Two things that were really great with this production were the CG and music. The animators made great use of 3-D models and cel shading to create wonderful characters movements that looked absolutely great. It has an energy and fullness to it that you cannot find in traditional hand drawn animation. The music was heavy on the piano and stringed arrangements, partially because the series takes place in Italy, but also because it suits the mood of things very well.
Posted by josuah at 9:09 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
FanimeCon 2006
Today Shannon and I went to FanimeCon 2006. I woke up early at 7:40am because I had to go pick up Shannon from her house. Then we came back and got the usual orange juice and bagel sandwiches before taking the VTA light rail from my house up to the San Jose Convention Center. We got there around 10am, and it was actually very quiet. Lots more people showed up around lunch time.
The only thing that really interests either me or Shannon is the dealer room. Finding hard to find items at lower than usual prices (if you shop smart and have a knack for bargaining) to make up for the registration fee is what we're both interested in. The first thing we did is find gifts for the people we wanted to get stuff for. I found a set of Keroro dolls for Luna, some Sailor Moon figures and accessories for Dantam, because I missed her birthday, and a Bleach plushie for Yvonne. Shannon bought some Inuyasha figures for her friends and a Bleach plushie for Yvonne.
Afterwards, we went around and bought stuff for ourselves. Shannon got some Pokémon plushies, and a Yu-Gi-Oh! booster pack. I think she should have bought something else too at least. I found a bunch of good stuff, including Range Murata's Robot Vol. 2, a bunch of Ghost in the Shell figures, some of which I got real cheap because the dealer wanted to unload them, and a really cute Tonberry plushie.
We met up with Alla's brother, Sasha, for a few minutes and his friend Simon shortly before we left. But then came home as soon as we'd finished shopping. Shannon was a little tired from all the walking and standing, and she wanted to visit the kitties and and I wanted to play video games with her.
I challenged her to a two-player battle in Pikmin 2 where I thoroughly stomped her even though I tried to help. She didn't really want to play that anymore. I thought it was fun. So we switched over to The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures which I specifically bought so we could play together. This was lots of fun, and Shannon really liked it too. Although she has trouble defeating enemies efficiently sometimes.
We got to Death Mountain before I had to take her to meet her mom and Yvonne at some place for them to go have dinner with someone they know. Today was a long but really fun day.
Posted by josuah at 4:53 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 26, 2006
I watched Octopussy tonight and I was unfortunately a little disappointed by it. While the action sequences were pretty exciting, and probably very advanced for the time, I felt the story was a bit disjointed and maybe too convenient. The way the Russians as a whole and the military officer specifically are pulled into the film was unbelievable. And they could have at least gotten native Russian speakers to play the Russian characters. There were a few laughs, but overall I thought the puns and one-liners were way overdone, and that a lot of the movie was too goofy.
Posted by josuah at 8:14 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 25, 2006
Now and Then, Here and There
For some reason, I'd heard of Now and Then, Here and There and decided to watch it. I'm glad I ended up doing so, because it turns out to be an epic but tragic and harsh story. It has intense action, flawed characters that you will really care about, and a dramatic plot. The English dub is okay, but the Japanese voice acting is better. The drawing style is a little on the older style, but it grows on you. And the music is a first class soundtrack, with songs that really enhance the mood without becoming the focus of your attention.
Posted by josuah at 7:05 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 22, 2006
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
I just finished playing Metal Gear Solid 2. It was just as good as the first one, although with even more effort going into the gameplay, missions and map design, and storyline. One thing that really impresses me, after going through the game, was how smoothly the combat, sneaking, and activities are handled. Everything felt very natural and continually moving forward. There are no load times, or strange responses that make you wonder why the character just did something when you meant something else. Being able to pull that off is impressive.
The story of this game is much more complex and layered than the previous game. I won't reveal anything and risk spoiling things for people who haven't played the game (although it is old now) but it is a story that is extremely well thought through. The story slowly unravels as you move forward in the game, revealing ideas and motivations that require you to think for yourself about the issues and current events that are going on in your world today.
Some might find it surprising that it is a Japanese game maker that would explore American ideals to such depth, rather than an American game maker. But Hideo Kojima is someone who you can tell really has deep belief in what he does and that it is important to try and make other people think about their lives and the world around them. In many ways the ideas presented are universally applicable, despite being based in New York City and on American ideals. I think, actually, that American publishers would not be willing to distribute a game that might carry such a heavy political and social message.
Posted by josuah at 4:25 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 21, 2006
Scrapped Princess
I just finished Scrapped Princess and it turned out better than I thought. I expected it to be a somewhat silly show geared towards general amusement. But there's actually a lot more to be found in it. The series begins by dropping you into the middle of the action, so it starts out a little confusing, but things are quickly explained in a natural and unhurried way. It turns out that the appearances of the situation are deceiving, and there is a great deal going on underneath the surface that has resulted in this crisis for the three main characters and the people they interact with.
That is one of the good things about this series. The character development is thorough without being forced and not at all stereotypical. It's a serious anime, with just the right amount of light-hearted humor interspersed with a slightly more than necessary amount of emotionally revealing dialogue. But at least they don't spend crazy amounts of time talking or explaining when no one would act that way in real life.
It's also good that there is no filler in this story. Every moment is used to further develop characters and drive the plot in a way that is necessary for the story, but not in a manner that is obviously wasted time to get out another episode. I think the writers really took the time to figure out what should happen, when it should happen, and how much each character needs to be involved in those events. And then they started working on the anime.
Posted by josuah at 4:02 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 17, 2006
Xenosaga: Episode II
I just finished Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Bose and I did enjoy this installment much more than the first. While there are still many flaws, a great deal of the gameplay was improved, and in particular combat was no longer a drag. I also liked the updated character designs and 3-D models, and the more detailed and cleaner environments rendered in full 3-D. The music was done by Yoko Kanno, and so actually much better than the first game in my opinion.
Some people have complained about the combat system in this episode, but I liked it quite a bit, even if I found that magic still played an incredibly minor role due to not being able to chain magic but being able to heavily chain regular attacks. As a result, it is much easier to do significant damage using normal attacks and chaining and attempting to do so with magic is pointless. Having the boost gauge be shared, and allowing up to four combination attacks per character, with chaining depending on boosting and character turns, made things much more strategic and interesting. And being able to switch characters during combat is both important and allows for a more enemy-specific strategy during combat.
Battles still did sometimes have a tendency to become repetitive, but that was less of an issue unless there were exactly two or four combatants involved, as the combat sequence revolves in a four-stage cycle. Double attacks were pretty useless for me, for the same reason as magic. What was interesting is that in the same way you can use boost and chain attacks to take out an enemy very efficiently, the enemies could sometimes (although rarely) do the same to you. The AI doesn't seem to have been made intelligent enough to take advantage of this the same way you can.
A couple of the annoyances that still persist are having to confirm the use of elevators and having character target selection sometimes opposite the controller direction pressed. I don't know why the developers still haven't figured that out. And while the cutscene sequences are shorter than the first episode, there is still a great deal of time spent watching. But the story is still this game's greatest strength, so I didn't mind the cutscenes this time. They were short enough to deal with.
I do think the developers missed out on some great opportunities for mini-games instead of cutscenes. There are several situations where having to press the correct buttons with correct timings, or pilot a ship, could have added to the fun.
I also thought the skill system was extremely flawed. All characters have access to the same set of skills, which technically means you can customize them. But it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to customize them "incorrectly". Yet accessing more powerful skills requires you to unlock less powerful skills in specific sets to get the required amount of class points. As a result, you will often have to learn skills you have absolutely no interest in to access skills you do want. This is wasted class and skill points, and you now have a skill you'll never use. This is not all that different from the first game, except those were all status-based skills, while these skills include magic. So you might have to get Ziggy, a fighter, skills like Medica or Boost +1 when all you're really interested in is Expansion Slot.
Perhaps the most annoying part of the game is the Good Samaritan side-quests. The vast majority of these quests are scavenger hunts involving a lot of back and forth fetching and delivering. This, coupled with the somewhat slow load times and the fact you cannot execute a quest before it gets triggered even if you know what to do, becomes quite annoying.
Posted by josuah at 6:58 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 15, 2006
Karen Visited
Karen visited me today, and we went out to eat at Mimi's Chinese Kitchen. I still think it's one of the best Chinese restaurants in the area, perhaps because it is a small family-owned and family-run restaurant. Unfortunately, there wasn't as much vegetarian choice for Karen, but they can of course provide custom orders so we were able to get stuff that Karen would eat. Afterwards, we came back to my place and watched Elizabeth. Karen enjoyed the film, and it's probably the fourth time or so that I've watched it.
Posted by josuah at 6:41 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I really didn't have any idea what Brazil (Terry Gilliam's version) was about, but I'd heard it was a very good and influencial movie, and when I decided to watch it I had thought I might like Terry Gilliam films. The movie is good, but I think what may have been seen as a comedic satire of the growing military-industrial complex and the possible extremes of situation is now unfortunately too close to reality. Rather than being able to laugh and speculate on what's presented in the movie, I felt like it was a realistic satire of the current situation in the United States.
Posted by josuah at 2:33 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 14, 2006
Lord of War
Lord of War was an excellent movie. Everything I was hoping it would be, both in terms of the subject matter, the acting, and the plot. The story takes place over the course of a few decades, following the political events that shaped the arms trade that we currently live with. I'm glad the real focus is on the lifestyle and circle of people that an arms dealer has, and not heavily focused on the individual events that occur. That way, this movie really can be about the arms trade, and not about a person who just happens to be an arms dealer.
Nicholas Cage plays his role extremely well, and I think the supporting cast is very good as well. The production values that went into this film are high and I believe attempt to be as authentic to the spirit of the film and the realities of the situation as possible. Locales like war torn Sierra Leone and the post-cold war former Soviet Union states are as commonly the backdrop for this story as New York City. And it is all presented in a very matter-of-fact manner, which both helps provide a more objective view and to be an informative movie.
Posted by josuah at 7:15 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 13, 2006
Witch Hunter Robin
I just finished watching Witch Hunter Robin. Stephen watched it when it first came out, and he seemed to like it. It wasn't as appealing to me, but I've been running low on choices so I decided to watch it. And actually, it wasn't that great after all.
In the beginning, each episode sort of stood alone, so there wasn't much continuity pushing it forward. Kind of like single episodes in a TV series. Which isn't necessarily bad, but then things switch completely over and a plot beings. Only the plot moves very slowly, without any reason for doing so, and the events that occurred before seem to have become both inconsequential and they just don't happen anymore. As it turns out, the series only became really interesting for maybe the last three episodes.
I did like most of the drawing though. I thought that was well done. One thing that bugged me in the beginning was the slight mismatch between CG and painted/drawn environments. But eventually things got better. Either I became accustomed to it or they got better at integrating the two.
Posted by josuah at 6:11 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 10, 2006
Rumor Has It
Rumor Has It is an unique movie. While poking a little fun at the community of Pasadena, California, the story is loosely built around the idea that The Graduate was based on an actual family and actual events. This only serves as the basis of the plot, which is good, because the writers and actors were able to do a lot on top of that. But, this is another one of those movies where what happens is okay for a woman to have done, but switched around it never would have worked. That always ends up bothering me for some reason.
Posted by josuah at 4:52 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Aeon Flux
More style than substance. That's unfortunately how I would describe the Aeon Flux movie. Which is too bad since it has a lot of potential given the current political climate and its intelligent premise, as well as featuring the talent of Charlize Theron. Like the animated series, the movie is primarily driven by action. But the plot and mysteries of the world are too easily revealed through narration and simple conversation. The background behind the Monicans is never explored, and some things like re-surfacing memories are never explained.
I did happen to watch this on the flight over to Shanghai, so perhaps I would have enjoyed it more on the big screen with a real sound-system. Because ultimately, it is the action, special effects, and audio production that would have made this movie worth anything. Still, I think the story is very lacking.
Posted by josuah at 4:43 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Ringworld Throne
I finished reading The Ringworld Throne on the way to Shanghai. This third book in the Ringworld series is not as interesting, although still enjoyable to read. The focus of this book is more upon the culture and different species of humanoid that have evolved on the Ringworld, rather than as much of the hard science. I think that is partially why this book is not as interesting, as how things have evolved is more arbitrary than anything.
I left this book with Luna, because she said she would like to try reading it. I think some of the vocabulary might be hard for her, and also that there are some words and ideas which are sort of made-up just for the book. But maybe she will enjoy some of it.
Posted by josuah at 4:37 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 8, 2006
Lucifer's Hammer
I picked up Lucifer's Hammer before flying out to Shanghai because I knew I would need a book to read on the two flights and maybe sometimes while I was at my dad's apartment. I figured it might be pretty good based on its sales record and having Larry Niven as one of the authors. While it was a page turner, I think it was more of a mainstream scientific thriller than a science-fiction book. A lot of Niven's characteristic hard science was gone, and instead the story is more drama laced with science.
In some ways, this is your typical natural disaster story. The kind you'd see dozens of times in the movies and maybe read about too. However, one thing going for this specific book is the scope of that disaster. Several dozen meteorite strikes of significant size across a large percentage of the Earth's surface means global disaster. Lucifer's Hammer focuses on what happens in Los Angeles and parts of the SF Bay Area.
Two things I found interesting about the story were its cold war influence and period environment. The book was written in 1977, when the cold war was still a news topic and American culture and social order was very different from today. So part of me found reading this book now to be anachronistic, but once I accepted things for how they were presented that problem went away.
I think I would have enjoyed this story more if there was a greater focus on the hard science. Although I'm not really sure how you can do that when you're exploring a known environment. At which point the focus sort of has to be on character and humanity.
Posted by josuah at 8:13 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Visiting Luna Again
I just got back from my second visit to Luna in Shanghai. I flew out on April 29th and got back today, because the first week of May is a Chinese holiday and she didn't have work, so we could spend a lot of time together. The week went by really fast, and I was sad to leave. Luna's family picked me up at the airport, and I had dinner with them at Pizza Hut because Luna wanted either that or McDonald's. Afterwards, her dad took me back to my dad's place.
One of the things we did was to take a bus trip to her uncle's house, someplace north of Shanghai. The bus trip took around four hours, and including waiting time probably six hour total. I met her uncle's family and we went to a nearby park with his grandchildren to ride paddle boats. I accidentally dropped Luna too hard on the ground and she hurt her knee. We stayed overnight in a nearby hotel, and the next day went to a different park which involved lots of hiking. Some parts of this park were almost too crowded to enjoy. To return, we took a train back. Boarding the train was a little crazy, with everyone pushing to get on even though it is not as if the train will leave until everyone is on anyway.
While in Shanghai, we visited her grandparents, and also the family of one of her cousins. Her cousin has a PlayStation 2, and we played a few games including Naruto: Narutimate Hero 3, Devil May Cry 3, and Shinobi. I wasn't very good at the Naruto game, because I didn't know the controls for any good moves, and Devil May Cry 3 was very boring. Shinobi was a little fun, but not much. It's very much like a 3-D version of the original.
Luna and I watched lots of various things. She wasn't at all interested in Sneakers, but after I finally convinced her to watch Battlestar Galactica: The Miniseries, she got into it and wants to watch the rest of the seasons. She originally said she didn't want to watch it anymore because a baby was killed early in the show. We also watched Juon, which really came across as a B-movie to me, but it is a bit creepy. Just very hard to follow because of how it is structured. Luna says it helps to have read the story first. She also really likes Kamen Rider, even though I think it is silly.
Shanghai was extremely crowded, even more so than last time, because of the holiday. Many Chinese tourists were there. In the popular spots, such as The Bund, you could sometimes barely move. The pollution and smoking got to me much more this time, especially when we went to a fancy restaurant and there was so much smoke in the room I started to feel sick. Luna kept taking me outside or to the window to get fresh air. I got a sore throat from all the pollution, I think.
Two special things we did were to get Luna her engagement ring, and to take the wedding photos. We went to a lot of different jewelry stores, probably more than a dozen, although that's not as hard to do as it sounds as a department store will have several jewelry stores on a single floor. After looking at a lot of different styles, we found a signature cut at one of the stores that Luna really liked. It was a decent price, although I still haven't figured out how the discount was calculated and why, and she's happy with it.
For the wedding photos we went to Milan Studios, which Luna says is the best wedding photo studio in Shanghai. It's certainly a big production, and they provided the clothing and makeup, and seem to have purchased a fake building in the park for their photo shoots. I asked Luna not to pick any of the photos that have fake English words in them. The photo shoot took around twelve hours to finish, because there were so many people and not enough photographers and sometimes even not enough clothing (of the right type). Some of the costumes were a little strange to consider for wedding photos, unless you are specifically looking for an older time period, and it was very tiring for Luna. Partly because she had such a hard time following directions for posing.
All of those activities took up most of the week. Saturday and Sunday we finally relaxed. We were both very tired from so much walking around and doing so many things, including time spent shopping for gifts. So these last two days are when we just spent time at home watching things and resting.
Posted by josuah at 7:51 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Cheaper by the Dozen 2
On the flight back to San Francisco, I got a chance to watch Cheaper by the Dozen 2, although I haven't seen the first movie. What I did like about this film was Steve Martin, but that's about it. The story is predictable and simple, and the events nothing new to see. So while I can't recommend this movie as a comedy, it wasn't bad and I could appreciate the humor for what it was.
Posted by josuah at 7:27 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Eight Below
Luna and I wanted to watch a movie while I was visiting. Instead of going to the Peace Cinema at Raffles City, which is new and tends to show the newer blockbuster releases, we went to a different, smaller cinema which seemed to have been recently renovated, and saw Eight Below. This movie claims to be inspired by a true story, but I would consider that a lie. There also weren't any English subtitles, but that's okay because dogs don't talk and it was extremely easy to figure out what people were saying since the dialogue was so simple and predictable.
I consider the idea of this movie being based on a true story to be a lie because from what I can tell, the only thing based on a true story is the idea of Antarctic scientists/explorers getting beaten up by the elements and having sled dogs. I don't think any significant sequence of events that occurred in the storyline of the movie has any relation to a sequence of events that took place in reality.
I also didn't really like how personalities were given to each of the dogs by having them act certain ways on command and the use of camera angles and sound effects (dog noises). I suppose giving the dogs personalities is essential to the film, because the story is in large part about how the dogs survive on their own for so long. But their personalities were too artificial for me.
While I don't think the length of time the dogs are left down to survive, without water, is realistic at all, I do think this is a decent "Disney" movie and can be enjoyed in that respect. I just don't have much interest in that sort of movie these days.
Posted by josuah at 7:22 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 1, 2006
Fantastic Four
I had heard that Fantastic Four (what happened to the "The"? guess I was remembering the old issues) wasn't that great a superhero movie. I got a chance to watch it on the flight over to Shanghai, and yeah, it isn't that great a superhero movie.
The plot is very simple and the sequence of events and character development formulaic. There isn't a whole lot of villiany, even though the villian (not necessarily a person) should be what drives a superhero story forward. Instead, it's like a huge chunk of the movie is used to "create" the Fantastic Four, and then they just fight a bad guy at the end.
The acting also wasn't very interesting. A lot of the behavior, dialogue, and body language seemed canned. You can't get a whole lot of human expression out of Thing, but the rest really did look a lot like something from the silver age of comic books.
Posted by josuah at 6:23 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 28, 2006
Chrono Crusade
Chrono Crusade is another series I wasn't planning to watch, but since I'm running out of things to watch and it's free, I decided to give it a try. Luna told me about half-way through that she doesn't think it is that great, and I agree. On the one hand the mythology of the bible is well incorporated with artistic liberties taken, and some interesting questions are posed without any concrete answers, of course. But at other times, the dialogue is corny, the action sequences are childish, and it is sometimes hard to empathize with the characters.
I did like the artwork very much, although the men were a little too bishonen for my taste. I think the artists may have temporarily changed for a short period of time in the middle of the series, as there was an obvious change in character drawing at one point. But it later reverted back to the original.
There was also some good music at times, although sometimes it wasn't anything special either. The first episode on disc five had some strange crackly noise throughout, which I found quite annoying, but I have no idea if that was a mixing/mastering problem or due to some other problem.
Two bonuses were the English dub including Hillary Haag and Jessica Boone. Both particular favorites of mine. I also recognized Laura Chapman and Tiffany Grant from the credits, although their voices are not as unique.
Posted by josuah at 4:34 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 27, 2006
Canadian Music Creators Coalition
A number of Canadian musicians have formed the Canadian Music Creators Coalition. This group was created to stand against recent political and legal "abuses" that have been harming the reputation and consumers of the Canadian music industry. The three goals of this coalition are to make it clear that suing consumers is bad, DRM is a risky and more often than not negative proposition, and to promote local Canadian music. They also want to make it clear that the labels are not looking out for the best interests of musicians or consumers. The top three coalition members listed on the home page are: Barenaked Ladies, Avril Lavigne, and Sarah McLachlan.
Posted by josuah at 9:36 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Ringworld Engineers
I just finished re-reading The Ringworld Engineers. This is the second book in the series, and one that was not originally planned but eventually written because of the amount of feedback towards the first book. I would say it's about the same quality as the first book, in terms of its style and substance.
The second novel takes place several years later, and goes a bit further into the origins of the Ringworld, although not as much as some might hope. There is some exploration of the Ringworld species and their culture, and also the technology of the Ringworld. As the title suggests, the engineers of the Ringworld are revealed, although there isn't much told about them other than what they did in the shaping of the Ringworld.
Posted by josuah at 6:41 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 24, 2006
Intellectual Property Protection Act of 2006
I've become even more unhappy with the current administration after the appointment of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. John Ashcroft was bad, but he typically went after big brother surveillence type stuff. Which the rest of the administration was already doing anyway. Gonzales is going further and bringing the war of IP-terrorism into our homes. The Intellectual Property Protection Act of 2006 will make it extremely easy for law enforcement to lock you up and confiscate all of your personal property if you decide to exercise your fair use rights. Because 13-year-old girls are funding terrorists by sharing music they like with their friends.
Posted by josuah at 7:45 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 16, 2006
Battle Royale
I just finished the Battle Royale manga, which is fifteen volumes (longer than it had to be). I think the movie is excellent, and an important sort of film. The manga, however, perhaps is not. I think if less time had been spent on what felt like filler-frames to me, and instead the content had been presented in a more concise manner, then it would have been more enjoyable to read.
The most important aspect of the manga is the emotional and personal spin it puts on each of the characters. This is something that is not done to this extent in either the novel or the movie. The main characters and also all of the other students are given a lot of page time that provides backstory and motiviations for their behavior. There is some of this in the novel, but a lot more is explored in the manga. In some cases this exploration is interesting. In other cases, it's included more as a point to take away and not really important.
Posted by josuah at 10:18 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Number of the Beast
I just read Number of the Beast, which is a sort of capstone book in Heinlein's stories, as it joins together several threads started in other novels. But unfortunately I didn't enjoy the contents that much. A lot of time is spent on dialogue, very pointless in many cases with a certain repetition that becomes tiring without being obvious. I didn't really see anything new presented, although there is a lot to do with clashing personalities in relationships. As others have pointed out, this book is sort of a giant in-joke. But I guess I don't have what it takes to appreciate that.
Posted by josuah at 7:29 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Farewell, My Concubine
Ba Wang Bie Ji is another Chinese movie that includes Gong Li in its cast. Unfortunately, I didn't enjoy this movie as much. It was fine as far as the story, production, and acting is concerned, but I didn't really care about the characters and just about every scene involved unhappiness. In fact, the only character I thought worth anything is the one played by Gong Li, and she ends up dead a little more than half way through. Plus, she is constantly at odds with Dieyi, who remains a child throughout the movie.
Posted by josuah at 7:28 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 15, 2006
The Emperor and The Assassin
Jing Ke ci Qin Wang tells the story of the first emperor's conquest of the six kingdoms, during the time leading up to when the assassin Jing Ke attempts to take the life of Qin Wang (King of Qin). The role of Lady Zhao, played by Gong Li, is prominently featured. The acting could have been better, and the king's descent into madness if not as glaring as some might consider it should have been. Regardless, the story is interesting both for its content and for the perspective used to tell it.
Posted by josuah at 10:57 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 13, 2006
Fun with Dick and Jane
Just watched Fun with Dick and Jane with an unusually large number attendees. A total of nine people showed up, including a few people I wasn't expecting such as Christa and Vince, and also Mike Liu because he was back in town. Although he didn't stay for the movie, just to talk. Samir and Jamie were there, and also Zhao. Ellen showed up as well, although she caused some trouble earlier with refusing to eat Chinese food. Dantam was a last minute attendee so I ended up cooking extra food because I thought Mike and Dantam would need more food than what Jamie bought. But ended up that Jamie had bought enough food without my extras.
Unfortunately I didn't get to talk with Christa that much because she arrived much later than everyone else. Although she socialized with others a bit. She also washed her dishes, even though she shouldn't have.
The movie was pretty entertaining. This was one role where I was very amused by Jim Carrey, as well as his character's wife played by Tea Leoni. The premise is also pretty fun, in a timely way, as it goes through some extreme comedic relief associated with the recent financial scandals involving high-ranking corporate officials. They poked fun at those people a few times.
Posted by josuah at 6:57 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 11, 2006
Beyond Good and Evil
One of the best action adventure games ever. That's how I would sum up Beyond Good and Evil. In addition to great gameplay, on par with any of the 3-D Legend of Zelda games, this game features an amazing story, wonderful music, and extreme levels of polish. It was tons of fun, and I only wish it had lasted longer. It is somewhat short at only a little more than a dozen hours.
The basic interface is extremely easy and intuitive to use. You will never have to refer to your manual or think about how to accomplish something. Key combinations or sequences were not difficult at all, and you are introduced to actions and behavior through fun immersive action. For example, you'll learn how to fight almost immediately through a sequence that tightly flows with the story.
In some ways, the cinematic aspect of the game is not even noticeable. Unlike other games that involve cutscenes or a clear break between story presentation and gameplay, BGaE incorporates that part of the game right into your basic activities. But more importantly, the storytelling never takes over from your control of the characters, and sometimes even takes place parallel to your character control. So it never feels like you're stuck waiting for the action to start again.
Having a great and intelligent story, along with memorable characters with real personalities, helps a lot in that regard. The basic story is relatively simple: the Alpha Section arm of the military is protecting the citizens of Hillys against the alien DomZ attacks. But there's a much deeper and complicated truth behind that. Your job is to discover and expose that truth. There could have been more done with that, but I suspect that some of that mystery has been left open in hopes of a sequel. Unfortunately, I doubt a sequel will happen as BGaE did not have a large number of sales to my knowledge.
In terms of content, no two battles are ever the same. And combat is fun because of the simple but fun to use attacks. The maps are filled with puzzles that involve lots of different ideas, some traditional, some more inventive, and the puzzles are not the same thing over and over again. When an idea is duplicated, it is done in a way that requires you to think of new approaches and analyze the situation carefully. I constantly felt challenged but never overwhelmed or tired of the puzzles.
Minigames are also built in without them being as a side-track. There's racing, vehicle combat, a game like air hockey, and also side puzzles that are not necessary for advancement but can be done for fun. If you manage to complete one particular side-quest, you can unlock a really difficult two-handed independent coordination game. Anyone that can get far in that will have developed excellent hand-eye coordination along with parallel spatial tracking.
The music was also great. This is one game where I felt like I would have really benefitted from playing it on my home theater system, instead of the lower-end system I have set up for gaming. It's rich, detailed, and heavily supports the emotions and mood of the game.
Posted by josuah at 4:32 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 10, 2006
2046 is another film by Wong Kar Wai, and stars some of the best Chinese actors and actresses, including Tony Leung, Gong Li, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Cheung, and Faye Wong also showed up. With that sort of cast, the acting was excellent. The movie also has what I consider to be Wong Kar Wai's directorial style from both a cinematic and plot point of view. I did find the pacing a little slow and sometimes disjointed, but the characters are interesting and full-bodied. Ultimately, this movie requires you to pay attention and think about exactly what is going on and what is being said. But if you take the time to do this, I think you'll find some interesting throughts going through your head.
One important aspect to the movie is the music. A great deal of effort was put into including music that enhances the mood and emotions being presented, and to fully appreciate this film you need to also appreciate the music. Some of the music was taken from old recordings though, or purposefully played back on older equipment (as the story takes place in the late 1960's) because you can hear noise and vinyl artifacts quite clearly. But I'm sure that was done intentionally.
Posted by josuah at 1:09 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 9, 2006
I just watched the miniseries Taken, which has Spielberg's name attached to it, but is in fact directed by someone else. However, I felt as though there was a heavy Spielberg influence on the film's direction and production. The story was written by Leslie Bohem. The driving force behind this miniseries, which is pretty good, are the characters. The plot follows three families, one of abductees, one of hybrids, and one of the military investigators, through three generations in a culminating finale.
That aspect is the main strength of the series. The special effects are a little subduded but well done, and the science and exploration/speculation is very interesting (and what I would have preferred to see more of), but following three generations of people really gives a depth to the characters as to their motivations and fears and the family that shaped who they've become. Unfortunately, I think the best actors and characters are those from the first generation, but maybe that is only because I found that time period and their behavior more interesting.
I do think there are some great actors and some not-so-great actors in this series. Sometimes I felt like the characters came alive, while at other times things seemed fake or forced to me. The only real exception to that is the little girl, who acts as a narrator from the beginning and later one becomes a focal point. I believe she is supposed to be unnerving in her behavior and mannerisms, as her grandfather was before, because of who she is.
Posted by josuah at 3:41 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 6, 2006
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
We watched The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe tonight. Jamie and Samir showed up, as well as Dantam and Zhao. Lin showed up for the first time today. I turned the volume way up on the movie so that the low frequencies would create the proper visceral feeling. Of course this made the movie really loud in general, and I also ended up increasing the center channel volume a little because I had a hard time making out the dialogue. But it paid off on some critical scenes and everyone really enjoyed it. Lin screamed and jumped a couple of times.
The movie was very enjoyable from an action and basic plot point of view. The visuals were pretty spectacular, as was the audio. But as a story, it is a little simplistic. More so, I think, than some other childrens movies that are spectacular in the same way. It's all very straight-forward and you're not really trying to discover anything or come to any sort of realization. Things are presented at face value, although the symbolism is high.
One thing I did notice very clearly was the inferior attitude towards women. Susan is given a bow, and Lucy a dagger, but neither of them ever use them in any serious manner. Instead, they only call for help and heal others (think motherly). The evil white witch is a woman, while the good Aslan is a man. There are only a handful of female warriors shown, and they stay far back and only fire a few arrows. In contrast, there are hundreds of male warriors who engage in direct combat. And in a very obvious presentation, Aslan is shaved to look like a woman before being killed on the stone table. So in total, there are only a handful of extremely useless women, women are evil, and Aslan is insulted by being dressed like a woman.
Posted by josuah at 7:16 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 3, 2006
Anti-Chevy Advertisements
Seems as though Chevrolet has put together some sort of advertisment-creation contest for their new Chevy Tahoe SUV. Clever interactive marketing ploy, with television show tie-in? Or incredibly stupid marketing idea because of viral videos? I think the latter.
Posted by josuah at 6:52 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Eat Drink Man Woman
Just finished watching Yin Shi Nan Nu, and unlike the other movie I recently watched that approached life with a cooking theme, this movie really delivered. Chef Chu and his three daughters give really great performances as a series of events leads to finding love and also truth about themselves and their relationship with each other. There's no comedy involved, but the drama seems very realistic and it's nice to see everyone's lives turn out good, despite the turbulence surrounding them.
Posted by josuah at 3:34 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 2, 2006
Alhambra and Shannon
Around noon, I drove to Irvington High School and picked up Shannon from her Chinese class there. I was really hungry by then, as I hadn't eaten anything in a while, so we went to Sweet Tomatoes. I hadn't been there in a long time, and so I stuffed myself. Didn't eat any dinner or anything else as a result. Shannon wanted to play Settlers of Catan because she really liked it when we played last time. So we drove to Great Mall and picked up a copy of Alhambra, winner of Spiel des Jahres 2003.
Alhambra is pretty fun, although not as interactive as Settlers of Catan because you build a city in your own space, without affecting other players. Instead, your city plan might be influenced by the purchasing actions of other players, but you can't really do anything that would ruin another player's strategy. Shannon liked it though, so that's good. I left the game at her house so we can play it whenever I'm over there.
I also fixed their coffee table and some of their chairs. They weren't really broken. Just the screws were loose or had come out and Mei-Ling had no idea what to do. Easy to fix, just took some time to screw everything back in and tighter. There's still a gap in the base of one chair, which is because the screws went in at an angle that drew the boards apart from each other, but that's only an asthetic problem.
Posted by josuah at 8:03 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 1, 2006
Like Water For Chocolate
I just watched Como Agua Para Chocolate, a Mexican film based on the book of the same name. Perhaps the book is more enjoyable to read, because I found the movie a little uninvolving. There is supposed to be a lot of passion, emotion, and color portrayed by the characters involved, but I didn't feel it. I felt like much of it was subdued, and the third-party narration took a little away from things. It would have been more powerful to see and hear the characters thoughts rather than hear them from the narrator.
Posted by josuah at 6:14 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I finished re-reading Larry Niven's Ringworld last night. I really like the book as a hard science story. There is a lot of interesting stuff presented, interesting ideas and technologies, unique perspectives on how to see things. It is a hard science book though, which means minimal character development. I should continue reading the series, and order some more of his books which I don't have.
Posted by josuah at 6:14 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 31, 2006
Tsukihime Lunar Legend
Tsukihime Lunar Legend is a little short and yet still has a slightly higher amount of static time in it than I would have liked. The existing content could have been done more concisely, with less staring or silent conversations taking place. Luna tells me it is based on an H-game, and truthfully there is a bit of this portrayed in the storyline. Regardless, it maintains a high degree of tension and mystery that kept me wanting to see what would happen next and to discover exactly what happened to the characters in the past.
The action was carefully done, without any crazy sequences or anything annoying or drawn out. In fact there isn't a whole lot of it, as the majority of the time is spent on character development. The artwork is pretty good, although they used static art in about the amounts you would expect for some anime, but things have gotten better than that so I was expecting more. There was also some very pleasing string instrumentation for the background music and at other times.
Posted by josuah at 6:13 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Movie Night - Saved
I had the usual crowd over last night for a movie night. This time, Alla brought a guest, César, one of the coops working for IBM at the SVL lab. Dantam, Zhao, Jamie, and Samir all showed up. Because of last time, this was supposed to be a night when Samir would be free to exercise his opinion. But he didn't really exercise anything. We ordered Chinese food instead of pizza, and I also bought some hot sauce and red pepper for Dantam and Samir since they like spicy food.
For the movie, we watched Saved. I think everyone really enjoyed it, and it was a much more light-hearted movie than our previous movie night. Dantam pointed out that Mandy Moore plays evil very well. I think everyone did a pretty good job in the movie.
Posted by josuah at 4:01 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 27, 2006
Xenosaga: Episode I
I finally completed Xenosaga: Episode I. I'd started it before changing jobs, but all the movies in the mail distracted me from my gaming. The great thing about Xenosaga is the story. About 40% of the actual gametime, which I clocked in at about 44 hours, is spent in cutscenes. This can be a little annoying, because it means you start watching a movie instead of playing a game. And the cutscenes can be very long. Regardless, the story really drives things forward, and does make me want to play the sequels despite the follow-up games also having problems. Xenosaga is a flawed game, and besides the story, most of the time is spent in a dungeon-crawl.
So the story is excellent, and the visuals, graphics, and music used during the telling of that story are first rate, although a little dated now. Facial expressions are cartoonish, but at least they have them. The thing that was lacking was really mouth expression. They got the eyes pretty well, but mouths didn't do anything except open and close. Now for the things that really needed work.
The background music was a little boring. Combat music especially so because it never changed throughout the entire game, and was extremely repetitive. The audio logic was also messed up, because sounds came out of the speakers relative to the character on screen. But this meant your character may be on the left side of the screen and something to the right of him or her, but still on the left side of the screen, would come out of the right speaker.
There was a similar problem with combat navigation. Depending on the camera angle, tapping left on the D-pad might select a character to the right on screen, and vice versa. Combat itself was also a bit boring and very repetitive. Your normal attacks do very little damage, so you must always use your tech attacks. And using those attacks involve longer action sequences during which you cannot do anything except watch. The only way combat maintains your interest is because to make sure you advance statistics fast enough, you must control the sequence of turns by delaying or interrupting the natural sequence. Watching the same thing over and over again, with unimaginative action, gets boring.
One other thing that annoyed me was how the game always asked for confirmation when using an elevator. If I step onto the elevator, it means I want to use it. Same with buttons and switches. The game doesn't ask if I want to go into another room when I walk through a door, so why is it asking that for the elevator? Random destruction of objects using a vaporizer-type weapon is also a little strange, although the developers do poke fun at that.
I also didn't like the controls. The combat menu button is also the normal cancel button. Sometimes you have to use the confirmation button to continue through a menu action, even though you want to go backwards. In other words, you're using the confirmation button to perform an exit command. Navigation through the in-game menu is also annoying. It is too many levels deep and hard to move between characters because sometimes you need to back up before you can switch to another character. This becomes especially annoying as some screens are naturally tied together, such as equipment and skills (equipment can provide skills, and you can also set skills) which would be much easier to manage if they were on the same screen.
The A.W.G.S. units were useless. You don't do more damage or take less damage even though you're in a giant robot, your turns occur much more slowly, and if your robot breaks down, you cannot exit it. It's a complete waste of money to invest in your A.W.G.S.
Offensive magic is also useless. I used them only a few times to discover that they don't do any more damage than your normal attacks, but your tech attacks can be upgraded to do more damage. So, offensive magic uses up magic points, doesn't do any more damage than normal magic-based attacks, and cannot be upgraded to do more damage while your physical- and magic-based tech attacks can.
There aren't enough technology points to go around. As it happens, I sort of lucked out and didn't use any technology points for statistic or attack upgrades until near the very end of the game. I horded my point upgrade items as well. I probably could have benefited from better statistic upgrading, but then I wouldn't have had enough technology points to really upgrade the final tech attacks to be as powerful as I did. If you really want to do stat raising, which can be very effective, then you won't be able to do tech attack upgrading. The only alternative is to engage in even more repetitive combat to earn more points.
Posted by josuah at 5:56 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 25, 2006
Not One Less
I just watched Yi Ge Dou Bu Neng Shao, another film by Yimou Zhang from a few years ago. It tells the story of a 13-year-old substitute teacher named Wei Minzhi in the village of Shuiquan who struggles to find one of her students who went to the city in search of work. The movie is really about two things. The first is the teacher's determination and courage in going after her student with almost no money and absolutely no idea of what she will face. The other is the poverty in China that forces children to drop out of school and find work. Both of these aspects are very well done.
I vaguely recall reading that Yimou Zhang prefers to work with non-actors, although I may be confusing him with someone else. While the story Not One Less is fictional, he pulled real people from villages in China and filmed in real locations. Wei Minzhi is actually a 13-year-old student in a village named Wei Minzhi, and some of the other people who played themselves are Zhang Huike, the boy she chases after, and the television employees and restaurant and store owners. A few other characters are also played by non-actors from villages in roles that aren't really what they do in real life, but still roles that are very close to their own lives.
Posted by josuah at 5:50 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 23, 2006
Les Comperes
Alla put Les Compéres on her queue, and left the disc at my place so I could watch it. I decided I'd take a look tonight, although it didn't look that appealing to me. It's sort of a comedy movie, with two men being told by a woman that they are the father of her runaway son, so that they will go look for him in Nice. The two men are complete opposites, and there's a side-story involving the mob, so some interesting things happen. It was an okay movie, not that great to me.
Posted by josuah at 6:48 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 22, 2006
To Sail Beyond the Sunset
To Sail Beyond the Sunset is the last volume in the Lazarus Long series that includes many of the Heinlein books I've recently been re-reading. This was the first time I've read this book though. Unfortunately, I didn't like it as much as the previous books.
The story is basically the memoirs of Maureen Smith, Lazarus' mother, and covers her life through the early 1900's with a smaller amount of the second half of the 20th century. It also interleaved her current situation into this backstory, somewhat similar to Time Enough For Love, but without enough detail. As a result, events tended to become a distraction rather than something of real interest. I feel like there is a lot of stuff which Heinlein could have further explored but didn't.
Posted by josuah at 6:28 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
To Live
Luna told me that Huo Zhe is the only movie by Yimou Zhang to have been banned in China. I can understand why, as it paints the rise and social condition of Communism under Chairman Mao in a less than flattering light. In fact, I believe there are hints of "disappearances" but this is not obviously stated. Regardless, it is an excellent movie about how a husband and wife continue with their lives, finding happiness and meaning in family no matter all the hardships they have to go through.
I did really like the way things changed over the years, as the movie spans about three decades. The acting by Li Gong and You Ge is really good, and it was interesting to see how they have to adapt to the changing times when the people they've known all their lives are affected by the revolution. There are some really tragic situations, and a constant condition of tension that is still present in China today.
Unfortunately, I see the United States falling into that same situation today, with ultra-conservative religious and big brother observation/control becoming more common. Hopefully the Constitutional protections will eventually revert the damage done so far. However, I'm not too optimistic based on how the judicial branch at all levels is starting to involve personal opinions more instead of relying upon the Constitution and law.
Posted by josuah at 7:34 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 21, 2006
Just Like Heaven
I hadn't seen Alla in a while, so we decided to meet up tonight. She is on her eating-healthy kick right now so she didn't want to go out to eat at any restaurants. I ended up buying some fresh vegetables and cooking that with some chicken. She liked the black vinegar chicken and deep-cooked onions (with too much soy sauce), but not the boiled vegetables. Afterwards, we watched Just Like Heaven, a movie she's already seen but liked. We watched it in French with English subtitles.
Just Like Heaven is a decent movie, but it follows a typical romantic comedy storyline. Nothing really new here except that Reese Witherspoon can really act out spunk instead of just saying things, and she is a good actress. I don't really like Mark Ruffalo as much. What I did really like about the movie were the funny parts involving Reese's interactions with Mark. Otherwise, there's nothing much here.
Posted by josuah at 6:45 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 20, 2006
Elfen Lied
At only a half-season long, Elfen Lied is shorter than most but it is extremely dense in its content. I liked everything about this series, from the artwork to the audio to the story, but especially the characters. This is a very well planned production, without any gaps and with a very deep emotional connection between the characters as well as with the audience. Although some of the basic elements could be considered cliché, it is the execution that makes it excel. This is an anime where you will care what happens to whom, and unfortunately not everyone comes out the way they should in an ideal world.
I did recognize a few things that were unexpectedly nice. The first was the artwork. I really like the character design style, but I don't know whose style it is. Recognizing the voice talent of Kira Vincent-Davis was also interesting, and now that I've looked her up she has been in many animes that I like. I also recognized Jessica Boone and Tiffany Grant. I mistook Cynthia Martinez's voice for Hillary Haag.
It should be noted that this series is extremely graphic. The nudity is not really out of place, and I don't consider nudity to be a problem in general, but the method by which people are killed is extreme and shown in full detail.
Posted by josuah at 4:32 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 19, 2006
Shannon Visits
Today Shannon finally came to visit me at my place, although Mei-Ling and Yvonne didn't come. I think Shannon's the only one that's actually interested in coming to my place, and I don't think Mei-Ling likes the long drive. So I picked Shannon up from her house around 3:30pm. They had all gone to the dentist today, and Shannon got one of her teeth pulled out because she says the dentist said it would have crowded her mouth. We stopped at Target on the way back so she could buy birthday gifts for Winnie and someone I don't know named Samuel.
The first thing we she when we got to my place was to look for the kitties. Asuka and Niea were around just fine, but Chie was hiding. I'm not really sure why he hides whenever Shannon comes over, but he does. I think Shannon needs to visit more often so he will remember her better. Then I taught Shannon how to play Settlers of Catan. She liked this game, and it was pretty close; she almost won except I built some roads and stole the longest roads points from her.
Then we talked to Luna for a little bit on the webcam. This was the first time Luna got a chance to see Shannon. Her mom and dad also saw Shannon. For dinner Shannon wanted a bread bowl, so I put some soup in the cut ends of some fresh French bread I bought this morning. I also made some spaghetti and fish, but Shannon was full off the soup and bread bowl so didn't eat much of that. We watched Bruce Almighty while eating.
We played a couple of games of Magic: The Gathering. I let Shannon use my old deck, which my mom brought over when she visited for Christmas. She had some problems with the deck though, and lost both times. I think my old deck has better cards and is better balanced for a wide variety of opponents, but my new white deck does have a much more aggressive creature approach which Shannon was unable to defend against. Plus, new cards often have effects that can only be efficiently countered using cards from that same series.
Posted by josuah at 7:48 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Heather Nova - Siren
Heather Nova's Siren was actually the album of hers I first wanted to get. I finally found it for a decent price and picked it up. I was quite pleased to discover the total album length fills the disc; this was not a forty-minute album. Heather Nova's distinctive voice is as beautiful as ever, and this album has enough of its own character to make it something special. I really enjoyed listening to it, with her vocals as the centerpiece with a nice sort of folk rock accompaniment.
Posted by josuah at 7:43 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 17, 2006
Lord of the Yen Trilogy
Shannon forwarded me this video mashup of Azumanga Daioh (anime) and The Lord of the Rings (movie): The Lord of the Yen Trilogy. Quite amusing, but only if you've seen both. It's a bit long, as it covers all three movies in the trilogy, but worth checking out.
Posted by josuah at 7:35 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
North Country
I had another movie night today, which Zhao, Dantam, Jamie, and Samir attended. People brought movies to watch, and from the selection we ended up choosing North Country, which was contributed by Samir and Jamie. The movie is based on real events, but presents a fictional dramatization of those events with different people and companies involved. Josey Aimes got a job working as a miner at a corporate environment that encouraged and hid a culture of sexual abuse towards women. The best thing about the movie was the acting. I think the story and other aspects of the film was about average.
Posted by josuah at 7:31 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 16, 2006
Karas Preview
I got a preview disc of Karas today. Unfortunately, the disc cuts off thirty minutes in, rather than containing the entire movie. So it gets some negative points right there. It also gets negative points for bad voice acting and poor facial expression and body language when it comes to the 2-D art. Plus, the plot is not very clear and other than some basic facts I have no idea what is really going on. It can stand as a pure action movie, but that's about it.
There are some redeeming qualities though. The 3-D art is quite impressive, as are the action sequences. I think they pushed the envelope a bit when putting together the 3-D sequences, although there is still a slight timing issue as I don't think they handled minute blur as well as they needed to. The heavy action is very stylistic and quick, so it doesn't need to appear as realistic. I also think the audio quality is high.
One other thing I did like about the thirty minutes I did see was the surreal aspect. There appears to be two worlds laid on top of each other, and looking into the "other" world is interesting and amusing at the same time. It's much more whimsical and seems to be more energetic and colorful.
I doubt I'll purchase Karas, although I might rent it and see if it's actually worth something once you've seen the entire picture.
Posted by josuah at 6:15 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 13, 2006
I just watched Tron, one of the best movies Disney has made. Part of it has to do with not trying to use the special effects or buzzwords to push the movie, and instead to use ideas and a storyline. Bonus points for not doing anything that seems to defy the laws of physics. The acting is not that great, but the audio is quite a bit above average for the type of movie (science-fiction): no harsh dissonant chords. The underlying questions about users, the afterlife, self-awareness, and behavior are interesting although not heavily presented.
Posted by josuah at 1:22 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 12, 2006
I've had an inclination to watch Ray once I saw how well Jamie Foxx imitated the mannerisms of Ray Charles. Now that I've seen the movie, it's pretty clear that his performance is the highlight of the film. In fact, the story is a little shallow although I've never much liked biographies. But I did learn a few new things about Ray Charles, such as his beginnings and drug addiction. Overall it was a very good film, but I wouldn't be interested in watching it a second time.
Posted by josuah at 11:26 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I Will Fear No Evil
Keeping with my Heinlein binge, I just finished re-reading I Will Fear No Evil. Also one of his great novels, this story is about an old man who finds a new lease on life by having his brain transplanted into the body of a young woman, and him having to learn how to behave like a woman. There's a lot to deal with here, with questions about death and sexual identity and of course Heinlein's always present ideas on love and living life to its fullest. Of course, the characters in this book are vintage Heinlein, and finding identity involves finding those characteristics.
Posted by josuah at 12:36 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 11, 2006
I just watched Flightplan, which is actually a movie off Alla's queue. Samir and Jamie both said it wasn't good, and I wasn't really looking forward to it. But it actually turned out pretty good. Mostly because Jodie Foster did a great job acting and you couldn't be at all sure of her mental state until the very end. And the tension remained throughout, without any lapses for people with short attention spans. The only thing I didn't like was some of the editing and foley work that was put in to blatantly support things that should have remained subdued.
Posted by josuah at 7:48 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The IT Crowd
I don't watch television, but I've been hearing a bit about The IT Crowd on some blogs. It's a show only available in the UK, but many people have posted it on video sites so I've been able to watch the first five episodes off YouTube. It's actually very funny, mostly because everyone on it is extremely stupid or mental in at least one way.
Posted by josuah at 4:55 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 10, 2006
Star Wars: Clone Wars
Star Wars: Clone Wars is a two hour animation production by CartoonNetwork that bridges the storylines of Episode II and Episode III. This installment of the series is done very well, although it doesn't use the original actors for voiceovers and is a little lacking in the audio quality as the new music was not done by John Williams or performed with a full orchestra (from what I can tell).
Still, as a purely entertaining movie, it's good. It's heavily action driven, with much less storyline or character development than the movies, but the action is focused and epic. The majority of the animation work was done via CG, and that allows for some great scenes. But the character designs were too caricature-like for my taste. There are some nice inside jokes and tributes to the feature films, and overall I really enjoyed it.
Posted by josuah at 5:35 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Massive Attack - Mezzanine
Massive Attack's Mezzanine is the album that I first heard of them by. The music on this album is very bass-heavy. Almost too heavy, as I think my ears got a little fatigued from listening to it, although that's more likely due to my poorly calibrated subwoofers and the boominess of my room. It's a very nice album to listen to though, with good composition and a nice emotional feeling to it. Somewhat downtempo while maintaining a solid rock beat with the instruments.
Posted by josuah at 5:10 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 9, 2006
Cranium + Scattergories
I had some friends over for a game night today. Dantam, Alla, Samir, Jamie, and Ellen showed up, although Ellen didn't play anything and left early. Jamie and Dantam didn't want to play any "brainy" games, so although Alla and I would have preferred to play Settlers of Catan, we ended up playing Cranium and then Scattergories.
For Cranium, the teams were Samir and Jamie versus me, Alla, and Dantam. Ellen wanted to be the question reader, and also sat next to me so my left ear got some pounding. Samir and Jamie had gotten the game for Christmas (as well as Scattergories) and this was the first time they'd played. I find the game fairly easy, and we got some lucky purple rolls, so we ended up winning, although it was a little close at the end.
I don't think Scattergories is much fun though. The basic idea is to come up with different words that start with the same letter, one item per category. And there's a three-minute time limit. But you're really just playing against yourself, as you look at the lists and come up with words, with almost no gameplay involving other people. Jamie likes it though.
Posted by josuah at 7:19 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 7, 2006
Vampire Hunter D
I don't understand why Vampire Hunter D is rated so highly. Unless all of the raters are young boys who like pointless action and gore. The drawing was old style, but I think cheaply done. Animation frames were repeated, and sometimes scenes pointless. Other films from the same time period have better animation. The story was very superficial and simple, and it was mostly sequences of pointless fighting, with what passed as gore back then. At least the movie continued to move forward.
Posted by josuah at 5:25 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 6, 2006
Tae Guk Gi
Taegukgi Hwinalrimyeo is amazing in its horribleness. The story is something that's been done before, but I've never seen it done in such a human and horrific way. Two brothers are drafted into the South Korean army in 1950, and forced to fight against the North Koreans. One of the two loses his humanity, and the criminal behavior of him as well as both the North Koreans and South Koreans is very upsetting. I was very surprised to see this depicted as it goes against the type of Korean pride I'm used to.
Unfortunately, the ending is very bittersweet. But extremely human and real in that respect. Instead of focusing on the horror of war, this movie puts great effort into showing the horror of humanity at some of its worst, but perhaps most understandable or appreciated, moments.
The acting was extremely good, by all of the people involved. The principal actors include Dong-Kun Jang, whom I've seen in a few Korean movies, and Bin Won who is new to me, but very good. But all of the actors were very good.
I'm wondering about the special effects, because it all looked very realistic to me. And they did not cut between when people were wounded or destroyed. Not only the typical sort of pyrotechnics for bullet holes, but also fire, explosions, and dismemberment. I know of at least one time when I gasped in surprise and horror. Possibly there were more, but I was so engrossed by the film that I wasn't paying much attention to anything else. The impressive sound work helped with that; it was very immersive.
Posted by josuah at 4:52 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 5, 2006
Emiliana Torrini - Love In The Time Of Science
I heard the singing of Emiliana Torrini a few times, and it really appealed to me. The character of her voice has a very alluring quality to it. I picked up her worldwide debut album, Love In The Time Of Science which was received with excellent reviews. I enjoyed the album, although I don't think it's one of the best I've heard. It has some influences of rock while maintaining a more downtempo tone with good vocals driving the songs.
Turns out Emiliana Torrini has contributed to many other songs and artists that I like. Such as the track Slow by Kylie Minogue, Thievery Corporation, and Gus Gus. She also sang the wonderful Gollum's Song which was played during the end credits of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
Posted by josuah at 5:37 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Bridge on the River Kwai
I just watched the long (some would say epic, although I don't really think of it that way), Bridge on the River Kwai. It's a pretty decent film, set in a Japanese POW camp during World War II. The focus of the film is really on an American soldier and a British officer, though, with the Japanese and Siamese playing a smaller part, with the Siamese actually being little more than decoration. These two characters each have their own idea of correct behavior and morality, which is at odds.
The acting is decent, but stereotypical of the time. The locale is fairly exotic though, and I'm sure it wasn't easy to film things there and that seeing that on the big screen was a treat back then. The Japanese roles are not demeaning or stereotypical though, which is good. There is an loose implication that the British way, or Western way, is somehow superior. But at the same time, it's made clear that the British officer is a little messed up in his beliefs.
Posted by josuah at 3:14 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 4, 2006
Time Bandits
Time Bandits is a strange comedy with a fantastic story line. It was a bit entertaining. It has the sort of wit that I like in British humor, although not as funny as I would have liked. Instead, it was too dry, to the point that it is more like antics rather than humor. But it was something fun, and I'm sure younger audiences would really enjoy it. Unfortunately, the disc was letter-boxed 4:3 and only featured stereo sound.
Posted by josuah at 5:55 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 1, 2006
Bunny Hopping x Bravia
Someone put together this really cool machina video of bunny hoppers in the style of the also really cool Bravia advertisement filmed in San Francisco.
Posted by josuah at 11:40 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Gia is a movie that is somewhere between documentary and drama. It depicts the rise and fall of Gia Marie Carangi, a supermodel during the late 70's and early 80's. It's a somewhat rollercoaster life, which is mirrored in the movie's plot. Gia is "discovered" as a rebellious teen and shoved into the modeling world. She has a fear of abandonment, which the film implies stems from her childhood. And she starts hitting the drug scene quite hard. Which eventually leads to her fall.
The role of Gia is played by Angelina Jolie, and she gives an outstanding performance. She's able to portray a wide range of emotions and a very unique personality that will captivate you. It seems effortless, as if she fits the role of this other person perfectly. Although, one can't really say what the real Gia was like in real life, so it may very well be inaccurte. Regardless, it's a great performance, and the supporting cast is also very good.
I'm not sure either how accurate the movie portrays Gia's world. It certainly fits the rumor and stereotypes associated with the high fame and decadent wealth of models and rock stars during the 80's. Even if it is not accurate, it is a world that seems real and has an impact.
Posted by josuah at 5:37 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 26, 2006
R.O.D the TV
When I saw the trailers for R.O.D the TV, I blew it off as a childrens action film. It sounded very "magical-girl" to me, with so-called Paper Masters who could control paper. But it turns out this anime is not at all childish and in fact extremely well done. Unfortunately, the TV series is the last of the R.O.D productions, but I have ended up watching it first. The four-volume manga comes first, then a three-episode OVA (referred to as the movie in the U.S.), and finally the 26-episode TV series. So as I've got the OVA on disc downstairs, I'm going to end up going through this whole thing backwards.
The first few episodes introduce the three sisters, Michelle, Anita, and Maggie, as bodyguards for Nenene. For some reason, Nenene's become the center of danger. Eventually, it is revealed that more sinister motives are at work in this elseworld where books play a vital role. At times, the mood is lighthearted and amusing. In fact quite amusing sometimes. But things also become dark at other times. Much more serious than I was expecting. There are a few cliché episodes thrown in, but they're well done and not overdone.
Overall, I have to say the series was very gripping and I felt a connection with the characters involved. Each of them has a unique personality that is not as simple as one might expect from the stereotypes they draw upon. The music has an action quality to it, that is a little reminiscent of the James Bond movies. And the story is well developed, and also executed pretty well, although I do think there were a few hiccups around disc two or three. Possibly due to my ignorance of the earlier productions.
Posted by josuah at 7:57 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 25, 2006
Time Enough for Love
I seem to be in a bit of a Heinlein streak right now, and just finished reading Time Enough for Love, one of the books in the Future History series. This novel sort of tells the story of Lazarus Long's past, although you can't really fit 2,000 years of living into a few hundred pages. So instead it contains some stories of his past and also the story of his current life.
It is really a great set of connected stories, that in part further expands upon the role and ideas of the Howard Foundation, and also upon Heinlein's personal opinions on love, sex, marriage, and family. Whether or not you agree with his opinions, the stories are engaging and enjoyable to read. Central to Lazarus Long's life is the title of the book: Time Enough for Love. Living so long, there comes a time when a person might grow weary of the world. But Heinlein shows why love makes life something new and grand, no matter the person's age or the age he is living in.
Posted by josuah at 8:09 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Venus Hum - Big Beautiful Sky
I heard the voice of Annette Strean, singer of Venus Hum on the Blue Man Group's The Complex Rock Tour Live DVD. And I really liked it. So I picked up their album Big Beautiful Sky and it is an amazing album. Her vocals are unique and wonderful to listen to, and set against a panoply of music that covers everything from guitars and drums to synth sequences I've never heard anything like before. Each track has its own distinctive flavor, but at the same time a characteristic feeling of Venus Hum.
Posted by josuah at 3:34 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 23, 2006
Monsoon Wedding
I had some friends over for a movie night tonight. Alla, Zhao, Dantam, Samir, and Jamie showed up. A bunch of other people couldn't show up because Stephen had bible study, Bryant had hockey, Thomas was studying biblical hockey, and Mike was studying Thomas studying biblical hockey. We ordered pizza, the usual deal although I haven't had a movie night in a long time, and ended up picking Monsoon Wedding as the movie to watch.
It's a pretty good movie, and everyone liked it quite a bit. Zhao said it was the best movie he's seen at a movie night, although he hasn't been to a whole lot. Alla had to leave early though, so she might come over tomorrow to watch the ending. Samir and Jamie said the behavior and dialogue and everything was very authentic. I have to agree, that it is a really detailed and well done film. It has a lot of emotion and drama, as well as comedic elements. And it seems very realistic and full.
Posted by josuah at 6:33 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 20, 2006
Corpse Bride
I've wanted to see Corpse Bride for a while now. I'm a big fan of Tim Burton's movies, and he brought along some of his usual suspects to make this movie (i.e. Johnny Depp and Danny Elfman). He also did a good job of matching Helena Bonham Carter as Corpse Bride. I've noticed more people are taking the approach of casting voice actors who physically match in real life the characters of the movie. And it tends to pay off quite well. Corpse Bride contains some amusing musical numbers, and also Tim Burton's characteristic dark vision that I enjoy.
I watched this movie with Shannon and her friend Joyce. Joyce talks a lot during movies. It was a little hard to watch and hear what was going on because we had to watch on the laptop with some un-powered speakers. Mei-Ling had a big dinner party and so it was pretty loud. I ended up playing with Shannon most of the time, as Yvonne was her usual self interested in the computer until the baby showed up with one of the guests. Then she paid a lot of attention to the baby.
It's funny that Yvonne looks like her mom now, from behind. They're about the same height now, and have the same hair cut and body shape, although Yvonne is a little slimmer. Shannon told me that she got them confused from behind too, and one time hugged Yvonne thinking that she was their mom. So of course Yvonne bopped her on the head.
Posted by josuah at 7:14 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 19, 2006
A Very Long Engagement
Audrey Tautou might be the most recognized French actress in the United States. One of her relatively recent movies is Un Long Dimanche de Fiançailles. The narrative style and whimsical nature of the movie is somewhat similar to Amélie, which is a movie I like. After seeing that the two movies share a director and writing influences, that's not too surprising. I also liked this movie a lot. The topic is more serious, however, as it concerns love that was torn apart by the circumstances of World War I.
Audrey Tautou delivers her usual unique and amazing performance. The film also stars some other French actors that are familiar to me and their performances are also good. I was surprised to see Jodie Foster as one of the supporting cast. I wasn't aware she was doing any non-English movies, and her role was not small. The plot is gripping, and the characters have a depth that fills out the story and the events that unfold. These characters matter to the story and are not simply there to move things forward.
Posted by josuah at 11:23 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Escape from New York
I thought Escape from New York might be a decent action movie. And some people think so, but I found it to be average at best. The premise is one that is common but contains promise: someone important needs to be rescued from a location of extreme danger by a single man. But the acting wasn't that great, and the action wasn't either. For this type of movie, only the action can save it because there wasn't any real intelligence behind the story.
Posted by josuah at 11:23 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
War of the Worlds
I watched the original 1953 War of the Worlds movie adaptation because I figured I should watch the original before I watch the Stephen Spielberg remake. The original is also rated higher. But really it is just a stereotypical science-fiction film from that time period. The acting is about what you would expect, with stereotypical characters. I was a little surprised at the superficial religious overtones. The special effects were a bit disappointing because I could see the wires. And the scientific information presented was inaccurate and pointless.
Posted by josuah at 1:41 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 18, 2006
I just finished watching the first season of Slayers. It is a famous anime series, but after watching it, I think it is more famous for the same reason some cartoons in the U.S. are famous: Saturday morning. That is really the level of quality this anime series has. The drawing is average, the dialogue is simple, and the plot and action is fairly straightforward.
Posted by josuah at 7:44 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 11, 2006
Boogiepop Phantom
Boogiepop Phantom seems to have the acclaim of many anime fans that enjoy horror, suspense, and complicated thought productions. But I thought it was horrible. It contains a fair share of horror and gore, so if that's all you care about then you should be okay with this title. And the plot is well detailed and consistent among the episodes, although presented in a non-linear and sometimes very disjoint manner, like a puzzle. The visuals are also very atmospheric.
But I didn't like it because it just wasn't enjoyable to watch, and I don't feel like I got anything out of it, nor that anything was accomplished as a result of the story. The writers seem to have tried really hard to put in "deep thoughts" that really aren't very deep because they lack any substance beyond the surface. Just stating a deep thought means nothing if the previous twenty minutes barely explored that thought.
It's also the case that none of the characters in the story really matter. The supernatural players are given brief backgrounds to explain their motivations, and then once they're done with, you don't really hear from them again. Many people also take on two characters, like split personalities and that makes it even harder to keep track of characters. Somehow you are also supposed to care about all of these schoolgirls, even though you never actually get to know them. Unless they're getting exposed to supernatural baddies or acting not-themself, they don't even bother to make an appearance.
Posted by josuah at 4:36 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 10, 2006
Samurai Champloo
I wasn't planning to watch Samurai Champloo but Luna watched it and said it was nothing special, but that I should probably watch it. In fact, the majority of the series is spent on random crazy happenings, that mix Japanese history from the Edo period with contemporary culture to create a mixture where you cannot separate truth from fiction. Thus, the spinning metaphor.
The episodes do get better on the last two discs, although the final episode really just doesn't make any sense in terms of human mortality at all. It's in the last episodes that any real information is revealed as to what's going on and why they're on this journey. There were a few times earlier that this sort of information was inserted into the plot, but they were kind of lost in the rest because of their brief and sparse existence.
The majority of episodes take an idea and mix it up with Mugen, Jin, and Fu in some crazy manner to bring out a preposterous plot. Those ideas range from slave trading to tagging to counterfeiting to baseball. The writers certainly didn't hold back much when expanding on these ideas. Anyway, I'm sure many people will find Samurai Champloo fun to watch. I just don't think it has anything unique or special compared to other options.
Posted by josuah at 1:11 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Bleak House
I picked up a uncrippled screener for Bleak House, which is currently airing on PBS's Masterpiece Theatre, sometime last week. Since I've been sick, and somewhat bored, I ended up watching it. It was longer than I expected, and a little slow, but I liked it more than I usually like Victorian dramas. Probably because it was less proper and more gritty than most.
Rather than a dry and whimsy narrative filled with people who don't do anything except ride back and forth between the city and country, picnicking and spreading gossip, Bleak House has real people who have day jobs and personalities that range from goody two-shoes to mean old Mr. Scrooge. And it's not a clean place at all. Alcoholism, drug use, poverty, and just plain meanness are everywhere.
The plot is complex but drives forward at a good pace, well focused for the most part. There's some excellent acting although the only name or face I recognize is that of Gillian Anderson. Unfortunately, the final explanation of the murder, while providing a plot twist, does not entirely make sense. I find it difficult to fathom why inspector Bucket, being the thorough and cunning person he is, would fail to have a person watched at any hour, rather than only during the daytime.
Posted by josuah at 12:58 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Cat Who Walks Through Walls
It's either the second or third time I've read The Cat Who Walks Through Walls. This is one of Heinlein's better novels, and like any good Heinlein novel, it contains some interesting ideas. One idea that appears in a few of his books, including this one, is the World as Myth. Which basically means that the multiverse consists of worlds created by imagination. In that vein, there is to some extent no such thing as coincidence.
This novel might be considered by some to be a sequel to The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, because it begins on Luna about hundred or so years after the revolution. That is partially true, but it also contains plot points from other Heinlein novels that are not on the same timeline, due to the multiverse idea. Although, these characters and storylines play a much smaller role.
Regardless, I think it does help to have read or be aware of Heinlein's other novels and short stories, as the characters and timelines presented there serve as a background to the characters and their history in this novel.
Posted by josuah at 12:29 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 7, 2006
Soldier's Girl
I watched Soldier's Girl because it seemed to have an interesting story. Well, the story was interesting and the acting was very good, but it also seemed to be more about how a schizophrenic soldier and a psychotic soldier ended up making life hell for Barry Winchell, eventually killing him. At least, that's how it looks if the portrayal of those people is accurate in the movie. It is based on a true story, so I wonder how much artistic liberty was taken, and how much of the facts are really known.
Posted by josuah at 10:58 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 1, 2006
Figure 17
The premise behind Figure 17 originally appealed to me. I remember reading about this anime a while back. But as it turns out, it's not really that great. The series makes for a nice after school type of show, but it doesn't bring anything unique to the table. The story revolves around a girl named Tsubasa who must learn to believe in herself. Unfortunately, that central theme remains throughout the six disc series, and while there are small steps forward, no real progress is made until the last episode.
The plotlines in each episode are very simplistic as well, and stick pretty close to clichés without a very large amount of depth. The writers did plan things out well though, as things remain connected and follow logically from the beginning through to the end. It never feels like something or someone was only introduced as an afterthought to drive the plot forward.
The music is not very interesting either. I can only remember two particular songs and they are memorable for the number of times used and because they're the only songs that have any real impact on the mood of the anime. I do think that the English voice dubbing was well done and that the choices for voice actors were good choices. Hikaru has a particularly good personality conveyed through her speaking manner and the sound of her voice.
Sometimes I felt like things were just dragging on. Especially because a great deal of time is spent on Tsubasa's everyday life. This is placed opposite the combat and double-life Tsubasa leads with Hikaru by her side. These two sides remain clearly separated though, and not doing that could have led to more interesting content. It is almost completely like two different storylines occurring in parallel. In large part because Tsubasa's importance during the combat sequences is negligible.
Posted by josuah at 6:35 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Sundance Film Festival 06
I got back last night from spending the weekend in Park City, Utah at the end of the Sundance Film Festival 2006. Each year, Netflix gives its employees some money to subsidize a trip to Sundance. I left Friday morning and got back late last night.
On its own, Park City is a sleepy ski resort town. For one week each year, there is an extra inrush of people and things become very crowded and busy. And the atmosphere changes a whole lot too, I imagine, with celebrities and sponsor events drawing a unique type of person. I felt like there were a lot of wannabes and phonies. At least Park City makes a bunch of money with their super-inflated prices for the week.
There is really only two things to do while you're there. You can either watch lots of films (which requires either a significant financial commitment, both for lodging and tickets, or a lot of patience to stand in line for extra seats) or go skiing (which also requires a large financial commitment since lift tickets are a bit expensive). I didn't really want to spend a lot of money, so I didn't do much of either. And as a result, I was kind of bored most of the time.
I didn't see any celebrities, but FOX hosted a party for Netflix that I went to on Saturday. Unfortunately, it was quite loud and my ears were ringing a lot afterwards. That's not good. The party was also a little boring because I didn't know many people, and since it was so loud my throat was strained whenever I spoke. I also didn't much like the music. It was standard fare, but nothing I really like to listen to.
The restaurants are supposedly also not that great, and a bit expensive. Samir and Jamie spent $50 one night on dinner, and said last year they didn't find any good restaurants. I ended up buying groceries and cooking in the hotel room. I also ended up spending time in the hotel room watching stuff on TV and also the first three discs of Samurai Champloo.
The two screenings that I did go to watch were the animation spotlight and the documentary award winner. The first featured about ten short animation films. Most of them were horrible. One guy spent six years camped outside a studio with his wife to make a two minute animated poem. And it wasn't very interesting. I did like, however, the following: Jasper Morello, Gopher Broke, Fumi and the Bad Luck Foot, and Los ABC's ¡Que Vivan Los Muertos!.
The documentary winner was God Grew Tired of Us. Apparently, a number of documentaries have been made about the Lost Boys of Sudan. Maybe they keep making documentaries until someone will pick one up for mass distribution. I remember watching some stuff about them on the news before, so about half of its content wasn't new to me. This latest one was clearly directed by a non-Sudanese person, because a large part of it contains ethnocentric humor.
Posted by josuah at 6:11 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 31, 2006
The Truth Machine
A few years ago I read The Truth Machine by James L. Halperin. It was written in 1996, and is a science fiction novel chronicling the development and creator of a 100% accurate truth machine, and the effects of that machine's existence on human civilization. Since it takes place now and in the near future, quite a bit of the book is based on speculation in current events. Unfortunately, while the book is very good and presents an interesting discussion, the inaccuracies in its assumptions provides fuel against its argument.
The fundamental argument presented in this novel is that mankind's destructive capabilities will reach such a point that privacy, secrets, and deceit will cause an end to the human race. It's a relatively old issue, which rose shortly after the nuclear bomb was invented. Advances in technology and destructive power would soon enable a single person to kill hundreds of thousands, and eventually millions. Halperin argues that the best way for stopping this is for deceit to end. If everyone can be seen to tell the truth, cooperation, productivity, and trust between peoples will increase. Bringing about an end to violence and hatred (although this is also in part due to the medical advances in understanding the human psychosis that results from the truth machine research).
Halperin also argues in favor of a world government, as the current state of affairs makes violence and retaliation the only means of justice between nations. At the moment, that situation is in favor of the United States since the U.S. military and intelligence capabilities are unrivaled. However, I believe that is going to quickly change as it becomes easier to produce and hide weapons, and as the U.S. continues to extend its influence onto others who do not wish it.
Some might read this book and view it as a supporting text for the current administration's "war on terror". That giving up some liberties (or all of them), including privacy and secrecy, are the only way to ensure safety. But it is very important to note that Halperin's notion of openness is a two-way street. If someone accesses your records to find something out, you will know at the moment it happens who is looking and at what. Under such a system, abuses would not be possible, assuming that two-way street could never be circumvented. Unfortunately, guaranteeing something like that is not possible at this time, and so this openness cannot yet be achieved, if one is inclined to agree with Halperin.
Posted by josuah at 11:11 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Sexy Voice and Robo
Sexy Voice and Robo was published in Japan a few years back and piqued my interest while browsing at the book store because of its interesting storyline. Sexy Voice is a fourteen-year-old girl named Nico who has a lot of spunk and finds herself using her unique talents working for one of the yakuza. Robo is a bumbling man who ends up as her friend, after they meet through a teleclub.
One might compare Sexy Voice and Robo to Harriet the Spy, but these stories are much more interesting, gritty, and they don't presume upon innocence. In fact, the series won the 2002 Japan Media Arts Festival grand prize.
Besides the stories, which I found interesting, I also really liked the artwork. Kuroda has a distinctive drawing style and imparts depth and emotion through the lines, and there's a real character to each person and object. Sometimes the drawing is a little inconsistent, but the style remains the same. I did, however, find it sometimes difficult to follow the dialogue because it is not always clear who is speaking. Still, I am looking forward to the next volume of the graphic novel.
Posted by josuah at 7:26 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 23, 2006
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
I don't recall where I saw a trailer for Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, but I decided that I really wanted it. Today I sat down for about six hours and watched the series through. And it was hilarious but also had a lot of heart and an amazingly well thought-out storyline.
This is one of those animes that actually has a purpose to it and is not putting in extra fluff just to keep you entertained. And the entire storyline is consistent, makes progress each episode, and comes to a conclusion that makes sense given what has been happening. It is a conclusion that is very satisfying.
This series is very funny. Each episode has a theme, like war, or film noir. And then a whole lot of crazy ideas consistent with that theme are mashed together in a crazy way to poke fun. But instead of simply parodying the original, the parodies are incorporated into the new crazy plot. Sometimes it is shocking, sometimes disturbing, but always funny. I think this is also the first anime which has a lot of fan service, but also included a full frontal shot of the boy.
Posted by josuah at 6:42 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
I recommended The Moon is a Harsh Mistress to Samir, because it is one of Robert A. Heinlein's best works. Unfortunately, Samir didn't bother to finish reading it because it didn't have enough character development for him. When a story is told from the point of a single person, that's not unexpected. But this is one of Heinlein's most important stories, for everything it says and represents.
There are a lot of different ways to find meaning in this book, and there's no way I could cover them all here. But things like freedom, revolution, love, politics, and human nature are some of the subjects discussed either through words or through the plot. And like any great work of science fiction, it remains timeless because it has something to say about the world we live in, regardless of the date. Some things will always remain the same, for as long as we have the concept of "human nature".
Posted by josuah at 6:01 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 22, 2006
Battlestar Galactica: The Miniseries
I just watched the miniseries recreation of Battlestar Galactica and I'm thinking that the SCIFI channel has got to be one of the best producers of original content today. It was a great three hours, that played more like a movie than a miniseries. But it is a lead-in for the series that is currently running on SCIFI.
Everything about the miniseries was great. The acting was excellent, the special effects did not look fake at all, something I never liked about Babylon 5, and the video and audio quality on the DVD was first rate. Plus, they delivered a widescreen experience with full surround sound. And they did not skimp on the audio. Dynamic range was pretty good, and it contained some really high SPL low-frequency data which I wasn't expecting for a television production.
The creators also played close attention to accurate spaceflight. The space craft used both primary and manuevering thrusters, obeyed the laws of physics like conservation of momentum, and didn't have any fancy magical technology. The only thing that wasn't obeyed was the sound effects. Ships made swooshing sounds as they flew past, as did ammunition. This added a lot to dramatic effect, but is unrealistic since there's no fluid medium available to produce that pressure, except maybe in the gaseous areas.
Posted by josuah at 4:25 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 21, 2006
Batman Begins
Batman Begins is an outstanding movie that pays tribute to both the mythology and the movies that came before it. Some liberties have been taken in the story of this film, to provide a background similar to but compressed enough to fit within the shortened time frame of a movie. But it remains very close to the true mythology and I was very impressed by that.
It's clear that the writer is a Batman fan, and two of the best villains were brought to life in this movie. The previous movies had much more comedic characters, but this rendition captures the gothic atmosphere and dark mood of Legends of the Dark Knight, which is also my favorite publication line. The first two contemporary Batman movies also were along this vein, but with a more mischievous approach since they were done by Tim Burton.
The movie features some great actors. Christian Bale has been a favorite of mine since Equilibrium and I think a good choice for Batman. Gary Oldman was not exactly what I was expecting to see for Jim Gordon, but now I see how well he pulled off the young commissioner. Recognizing the future Batgirl in this movie was also a nice thing to include. The inclusion of Lucius Fox was nice, but not exactly in line with the mythology.
With advances in filmmaking technology, this Batman also includes some amazing special effects that never look fake. The older movies had no chance of producing the sort of realistic stunts and visual sequences that this movie had, regardless of budget. In particular, the bats would have been infeasible. The sound effects and background music were also extremely well done. Mixing was perfect and everything sounded very realistic. I think this is a movie that could have benefited from incorporating the rear channel as well as the larger dynamic range of DTS, so it's too bad the DVD only includes Dolby Digital.
Posted by josuah at 6:11 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Netflix Used Movies
Sometime last year, Netflix made it possible to purchase used movies off their web site, but for members only. I ordered three used movies Wednesday night, and they shipped out yesterday to arrive today. All three of the movies came in their original cases with original cover art, and amazingly two of them have discs that look brand new. The third movie is clearly used, but nowhere near as bad as I expected it to be based on my used purchases from Blockbuster. And of course the cases are in perfect condition since they were stored while the movies were circulated. The pricing is also very competitive, otherwise I wouldn't have ordered them.
Posted by josuah at 2:57 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 18, 2006
Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
Jin-Roh is an amazing movie. The story is intense and powerful, with excellent characters and a great plot. Which is not that surprising given it was written by Mamoru Oshii. The ending is immensely satisfying, if unfortunately not the one you were expecting or hoping for. Although this looks at first blush to be an action film, it is actually more of a stylized fairy tale wrapped around a love story.
The sound production was as good as it gets. The sound mixing was perfect, although tailored for a theatrical speaker arrangement, and the background music features some famous musicians as well as a full symphony. However, the music is not really anything special. It fits the movie, but I don't think it is particularly memorable. The sound effects were also very faithful, and I particularly liked the impact of explosions, sub-sonic rumble for the heavy guns, the raindrops, and other little details like that.
The only bad thing about the movie was the flat animation style of the characters. There was very little depth through shadow or coloration in their clothing or their body. This is a little surprising, given that a lot of attention was given to the other areas. Perhaps that is the drawing style that the original artist used, but it doesn't work as well given the many dark and directionally lighted scenes, or the painted backgrounds. Still, the rest of the movie more than makes up for this shortcoming and you'll probably forget about it once you're into the storyline.
Posted by josuah at 5:34 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 17, 2006
If I were younger, perhaps I'd enjoy Dracula more. Perhaps not. But aside from some intense scenes and the occassional good acting (courtesy Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder, and Anthony Hopkins), I didn't much like the movie at all. Francis Ford Coppola is supposed to be a favorite director, especially of males, but looking at his list, I can't say I particularly like any of them. This movie also makes use of more traditional vampire mythology which doesn't appeal to me as much.
The surround sound mix was pretty messed up. So much so that instead of making me feel like I was in the movie, I felt like I wasn't. Some of the camera work was quite annoying when it was supposed to mimic the viewpoint of Dracula. And I think some of the editing was botched once in a while. Plus, the special effects seemed like something out of 1970 rather than the early 90's, although the makeup and some of the other special effects were very stylistic and advanced for the time.
Posted by josuah at 5:19 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 16, 2006
Brokeback Mountain
I took Yvonne and two of her friends, Cecilia (Floopy) and Ying, to see Brokeback Mountain today. Yvonne really wanted to see it, although I'm not sure how much Cecilia or Ying wanted to see it. It was a good movie, although the love story in it was not really that special. Ang Lee did a great job directing, and all of the actors performed excellently, especially Heath Ledger and also Anne Hathaway, the two of whom you might not expect to be good actors. I think this movie is getting some extra credit for its subject matter, which is handled honestly and brilliantly by the film.
After the movie, we were all really hungry, and went to Fresh Choice to eat since it was right outside the theater. I ate a lot, since I hadn't eaten any breakfast or lunch, and so did Floopy even though she kept saying how full she is. And then she would go get more food anyway. I think she said she was full like ten times, and kept eating more soup and went back for seconds on the salad, and then said she was full some more while eating the ice cream on the way back. She failed at her attempts to kiss her full stomach.
We got lost on the way back though, because I took the wrong exit off I-880 and ended up driving a lot of extra miles before I found a familiar road and got back onto Paseo Padre. I took Floopy straight home but Ying came back to Yvonne's house to play flag stuff and also the piano. Which she was annoyed at for being out of tune and kind of extra-resonant.
And then we had to eat again, because Yvonne told me after we were already eating at Fresh Choice that her mom told her not to go eat anything after the movie before coming home.
Posted by josuah at 1:37 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 15, 2006
Yahoo! Messenger w/Shannon & Yvonne
Tonight I went over to Shannon and Yvonne's house and installed Yahoo! Messenger on Soujiro so that I could do voice and video to Luna in Shanghai. Yvonne asked her how to translate some things from Chinese to English, but Shannon had the most fun because she kept saying "bloopy" to Luna and telling Luna to make funny faces. Mei-ling doesn't have a webcam though, and the microphone in the laptop is not that good, so Luna couldn't hear us very well or see us at all. Luna thinks Shannon acts and sounds really cute though.
Later on, Shannon and I watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Ron is the most useless in this one, and this is also the movie where all of them appear to have hit puberty. This is actually my least favorite of the movies so far. The story isn't as interesting as the others, I think, and there wasn't really anything new and amazing to see. And most of the important characters had very small roles.
Their DVD player is still having lots of problems. It froze in the middle of the movie, and we ended up having to skip over a couple of chapters to continue watching. The first time, Shannon thought that the first disc ended in the middle of the movie and it was continued on the second disc. Most likely because that's how their VCDs are. But the second disc, which contains all the special features, won't even play. They need to buy a new DVD player sometime soon.
Posted by josuah at 8:34 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I finished reading Congo last night. I think this is one of Michael Crichton's earlier novels, which may be evident through how he incorporates facts into the story. In his later books, I think I've seen a trend off weaving information more directly into the story. In Congo, information is provided in a tangential manner. Regardless, this is a very good book. The story is compelling and interesting, based on a lot of cool information to give it realism and intelligence.
Posted by josuah at 8:34 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 13, 2006
Scarface has everything an excellent movie should have, but for myself, I found it a bit boring to watch. Al Pacino gives an unbelievable performance, as do the supporting cast like Michelle Pfeiffer. The story and ideas are complex, extremely detailed, and contain a depth that explains the longer length of the movie. Gladly, that length is not trying on one's patience. It seems that no expense was spared in making the movie as realistic as possible.
Despite all that, I just didn't seem to find the story that interesting. Al Pacino's character goes through some amazing stages and there is a whole lot to the movie. And I certainly appreciate all of that, and normally I would rate this film highly. I can't really explain why I was a little bored while watching it either. I found myself somewhat bored watching The Godfather too.
Posted by josuah at 6:01 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 12, 2006
The Twilight Samurai
Tasogare Seibei is a contemporary samurai film about a poor samurai named Seibei Iguchi at the beginning of the Meiji Restoration. Although poor, Seibei is content because he lives with his two daughters and senile mother. His colleagues make fun of him because he is poor and cannot afford to keep himself clean and must always work to support his family. By chance, Seibei is reunited with his childhood friend who has now grown into a young woman.
This movie is narrated by one of Seibei's daughters after she has grown old herself, and tells the story about how happiness and love came into their lives because of a turning point in Seibei's career as a samurai and his reunion with the woman, Tomoe. It is a great story, and although slow moving it kept my attention throughout the film.
Unfortunately, the DVD production quality on the U.S. release I saw was pretty poor. I think the movie could have been much more enjoyable to watch if more money had been put into the U.S. release. The video quality was not very good, and the audio quality seemed like that of an old film. I find it hard to believe the movie was made in 2002.
Posted by josuah at 6:22 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Email to Susie Suh
I wrote an email to Susie Suh's representatives regarding the large FBI anti-piracy emblem that appears directly on the face of the physical compact disc I received as a replacement from Sony BMG. The email content follows:
I just received my replacement non-XCP damaged Susie Suh CD through the Sony BMG replacement service (it took quite a long time, I'm sorry to say) and I thought Susie might be interested in knowing that on the CD itself, the top has a large FBI Anti-Piracy emblem. It's so large, in fact, that looking at the CD makes one think this CD is an FBI Anti-Piracy CD, and not a Susie Suh CD.
If it were my CD, I'd be a bit annoyed at this fact, since that certainly isn't the first thing I'd like someone to think of or see when looking at my CD, or to have the thought "FBI Anti-Piracy" so closely associated when someone thinks of me or my music. Unfortunately, that's the first thing that hit me in the face when I got the replacement CD. It's not the greatest thought association to have in my head.
Wesley Miaw
Posted by josuah at 4:03 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 11, 2006
Nine Queens
Nueve Reinas is a con-artist movie from Buenos Aires. The two main characters are played by Gastón Pauls and Ricardo Darín, and they give excellent performances, as do the majority of the actors. There are a few street cons presented early on, but that eventually moves into a major con job filled with twists and unexpected players. The story is engrossing and the con is both complicated and intriguing. The only problem with this movie is that there are a few slow parts, and once the con goes through, there are several events and motivations that don't entirely match up. If you don't think about it too much, then the movie is just fine.
Posted by josuah at 7:26 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 10, 2006
Susie Suh Replacement CD
I received my replacement CD of Susie Suh yesterday, after several weeks of waiting since I sent the original back sometime in Novemeber. At least I got it back, although I was sort of starting to wonder since it was taking so long. The length of time is no doubt a source of annoyance for some people, but I did have a copy of the CD for my car and the tracks imported to my computer anyway.
The XCP reference is gone from both the CD and jewel case, replaced by a fairly large FBI anti-piracy warning label. On the CD itself, the label is larger than any indication of Susie Suh herself, so you might be inclined to believe the CD is an FBI anti-piracy CD. I wonder if Susie Suh is aware of this and if she has any opinions on that matter. Perhaps I should stop by her web site and ask.
Posted by josuah at 6:22 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Boondock Saints
The Boondock Saints is billed as an action movie, but it's really a very funny action-comedy. Two Irish brothers in New York City become vigilantes, but they're really lucky ones who succeed by being absolutely crazy and fearless. Willem Dafoe is a very funny gay cop who has fun with the cops and with himself. You won't find a whole lot of action, and instead it is the approach and comedy that makes this movie stand out.
Posted by josuah at 7:56 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Beethoven's 2nd
The sequel, Beethoven's 2nd is unfortunately not particularly funny, entertaining, or interesting. The story is extremely basic. The characters are simple and exhibit stereotypical behavior and personality. I found myself not paying attention to the film at times. There's no growth or depth to this movie, and really nothing to recommend it.
Posted by josuah at 4:21 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Brothers Grimm
The Brothers Grimm is a fantastic adventure featuring the humor of Terry Gilliam. His vision of the original brothers Grimm fairy tales is very well executed, and mixing the different fairy tales all together makes for an fun environment. But the story itself is not particularly interesting, or very funny. Although there are some highlights such as the acting of Peter Stormare. It is also interesting that just the majority of citizens were played by people who are of whatever ethnic background Gilliam was aiming for.
Posted by josuah at 4:16 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Little Manhattan
Little Manhattan is a younger perspective on first love through the eyes of a 10-year-old boy. He falls in love with a girl in his class from the other side of the tracks in New York City. The story is basic, but not oversimplified and more realistic than your typical romantic movie because it does not cling to the standards of the romantic-comedy genre. Still, there isn't a whole lot special here unless you find the acting performances of Josh Hutcherson and Charlie Ray enticing.
Posted by josuah at 4:09 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
A Chinese Tall Story
I saw another movie with Luna this past Saturday: Ching din dai sing. It also wasn't that good, but there were some goofy entertaining parts. It seems like this movie is a mixture of traditional Chinese folklore and parodies of contemporary pop culture. And the angel flight reminded me a lot of a similar scene in Barbarella.
Also interesting was that A Chinese Tall Story also starred Nicholas Tse, who was in The Promise. In both films he played a bishonen crazy/goofy person. Except A Chinese Tall Story is deliberately a comedy, rather than an action film.
Luna noted that the composer for this movie was someone famous from Japan. But she could not remember the name. The web site lists the composer, who is indeed famous and explains why Luna really liked the music. I also like the music of Joe Hisaishi.
Posted by josuah at 3:59 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 1, 2006
The Promise
I saw Mo gik with Luna today at the Peace Cinema. There were only a few movies to choose from, and she picked that one. It was a very expensive movie to make, and apparently is shooting for awards in the foreign film category in other countries, but it was a very confusing and strange film. Even if you could understand Chinese.
A goddess gives two different people a chance to make a deal, and both of them accept. But a lot of things do not make sense, such as why one man volunteered to have himself set on fire and afterwards he becomes the servant of the evil ruler. Or why the evil ruler never just kills his enemies, but instead keeps tying them up. There is supposed to be some sort of time-manipulation aspect to the movie, but I couldn't figure it out.
Plus, there are a lot of goofy things going on, such as the funny hand staves of the evil ruler, or the corny lines that some of the actors say at times. I'm not sure if it was really meant to be campy or not, but I think it probably was because sometimes it was so blatant.
The special effects were impressive, except for when it was clear that they were fake. Which was most of the time. In that regard, the special effects were not well done at all. It was very obvious when a blue- or green-screen had been used, and the action movements of some of the superhuman powers were rendered imprecisely.
If you like the martial arts aspect but couldn't care less about the story, then this film will probably suit you just fine. There is a fair amount of combat going on, and at times it is fairly impressive since all of the main characters have superhuman abilities.
Posted by josuah at 12:18 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Stars in my Pocket Like Grains of Sand
Calvin gave me Stars in my Pocket Like Grains of Sand for Christmas. I really liked Samuel R. Delany's other books, but Stars is much more complicated prose and a much more alien environment. The book is written from the viewpoint of and for an audience of a person who is familiar with that universe, so it will take some time and deep thought to catch up and understand what's going on. But there is a very rich story inside this book. I wish things were explained better though; it reads more like memoirs than a normal novel and so whatever is left unknown to the narrator is also unknown to the reader.
Something that confused me at first was the notion of gender. Gender (not sex) has taken on an entirely different meaning in the world presented. It speaks well of Delany's skill that the protagonist Marq Dyeth comes across as a female, based on contemporary views, but is in fact male. Once this notion is accepted in your mind, then the whole concept of gender can be grasped.
There is also a great deal of cultural experience that can be found in this novel. With the many different worlds, people, species, and cultures that are presented, so much of the different cultures can be seen. This is also a little hard to follow, as the book assumes and audience familiar with how things are. And some of the mores and ways of thinking may be hard to grasp or even anathema to many readers with less open minds.
I do think to fully appreciate this book, a person needs to read it multiple times. But I doubt I will do that, since it is such a difficult text to absorb.
Posted by josuah at 12:10 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 30, 2005
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Tim Burton's remake of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is amazing. I've loved all of his films, and watching this remake lends his dark sense of humor to the story without removing any of the charm that the original film starring Gene Wilder had. And Johnny Depp portrays an amazing Willy Wonka; I can't imagine a better actor for the role.
The new Oompa Loompa songs are great, and executed on the grand scale that everyone would have liked to have seen in the first version. They're voiced by Danny Elfman, who I think also did the score, and has been a staple of Tim Burton films. I like Danny Elfman's scores in general, and the music for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was also great.
Plus, all of the latest technological advances are taken advantage of here, so that Oompa Loompas are really tiny, and the factory really is huge, and all of the little strange things that take place look real instead of faked. It is really funny to see Deep Roy show up dozens of times side-by-side as the Oompa Loompas, and the glass elevator gag is amazingly classic.
Posted by josuah at 1:59 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Island
The trailer for The Island immediately reminded me of Logan's Run. And that shouldn't be surprising, as the movie is basically a remake of Logan's Run with more action and less thinking (thanks to Michael Bay) with a different premise. Unfortunately, I think Michael Bay's involvement is what ruins this film's chances at becoming an important science-fiction movie.
The new premise in this movie is that for insurance purposes, human clones are created so that people in the "real world" have a ready set of replacement parts in case of an emergency, or simply to prolong life. This is based on a current issue, but to polarize the subject the clones in this movie are given real lives instead of kept grown without consciousness. That immediately removes one of the possibilities of ethical discussion.
The idea of genetic memory, which has scientific basis, is also used. But used incorrectly. Instead of this genetic memory being there at birth to tell the clones how to perform basic tasks, the memory introduced is experiential rather than behavioral. And it involves memories that have absolutely nothing to do with survival.
It's too bad so much time was spent on action sequences instead of on exploring the social, ethical, and scientific issues involved. There was a lot of potential here. Ewan McGregor, Scarlett Johansson, and Sean Bean are excellent actors who play major roles. Auxiliary actors like Michael Clarke Duncan and Steve Buscemi are also great. This really ends up being an action film instead of a science-fiction one.
Posted by josuah at 1:13 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 29, 2005
My friend Tintin, who works at IBM in Poughkeepsie, sent me a copy of Catch-22 by Joseph Heller as a Christmas present. She says it is one of her favorite books. After reading the book, I can understand why, as it matches with her sense of humor perfectly. I found it entertaining to the same degree as Me Talk Pretty One Day. Each chapter of Catch-22 focuses on one character, and the irony and futility of things in life that the phrase Catch-22 has come to represent. Sometimes I found this repetitive, but at least Heller kept the ideas flowing. I should probably send her a copy of Me Talk Pretty One Day if she hasn't already read it.
Posted by josuah at 5:09 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 28, 2005
The Warriors
I decided to watch The Warriors after reading about the upcoming video game of the same name from Rockstar Games. The Warriors is a movie about stylized gang warfare in New York City, but the situation is more like a land of city-states that are governed by a loose set of unwritten rules. The Warriors are wrongly accused of assassination at a gathering of delegates, and have to fight their way back home.
The story itself is very Homeric in many aspects, including the journey home, run-ins with the Lizzies, and punishment for being weak of character. There is also a unique approach to the scene transistions, which used comic-book style drawing and lettering. This lends a certain mood to the whole film that prevents it from becoming too dark and emphasizes the character personalities as well.
Posted by josuah at 6:08 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Heat is a criminal versus cop thriller, starring Robert De Niro and Al Pacino, with other excellent actors in supporting roles. There are two aspects to this movie. The first is the conflict between these two. They are both extremely intelligent and constantly in a game trying to outwit the other. The second is what makes this more than your typical thriller, and that is the time spent showing the motiviations of everyone involved, and the collateral damage resulting from their actions.
There are some memorable quotes in this film, which take on particular meaning in the lives of the people involved. For the criminals, the police officers, and the people their lives are entwined with. I was also very impressed with the gunfight sequence that took place in the middle of Las Angeles streets, which involved heavy firepower like AR-47 machine guns and the coordinated movements of the criminal crew.
The only thing which I think may be a problem is the length of the movie. That time is used to illustrate everything that the director wanted to convey to the audience, but it was somewhat slow moving as a result. The tension is kept high throughout, however, so the majority of viewers should be fine with it.
Posted by josuah at 2:41 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 27, 2005
Infernal Affairs
I just watched Wu jian dao and I think it is an excellent movie. It is only 101 minutes long, but the tension and pacing of the film makes it seem like much longer. Which is a good thing, because everything is fully realized. The only thing missing is an explanation of Yan's daughter. What gives this movie so much excitement and tension is the game of cat and mouse played between Yan and Lau, and you are never sure where a person's loyalties really lie.
The two stars of the film are Tony Leung and Andy Lau. Both extremely prolific and famous Chinese actors, who are excellent in this movie. Kelly Chen and Sammi Cheng make brief appearances, but are not important to the story. Now that I've seen this one, I want to get a copy for myself, along with the two other movies in the series.
Posted by josuah at 11:08 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Iris' Departure Day
So Iris left yesterday at noon time. I took her and Dennis and my parents to the airport, dropped them off, then circled around to pick everyone back up except for her. Afterwards, we came home and I took a three hour nap because I was so tired. My leg also felt better after the nap, but my mom woke me up before I was done sleeping because she wanted to go out to eat with everyone.
We drove to pick up Calvin and then looked for a place to eat. Since it was Christmas day, everything was closed. Dennis didn't want Chinese food, but the only thing open was King Buffet which serves Chinese, Japanese, and other stuff like seafood and steak. So we ate that. My dad likes buffets because they are all-you-can-eat. I thought I had a coupon for it but I couldn't find it. Turns out it was in my wallet, which my mom started going through when I wasn't looking.
Later that night, my mom played some DDR and I played a little bit too. Then we watched Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, which I think both Dennis and my dad really liked. And then after that, Dennis and I watched Black Hawk Down.
Posted by josuah at 6:59 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 25, 2005
Happy Times
Xingfu Shiguang is a sort of funny movie about an old man desperate for a wife, and thus willing to marry a really fat and mean woman. But what happens instead is that she dumps her blind step-daughter onto him and it's really the daughter that becomes the center of the story. The old man, Zhao, goes to crazy lengths to try and make both the fat woman and the blind girl believe that he is rich, although later on it is to try and keep the girl happy instead of to impress anyone. But it should be said that Zhao does act pretty cranky until the very end.
Posted by josuah at 8:47 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Christmas Eve Presents
Since Iris has to leave tomorrow, we opened all our presents tonight. I got a digital camera from my mom and dad, which has 10x optical zoom. That's much better than the current digital camera I have. I also got some clothes from someone. Hsiuli got me fancy bathroom soap. Calvin got me a couple of books and also the Battlestar Galactica SciFi miniseries. Iris and Dennis eventually got me stuff I like: a stuffed Chococat and Batman Begins. Shannon and Yvonne got me the Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi DVD collection.
I got my mom some perfume, my dad some noise cancellation headphones, Hsiuli a picture frame, Spencer a GameBoy Advance game, Calvin the Ghost World comic and Diana Krall's Love Scenes album, Dennis a drumming DVD, and Iris two CDs: Tori Amos' Tales of a Librarian and Sarah McLachlan's Surfacing.
Posted by josuah at 8:46 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Christmas Eve Shopping
Today was less busy than yesterday, but I was feeling kind of exhausted. Dennis and Iris still needed to buy me a Christmas present, so I took them to Oakridge. They had a hard time finding what to get me, but eventually bought some stuff from Borders. I bought a cheap second dance pad for DDR. While we were doing this, my mom went with Hsiuli and Spencer to buy food. My brother and dad disappeared somewhere else.
When we got back, my mom and Hsiuli started cooking. Dennis went to sleep. Iris, Spencer, and I started playing DDR. But Spencer kept smashing the floor way too hard; I don't think I'll let him play at my house again. Iris is extremely good at DDR, and can handle standard difficulty just fine, and even move onto heavy. I think she did a song on heavy just to impress me. Spencer's ego continued to get artificial boosting, which probably isn't a good thing since he hasn't learned humility yet.
Spencer also kept walking around on my carpet and into the kitchen with his shoes on.
Posted by josuah at 6:34 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 24, 2005
Tuxedo Gin
After fifteen volumes, Tuxedo Gin has finally come to its conclusion. And it's a nice ending to the touching story of Ginji and Minako's unfortunate situation. Ginji and Minako fell in love but he was murdered by a bad gang leader before their first date. Since then, Ginji has been looking over Minako as a penguin. The penguin is the reason I originally bought the first book.
The remaining volumes are spent building the bond between Gin-Chan (penguin-form Ginji) and Minako, with lots of little things happening along the way that are usually half fun and half Gin-Chan saving the day. Sometimes it felt a little bit like filler, but overall it was fun to read. Unfortunately, the last volume seems a little rushed, as if pages that would normally have been included to keep the plot moving smoothly and clearly were left out.
Posted by josuah at 11:50 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Exhausting Day
Today I drove about 150 miles, mostly in parking lots, and spent around nine hours at various stores in preparation for Christmas because my mom didn't finish her shopping. First I had to go to The UPS Store to finally return Alla's defective jewelry armoire for a refund. Then my dad and I went to Home Depot to buy a Christmas tree. We put it up, and then immediately I drove off to Valley Fair with my mom, Dennis, and Iris.
While at Valley Fair, the only thing I bought was the final volume of Tuxedo Gin which I am glad is finally over in volume fifteen. Dennis didn't buy anything, and Iris only bought some mascara. My mom bought a bunch of presents. Suncoast is at that mall, but I never buy anything from there because all of their retail prices are way over what they should be. In other words, MSRP. We spent about two hours at this mall total.
I took a pit stop at home to drop off Dennis and Iris before taking my mom to the post office to send out a package. Expensive for express mail delivery on Sunday. Then we went to Oakridge so I could buy Iris' presents and my mom could buy presents for Shannon, Yvonne, and their mom. I told her not to get Mei-Ling a sweater this year, and so she bought her something useful instead. This whole process took another couple of hours.
Once we got back home, it was immediately time to go out to dinner. I took Dennis and Iris with me, and my mom and dad went with Calvin, up to the Mayflower restaurant in Milpitas Square. The food there was okay. A little expensive because it is a more fancy Chinese restaurant. At least eating there meant we could walk around afterwards to see if there was anything interesting in the stores. None of us bought anything from those stores, but we did stop at 99 Ranch to get some food.
Then we were finally going to get home around 9pm, but instead my mom wanted us to go visit them in their hotel room. Iris wanted to go, but Dennis and I didn't want to. We ended up going because my mom kept saying so and didn't want to come back to my place. Everyone just sat around watching some TV show where Sarah Jessica Parker was being interviewed. I was really bored and started reading the comics and doing the puzzles. My dad was also bored and just reading the newspaper.
We finally got home around 10pm and I am really tired. I don't want to go anywhere tomorrow.
Posted by josuah at 6:44 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 22, 2005
World on Fire
I ran across the url for World on Fire, which is a web site that presents one of Sarah McLachlan's music videos. What's special about this video is that instead of spending tons of money to produce something flashy (at some outrageous prices due to how things are) that money was instead donated to many different causes around the world.
Posted by josuah at 6:56 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone shows just how much those characters and actors have grown in only a few years, and also how well they have matured as actors. I do really like all of the Harry Potter movies. What I liked best about the first movie was the snobbish performance of Emma Watson's Hermione. It's really funny watching her enunciate with exaggerated mouth movements and tell Ron and Harry exactly what is what. I also like when Hagrid keeps saying "I shouldn't have said that".
Posted by josuah at 12:18 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 20, 2005
Better Than Chocolate
A few decades from now, Better Than Chocolate won't be considered anything special. But today, it can be considered a landmark film for the GLBT community. Mix every type of *-sexual you can and you have the characters of this film, all trying to find love, acceptance, and liberation with the people around them. It's that mix, combined with excellent wit and spontaneous fun that makes an otherwise typical story come alive. This is a great movie.
Posted by josuah at 5:20 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 19, 2005
Crash Test
Crash Test is one of the worst movies I've seen. The premise is interesting on the surface but comes across as contrived in execution. The dialogue is completely cliché, the acting is totally amateur, and most of the film is boring. I think the only people who might enjoy it are those that are into watching artsy films just for the snobbish factor.
Posted by josuah at 5:17 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I've had the soundtrack to Go for a few years now. And the music is probably the best part of the movie. That's not to say the movie is bad, but just that I personally find it the most enjoyable aspect. It is a wild ride filled with energy and crazy events in one night for a group of people who are connected to each other. I did find it a little off-putting to see another movie that tells the story from multiple character viewpoints and then ties them together at the end though.
Posted by josuah at 5:17 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 18, 2005
The City of Lost Children
I saw a trailer for La Cite des Enfants Perdus somewhere and thought the imagery looked wonderful. And watching the movie that turned out to be exactly the case. This movie takes the people you would find in a circus freak show, turns them into the normal type of character, and builds a fantastic story in an amazingly rendered world. This world is one of machina and and rusted steel and rivets. I loved the world that was precisely built down to the smallest detail.
The story could do with a little more fleshing out, but the characters were lots of fun to watch. Ron Perlman portrays the oafish strongman very well, and I thought Judith Vittet was great as the little girl Miette. Dominique Pinon is crazy as six clones and one original. I can't think of any other movie where a non-anthropomorphized flea can become the focal point of a scene without being a piece of artsy rubbish.
Posted by josuah at 9:19 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Monsieur Ibrahim
I just finished watching Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran which something of a coming-of-age story, but without the approach typical of those types of films. Momo is a boy living in the shadow of an older brother, abandoned by his family, and so he finds a father figure in the shopkeeper that lives on his street. And so Momo learns from this man how to believe in himself and how to enjoy life. Many will find this a touching film, but I was a little bored by it and I can't say I found any part of it particularly memorable.
Posted by josuah at 1:07 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 17, 2005
I just finished reading Dune. I wanted to re-read it after watching the miniseries, just to see what had been omitted or changed. I was pleased to see that while some artistic liberties were taken for the miniseries (mostly for dramatic effect) the majority of the content remained the same. There were some moments in the miniseries that are not as clear without the background from the novel though.
As a story, Dune is still one of the best science-fiction novels or series ever. What really makes it unique is the intricate political structure that was created. While there is a lot of imaginative concepts and technology in the stories, ultimately the content is one of politics and intrigue in a world of depth and fully-developed characters. That makes it very fun to read, although I don't think many people would find it fun to live in the world of Dune.
Posted by josuah at 8:00 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Walk on Water
Walk on Water is a contemporary film about growing up with, and having one's world view shaped by, the ghosts of World War II and the violent shadow between Israelis and Palestinians. This is a story of an Israeli who kills Nazis that escaped "justice" and the German brother and sister he ends up with as a result of his current mission. The two of them are able to teach him what it is like to live with the sins of their fathers, and how to overcome that. He teaches them what it is like to live in a place filled with hatred and violence.
There is a lot to be gotten out of this movie. By itself, the story and characters are simple enjoyable. Lior Ashkenazi provides an outstanding performance as the Israeli assassin Eyal. Knut Berger also does an excellent job as the German brother Axel Himmelman. And there is some great music and intrigue going on throughout that makes this a fun and gripping movie to watch.
But there is a whole layer of subtext that runs through every scene as well. It is important to take these ideas and commentary as a whole, because what you see at one time is related to what you will see at another time. One such example is the conflict between Eval and an Arab named Rafik, which is later on related to the conflict between some drag queens and some guys that try to beat them up.
I think in a lot of ways this film is about finding a way to heal the wounds that have been inflicted, and wounds that people continue to inflict upon themselves because they cannot find a way to move forward. Understanding what it takes to walk on water and then being able to get to that point of enlightenment is something special.
Posted by josuah at 7:25 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 16, 2005
I thought Trainspotting was about homeless addicts who lived on a train and the lifestyle they had, as a result of their addiction. Instead, this film is more of a sick look at the horrible effects of heroin addiction in combination with the criminal silliness of a Guy Ritchie movie. And it is quite well done for what it is. There a lot more value here than you might expect.
I was pleasantly surprised to discover the main character was played by Ewan McGregor, and to see Kelly MacDonald show up because I really liked her performance in an episode from season four of Alias. I went through the whole movie thinking Jonny Lee Miller was actually Moritz Bleibtreu though. There is some excellent cinematography, although at times it is quite disgusting. I also liked some of the music tracks used throughout.
Posted by josuah at 5:50 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 15, 2005
Cinema Paradiso
Nuovo Cinema Paradiso had a synopsis that suggested to me a very tight connection with movies and being a projectionist. But it is actually a love story about a lower-class boy who works as a projectionist and an upper-class girl, along with the old man who is like a father to that boy. The events that take place revolve around the boy's job as a projectionist, but that is merely the setting into which events unfold.
This is a great movie, with great characters and an enveloping story. The story turns out to be wonderful but sad. That bittersweet truth is something of the appeal to this movie, but if you are looking for a happy ending you won't find it here. The actors portraying three stages of Salvatore's life give excellent performances, as does Philippe Noriet as the old wise man Alfredo.
Posted by josuah at 7:15 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 14, 2005
The Magdalene Sisters
The Magdalene Sisters is a historical fiction based on the accounts of women who spent time in the Magdalene institution. A lot of people think this is a criticism of Catholics. Those people are finding meaning where there is none. The movie is about the corruption and cruelty of the Magdalene institution and the tacit approval of the situation by the community.
The unfortunate truth is that this institution survived until 1996, and that some of the abuses that took place there were much worse than those depicted in the film. At times during the movie I wished the women there would organize a revolt and simply kill off all the nuns and priests so they could escape and be free again.
If you want to see a documentary instead of a dramatization, take a look at Sex in a Cold Climate. It was a Channel 4 documentary and features interviews with some women who lived through a Magdalene asylum in Ireland.
Posted by josuah at 7:25 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 13, 2005
Central Station
I seem to be going through something of a Brazilian movie series, probably due to the grouping on Netflix recommendations. Tonight's movie was Central do Brasil, which stars an excellent actress Fernanda Montenegro. Her performance was the highlight of the film. And the plot itself was well executed. Still, I only thought the movie was okay. The story was just not that interesting to me. But for people who enjoy this type of story, this is probably one of the best movies they could watch.
Posted by josuah at 5:42 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 12, 2005
The Girl From Monday
The Girl From Monday needs someone else to do a remake. It has an excellent premise and is an insightful commentary on contemporary consumerism. But it uses narrative to move the story forward due to a weak plot and confusing non-linear storytelling mixed with linear storytelling. It also seemed at times like they didn't have enough film to shoot at normal speeds; there's too much blur and choppy cuts. If someone could flesh out the plot and redo the film with better production values then this could be a great movie.
Posted by josuah at 5:06 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
All About My Mother
All About My Mother is a Spanish film that has earned critical reviews and won many awards. But I thought it was only okay. The acting of the young Estéban and his mother Manuela (played by Cecilia Roth) was not very good in my opinion. Although most people would probably disagree. Her posture and body language at times seemed artificial or exaggerated. The story itself is somewhat interesting but I didn't think the plot was anything special.
Posted by josuah at 2:17 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Kolya is a Czech film about an old man who is dedicated to his music, heavily in debt, and a womanizer. Through a friend, he is convinced to enter a fake marriage in return for a large payment. But what ends up happening is his new wife emigrates into West Germany, leaving behind her five-year-old son, whom he ends up having to care for. Over the course of the remaining hour, his previous life is turned around as he comes to care for the boy. I enjoyed the movie, mostly for its charm than for anything specific or unique.
Posted by josuah at 12:19 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 11, 2005
Subwoofer Phase Adjustment
A few nights ago, I noticed that the bass on the 4 Strings Turn It Around album was not synchronized with the higher frequencies. And today, while playing DDR, it was sometimes hard to keep the beat. So I decided to investigate.
As it turns out, Kodo's Ibuki album is an excellent source of material for determining subwoofer phase. With my previous subwoofer phase setting of 0°, a fair portion of this album seemed muddied. It sounded like there were a lot more drums than there actually are. During busy sections, it became hard to distinguish individual drumbeats. Switching my subwoofer phase to 180° immediately cleared up the entire album.
It was a lot harder to use AVIA to determine the correct phase, even though it can be done with very careful attention to the subwoofer phase calibration tone and corresponding description. The beats on Turn It Around are much better aligned now as well.
Posted by josuah at 11:35 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I found an excellent Flash-based adventure game called Samorost2. It's a lot like the original Myst, which was one of the most important and influential games of all time, and one of my favorites. Samorost2 is a much simpler though, as the gameplay is very linear and the puzzles are essentially solved by clicking in the correct sequence. So it's not as great because you don't actually have to solve things with your brain. I do like the artwork very much though.
Posted by josuah at 9:21 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I had a potluck today with a bunch of people. I picked up Shannon early, and she helped me to make the plomeek soup (various recipes are available online) and also to plan the tribble trap. Georges was the first to show up, with Alla's tiramisu. Alla arrived a little later and then Sasha. Ellen and Rita arrived around 6pm, and Yvonne and Mei-Ling around 7pm.
Besides plomeek soup, I also made durani lizard skins, and a ham with vegetables. Sasha brought bananas and pasta. Alla showed up with some white wine that Mei-Ling ended up taking the rest of. Ellen and Rita brought pasta and mashed potatoes. Szu-Huey brought a pumpkin cheesecake that she made. There was also chips, crackers, cheese, pepperoni, drinks, and a few other things to eat.
After making the food, which Georges also helped out with a little since he arrived first, people seemed a little bored so we put on The Incredibles. It was after the movie ended that Shannon asked Rita to get something for her from the cabinet, and the tribble trap was sprung. Unfortunately, my photo timing was a little off so I did not get the tribbles actually falling on her, only her running away a second later.
We started playing Scrabble afterwards. Alla had to leave to a birthday party, so she and Georges and Sasha left around then. Ellen and Rita were not very good at making words and scoring a lot of points. It was them on one team versus me and Shannon. They challenged "raze" and then also tried to put down "coe" so Shannon and I ended up two turns ahead. We more than doubled their score very quickly. Rita also tried to find music to play that she recognized (not much since she only listens to the radio and is Clear Channel brainwashed). So Shannon called her the useless one.
Yvonne and Mei-Ling arrived while we were playing, and Rita and Ellen left before the game ended, but they had no chance of winning. Yvonne finished up on their side and scored the two highest turns for their team. We ended up using every single letter, but of course Shannon and I won. Yvonne and Mei-Ling started using the computer to look at random things then while Shannon and I went upstairs to play DDRMAX2. Later Mei-Ling started playing too but she was really bad. Yvonne just watched. We stopped when Shannon got an A score. Mei-Ling couldn't even get a B on beginner.
Posted by josuah at 8:26 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 10, 2005
Fantastic Voyage / Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
Fantastic Voyage was a great film when it came out for its special effects and imaginative set construction of the inside of a human body. The story is interesting because it takes the audience through a tour of the human body, and explains a little bit of how things work and are connected without being overbearing. It's too bad Raquel Welch wasn't given more lines though; the few lines she did have were well done. Instead she was put on as eye candy.
On the other side of the disc was Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. This movie, on the other hand, was not very good at all. It had a bunch of clichés and it seems like the writers decided to throw every predictable conflict into the movie. The only good part of the film was the tension that remained constant as you tried to determine if Admiral Nelson was insane or the only hope for survival. Joan Fontaine and Barbara Eden were given equal opportunity as well.
One thing I found interesting was that in both movies, there was a time at which religion is juxtaposed with scientific thinking. In both cases, the discussion is extremely short-lived and left without any opinion one way or the other. Seeing the intelligent design versus evolution debate pop up for a few seconds in Fantastic Voyage is rather amusing given the current climate on that subject.
Posted by josuah at 8:23 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 9, 2005
Narnia instead of the Bible?
A lot of Christian people and groups are getting very excited about the movie release of Narnia. Many of them view it as a Christian film that can be used to convert non-believers to the faith or to positively influence people who have questioned their faith. But what I'm wondering is how it can be considered good when the converting takes place as described in Talking Narnia to Your Neighbors.
Why should a person be more likely to accept, understand, or cope with God when He is presented in the Chronicles of Narnia rather than in the Bible? If a person can accept the God in those books, but not in the teachings of the church or the Bible, then are the two God characters different? Does this mean that if the Bible was more enjoyable to read, then more people would be Christian? And if all that is true, then what does that really say about believing in Christianity? This makes Christianity looks a whole lot more like a Jedi mind trick.
Reading about how easily influenced and weak-minded some people are makes the institution of Christianity seem much closer to Scientology.
Posted by josuah at 9:37 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Came across an interesting new video game for the Nintendo DS tentatively called Lapis. It's a little like Nintendogs but with a bunny instead of dogs, and the gameplay is different. The interesting thing is what activity the game was modeled after, and its target audience. Anyway, the game is still in the prototype phase at Ubisoft, but it looks like something that should be finished and published. As long as the Protect the Children™ groups don't have their usual zealot way with things.
Posted by josuah at 9:02 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
City of God
Cidade de Deus is a Brazilian film about the growth of gangs, drugs, and violence in the slums of Rio de Janeiro. It's very brutal, truthful, and realistic. That is why I found it a little hard to watch, as the realism makes the acts of violence disturbing. It's not glorified or vilified, which gives it a neutral documentary type of feeling. The movie moves follows the progression of things over the course of a few decades, and it is extremely important that you discard your ethnocentricity if you are to understand and appreciate what is going on.
After watching the two hour film, make sure you watch the one hour special feature documentary of the current situation in the Rio de Janeiro slums. There is a real war going on between the police and the drug dealers. Both sides have weapons, soldiers, and guerilla tactics that keep things at a stalemate in the slums. And more importantly, both sides have their good points and their bad points. There is no distinction between right and wrong. If anything, the dealers are Robin Hoods that rule with an iron fist and the police are the corrupt Sheriffs of Nottingham who protect the interests of the middle- and upper-class.
After seeing how so many conflicts of this nature drag on for so long, I've started to believe that when taken to this level of personal interest, the only way for things to get resolved is for one side to completely wipe out the other side. This seems to be the state of Rio de Janeiro, as it is between Israel and Palestine and as it was between the Hutu and Tutsi.
Posted by josuah at 7:38 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 8, 2005
Clean is a French or Canadian film (it's not clear to me which) but I happen to own a Korean copy of the film. It doesn't seem to be available in a region one release. Nick Nolte and Maggie Chung give excellent performances, and I suppose the movie is supposed to be very moving. But I found it somewhat uninteresting. This is another one of those movies that is about someone's everyday life struggles, and that doesn't appeal to me a whole lot. I also found the transitions between locales, and also the ending, to be somewhat abrupt.
Posted by josuah at 6:44 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 7, 2005
Natural Born Killers
Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis were amazing as mass murderers in Natural Born Killers. The first quarter of the movie was not as appealing to me, because of its random but stylized approach towards explaining where the Knox's came from. Then things moved into a more agreeable view of the random and tumultuous lives of Mickey and Mallory. I could appreciate this, even if it left me disoriented. It's the final third of the movie where things really come together and the ideas are cemented into a tangible form.
Is there really anything unnatural or wrong in being natural born killers? In the natural order of things, the rabbits breed at an explosive rate. And the other creatures above those rabbits in the food chain benefit. But mankind puts some sort of special meaning onto the rabbits of its own species. It's a nihilistic view when taken as a whole, but one that makes sense when analyzed locally.
At the same time, sex and violence are the two things which will draw the crowds like nothing else. Rubbernecking at an automobile accident isn't much different than watching the news to find out about a murder. And then people gather around to talk about how awful it was for someone to have been killed, just like they talk about the Clinton sex scandal. It's addictive gossip.
Maybe in the end, all you should really care about is yourself. It's not as though you can count on the rest of the rabbits to protect you when the wolf comes.
Posted by josuah at 6:59 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Raising Arizona
Raising Arizona wasn't exactly what I expected. I can understand why some people find this movie super funny, but it just didn't do it for me. There just wasn't much of a point to the whole thing. The acting was definitely crazy and very good, but I need more to a movie than just zany antics to keep me entertained.
Posted by josuah at 4:34 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 6, 2005
Marketing VS 2005 in Korea
Apparently, marketing in Korea is done a little differently than in the United States. Microsoft has some marketing web pages up for Visual Studio 2005 and also SQL Server 2005. The use of animation and style is a complete 180° from U.S. marketing blitzes.
For an English translation, visit the original.
Posted by josuah at 5:55 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Virgin Suicides
I don't really know what drew me to The Virgin Suicides. The title is certainly one filled with emotional power, and the striking image of Kirstin Dunst evokes a sense of despondency. That feeling carries over into the film very well. And it is executed so flawlessly that the dated appearance and style achieves a timeless quality. The pacing of of the story as it unravels, the music, the viewpoint of people just entering adolescence, and the honesty of the characters creates a depth which cannot be seen from a quick glance.
Posted by josuah at 5:28 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 5, 2005
I was surprised to discover that eXistenZ had so many top actors in it. Although, at first I wondered as to why things seemed off. As though the director was not good or the production values were low. But the reason for that is later revealed. What I really liked about this movie was how well it captured the adventure genre of games. I was a little let down by the ending, but I'm not sure it could have been done better. Plus, the ending makes it very clear exactly what the danger is.
Posted by josuah at 6:20 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Thirteenth Floor
The Thirteenth Floor turned out to be a much better film than I anticipated. Over the two hours, writer and director Josef Rusnak takes a single theme, that of simulated life and its relation with the concept of a "soul" and expands upon it without falling into any of the common pitfalls or clichés. Like any good science-fiction work, the impact of that idea is explored through its influence on the lives of the characters involved. Rusnak does have a particular message he is trying to get across, but it is woven into the story and attaches itself to the viewer carefully. There is no in-your-face attitude here.
Posted by josuah at 12:58 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 4, 2005
Cold Fires
Mei-Ling has finally started using the fireplace, but she bought some of those artificial logs. They are better for the environment, because they're cleaner burning, and also easier to get started than regular wood. But they don't seem to produce much heat at all. Yvonne brought the couch right up to the fireplace stoop, and I was sitting on the stoop itself, and I barely felt any heat hitting me. I think they just don't produce enough heat. And that was what Mei-Ling wanted to use instead of the central heat.
Other than that, I got there earlier than usual. Shannon and I went to Target so she could buy some Pokémon cards again. I told her it would be cheaper and easier to buy the entire EX Delta Species set off eBay, but she didn't want to. We stopped at the bookstore, then got a fruit smoothie, and ended up spending some time at PetSmart looking at the animals.
That night, we went to Hollywood Video to rent The Addams Family. It's a great movie, and I really like Christina Ricci as Wednesday Addams. Shannon liked it just as much as the sequel. Their old Apex DVD player wouldn't read the disc though, so I had to hook up their laptop to the TV and use computer speakers. They really need a new DVD player, even though Yvonne doesn't want a new one.
Posted by josuah at 8:32 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 3, 2005
Lawnmower Man
Lawnmower Man was one of the first movies to feature heavy use of CG for special effects. It came out in 1992, when the idea of virtual reality was something of a hit topic. The VR CG work is pretty good, especially for the time, but the non-VR special effects seem amateurish. What's worse is that the plot is not particularly good, unless you like simple thrillers, the acting is bad, and it is scientifically inaccurate. There really isn't any reason to watch this movie unless you want to check out the VR CG work.
Posted by josuah at 9:46 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I Heart Huckabees
I don't really understand why people have been picking I <3 Huckabees as their favorite movie. It's certainly a unique and quirky movie, and I can see why some would find it hilariously funny. And it was a well executed cinematic portrayal of the central themes. But I didn't find the central themes to be that engaging. It's mostly a screenplay based around the ideas of a few philosophical questions, which are in some ways taken to the extreme. But I don't need a movie to make me think about these ideas or to illustrate them or provide possible answers. What I would have enjoyed more is a plot that built upon those ideas.
Posted by josuah at 5:49 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 2, 2005
Death to Smoochy
I was always intrigued by the splash panel for Death to Smoochy. The idea of killing a children's show figure, and the dramatic juxtaposition of the lighting and composition appeals to my sense of humor. But I did not have a great desire to actually see the movie itself. After watching it, I think Edward Norton in particular did a wonderful acting job, and there's a lot of intelligent satire in the movie. So I found it enjoyable, but not particularly special.
Posted by josuah at 7:42 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Alias: Season 4
I watched through Alias: Season 4 and it was good. I liked how they brought back the original team, and the missions could take on the same black-ops feel that was present in season one. The addition of Nadia brought new dynamics to the character interactions. What I didn't like as much, though, was the thematic approach used in some of the episodes to further explore a specific character. I feel that approach is a sign of weak writers who are using a character to drive the story, instead of a story to drive a character.
Posted by josuah at 2:55 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 28, 2005
A few years ago, the SciFi channel embarked on an epic miniseries: Dune. The followers of Frank Herbert's most famous novel can be considered as picky as any, and the minor disappointment of the first film was legitimate cause for concern. After watching the miniseries, I think it was expertly crafted and it brings to life the world of Arrakis and the spice beautifully. There were certainly some changes made for dramatic emphasis, but the freedom to expand upon the story within four and half hours really pays off.
There are three things this miniseries does very well. The first is the costumes and sets. A lot of effort was put forth into building a realistic and colorful world in the city of Arrakis, the desert, and in the houses of the families involved. The second are the special effects, which are very well done. The only problem I noticed was that some of the fake buildings and fires were clearly fake, if one pays close attention. The third are the sound effects, which are very immersing and of high quality.
I am looking forward to watching the SciFi sequel, Children of Dune.
Posted by josuah at 3:39 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Johnny Mnemonic
I'd seen Johnny Mnemonic before, but I couldn't really remember the whole movie. Unfortunately, the movie itself suffers from horrible acting by all of the people involved (not just Keanu Reeves) and artistic liberties that tried to make this movie appeal to the lowest common denominator. The special effects and realization of the environment were very well done though.
Posted by josuah at 2:58 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 27, 2005
I was first interested in seeing Sleepers from seeing the trailer. Partially because it involved Brad Pitt, who I really liked in movies around that same time period. I thought it was about some boys who were locked away until they were released as adults, and took revenge upon some people for something that had happened earlier. And that is what the movie is about, but not in the way I imagined it.
Instead, this movie is actually in two parts. The first half deals with the four boys who through unfortunate circumstance and a healthy dose of bad judgement and misbehavior end up being sent to juvenile hall. But only for a year. What happens there is disturbing, and becomes the basis for the second half of the film. It's in that second half when the mood shifts, and those boys as adults come up with a plan to get back at the people who wronged them during that year a decade ago.
The boys acting is really good, although I expect they were kept away from having to act out the really challenging scenes by choice. Instead, cinematography, editing, and the audio is used to convey the situation. The second half could have been better, but I think a lot of it got cut shorter than it should have been. The movie is already almost two and a half hours, but it just feels like the second half is missing something. Maybe it didn't need to be longer, but just better executed. The first half works as a sort of extended flashback, and so it makes sense for things to be a bit more disjointed.
Posted by josuah at 9:18 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
La Vida que te Espera
I ended up watching La Vida que te Espera about twice, but not really paying attention to it the entire time. The story is a little odd, but it's the kind of story that people can write about and discuss after dinner. Drama unfolds in a small village setting as tension grows within a family being pulled apart by the status quo on one side and the need for excitement on the other. The acting was quite good, and I think anyone who likes realistic drama among closely knit people will appreciate this film. Hopefully the final release will have better translation for the subtitles though.
Posted by josuah at 12:15 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Dias de Santiago
I thought I might enjoy watching Dias de Santiago because it won several awards and was about a young man coming home after serving as a soldier. Well, it certainly contains a powerful story, and Pietro Sibille plays his part very well. But the movie feels very disjointed and does not contain any specific direction. That is done purposely, but it does leave me feeling unsatisfied because at the end of the film, Santiago isn't in any place other than where he started.
Posted by josuah at 12:08 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Grizzly Man
Grizzly Man got rave reviews as a documentary, and I certainly think that there is a lot of amazing footage taken by Timothy Treadwell. It is very cool to see him petting a fox or touching the nose of a grizzly bear. But he comes off as a little crazy and a lot of the time is spent talking about Timothy instead of learning about bears. So I found it a bit boring and I didn't really like how many of the interviews seemed to be scripted interactions or performances for the film.
Posted by josuah at 12:07 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi
I picked up a screener of Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi from Cartoon Network because they're a pretty popular rock band right now in both Japan and the U.S. They sing the intro song for Teen Titans, and are making appearances at anime conventions in the U.S. The cartoon is typical very young audience fare, with short and simple storylines. Ami and Yumi do make an appearance in person, but it's brief and the cartoon voices are done by voice actors. The cartoon is really just another marketing avenue.
Posted by josuah at 12:06 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
2009: Lost Memories
2009: Lost Memories is a Korean science-fiction movie that moves within a police drama. It's almost perfect, but loses points for: extremely inaccurate police protocols, overacting, scene transitions that belong in soap operas, unrealistic gun fight sequences, and staged drama. It does have an excellent story, great actors, very good audio production, and extremely thought-provoking issues run throughout the story. I also liked the use of natural lighting. What really makes this movie worth it are the ideas revealed, and how they are revealed, in a manner which forces you to appreciate the efforts of people who fought for what they believed in. With a better director, this film would have been perfect.
Posted by josuah at 12:05 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The 6th Day
The 6th Day is a science fiction film starring Arnold Schwarzenger in much the same was as some of his other science fiction films. And I enjoyed this film just as much as those others. The focus of this one is human cloning, and the ethical issues involved. Appropriately, the movie does not take any side in the debate, but it does provide possibilities for contemplation. And it does this in a very smooth and intelligent manner, while still providing the action movie most people are interested in seeing.
Posted by josuah at 12:03 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Tank Girl
After watching the movie, I found a few Tank Girl comics at a local comic shop and ended up ordering the rest off eBay. While I enjoyed reading the comics, I didn't enjoy it as much as the movie. Which is probably opposite the majority of Tank Girl fans. The comics were just a little too random and inane for my taste. The authors certainly do have a deprecating and cynical mode of criticism that I can appreciate though.
Posted by josuah at 12:01 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 25, 2005
The Andromeda Strain
The Andromeda Strain is based on the book of the same name by Michael Crichton. While I really like the book, I wasn't that impressed with this film adaptation. It did stay very close to the original plot, but it was very slow paced and did not keep my attention very well. The acting was not very good, and the director work also not very good in my opinion. The background music and sound effects were also distracting. Perhaps it would have been more entertaining to me had I not already read the book.
Posted by josuah at 10:29 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Barbarella is clearly a 60's film, as her space ship has a shag interior and there's the constant idea of free love and hedonism. There's a whole lot of imagination to be found in this movie, but the plot reads like a bad adventure story where the heroine asks a question, goes in that direction, gets and item, and repeat. Jane Fonda is pure eye candy without much else going for her. And there are lots of logic holes that you kind of have to ignore. They did put a lot of effort into the sets and special effects though.
Posted by josuah at 7:44 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Pre-Thanksgiving Sleepover
Last night Shannon and Yvonne came over to sleep over. Yvonne didn't do much except read. She brought and finished some fantasy book by Mercedes someone, and also The Lost World. She also read my copy of Fight Club. Shannon started reading volume one of Azumanga Daioh.
In the morning, Shannon and I watched Star Wars: Episode III. She hadn't seen it before; Yvonne didn't want to stop reading to watch, even though she hasn't seen it yet. She'll have to watch it some other time. What's interesting is that if you consider President Bush as Emperor Palpatine, the movie takes on a very specific political stance. One which I happen to agree with. We also watched some of the special features, which made Mei-Ling say that she feels bad about watching pirated copies because they do so much work to make the movie.
Shannon went on a hugging rampage with Asuka and Niea. She kept trying to hug them a lot, but was usually holding them wrong so they would wriggle away. Chie kept hiding under the beds, but he did come out last night while I was sleeping, and also again around noon. I took him down so they could pet him, but he got scared and ran away back upstairs to hide inside my bed again.
After we finished watching Star Wars, Shannon and I played some Magic: The Gathering. I beat her with my deck so we swapped, and then she won with my deck. So she started to redo her deck but got annoyed at it because she picked too many cards. She doesn't know how to decide between cards, and always just tries to pick cards that are good without thinking about strategy or cost. That works in simple games like Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh but doesn't work in Magic.
While we were doing that, Mei-Ling watched Hero, and Yvonne started to watch with her after she finished reading. Then they left to have Thanksgiving dinner with some people they know.
Posted by josuah at 4:38 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Iron Giant
I watched The Iron Giant last night. It's an animated film that received very little publicity, but was done by Brad Bird, who was later hired by Pixar to work on The Incredibles. The Iron Giant is a pretty good animated film. The artwork is a little basic, but it's rich with detail and there is a great story without the typical children's clichés. The jokes are funny and the story is pretty good.
About half-way through watching, Shannon and Yvonne showed up to sleep over. Shannon thinks she has seen the movie before, but she wasn't sure because she couldn't remember right. But she kept trying to tell me what was going to happen next near the end.
Posted by josuah at 4:31 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 23, 2005
Cocoon is a science fiction movie from the 80's that I recall knowing about back then but I never actually watched it. It's a pretty decent movie, although the 80's influence on its mood is pretty obvious. So it's not timeless in that manner. The basic plot is pretty interesting and there's some real good subtext you can read into. But I wish there had been much less feel-good type fluff put into the middle of the film. That kind of made the movie lose focus and eat up time that could have been spent exploring the ideas further.
Posted by josuah at 9:27 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 22, 2005
Blade II
I watched Blade II last night. I liked the first one, but the sequel doesn't have as much mythology going for it. Where it delivers instead is in action and special effects. The fight sequences are pretty intense, although I did notice once or twice the stupid thing where baddies hang back to attack one-by-one. And it still doesn't make any sense for Blade to use fists instead of other weapons when he has the chance.
Posted by josuah at 10:02 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
My Sassy Girl
October 6, 1999.
Posted by josuah at 5:15 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 21, 2005
Harry Potter Day
I promised Shannon and Yvonne I would take them to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire a while back. Well, Yvonne decided to ditch us and instead went to see it with some of her friends. So only Shannon and I went to see it. We got to the theater about five minutes before showtime because I got off at the wrong exit. It wouldn't have mattered anyway because the line for each showing started forming an hour early. So we went to the next showing and got in line right then.
I liked this Harry Potter film more than the last two. I think this one, and the first one, are the best of the four so far. Shannon liked it more than the previous one also. Unfortunately, Ron was exceptionally annoying and dumb in this movie, and the major players of the previous films had much smaller parts in this one. The latter isn't really a problem, except that it is strange to see previous characters replaced by new ones.
Afterwards, I made a deal with Shannon that she could go buy some Pokémon cards only if she ate good food. Since she never eats well enough on her own. She'd rather eat lots of bread or mashed potatoes or junk food. We went to Sweet Tomatoes and she ate a lot of good stuff, and only a little junk food. They have a really good chicken pot pie stew with biscuits for the entire month of Novemeber. Probably one of their tastiest dishes of all time. One of Shannon's friends from school showed up with her family; there were about twenty people in their dinner party total.
Then we went to Target so she could buy the Pokémon cards. I said she could only get two boosters, even though she wanted four. She also bought her mom's Christmas presents there. I ended up buying copies of Blade 2 and the Dune Miniseries.
When we got back to Shannon's house, Cecilia and Annie came over. They're sleeping over tonight. Yvonne dragged Cecilia into her room for a while, and then they turned into fangirls in front of the computer. Shannon and Annie and I played tag for a bit, then buried each other in the closet using stuffed animals and pillows and blankets. That turned into a pillow fight. We played a 3-way game of Pokémon which Shannon won. Then it was late so I came home.
Posted by josuah at 6:50 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 20, 2005
Making Tribbles
I'm hosting a potluck next month that turned into a Star Trek theme party. So I want to make it as much Star Trek-like as possible. I failed to win any tribbles, tricorders, or phasers off eBay for a reasonable price, and I wasn't able to find any Star Trek items at the mall today. I ended up buying some balloons, paper mache, and furry yarn to make my own tribbles. I'm going to shove them into a cabinet and watch when someone opens it.
I also want to have some sort of costume. I wasn't able to find any uniforms or Vulcan ears or anything like that. I ended up buying some weird RBK (or Reebok) sports clothing that is generic enough that I could pull off a Vger Probe, Binar, or one of those two-color-faced characters that I don't know the name of. Most likely I'll go with Vger Probe, as that doesn't require me to paint my face or wear a strange mask. Technically I should shave my head, but I'll just wear contacts instead.
I didn't realize the clothing was so skintight when I bought them though. So I'll also have to wear the bottom-only bathrobe that I have, over the pants. Still fits the part, although it is white instead of gray. Maybe I can find some gray fabric instead. Might be cheap enough from the fabric store.
Posted by josuah at 7:54 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Waking Life
I wanted to see Waking Life when I first heard about it. Partially for its unique artistic rendering technique and partially for its subject matter. I also thought it was a film from Ethan Hawke, who is one of my favorite actors. Unfortunately, the subject matter was uninspiring and Ethan Hawke had only a very minor role.
If you're an aspiring philosopher with no ideas of your own, or an amateur philosopher looking for more fluff to pad your public ranting, then you should take a look at this film. If, however, you've already thought about things like this, then there's nothing new for you to find here. In which case, I might recommend playing the movie on mute, with some interesting music of your own as accompaniment.
Posted by josuah at 7:20 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Hocus Pocus
Silke recommended I watch Hocus Pocus right before halloween. Apparently, since it is a Disney movie and I put it into my Netflix queue around Halloween, I ended up having to wait quite a bit for it to arrive. No loss, because the movie is okay but not great. The plot is kind of formulaic and predictable, but at least it was entertaining to watch. Sarah Jessica Parker does an excellent job acting as a ditz.
Posted by josuah at 1:15 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 19, 2005
Raising Victor Vargas
The first time I saw Raising Victor Vargas was when its DVD slip cover caught my attention at a Blockbuster store. I never ended up grabbing it though. The movie is kind of short, and comes up a little lacking in the directorial department. Initially the story seemed a bit stupid, but about half way in, things start to move in a new direction. What this film turns out to be is a lesson in growing up and recognizing people for who they are instead of who you think or want them to be. That this happens to all of the characters involved makes this growth all the more interesting.
While the production values were low, the acting was pretty good. Especially for relatively young and inexperienced actors. I also found it interesting to learn during the ending credits that the majority of actors involved have real names that are partially the same as their character names.
Another tidbit that may be considered interesting, but probably reflects poorly upon director and writer Peter Sollet, is that the same people were used in his previous film Five Feet High and Rising, with the same actors and names, in the same location. A brief look implies that Five Feet High and Rising is actually a prequel to Raising Victor Vargas. And, it is also about growing up as a person. Most likely, as this first film is only 29 minutes long, Raising Victor Vargas is the film Peter Sollet originally wanted to make.
Anyway, that's all conjecture.
Posted by josuah at 8:31 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Ellen's Birthday Dinner
Ellen had a birthday dinner tonight at Frankie Johnnie & Luigi Too, which is actually only about ten minutes from work. So I went straight after work. A lot of the same people from her last birthday dinner were there, and it was lots of fun. I got her a Hello Kitty pop-up doll house book. She also got a yoga mat, Alias season one, the game Taboo, and some gift cards. Alla and Jeannie's present is on its way. One of her friends baked a delicious three-layer cake.
Afterwards, we thought about coming back to my place to play Taboo, but Karissa didn't want to because it was far. In the end, a few people said they were too tired to play anyway. Even though it was only around 9pm. Instead, Ellen, Rita, and eventually Karissa started badgering me to "dance techno". Alla was supposed to be on my side but instead just gave Karissa instructions. Brian tried to defend me as Ultraman. I eventually gave in and played Puppy from my car.
I accidentally put my finger next to Ellen's head as if flicking her, when she was blowing out the candles and that ended up in the photo. I didn't realize she was blowing out the candles, otherwise I wouldn't have done that. x_x
Posted by josuah at 5:48 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 18, 2005
James and the Giant Peach
James and the Giant Peach was directed by Henry Selick, who also directed the excellent The Nightmare Before Christmas. Only the former is based on the book by Roald Dahl, and the latter on was written for the screen by Tim Burton. Unfortunately, James and the Giant Peach just doesn't have anything special in it.
The claymation is quite good, and the audio production was very well done. But the songs were kind of empty and there wasn't a whole lot of appeal. I'm sure younger kids would probably enjoy its style more than I did. My favorite character is Ms. Spider, and I did appreciate the nods towards the previous film, The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Posted by josuah at 9:19 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Jackie Brown
Jackie Brown is Quentin Tarantino's third feature film, and I really liked it. As a suspense crime thriller, this film really delivers with a great plot and excellent director work. The acting is also very good, where everyone seems to be normal, but very unique. There is a lot of characteristic Tarantino as well, with non-linear time sequences, abrupt background music changes, character soundtracks, and tributes to film and other choice icons.
Posted by josuah at 5:07 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 17, 2005
6ixtynin9, or Ruang talok 69, is I think the first Thai movie I've watched. It's a strange tongue-in-cheek comedy where several people end up getting killed in one woman's apartment because she decided to keep a noodle box of money that was supposed to be left at someone else's apartment door. In a strange series of events, one thing leads to another, with silly twists and silly characters that make it a nice ride. Lalita Panyopas stars as the protagonist and does a pretty good job acting out the part of a woman who is suddenly dumped into an ocean of conspiracy and doesn't really know what to do except tread water.
There are a few things I found a bit off-putting with the film. For some reason, most of the men in the movie sound like women. I don't know why that is, but it seems to be the case for any man who isn't over forty. I also don't really like the sound of Thai vocal music. It is also a little disconcerting to experience Tum's dreams without realizing they are dreams. Although that approach is probably quite fitting and it is definitely effective at putting you in her shoes. Also, dead people shouldn't be breathing, or start bleeding in different locations, or have facial twitches.
Posted by josuah at 6:53 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 16, 2005
Soylent Green
Soylent Green is a famous science-fiction film starring Charlton Heston, and is actually based on a Harry Harrison. Although perhaps not as recognizable as some other science-fiction writers of the recent past or present tense, he has made significant contributions as a science-fiction writer. Soylent Green is a possible future in an overpopulated world that has suffered from ecological abuse, resulting in famine as natural resources begin to die out.
What I liked about the movie is that it has an interesting plot and an interesting idea. The acting is not particularly good, although Heston seemed less amateurish in this film than some of his earlier ones. Sol Roth, played by Edward G. Robinson, does give a nice performance though. That's probably not surprising given that he had been in dozens and dozens of films before then.
Posted by josuah at 6:59 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 15, 2005
Practical Magic
I watched Practical Magic last night. I found it to be a somewhat run-of-the-mill romance, with the twist of magic being involved. I did enjoy the spookiness a bit, but there isn't a whole lot special about this movie.
Posted by josuah at 5:12 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Eyes Wide Shut
Many of Stanley Kubrick's films can be hard to watch. A slow moving story and confusing imagery are the norm for his films. But Eyes Wide Shut is a different sort of Kubrick film. There remains a slow texture to the plot, but it is captivating instead of confusing. There's a deep undercurrent of suspense throughout the film. I enjoyed how Kubrick gets the ideas across without making the film weighty or artsy. You can take it as a puzzling film, or you can think about it some more and try to make your own mind up about how you need to approach life. There is also an interesting use of primary color, which I am still pondering over.
Posted by josuah at 4:25 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 14, 2005
I knew a little bit about Thirteen from the trailers I saw a while back. I knew I thought it would be an interesting look at the sorts of things young teenagers go through. Probably a little fun to watch, with a story based in truth but dramatized. Turns out I was wrong. This film is a very dark look at the troubled soul of a thirteen-year-old girl who doesn't know who she is or what to do. Inside, she is rotting away, and during the course of this movie, that rotten core is exposed.
At first, because of the scenes shown, I thought this was going to be a sort of typical "watch idiots act like idiots" movie involving teenage boys and girls who get drunk, high, and party without respect for anyone including each other. But the mood quickly changed about a third of the way in when the pain hidden by Tracy is revealed to the audience in her bathroom. Suddenly, you realize there's much more going on beneath the raging waters that you've been seeing on the surface.
Evan Rachel Wood, who plays the part of Tracy, provides an exceptional performance. She is raw, uninhibited, and explodes with emotion and honesty in a way you cannot be prepared for. Excellent performances are also delivered by Nikki Reed, who plays teen conspirator Evie, and Holly Hunter as Melanie, Tracy's mom.
It also turns out that Nikki, who co-wrote the script, based many of the events in the film on things that she experienced herself at that age.
Posted by josuah at 11:46 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The United States of Leland
The United States of Leland is the story of a teenager who kills the retarded younger brother of his ex-girlfriend, and the at the same time the story of those around him. Unfortunately, I think many viewers will try to find a "why" as Leland puts it. Those that do, however, will be disappointed by the movie and fail to understand that this film is more about accepting that sometimes things happen and there's no acceptable reason for why.
In fact, although the title and focus of the story revolves around the boy Leland, viewers should instead absorb all of the intertwined story-lines together. Understanding and accepting what Leland did comes as much from understanding and accepting what the other characters do. And when asked, there are excuses like, "I'm only human" or "I don't know". But what Leland understands is that sometimes people do things that they know are wrong but they do it anyway. He also knows that happiness and sadness, right and wrong, are fleeting sides of the same coin.
Posted by josuah at 11:35 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 13, 2005
My Foot Hurts
I came over last night to visit Shannon and Yvonne, and we went to a plaza near New Park Mall to spend some time looking around a Chinese store. There were a few things I liked, but they were all more expensive than I wanted to pay. We watched the rest of Azumanga Daioh. Shannon thought the ending wasn't good enough; Yvonne thought it wasn't angsty enough. Then we watched Chungking Express. Sometime during the movie, my foot started hurting. It was late and my foot hurt so I slept over. Now my foot feels swollen and hurts a lot.
So Mei-Ling called someone she knows that is supposed to be able to fix these sorts of injuries. Whatever it is, since it just started hurting while I was sitting there. We're going to that guy soon. He is like her grandma's grand-nephew or something. If it doesn't get fixed, then I'll have to stop at Netflix on my way home to get my laptop and probably have to work from home tomorrow.
Posted by josuah at 9:44 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Gangs of New York
Gangs of New York was critically praised, nominated for dozens of awards, and winner of some of them. But I don't think it deserves nominations other than for costumes and the sets. The acting was decent but not amazing, and the story was unfocused. It's almost certainly a dramatic inaccuracy when it comes to history. Also, I'm not exactly sure how long the movie is, as it spans two discs but is only about three hours long and the copy I received from Netflix had serious playback issues on the first disc. There is a lame attempt at constructing a moral to the story but it is tacked onto the end as an afterthought.
Posted by josuah at 1:40 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 12, 2005
Dinner and Movie
Alla IM'ed me tonight while I was still at work to ask if I wanted to go for sushi. She wasn't sure though which restaurant, but I suggested Sushi Factory because I hadn't been there. She told me we'd meet at 7pm, but 7pm came and I couldn't reach her by phone. So I ended up driving around aimlessly for a while. We ended up leaving together from her apartment, with her brother and Paul also. The service at Sushi Factory turned out to be pretty bad. We left a small tip and I could tell the waitress was disappointed. I would rather go to Sato Sushi or Todai next time.
Afterwards, Alla decided she would rather go out to a bar instead of watching a movie. So she stayed home and Paul and I came back to my place to watch a unique movie called Time Code. Instead of displaying a single scene and cutting between them, this movie displays four scenes at once, one in each corner of the screen. The events unfold in real time and the four cameras are following different people who end up all interacting with each other over the course of the day. The movie was improvised based on a loosely defined structure.
I found the approach interesting, but somewhat confusing. It's difficult to keep track of four different scenes at once, especially since at any given point in time, one specific scene is dominant. As a result, it is hard to figure out what's really going on and I think a person probably has to watch it at least twice to absorb all of the events. The acting was very good though, because some very good actors were brought in, and I suspect it is easier to act natural when you're making it all up as you go along. I do wish the earthquakes were better executed sonically though.
Posted by josuah at 8:50 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 11, 2005
The Importance of Being Earnest
Hm. The Importance of Being Earnest only came out a few years ago, but I'd already forgotten that I'd seen it before. I realized about fifteen minutes into watching it tonight, that I was watching something I'd already seen. I think the movie is okay, with a few rare moments of laughter. But it lacks any real spark. And for some reason, Frances O'Connor, Colin Firth, and Reese Witherspoon keep getting cast into these English gentry roles.
Posted by josuah at 7:27 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Green Hills of Earth
The Green Hills of Earth is another volume in the Future History series by Robert A. Heinlein. Much like the earlier volume I reviewed, The Man Who Sold The Moon, this is a collection of short stories which depict future possibilities.
Posted by josuah at 6:55 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 10, 2005
Infected by XCP
I discovered today that I may in fact have purchased a copy-protected Sony CD. A while back I purchased Susie Suh's debut album. Turns out this is on the list of copy-protected CDs. At least I don't use Windows, so my computer hasn't been compromised.
Posted by josuah at 6:57 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Blow was a heavily marketed film with an excellent cast of actors and interesting story to tell. The clothes and sets were very authentic. And it's based on a true story as well. Unfortunately, I found it to be slow moving and only interesting for half the time. About an hour in, I checked the clock to see how much longer, and was surprised that it was only halfway through. I guess I really shouldn't watch biographies, as I rarely find them interesting.
Posted by josuah at 6:52 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 9, 2005
The Crying Game
I remember when The Crying Game came out that it caused a stir for the surprise revealed about the girl in the movie. But I never got around to watching it. It wasn't what I was expecting, since I was always of the impression that the twist was revealed at the end. But the movie is much better for incorporating it into the story. I found it both enjoyable and intelligent. Stephen Rae, Jaye Davidson, and also Forest Whitaker give excellent performances.
Posted by josuah at 7:43 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Immortel (ad vitam) is a dystopian science-fiction film that was beautifully rendered against a CG cityscape. The quality of the CG work is top-rate, excepting the characters. However, because of the Eugenics concept, that may in fact be deliberate, and therefore this does not detract from the film if you accept that idea. Unfortunately, the acting is not particularly good, and while there is an interesting idea to the story, there's nothing special about it.
Posted by josuah at 7:43 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 8, 2005
The Isle
Seom is a Korean film that contains the elements for critical acclaim (as evidenced by its awards) but which I really didn't think was that good. I do believe Jung Suh did an excellent job at acting, which is very important in a film that only has around a hundred words of dialogue. But there's quite a bit I found unexplained, and I think the characters' insanity, while symbolically important, is hard to swallow. Plus the metaphors are executed in a disgusting manner. Now that I've finished watching it, I'm still not sure what the ending was supposed to have revealed. This really is a film for over-analyzing-people.
Posted by josuah at 5:13 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 7, 2005
The Royal Tenenbaums
The Royal Tenenbaums is supposed to be a really funny movie. It's got great comedians like Bill Murray and Ben Stiller, plus other great actors. The story is somewhat important and interesting, and the acting performances are great. It's even got a somewhat stylish execution. But I didn't like it. It was kind of boring. It wasn't funny, in my opinion. And I like the kind of comedy that this film was supposed to be.
Posted by josuah at 7:12 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The King of Masks
The King of Masks, or Bian Lian, is a a 91-minute Chinese feature film about a street performer who is in search of a grandson to whom he can pass on his art. Unfortunately, things go wrong when the boy he purchased turns out to be a girl. And that's where things become really interesting. I ended up liking this movie a whole lot because of the really great story and amazing adventures of this girl. Renying Zhou gives an amazing performance.
Posted by josuah at 7:12 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Babysitting Shannon
This morning, Mei-Ling had some sort of Dalai Lama thing to go to in San Francisco. So I slept over at their place last night and took Shannon to her class in Sunnyvale this morning. Someone from Mei-Ling's workplace named Ruth also slept over because she went with Mei-Ling to the thing in San Francisco. We stayed up kind of late watching Azumanga Daioh, and for some reason Yvonne had music on kind of loud at like 4 in the morning. It woke me up so I knocked on her door and she said, "Go Away" because she was trying to sleep.
I stayed with Shannon during her class, and she is the only girl there with five other boys. Most of them were acting like whiney babies and kept talking and not paying attention. So the teacher kept having to scold them. For the first half I started reading The Green Hills of Earth, but the second half they read some chapters from The Little Prince. So I read along with them. Shannon decided to call me a nerd again because I explained why hubris is different from pride. And the teacher thought I was in high school.
Afterwards we went to Milpitas Square to eat lunch but Shannon was being picky again and kept whining for McFlurries or something. We ended up eating at a Vietnamese restaurant (of course Shannon ate almost nothing), and then looked around in the shops there. I found something for Ellen's birthday gift. When we got back, Shannon worked on her math homework and then we went outside to play hide-and-seek with McKenzie. Yvonne wasn't there because she had Chinese school.
Posted by josuah at 1:33 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 6, 2005
Blue Tonic World
Blue Tonic World was one of the top ambient electronic artists on the original MP3.com (before it was bought by one of the major labels and started sucking). Now that I have a decent setup, I wanted to get his music in the original uncompressed form, so I could play it back and enjoy it without compression artifacts. BitBurn was kind enough to allow me to purchase the uncompressed versions on CD from him directly.
There are a few specific tracks which I really enjoy, while the remainder of Blue Tonic World's music is of somewhat average fare when it comes to independent ambient music. I suggest checking out some of his music to find out which of his tracks you would prefer. One of my favorites is Visions of Mother Asia. Unfortunately, he did not have one of my other favorites, River, in the original uncompressed format.
Posted by josuah at 4:28 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Snatch is a comedic crime thriller by Guy Ritchie, that is supposed to be reminiscent of Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. Not surprising since both movies are by Guy Ritchie and even share some of the same actors. Unfortunately, sometimes the more chaotic style employed in this movie is a turn-off, and it just isn't as funny.
Posted by josuah at 1:45 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 5, 2005
Battle Royale
I first saw Battle Royale the movie while a student at UC Berkeley. I never had much draw to read the book, but I recently started buying the manga adaptation, and Yvonne read the book and told me she liked it. So I ended up purchasing the book, and I'm glad I did so. The book is just as good as the movie, but there is more background provided to the primary characters, and more time is spent explaining the reasons behind certain things. In this way, questions are answered and social and political criticisms are presented. For those who are wondering, the book is different than the movie, and the manga more closely follows the book.
Posted by josuah at 9:50 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I watched Crash last night. It's a very powerful movie, and pulling in only the best actors really produces an excellent film. I've found that the idea of mixing a bunch of random people together, who don't really know each other, but seem to run into each other, is becoming a popular scenario in movies. So that part is not really as interesting to me in this film. But what is good, is how well fear, mistrust, and other negative emotions are brought to the forefront without any apologies. Ultimately, it is each individual's responsibility to do make things change for the better.
Posted by josuah at 9:10 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Ghost World
Alla, Paul, and Michael came over tonight. We ate some Chinese food (except for Alla, who is on a diet) and we ended up watching Ghost World, which I liked, as did Paul. Alla didn't like it so much because there wasn't a clear point or ending. But she didn't have a better choice, and no one else made any different choices. Since Alla came late, we watched Jack-Jack Attack and also the crazy old-school short of Mr. Incredible, Frozone, and Mr. Dippydoo.
What's interesting about Ghost World is that it's this strange look at the life of one girl who doesn't really know who she is or what she wants to do with her life, and so looks for ways to both amuse herself and find fault in others. But what happens is she starts to understand and accept the differences in other people, without being able to figure out who she is. And when things change in ways that she has no control, she starts to feel lost. In the end, she decides her only option is to escape from it all.
Amazingly, Scarlett Johansson and Thora Birch are perfect choices who pull of the look of the original comic perfectly. And they also provide excellent performances.
Posted by josuah at 6:55 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 4, 2005
The Omega Man
The Omega Man is considered a classic science-fiction movie, starring Charlton Heston, Anthony Zerbe, and Rosalind Cash. Unfortunately, I'd have to say it's not a very good movie. The plot is pretty basic, with some serious scientific flaws that even movies in the 1970's should not have made. The acting isn't so great either: melodramatic with superficial emotions. I'm sure the idea of a biological weapon wiping out civilization was appealing at the time, but this movie lacked any real depth of commentary or plot.
Posted by josuah at 7:32 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 3, 2005
Last Exile
Originally, I wasn't much interested in Last Exile. It seemed like an above average action film with not much going for it other than the CG. Well, turns out I was wrong. Last Exile is an epic series that has a lot of character development, world development, pretty good plot, and non-stop edge-of-your-seat excitement. The action is also well planned, without excessive shots or stupid sequences. The CG is pretty good, but still missing a little bit. Plus, the CG is not the absolute latest technology. The only downside I see to the series are the corny lines that pop-up at rare occasions.
The creators of this anime have come up with an interesting mixture of ideas. There are three societies, each with different naming conventions and cultures. There seems to be some German influence in the names, and the combat philosophy stems from the 18th-century British Empire style. The music has a Celtic undertone, and there are a few really good compositions. I do also like the character designs by Range Murata. I should try picking up some of his art books.
Posted by josuah at 6:27 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 1, 2005
Supreme Beings of Leisure
The first time I listened to the Supreme Beings of Leisure was when Janet Jones at UNC let me borrow their title album, along with some other nice albums. I'd heard of them before, but listening to them made a real impression on me. I ended up buying the album for Karen as a birthday gift, and just recently purchased my own copy. SBL is a treat to listen to, and they have a very distinctive sound thanks to their singer, Karin. Their music is somewhere between electro-pop and chill-out lounge music.
Posted by josuah at 2:20 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 30, 2005
Fireplace Door Installed
I installed the fireplace door for Mei-Ling tonight. It was actually very easy to install, but I wonder if there needs to be more insulation packing around the sides; because the brick wall is not completely flat and so there can be some gaps around the edges. Later Shannon and I went to Hollywood Video and rented Addams Family Values and Son of the Mask. Shannon wore my bluefish hat in the store. Addams Family Values was good, of course, but Shannon picked Son of the Mask based on the commercials she saw. And it wasn't good at all. It wasn't funny, and it was like an adult tried to take Looney Tunes to the big screen without knowing what makes Looney Tunes funny.
Posted by josuah at 9:30 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 29, 2005
Hotel Rwanda
I just watched Hotel Rwanda and it is one of the best movies I've ever seen. The story is about the manager of a Belgian hotel in Rwanda, who protects 1268 Rwandans during the 1994 civil conflict. I think one of the best ways to describe this film is to say it does for the Rwanda conflict what Shindler's List did for the Jewish concentration camps of World War II.
A big difference is in the approach though. In Schinder's List, the mood is dreary, cold, and the emotions are raw. In Hotel Rwanda, there is a sharp contrast between the horror and everyday life. The third aspect of the world opinion is also brought into play, through the performances of the foreign characters. The emotion is also brought much more to the forefront, with more drama and tension. Don Cheadle does give an amazing performance as well.
Posted by josuah at 11:37 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Mansfield Park
I watched Mansfield Park last night, and I actually liked it. I suppose it may have been because this was a more modern adaptation of a Jane Austin novel, with artistic liberties that give the film some additional flair and keep it less boring. I liked the quirkiness portrayed directly at the audience by the protagonist Fanny Price. All of the other Jane Austin films I've seen have been dry interpretations by comparison.
Posted by josuah at 8:04 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 27, 2005
Kino's Journey
I watched the first episode of Kino's Journey with Shannon and Yvonne, and it was kind of boring. There was an interesting idea, but it moved very slow and we were all confused as to whether or not Kino was a boy or a girl. So I decided to watch the entire series via Netflix. And now I've decided to purchase the series for myself. It is that good.
The tag-line for Kino's Journey is "the Beautiful World" and that does nicely describe the perspective presented by the anime. The 13-episode series is actually a bunch of loosely connected shorts portraying some aspect of humanity. But even the most gruesome story is a beautiful sequence when viewed in the right light. The stories are commentaries on society, human nature, politics, religion, violence, and lots of other themes.
The anime is actually based on the novels by Keiichi Sigsawa. They look like books I would like to read; if I could find them translated to English. There also appears to be a prequel movie about Kino, and another 12-minute short.
"The world is not beautiful. And that, in a way, lends it a sort of beauty."
Posted by josuah at 5:25 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 26, 2005
The Man Who Sold The Moon
The Man Who Sold The Moon is a collection of short stories (the title story is more of novella-length) by Robert A. Heinlein. As short stories, they are very good and contain the signature Neinlein narrative style found in his other short works.
Posted by josuah at 9:11 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 23, 2005
Dinner at Kat's
On Saturday night, Kat had a dinner party with a bunch of her friends from Cisco and other people too. It started at 6pm, and I got there a little early at 5:40pm. They ordered Korean sushi for dinner, and Korean sushi seems to be different because the pieces are bigger, and I think they use less vinegar in the rice. I hadn't seen Kat in a really long time, so it was good to see her again. There still isn't any furniture in their house. After dinner, people talked and we ended up playing some cards. One of Kat's friends brought her six- and eight-year-old daughters, and they kept stealing the poker chips.
Since I had lunch with my uncle right beforehand, and Kat lives up near the restaurant, I had a few hours between lunch and dinner. I ended up finding a comic book store and bought a poster of Batman and Nightwing. I ended up having to spend $40 at Michael's for a frame. I also bought four issues of Tank Girl, and afterwards ended up buying a bunch of Tank Girl trade paperbacks and comics off eBay and Amazon.
Posted by josuah at 7:23 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 20, 2005
Born Into Brothels
Born into Brothels is a documentary that's won a lot of awards, but after watching it, I think those awards are rewarding the subject matter rather than the film itself. The film is about a bunch of kids growing up in the red light district of Calcutta, and the film directors' attempts to get them an education. Unfortunately, a great deal of the film watches like home videos, while the remainder is kind of boring fly-on-the-wall type storytelling.
One aspect of the film I found a bit strange was how similar the leave-taking of the children from their families was to the removal of children from Vietnam for adoption in the U.S. (see Daughter from Danang). An outside do-gooder white woman, who isn't necessary welcomed by the families involved, convinces the children to leave for a better life. Granted, most everyone would agree that going to boarding school is better than base manual labor or prostitution. But I think it is telling that eventually all of the children left the boarding school, or their parents removed them from the boarding school. Except for the one boy who became sort of famous, and the one girl who wasn't even sad to leave home knowing she wouldn't see her family or friends anymore.
Posted by josuah at 6:00 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Fight Club
Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk became an overnight success with the release of the movie. I did see the movie first, and reading the book I've discovered that the movie kept extremely close to the vision, plot, and tone of the novel. So there's not much extra to say, other than the book is equally enjoyable to the movie. I'm not really sure what the purpose of the book is, but it's a good book to read. People who try to find meaning in it may just be finding what they want to find.
Posted by josuah at 3:21 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Tank Girl
The other night I watched Tank Girl. It is one of the most fun, most funny, most gleefully artistic movies I've ever seen. Watching this movie will put a stupid grin on your face and keep it there for the entire time. The movie was released in 1995, and is based off the British cult comic of the same name (which I have not read yet). Lori Petty is so much fun as Tank Girl, and her never-ending supply of comebacks is great. There are also a bunch of other little cameos by "famous" people. And the soundtrack is perfect, with songs from artists like Björk, Hole, and Veruca Salt.
Posted by josuah at 3:14 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Sandman
It seems I forgot to write an entry when I finished reading The Sandman by Neil Gaiman. A lot of people have heard of Gaiman now, after the success of his novels, but those were an offshoot of his earlier success with The Sandman graphic novels which began in 1989. And it's for those comic books that I originally heard his name. I'd been wanting to read The Sandman for a long time, but never got around to it. I was thoroughly impressed with how well Gaiman puts together a story.
I won't bother to explain The Sandman; for that you can read the summary off Gaiman's web site. But this series is an amazing thread of mythology, fantasy, culture, and contemporary exploration. Many people are prejudiced against graphic novels, considering them a child's diversion. That's changing in recent years, but opening to a random page of The Sandman as a basis for deciding whether or not you will enjoy reading it is something of a mistake. That is how you can approach some other graphic novels, which have shorter threads and singularities of entertainment. But to really enjoy The Sandman, you have to read through it from beginning to end, as the story is long, winding, and full of depth.
Posted by josuah at 3:04 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 19, 2005
The Suckage of EA Sports
This auction says it all. Originally sourced from Sick of EA and Madden? ... off ArsTechnica. And yes, I think Electronic Arts makes pretty crappy games and is in many ways a crappy company too.
Posted by josuah at 5:38 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 18, 2005
Europa Europa
I didn't know this was based on a true story until the very end, but Europa Europa is a crazy story about a Jewish German who has to do the exact opposite of what makes sense in order to survive World War II. It's even more crazy how the events that shaped his survival seem so filled with random luck, like a series of fortunate events. The film treatment, based on the autobiography of Sally Perel (a.k.a Salomon, Solly, Salek, Jupp, Josef Peters) is filled with a whimsical look at his crazy survival. Where else are you going to see Hilter ballroom dancing with Stalin?
Posted by josuah at 3:47 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 17, 2005
Sanjuro is the sequel to Yojimbo. I have to say I liked Sanjuro better, because the story was more interesting to me. Plus, it was a little funnier. Others will like Yojimbo better though, so it's sort of a personal taste thing. I thought the older woman and the captured soldier were great comic relief.
Another thing which really surprised me was the stance of Sanjuro. It turns out this is probably the character upon which Auron was based! The similarities are amazing.
Posted by josuah at 10:44 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Yojimbo is one of the Japanese classics by Akira Kurosawa. I think fans of westerns would really appreciate this film, because it is one of the archetype westerns that influenced so many later films, both in the U.S. and I'm sure in Japan as well. But I never really liked westerns, and I didn't get into this film that much either. It's an interesting premise, and the story moves along fairly well. But there's not a whole lot of action or thinking going on while you're watching.
As an interesting side note, Netflix recommended this film to me based on my ratings for Neon Genesis Evangelion, Princess Mononoke, and Blade Runner. All of which I gave 5 stars. It also recommended it based on my three-star ratings of Dr. Strangelove and American Splendor. I guess this is one case where viewer personalities had more to do with the recommendation than film content.
Posted by josuah at 12:29 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 16, 2005
Tunnel in the Sky
I started reading around chapter two or three of Tunnel in the Sky last night, and ended up reading through the entire book instead of stopping to sleep. This was a very interesting story by one of my favorite authors, Robert A. Heinlein. It's a story about a class where the final test dumps you onto a strange planet and you have to survive for several days before they bring you back. Only this time, something goes wrong and the students are stranded.
What I found most interesting was how the students, originally planning to return home in about a week, end up having to work together in order to survive. The social interplay and growth of civilization, in a very colonization fashion, is interesting to see. I think this is probably one of Heinlein's better books as a good read, although not as through provoking or important as some of his others.
Posted by josuah at 9:55 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Shannon's Stone Age Weapon
I picked up Yvonne from her volunteer job yesterday at 5pm. When we got back to her house, Shannon was sleeping and didn't open the front door. For her school project, Shannon had to make some sort of stone age weapon. She wanted to make a bow an arrow, but she refused to buy any materials. She wanted to find arrowheads, feathers, and string outside. But of course, finding all of those are too hard. So we ended up switching to making a hand axe, and we just sticking a chipped rock into a cut tree branch. The rock stays in as long as you don't hit anything too hard.
Later, I made a Pokémon deck and beat Shannon twice. She used her two best decks. Her best deck she probably could have beaten me with because in the card game, you can pretty much win as long as your Pokémon are stronger. There's not a whole lot of strategy or tricks. But I think she was just tired of playing so she kind of gave up.
Then we started watching this really bad quality pirated version of Shota no sushi which is a really silly drama of a person who wants to become the best sushi chef ever. It was filled with stereotypical shonen sports manga/anime stuff, so Yvonne and I could figure out what was going on and make predictions.
Posted by josuah at 9:47 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 15, 2005
I thought I had seen this before, but I wasn't sure. After popping in the disc, I realized that yes, I had seen Pi before, around when it first came out. While I appreciated the premise of the film, and I thought it was artfully done, I didn't enjoy it much because it was so discordant to the senses and my own flow of thought. That was done deliberately, but I didn't like the effect that much. Plus, I didn't come away from the movie with any new ideas in my head. Or any new aspects of imagining. So I can't say this movie means much to me. A lot of people really like this film though, so I am probably in the minority here.
Posted by josuah at 6:59 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I had never been interested in the artwork of Frida Kahlo because they always appeared somewhat ugly to me. But after watching the film, I think it is a mistake to introduce people to Frida via her self-portraits. Her other artwork is much more provocative and revealing. Although the movie helped to explain a lot of what was behind her artwork, based on her life.
I enjoyed the movie, and especially how the dramatic storytelling brought the character of Frida and her history to life. The special effects were an excellent way to illustrate her perspective on life, enabling the viewer to more intimately connect with her emotions and the source of her inspiration. I also loved how color was emphasized in the film in the same way as it was in her paintings. And Selma Hayek did an amazing job at acting.
Posted by josuah at 5:42 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 14, 2005
Monty Python's Life of Brian
I really like the Monty Python troupe, and Life of Brian is one of their funniest movies. I laughed out loud a number of times, and it's unfortunate the movie was so short. I would have liked to see more of Brian's misadventures.
Posted by josuah at 6:08 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Forbidden Planet
Forbidden Planet is a classic science-fiction film from 1956 featuring the famous Robby the Robot. In fact, you may easily recognize Robby the Robot without knowing that his debut was in this movie. This movie has excellent special effects for the time, and a decent conclusion similar to the vein of other science-fiction films of the same time period trying to make a statement. I don't think the message is as important as those of some other films, but this is still an interesting movie to watch. Even if the acting is pretty mediocre.
Posted by josuah at 3:24 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 13, 2005
I've seen all of Election before, but I didn't really remember it until I just watched it again. And it is a funny movie that turns a few simple things into crazy life-changing events. Plus it is really funny to see Reese Witherspoon hop up and down like a bunny rabbit. I recommend watching this if you'd like to be amused.
Posted by josuah at 4:08 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 12, 2005
Magnolia is a strange movie that I don't think unfair to have been so critically acclaimed. But I didn't enjoy it as much as most others. It's basically a movie about some people who are going through a day of their lives. It is a day full of connections, chance, and drama. The events that take place are ones you could easily consider the type to occur to people all over, all the time. But the message, delivered with subtlety but impact, is that each of us has the choice to do what is right and to fix things. So long as one doesn't wait too long.
Posted by josuah at 6:32 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Tosca - Dehli 9
Tosca is the joint collaboration of Richard Dorfmeister (of Kruder & Dorfmeister fame) and Rupert Huber. I picked up Dehli 9 about a week ago, and I think it is an amazing two-disc album. It should be noted that the two discs are very different from each other.
The first disc contains some wonderful compositions featuring beautiful vocals. These tracks are wonderful chill-out music, but very distinctive and not to be confused with the typical lounge chill-out style you might recognize from such clubs. The first disc can be listened to and enjoyed with focus.
The second disc is of a completely different style. Here, the mixing is extremely transparent, which is amazing to hear, and the tracks are almost entirely solo piano. When the piano source is included on one of the early tracks, you can hear the noise that accompanies its signal. Later, on solo tracks, this noise is gone and you can really hear the keys pressed and the pedals pushed by the pianist. This disc is something to listen to while you do something else, or wish to drift away.
Posted by josuah at 2:41 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 11, 2005
I'd heard of the movie Gandhi, in large part because of the person. I will say that the scope and impact of this movie exceeded anything I was expecting. It is an amazing story, and all the more so because it is true. This single person became the conscience and spiritual leader of an entire people. And that accomplishment is more impressive than that of any other leader, because he led those people to win the fight against themselves without once imposing his philosophy upon them. Watching this movie brings to life a part of recent history that is extremely important.
Posted by josuah at 4:27 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 10, 2005
Thelma & Louise
I remember seeing parts of Thelma & Louise, and there's a fair chance I'd seen the entire movie before. But I decided to watch it again, and unfortunately I didn't find it all that interesting. Maybe I've been watching too many movies where things go wrong because the people in it make stupid decisions. Sure, being able to cope with the consequences of bad choices is one way to bring out a person's character. But I'm starting to not care so much if bad things happen to people who can't do the right thing to begin with.
Posted by josuah at 6:32 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Silent Yvonne
I hadn't been up to see Shannon or Yvonne in a while, so I was glad that I could go visit them yesterday. Yvonne has been sick so she had a very sore throat and could only talk in a whisper. This is, of course, an almost exact opposite of her usual speaking volume. But when we went to Borders, she saw someone she knows and suddenly could talk at normal volumes again. She claims it was the Brambleberry Tea (by Tazo; no link as they are browser-centric) that healed her throat.
After having fun goofing around, and looking at random stuff at Borders, we ended up watching Patch Adams because Shannon wanted to watch. Yvonne had only seen the second half, and stopped watching after she saw the first half. Shannon fell asleep. But this was the first time I'd seen Patch Adams, and it was both lots of fun to watch, and a decent drama about the real Patch Adams's inspiration.
Posted by josuah at 3:02 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 8, 2005
Boys Don't Cry
Boys Don't Cry was based on the 1993 murder of a cross-dressing woman in Nebraska, after people she was socializing with discovered her secret. The film is a dramatization of the true events, but the emotional impact of the story remains true, in my opinion. I think this film was important because it brought to mainstream media hate towards alternative sexual identities, much as racial hate between whites and blacks has become acceptable for discussion in contemporary movies.
I do wish the movie had moved more quickly in the beginning. I found myself occasionally disinterested until later on, when the relationship started between Teena/Brandon and Lana. Until that point, things just seemed kind of stupid. A bunch of stupid people doing stupid things. And that makes it hard to establish a connection. For me at least.
Posted by josuah at 7:42 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Monster's Ball
Monster's Ball is one of those movies that has value for the story it tells, but is kind of boring to watch. There is a very meaningful story, wonderfully acted out by Billy Bob Thornton and Halle Berry. And I thought it played out very well. But I wouldn't be interested in watching it a second time and it takes some patience to get through it the first time. If you can appreciate the film, though, then I think you will appreciate how hurt and healing complement each other.
Posted by josuah at 7:28 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 6, 2005
Catwoman (2004)
I didn't have any desire to see Catwoman in the theaters because it was not based on the DC Comics Catwoman. This was not Selina Kyle, and it was not Gotham. But after watching the movie, it's clear that it is based on the comic character, but changed to suit the creators of this specific film. That being said, I thought the story and character development was lacking. But it is an okay action flick. I'm not a fan of the Hip-Hop soundtrack either.
I do think Halle Berry did a good job at acting feline. Her movements were exceptionally accurate, although people who do not live with cats may think they are exaggerated or fake. I didn't like the jumpy action sequences though, which really did not allow one to follow what was happening. Her wall-climbing abilities are acceptable if you view that as one of her powers, in comic book fashion, but my expectations are for something much more realistic based on the comics. And this performance and the director's view are too different.
Posted by josuah at 6:36 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
D.E.B.S. is one of the coolest, wackiest movies I've seen in a while. I originally thought it would be a pretty bad attempt at a film where you give pretty girls guns (like Cleopatra 2525) but instead this movie really pokes fun at that whole silly genre. What it turns out to be is a crazy romantic comedy that just makes you laugh at how wacky everything is.
It's also interesting that they've got some decent actors and actresses in the movie. Jordana Brewster, Devon Aoki, Jimmi Simpson, Holland Taylor, and Michael Clarke Duncan. These aren't famous people, but Taylor and Duncan are particularly good in my opinion. Brewster, Aoki, and Simpson have some real good potential in my opinion.
I did like some of the rock background music as well. The soundtrack is worth checking out. I prefer the tracks Parade, Love Cats, Argument, Crystalline Green, Telling You Now, Be Like Water, Viva La Fever, Into the Morning.
Posted by josuah at 4:06 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 5, 2005
The Abyss
The Abyss is one of the best contemporary science-fiction films. I vaguely recall seeing parts of it several years ago, and I've finally watched the entire special edition. I really enjoyed this movie because it's a good mix of dramatic action and science-fiction. There isn't a lot of hard science being thrown around, but I think that's what makes the best sort of science-fiction; a different environment or alternate reality in which the people are living. The differences in reality shape and dictate the appropriate behaviors and beliefs.
Posted by josuah at 6:27 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 4, 2005
Klaatu Barada Nikto
I first saw The Day the Earth Stood Still in school, because one of my English teachers was a science-fiction fan like myself. I think her name was Ms. Anderson. This is one of the best science-fiction films made, solely because of its message and how well it represents and criticizes the prevailing beliefs of the time, and today. In fact, its message of cooperation and peace was in stark contrast to the government's position on international conflict, as this was released during the height of the Cold War.
Of course the acting is not particularly great, especially since what was expected from performances back then is more formulaic. And while Klaatu does outwardly behave and speak as if an alien visitor to Earth, he is too familiar with body language. His confusion over how things are on Earth seems in strange conflict with his ability to use human gestures to convey his confusion.
One thing that struck me was how the opening music contained one of the most recognizable science-fiction audio sequences of all time. I don't know if this was the first movie to make use of that sequence, but it may have been.
Posted by josuah at 5:46 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 3, 2005
Stupid Religous People
I was reading some comments posted in response to a recent Sony print advertisement mocking Jesus. And it really makes me unhappy to see just how stupid some religious people are. The casual attitude towards a separation of "us" and "them" is quite disheartening. The human race has started making progress towards racial blindness. But I guess being blind to belief systems is still too hard.
Posted by josuah at 5:23 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Whale Rider
I first heard about Whale Rider while watching Ebert & Roeper and it didn't really appeal to me. I figured it was your typical heart-felt drama, moving but probably boring. That is somewhat correct.
I don't think I would want to watch the movie again, but it was better than I expected, and actually very interesting. I think that it was much more interesting because it brings to life the legend of Paikea. There is a very rich mythology and culture that you learn about through this film, and in that way it is sort of like a dramatic documentary.
Of course, the story is also very good. And I was very surprised at how well Keisha Castle-Hughes acted. I find it hard to believe that she was acting. It's pretty commonplace to see actors showing emotion, but almost all the time, you feel like an outsider or that it just isn't quite real. But that's not what I saw with Keisha. It felt honest.
I also very much enjoyed the music. Probably because it sounds very indigenous, with tribal vocals and authentic sounding instruments. It's very ambient sounding and I liked that aspect of the sound.
Posted by josuah at 4:54 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Anatomie / Anatomie 2
Christian's wife, Gabi, recommended a couple of German films to me: Anatomie and Anatomie 2. The first film stars Franka Potente as a medical student that becomes the target of the Anti-Hippocratic Society, that is willing to kill people to further their own anatomical studies. The second is slightly different, involving the same society going to great lengths with themselves as the medical subjects.
The two films are a little different in their style. The first is more of a horror film, and Franka is being chased down by people who want to kill her because she knows too much. The second is a little freakish because the self-inflicted medical experiments give the subjects superhuman strength. Since you know what's going on, it's not really horror so much as a thriller. Franka Potente also plays an extremely small role in the sequel, although her father from the movie Lola Rennt plays the part of villain.
I will say that Anatomie is a decent horror film, because it's not just your typical slasher movie. But there's some pretty gross stuff shown on screen, which is not unexpected based on the title. Anatomie 2 doesn't show so much gross stuff, but there are still a lot of medical scalpels being used.
Posted by josuah at 12:53 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
October 2, 2005
Million Dollar Baby
Million Dollar Baby won some awards or something, but it really didn't appeal to me when I first learned of it. I haven't been a big fan of Clint Eastwood movies, and I can't recall any fighting movies that are any good. Even The Karate Kid isn't so great, although it can be fun. But Million Dollar Baby had a lot of heart, and a lot of focus on the character development of Frankie and Maggie.
The fighting itself wasn't as important as much as what the fighting represented. That being Maggie's will to always go for it, despite all the obstacles put in front of her. I found myself very attached to Maggie's character, and it is unfortunate that things end the way they did. But life isn't always full of happy endings. Just decisions that make the best of the choices and opportunities available.
Posted by josuah at 6:00 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Oldboy is a freaky but intense thriller from Korea that had me glued to my seat. The protagonist of the story is someone who looks very familiar to me, but I'm not sure where else I've seen him. His story begins, trapped for fifteen years by a mysterious captor. For some strange reason he is released, and so begins his journey to exact vengeance on his captor, and to learn what has led to his misfortune. What he discovers is almost unbelievable, but extremely satisfying and mind-bending for the audience.
Posted by josuah at 3:06 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Empire of the Sun
I've seen Empire of the Sun before, but never in its entirety. The scene that I've always remembered very much was when the Japanese pilots are preparing for their kamikaze run and they perform a ceremony before taking off. It's extremely emotional to watch that. I also didn't know that the star of the movie is Christian Bale when he was much younger. He's one of my favorite actors right now. I like the movie, but it can be kind of boring at times. Still, overall a good movie.
Posted by josuah at 12:40 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 30, 2005
Lilja 4-ever
I watched Lilja 4-ever because I've been going on a foreign film spree lately and the description was very intriguing. The movie was not what I was expecting though. It's a very dramatic film, very well executed from the perspective and emotional viewpoint of the 16-years-old protagonist, Lilja. It's also a very disgusting film because of its subject matter. And pretty depressing as a result. I don't want to reveal what the film is really about, because not knowing helps the film impress itself upon you as things are revealed. Still, this is a powerful film with excellent acting that will let you glimpse into something you probably did not want to know about.
Posted by josuah at 4:52 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 29, 2005
American Splendor
American Splendor is a comic book I've looked at, but never wanted to pick up. The artwork wasn't very appealing to me and the stories weren't that interesting to me. But I did just watch the movie based on the comics. It's kind of a strange movie, based around life of the author, Harvey Pekar. Harvey is closely involved in the movie, but his character, and the characters of those in his life, are acted out by professional actors. It seems almost mocking. While the movie was interesting, I didn't think it was great. Mostly, it confirms my impression of the comics.
Posted by josuah at 6:45 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 27, 2005
Agile Software Development with Scrum
My team at Netflix uses a development process that would smack of rebellion at some corporations. The process is called Scrum and I just finished reading the introductory book one of my teammates gave me when I got here: Agile Software Development with Scrum.
I found there is a lot about the Scrum process that I can identify with, and I think that makes it very easy for me to believe that Scrum is an excellent approach towards software development. I do think anyone who is concerned with or has a professional interest in software development processes should look into Scrum. There are several books available on the subject. The challenge is to get management acceptance of this process, as it will get rid of unnecessary people, and many corporations are top-heavy.
Posted by josuah at 7:47 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
A few days ago I watched the 1956 movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Today, I watched the 1978 remake. I have to admit I liked the original version better, despite the campy B-movie flavor. Probably in some ways the B-movie flavor makes the film more enjoyable. It probably didn't help that there were so many dark scenes which my LCD projector just doesn't handle so well. Really makes a case for getting a CRT projector.
Posted by josuah at 6:25 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 26, 2005
So I did a search of my entries and it doesn't appear that I have any entry about Gloomcookie, the other series by Serena Valentino. I will say that Gloomcookie is much better than Nightmares & Fairytales, unless you like lighter fare. The story and world of Gloomcookie is excellent in my opinion, and the pacing of the prose reads like poetry. I've read the first three trade paperback volumes, and am looking forward to the fourth volume which will be released on Halloween, of course.
Posted by josuah at 3:45 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Capturing the Friedmans
I had never heard about this story, but I am sure it must have been big news when I was a child. Capturing the Friedmans is a documentary that came out in the last few years about a child molestation case during the late 1980's against a father, Arnold, and son, Jesse, from a middle-class Jewish family living in Long Island. I think that this documentary has an even greater impact on someone who has never heard of the case, and so can enter it without any prejudices. But what I'm not sure of, is whether or not you can actually come away from this with any sort of real answers.
This documentary is probably the only one I've seen that doesn't have any sort of real conclusion. In the end, I don't have any idea of what is true, what was false, and what is just convenient interpretation. At times, it seems like a defensive work, while at other times, it feels like things have completely changed direction. It is also contains a great deal of candid video and audio detail taken by David Friedman over the course of the ordeal.
I think the only thing you can take from this documentary is that the entire Friedmans family really is just as normal, and more honest with themselves and others, than any other family. It is truly hard to paint any of them as monsters or indecent or mean or bad, despite the overwhelming indications towards "sexually deviant" acts by the father at some point in his life. Part of the reason it is hard to view Arnold or Jesse as bad people is because of all the candid material and the extremely conflicting views presented by people whose true knowledge of events is questionable. You can't really believe that anyone is telling the truth, including the lawyers, police, victimized children, or the Friedmans.
Posted by josuah at 1:22 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 25, 2005
Nightmares & Fairy Tales Vol. 2
A while back I finished reading the second volume of Nightmares & Fairytales. This volume is more of the same found in the first volume, of a darker take on common fairy-tales. I didn't enjoy this one as much as the first volume, but it is still pretty good. And I do like Fsc's artwork.
Posted by josuah at 9:14 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Super Size Me
Super Size Me is a documentary about one pretty healthy guy deciding to find out what would happen to his body if he ate McDonald's, and only McDonald's, for thirty days. Three meals a day, and the only thing he can eat must be something he can purchase from McDonald's. This is a very popular documentary because it is a human experiment that produces dramatic results. The short summary is that the subject, Morgan Spurlock, quickly enters an unhealthy state, and just as quickly a life-threatening state.
There are several great things about this documentary. The first is the subject: fast food and America's growing obesity problem. This is something that became very hot in the last few years, and resulted in a lawsuit against McDonald's for supposedly producing extremely unhealthy food, marketed to the public and young children with a tendency towards unhealthy consumption.
The second is that this is a real human experiment. This isn't a bunch of people talking about scientific research or theorizing about cause and effect. Morgan tries it out for himself, and keeps track of what's happening to his body by bringing doctors and nutritionists into play. Of course, a lot of content is provided by "experts" and other important people involved in this scene, as any documentary has.
But probably the greatest part of the documentary is that it isn't boring. It is completely non-boring at all times. It's funny, wacky, entertaining, informative, engaging, and all of this at the same time throughout the film. This is partly due to great editing and post-production, but also due to the comedic view Morgan has about this whole topic.
Posted by josuah at 11:15 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 23, 2005
Daughter from Danang
I watched Daughter From Danang, a documentary about the reunion between a Vietnamese mother and her daughter, Hiep, she gave up for adoption in the United States at the age of seven. This is a pretty good documentary for a person to watch once, although I think people will find it somewhat boring unless they have a personal connection with the Vietnam War or with something like adoption.
I found it interesting to watch this after seeing Full Metal Jacket because it portrays the war there much more realistically from a different viewpoint. I also found it interesting to discover just how willing the U.S. government and social workers were to take children away from their mothers, and then pass them onto the American people as orphans. I can understand the ethnocentric view that leaving to live in America can lead to a much richer life. And that is true to a very large extent. But that doesn't make it something those people should be proud of or willing to do so easily.
That is, unfortunately, the main gist of the documentary. Both Hiep and her mother believed that blood-ties are what makes a family. They met with expectations and assumptions based on memories twenty-two years old. And their reunion was originally quite happy, although you can tell very easily that Hiep does not have as strong a connection. Both of them were looking for their own reflection of reality. But blood has nothing to do with family, and that is what both of them discovered. Neither of them feels very good about coming to that realization, but they also cannot change who they are.
It doesn't help that these are two people who live in completely different cultures, with I would say no exposure to other cultures of any type. Each of them is accustomed to their own lifestyle, living environment, social norms, and personal beliefs. Hiep cannot accept or begin to comprehend the difference for her own part. She clearly does not belong there, and cannot cope with the different world. Her mother realizes what is happening but it is very difficult for her to accept this; in this way, she is wise to say her daughter is naive.
Once Hiep goes back to the U.S., she goes back into her comfort-zone and does what comes easiest. She really isn't Hiep anymore. Hiedi is her real name.
Posted by josuah at 6:07 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 22, 2005
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
The 1956 Invasion of the Body Snatchers was a B-movie filmed in three weeks. And while the acting is not great (Kevin McCarthy does a decent job of going crazy), it's a good film because of the plot. The music is very much B-movie music, but that just enhances the mood and genre. I do wish the DVD widescreen had been real widescreen, and not 4:3 letterbox.
If you do watch the DVD, don't bother to watch the interview with Kevin McCarthy. The interviewer is an idiot. If you do want to watch it, fast-forward whenever the interviewer is talking and just listen to what Kevin says. It's pretty short and full of fluff anyway.
Posted by josuah at 6:53 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 21, 2005
Full Metal Jacket
I watched Full Metal Jacket tonight, the movie by Stanley Kubrick about becoming a soldier and the Vietnam War. It's has a very strong anti-war message, which is of course not unexpected coming from Kubrick. But it also has a very strong tongue-in-cheek criticism of military indoctrination and how things were thought of during that time period. It's a very good film and everyone should see it at least once. Unlike other war films that try to have a lot of depth and meaning, Full Metal Jacket achieves that without becoming too emotional or boring.
Posted by josuah at 4:04 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 20, 2005
One of the free DVDs at the Netflix office was 11:14. It was a screener disc, but apparently this movie came out in 2003. There are some comparisons to Memento, but that's not really a good comparison. What the movie is, is an approximately 30-minute window around the time of 11:14 told from the varying perspectives of the people involved. As the story unravels, you begin to see how all of the people are connected and seemingly unrelated events are all part of a larger whole.
This isn't an amazing movie, but it's a pretty wacky comedy. Just about all of the characters are complete idiots, and get what's coming to them. So you can't feel bad for them so much as be amused by the craziness that's happening in a single night. I think it's a good film to watch if you're looking for something slightly off-the-wall and entertaining. I wonder if the time choice, 11:14, is in homage to Chris Carter.
Posted by josuah at 11:52 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Cake Dance
SamBakZa.net has released a follow-up to There She Is, the sequel is named Cake Dance. Check out the site. This one isn't as catchy as the first, but still fun.
Posted by josuah at 6:40 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 18, 2005
Piedras Verdes
Piedras Verdes is a Mexican film about an 18-year-old girl who has a fight with her adopted mother and runs away. She ends up entering the life and world of a drug dealer (although that is glossed over) and when that goes sour, she starts trying to find her biological father. I had some expectations for this film based on the award nominations on the back of the promotional sleeve, but I'm afraid it was a disappointment.
The protagonist, played by Vanessa Bauche, starts out as a brat, goes through the whole movie as a brat, and ends up as a brat. The acting performances aren't that great, and there is no character growth at all. A lot of the plot doesn't make any sense either. This is partially because it's supposed to be more artsy and contain dream-like connections that don't make sense. But it doesn't work because everything else is so grounded. I had no idea how things were happening, why they were happening, and there were many pointless video sequences.
The copy I have is also a promotional screener made available to Netflix employees by Lions Gate Films. I guess they don't really care so much about the quality of the screeners. It was 4:3 letterbox, instead of widescreen. The picture quality was not that great, with extremely visible artifacts at times. The film transfer wasn't done right either, as a projection burn clearly showed up. The movie also switched to black and white with a copyright statement on top, to prevent copying. That's understandable, but also annoying.
Posted by josuah at 11:02 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Heather Nova - Oyster
Heather Nova is an artist I've been wanting to pick up for a long time. I finally got around to purchasing one of her earlier albums, Oyster. I'm not particularly aware of when I first learned about Heather Nova, but I've also liked her on ATB's album Two Worlds.
The amazing thing about Oyster is that not only does Heather have amazing song-writing and vocal skills, which come through great on this album, but that there is so much rich music accompaniment. Heather has a very ethereal voice, which becomes even more awe-inspiring when she reaches for the high notes. The music is hard rock at times, almost bordering on metal, but also sometimes more ambient in its style. Unlike many other albums, the instrumentals here are a direct reflection on the contrasting moods and emotions that show up within a single song.
The production on this album was also very good. Although it's obvious it was mixed a little hot, there are a lot of subtle nuances going on which can be very hard to miss completely. I think with a better processor and better speakers, more of that would come out. I really liked being able to localize minute background audio, and being able to hear the moist break in her lips when she opened her mouth.
Posted by josuah at 7:21 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Dr. Strangelove
I'd been told that Dr. Strangelove was a really good, funny movie. But I didn't laugh once while watching it. There are some scenes that juxtapose and criticize the military and nuclear armament. And I think those are interesting and courageous themes to present. Especially during the 1960's. But past the political commentary, I didn't find much in the film to capture my interest.
Posted by josuah at 3:00 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 17, 2005
To Sir, With Love
A few people came over tonight to watch To Sir, With Love. Alla and George showed up pretty late; Jeannie showed up on time but had to take a break to drive Leslie to the airport. It took her longer than she had thought to come back because there was traffic at SJO. Scott showed up around 10pm and Ellen cancelled. We had Chinese food from Golden House Chinese.
We talked a little bit about how things are going at IBM. Apparently Scott ended up in charge of my code after leaving, although Kavita had been the person I transitioned it to. And there were a few defects like NullPointerExceptions and a class cast exception. At least nothing major unless he didn't want to tell me my code sucks.
The movie started off kind of slow, and sort of boring. But it got better about half-way through once Sidney Poitier figured out how to react to the students. Then things got interesting, and followed a course similar to Dangerous Minds, a more recent film built around the same theme.
Alla fell asleep during the movie. Which doesn't surprise me since I'm sure she found it pretty boring and was a little tired. Scott kept making fun of Jeannie during the movie. Afterwards, Scott told us some stories about funny but stupid/cruel things he's done in the past. You'll have to ask him about that.
Posted by josuah at 8:14 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (1) | TrackBack
September 16, 2005
Nintendo Revolution Controller
Looks like Nintendo has given a sneak preview of the new Revolution controller which is pretty interesting. Check out the review, but the short is that it looks like a remote control (with the ability to finally remotely power your console on and off) with less buttons but it is motion aware.
Posted by josuah at 4:35 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Mean Girls
I watched Mean Girls and it was decent. It's sort of the typical type of movie for its genre, so I'm a little surprised parents thought it was so shocking. It had some pretty funny parts in it though, which isn't surprising since it was produced by Lorne Michaels and correspondingly featured many cast members from SNL. Nothing out of the ordinary in this movie, but worth watching.
Posted by josuah at 4:19 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 15, 2005
Chungking Express
I just watched Chungking Express. It was pretty good, but I liked the second story much better than the first. The first story was kind of weird without any real closure. And it moved a little slowly. But the second story, starring Tony Leung and Faye Wong (yes, the singer) was really interesting and funny because of how silly and carefree Faye was living in her own little world.
The disconnect between the two stories was clean at first, but then started to blur. And I started wondering if I the two stories were actually supposed to be the same person. It could have been, with that person a few years later. But didn't really seem to be. I know now that the two stories were supposed to be similar but not the same people or with any chronological sequence.
Posted by josuah at 5:21 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 12, 2005
Abre Los Ojos
Yesterday I watched Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes) which was the film later remade as Vanilla Sky. And now I can see why there was so much controversy over the production of Vanilla Sky. It was almost an exact duplicate. The only thing that changed were the actors and the locale. So then, what is the point to remaking it with Tom Cruise, instead of simply publicizing the original? Regardless, they're both good films, but since they're basically the same film, you couldn't say one is good and the other isn't.
The original, Abre Los Ojos, does have more heart to it though. It feels more like César has actually lost something of his soul, rather than David who just feels like he is losing his mind. If I had to choose which to watch between the two, I would recommend Abre Los Ojos if subtitles and listening to Spanish dialogue isn't an issue for you. Otherwise, that may distract from your ability to pay attention to what is going on. In which case, Vanilla Sky is a better choice for you.
Vanilla Sky was better produced, and does feel more realistic, in some sense. But I think the acting by Eduardo Noriega is slightly better, and Abre Los Ojos has more emotional depth.
Posted by josuah at 5:27 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 9, 2005
I must have decided not to write an entry for Hero the first time I saw it. I originally purchased a legitimate import. But it was a piece of crap. Single-layer, horrible compression, and the producers decided to display their logo in the corner every few minutes. I have no idea how a company can remain profitable with some bad quality products. Anyway, watching a U.S. distribution of Hero was very nice. With higher quality production, this movie can really show its stuff.
There are many aspects of Hero that are simply very good. The story is excellent, although I have no idea if it is actually based on historical records or a fabrication based around the time period. The extras indicate that the story took two years to put together. The precision and depth does show. The music is also very good, and I think this is one of the few films that I think have an amazing score. And it includes performances by Kodo, a personal favorite, and Itzhak Perlman.
Of course, the actors themselves are also very good. And a great cast was put together to portray the characters. I've become a fan of Zhang Ziyi because of how well she can portray emotions and lose herself to the character. I already own Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and House of Flying Daggers. I plan to pick up 2046 soon.
Probably the thing for which this movie will be most remembered by people are visual sequences. An enormous amount of detail was put into creating amazing visuals for every single shot of the film. The mood is carried through the color and music, and there is a distinctive tone portrayed in every shot. If you bother to watch the behind the scenes extra, you'll discover just how far they went to achieve this.
Posted by josuah at 5:28 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 7, 2005
Sex and Lucia
I watched Sex and Lucia last night. It was a lot better than I expected, and also not what I was expecting at all. The portrayal of sex and love is raw and uninhibited. In some ways, because of that, it is more pure and innocent than what you will find in other films. This is not a movie that confuses the romance of love with the truths of love. It is filled with lust, love, torture, betrayal, trust, and loss.
I found the film to be totally engrossing. Like the story Lorenzo is writing, it grabs you, and won't let go. These are people who you will come to care for, because of their flaws and their strengths. There are thin threads that bind the characters together. Threads built on chance encounters and shared secrets and sex. They are built on intimacy. And these threads are extremely strong.
What I think I found most compelling was that throughout the film, you will come to understand each of the characters. Understand what is driving them, and what they are searching for. And that it will always feel right. There is never a time when you will feel betrayed by their actions, feelings, or how they change. Instead, their essence is shared, and it is a honest one.
Posted by josuah at 9:04 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
September 5, 2005
Hanging Out With Jeannie
Today was a hanging-out-with-Jeannie day. We went to see The Skeleton Key and we both thought it would be one of those jumpy scary movies. But I'm kind of glad it wasn't because although it was kind of freaky scary in the beginning, it turned into a puzzle type of thriller later on and so didn't leave me feeling as scared afterwards. It's actually a pretty interesting movie because there's a lot of unique stuff going on that has to do with New Orleans and the history there. And it isn't too predictable. There is a plot twist or two which I doubt most people would be able to predict. Unfortunately, I think everything shot in this movie is now buried under water.
Afterwards, Jeannie found some running sneakers she needed to buy, at like the third or fourth store we looked at. She's pretty picky about her running shoes because she runs so much and is going to be in a relay race sometime in the next month or two. She doesn't like Nike sneakers and only likes Adidas. She was looking for a particular sneaker model, but instead found one that is similar.
Then we went up to a Greek Festival at a church way up near San Mateo. It was pretty cool just to sit around, people watch, talk about things, and eat some Greek food. The food was pretty good. I didn't get to try all the stuff I would have liked to. Too expensive. But it was kind of like a fund raiser for the church. I made a joke about the traditional folk dance they were doing. You'd have to ask Jeannie if you want to know what it was.
Posted by josuah at 4:30 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Black Angus + Airplane
Yesterday, I visited Shannon and Yvonne. Yvonne is trying to beat the classics reading record set by one of her classmates also named Shannon, and so is going to try and read 1000 pages a week. To do this, we tried to find classics that would be really big and also pretty cheap. The library closes at 5pm on Saturdays, so we went to Half Price Books and found a huge book of Lewis Carroll stories, and two of Ayn Rand's books: The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.
Afterwards, we went to Black Angus for dinner because they had a coupon. Shannon ended up eating way too much because she ate too much bread and potato stuff, and so I told her she had to eat some chicken and a shrimp before she could have dessert. But the chicken was a buffalo wing and so she kept drinking her iced tea at the tiniest taste of the spicy stuff. So she peeled off the skin, but it took her like ten minutes to do that. She wouldn't eat the prime rib because she thought it was yucky or something. I ordered mine medium rare which had more blood left in it than I thought it would.
Later, we watched Airplane, one of the movies I got Yvonne for her birthday. I hadn't seen it in a long time and it was really funny to watch again.
Posted by josuah at 4:25 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (1) | TrackBack
September 2, 2005
I watched the original Russian movie adaptation of Stanislaw Lem's novel Solaris. Solyaris follows the book very faithfully, and is filled with all of the thought goodies that the book throws around. Unfortunately, it's kind of a really boring movie because of how the director, Tarkovsky, made the film.
I actually ended up fast-forwarding through a good chunk of the movie. It's almost three hours long, and I think I shortened it by about half an hour with my fast forwarding. There are simply too many meaningless shots and sequences. The conversations can be interesting, but there is way too much time spent on just following someone walk around or even just looking at something when nothing is happening. Too boring.
Also, the background music, when there was some, could get quite grating on the ears. Totally dischordant at times when there wasn't any dischord going on in the film. The audio mixing wasn't so great either, with voice being way too loud sometimes, and other noises being too quiet in comparison.
As for the acting, only Hari, played by Natalya Bondarchuk, seemed to actually have any talent. And I did think she was pretty good. But the rest of the characters seemed to lack any depth of personality and emotion.
Posted by josuah at 6:42 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 31, 2005
Maria Full of Grace
Maria Full of Grace is an outstanding dramatic film. One that almost feels like a documentary for its unflinching and unapologetic attitude towards one woman's passage through an unbelievable situation that is unfortunately a reality. The film tells the fictional story of a woman who, unhappy with her current life, makes a set of choices that set her along a path that will either lead to utter demolition or the opportunity of a lifetime. Capturing that opportunity, however, requires her to make the active decision to discard all that she has. It is only her strength, and some luck, that allows her to survive.
I've wanted to watch this film for a while, and I'm glad I finally picked it up. I was expecting it to be an enjoyable film, but in fact I think it is one of the best I've ever seen. The situation is captivating. The plot feels as realistic as things can get. The characters are honest and full of depth. Catalina Sandino Moreno gives an excellent performance, and I would say the best I've ever seen for a debut.
Posted by josuah at 5:03 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 29, 2005
I watched Primer today. It is amazingly complex, full of depth and character, and captivating. While I think it is an excellent movie, it is so complex that I didn't really understand it watching the first time, and I'm still not sure I do even though I watched it right again a second time with the Director's Commentary turned on. You have to pay extremely close attention to who is involved, what is happening, little details, and also try to keep the timeline in your head.
Keeping the timeline in your head is the difficult part. Some might compare the theory to Memento, but while Memento was a sequential backwards unraveling, and the plot driven by the murder mystery, Primer does not move sequentially. Instead, it loops back and forth several times, with differing time lengths for the loops. And the plot is driven instead by how this affects the two best friends who are the central characters of the story.
I was impressed by the amount detail that went into the film, and the research into the technical background that was discussed. There are no loose ends, and I'm sure the creator had been obsessing over getting things perfect for a long time before shooting even began. Since this seems to have been his first film. In fact, a whole lot of the film was driven on sheer vision and passion.
Posted by josuah at 5:46 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 27, 2005
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
I just completed the missions of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex on the hard difficulty setting. Unfortunately, this game just isn't that great. Production I.G put a lot into the voices, dialogue, story, music, and graphics but very little into the gameplay. I suppose that's to be somewhat expected, as they are primarily an animation studio. Unfortunately, everything is great except the gameplay.
There is a very good stand-alone story going on in this game. However, it can be hard to follow it closely as there are large portions of actual gaming taking place between cut-scenes. Plus, it can be difficult to pay attention to the dialogue when you are trying to stay alive and take out some bad guys. But if you can keep up, there is a good story unfolding before you.
The graphics are not excellent, but about what you would expect. This game is almost a complete take-off of Oni, only not as fun and exciting to play. You cannot execute combat moves yourself. Instead, you will find yourself tapping a single button and having the game choose which moves to execute. Plus, unlike in Oni, it is basically impossible to take on multiple baddies in melee combat, as you cannot control who you are attacking and how. The artificial intelligence of the enemies is primitive. Shoot one of them, and the rest don't care. They have no strategic patterns or cooperation. They're all deaf and blind.
There are two particular mission segments which I think are simply horrible. The first is having to wall-jump several times up the side of a building to access a console. This is annoying. The second is even more annoying which is to outrun a pack of snipers. One-shot one-kill. I had to continue this segment more times than I can count, because it becomes trial and error as you figure out the right thing to do. A wrong move and you're shot and have to start over.
There are some redeeming qualities to the gameplay however. You can unlock additional features by completing the game on higher difficulties and by finding additional object interactions. The controls very quickly become second-nature, despite appearing at first to be cumbersome. Figuring out the correct course of action can be entertaining, as you are not always pushed one direction and one direction only. There are a fair number of weapons to choose from, although the use of those weapons is somewhat stilted; there is no agility possible, and you cannot perform actions when crouched or jumping. Adding the hacking feature was a nice touch since that is often used by Section 9. There is also support for multiplayer.
And I am still impressed by how well the non-gameplay aspects were executed. It really does play back as one of the television episodes. I'm not sure yet whether or not I will attempt to unlock more features. But I may do so, as some of the feature seem to be interesting in themselves. However, if you are looking for this type of game, I would recommend Oni over Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex.
Posted by josuah at 8:21 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 24, 2005
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
I finished Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes last night. Total gameplay time was about 12 hours, and I had only started it on Sunday. So didn't take me very long to complete it. It was lots of fun though, just not particularly long. I originally thought it was a combination of Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, but turns out it is simply an improved remake of Metal Gear Solid with some of the gameplay and graphics features from Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.
Twin Snakes is an excellent sneaking game, with a very good storyline. There is also the option to play it again on harder difficulty levels, and to try and collect as many dog tags as possible. But I think I would end up just getting frustrated, at having to ensure you are not seen by the enemy for the entire game.
One of the great things about this game is the very strong anti-nuclear-weapon, anti-war theme. This is especially powerful because of the real-life footage used during cutscenes, and the strong background in nuclear warfare of the Japanese people. This is supplemented by a theme that portrays the idea of genetic fate as something which should not be viewed as a constraint, which is similar to the view expressed in Gattaca. And there is also a very strong thread of self-discovery within the protagonist, Solid Snake, about figuring out what life is worth fighting for. This part is similar to Battle Royale.
Posted by josuah at 11:43 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 21, 2005
Final Fantasy X-2
I've finally completed Final Fantasy X-2. This is a very interesting and new type of Final Fantasy. The majority of this game is free-form and composed of small quests and mini-games. Completing the story does not require you to explore most of what is available. Because of this, I only completed the game with 78% of the quests, and there is a new option New Game Plus that allows you to play through a second time with the items and completion percentage you finished the game with. So as to allow you to aim for 100%.
Unfortunately, because of the side quest and mini-game nature, the central story line can sometimes feel disconnected. That's not to say that is a bad thing, but it does mean you may often put the central story line on hold for several hours as you are exploring. People who complain about Final Fantasy games being too linear may welcome this change. I found it a nice approach, but one which I would not want most Final Fantasy games to use.
The combat system is also new. The technology has improved so that action is even more real-time, with multiple players executing their turns simultaneously. The character switching from Final Fantasy X has a slightly different twist now, with Yuna, Rikku, or Paine being able to change their job during combat in the style of magical-girl anime. I found this pretty interesting, and wouldn't be unhappy to see it carried into future Final Fantasy games. Although I doubt that will be the case, as Square Enix will continue to try and improve on the combat system.
Posted by josuah at 6:59 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 20, 2005
IBM Farewell Movie Night
I had a farewell movie night yesterday, in recognition of me leaving IBM to join Netflix. Quite a few people showed up, including Jean, who hasn't shown up for anything in a very long time. It was the first time that Cindy, Chris, Stef, and Jeannie had been to my place too. Most of the time was spent making fun of people.
The movie we watched was the 1967 Wait Until Dark, starring Audrey Hepburn. Alan Arkin played the bad guy, and although the voice is the same, he looked very different back then. I thought it was a pretty good movie, although some of the "younger" crowd thought it was really corny at times. Mostly because of the gender-specific roles that were portrayed, consistent with a 1967 movie. There was one point where a bunch of people screamed because of a scary shock.
There was also a ton of food. People brought too much food. Or not enough people ate enough food. I've got a lot of leftovers, but at least some people took food home. I have enough food to last me a while.
Posted by josuah at 6:46 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 19, 2005
Sin City
I just watched the movie adaptation of Frank Miller's Sin City. It was quite impressive and an amazing technical achievement in how well it achieved the original look of the graphic novels. Not only is the film noir look taken to a new level, but the plot is both excellent (from the stories) and the execution so closely follows Frank Miller's vision. The detailed and stylistic world of the graphic novels is rendered beautifully. This is a film worth watching more than once.
I was surprised, after watching the film, to recall critics claiming the film is derogatory towards women. Unlike many older film noir productions, women are not portrayed as weak. There is still the classic scenario of the man saving the woman, but in Sin City, women are incredibly strong characters. In fact, I would argue that in Sin City, the clear approach is for both men and women to have embraced and strengthened those aspects that differentiate between the sexes.
Posted by josuah at 3:53 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 11, 2005
ATB - Dedicated
ATB's album, Dedicated is a pretty good effort. In some ways it is another issue of Movin' Melodies, but there is new material on there that makes it worth a look. I don't think it is as inspirational as his two disc album, Two Worlds, which has some amazing tracks on it. I do probably need to take another listen to this album when I can take more time to appreciate it. Regardless, ATB is still one of the best trance artists you'll find.
Posted by josuah at 5:14 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 8, 2005
Mark Farina - Air Farina
Mark Farina's AirFarina is his debut solo album. There is an underlying premise of an international flight, with tracks representing destinations, layovers, and other flight-related concepts and events. It's a pretty unique album. There are some flight-crew samples, and the tracks titled layover do feel like intermissions. I found listening to the album enjoyable, in part due to its eclectic sound. But it is not so strange as to require an acquired taste. I do think to appreciate it you need a full-range setup; my initial impressions on my computer speakers were not very good.
Posted by josuah at 5:23 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Cats & Dogs
A got a free full-screen copy of Cats and Dogs about a week ago. Watched it yesterday. It was an okay movie. Not particularly funny but a little entertaining. I'm sure younger audiences would like it a lot more.
Posted by josuah at 5:16 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 6, 2005
4 Strings - Turn It Around
The new 4 Strings album, Turn It Around is a great followup to their debut album, Believe. The majority of the album is more experimental, but the music and lyrics show growth. Near the end, a track called Back to Basics announces a switch in the musical approach, and this is obvious as the last few tracks are a return to the traditional approach of building a track by gradually layering sequences. Quite enjoyable and a great sophomore album for 4 Strings.
Interestingly, visiting the 4 Strings web site, a large number of comments have been left indicating that their iconic representative and singer, Vanessa van Hemert, will no longer be teaming up 4 Strings. That's a bit of a disappointment, as her voice is one of the defining factors in the 4 Strings sound. While I don't doubt Jan de Vos and Carlo Resoort can succeed without her supporting vocals, I do think their music will be changing a great deal as a result.
Posted by josuah at 3:48 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Das Boot
I watched the superbit version of Das Boot: The Director's Cut. I am not surprised, after watching it, that this movie is regarded so highly. The intense visceral drama and action is very raw and striking in the lack of apparent liberties taken by the director Wolfgang Peterson. In many ways it seems like a documentary, rather than an action or drama film. A very good film, although I think it would be hard to watch the 3.5 hour movie multiple times.
I believe that superbit actually improved the dynamic range of the audio by an order of magnitude, although I would have to have viewed the non-superbit version to say for sure. I do know that the dynamic range seemed much greater in this film than any other I have ever watched. Quiet whispers can switch very quickly to the roar of the ocean or depth-charge explosions. I have a feeling that this film would push any home theater system to its limits in terms of audio. I think this disc would be a good choice for discerning improvements in better speakers or equipment.
The picture was also excellent, for a film being pulled onto DVD from a film over twenty years old. The film grain was very visible, but the typical encoding artifacts were not. If anything, what was apparent was the less-than-perfect capabilities of film. I wish I had better contrast and black level, but you can't do much about that without spending much more on a projector.
Posted by josuah at 3:24 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 1, 2005
A Series of Unfortunate Events
I watched Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events yesterday with Szu-Huey. I had wanted to see it for a while, and was planning to buy it too, but after watching it I'm not so sure I want to buy it as much.
It's a fanciful story, but very formulaic. That's fine for younger audiences, but somewhat annoying to me. The costumes, sound, special effects, and characters were all great. No expense was spared there. It's just that the plot wasn't executed all that well, in my opinion.
Posted by josuah at 5:56 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 31, 2005
Last night I watched 2LDK, a relatively short Japanese film that was produced as part of a gentleman's bet between two Japanese directors. The basic premise of the film is how things can get out of control between two rival women vying for the same role in a new film. Both women have somewhat unstable personalities and personal demons, but of types that are no doubt very common. Little differences, accidents, and misunderstandings grow into jealousy, spite, hate, and then rage.
At the start of the film, I felt compelled to root for one of the two women. I think most audience members would do the same. But which woman you want to succeed probably has a great deal to do with your own personality. Later, once all of their demons are unleashed, it becomes much harder to side with any one of the two.
It is an extremely intense and captivating picture. I also ended up watching all of the special features because I thought it was so good. I do wish I could pick up the Japanese version, or at least a version that allows the Japanese subtitles to be turned off. Plus, I could tell that the English translation had been done to capture the sentiment of the dialogue, but with an inaccurate translation. Many times my translation of the Japanese words did not match those of the subtitles.
Posted by josuah at 7:35 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I just watched Collateral. I wasn't expecting it to be any special, but turns out that it is a very well made movie. There is an extreme amount of depth to the characters played by Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx. And that is the true focus of the film. The rest of the film's content is just the staging ground within which the two of them expose and struggle with themselves.
I also very much enjoyed the environment presented. The hard-toned soundtrack and the real backdrop of L.A. kept things moving and immersive. I was a little surprised to discover Paul Oakenfold's "Ready, Steady, Go" remixed with Korean vocals. I think this is a movie worth watching again.
Posted by josuah at 2:28 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
I watched Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow last night. It was a really good stylized science-fiction movie. It is exactly the sort of Buck Rogers that someone in my generation remembers never watching. In other words, it is a movie that is exactly how I have grown up to imagine those sorts of movies to be. Pretty entertaining, and I was very surprised by the amount of infrasonic data included. This is a good movie for exercising your subwoofers.
Posted by josuah at 2:14 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 27, 2005
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
I received the final installment of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex yesterday, and popped it in to watch the end of the series. The last disc contains three episodes that together conclude the laughing man case, with some pretty unexpected plot twists. It's an excellent series, well produced with great quality all around. I purchased all of the limited edition volumes, so I've also got the soundtracks and extras which are nice.
A lot of the thought-provoking ideas that float around in Masamune Shirow's head are presented through the episodes, and the end revelation (common to many anime shows) is not contrived or forced on at the end. Instead it is the result of consistent build-up during the series. This is a welcome improvement over many other shows.
The production also included a lot of CG for backgrounds and certain sequences. Unfortunately, it is kind of easy to spot the difference. The CG is shaded with the same hand-drawn appearance, but the movements are much smoother and rotations are precise instead of containing the small inconsistencies of a hand-drawn artist. Plus, during fast motion sequences like cars, the lack of any forced blur does cause movement to jump around a bit.
Posted by josuah at 4:50 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Warcraft III - Frozen Throne
I finally completed the campaigns of Warcraft III: Frozen Throne. The undead campaign featuring Arthas and Sylvannas was very difficult on hard, and is what delayed my completion for so long. The bonus campaign, on the other hand, is an interesting grouping of hero subquests. Kind of enjoyable, but the lack of challenge did not make it as satisfying.
Posted by josuah at 4:38 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 26, 2005
I watched Face/Off last night. Just as good as I remember it, but I had forgotten about some of the gruesome stuff.
Posted by josuah at 6:45 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Yvonne's Birthday
Yvonne celebrated her birthday on Sunday. I got her two DVDs: Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Airplane. We visited her Dad's memorial (Shannon wanted me to come along) and then had dim sum for lunch. We went to New Park Mall to find presents for some of the people they are going to be visiting in Taiwan, and then went to Fry's when we couldn't find something good. I ended up buying the Lain Soundtrack by Chabo, Face/Off, and Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex.
We also ended up watching two sports movies. Yvonne really likes Shaolin Soccer, and has seen it a few times already. I thought half of it was kind of boring. She pointed out that it is a lot like Prince of Tennis but with soccer. Since so much of the stuff is crazy like fireball soccer balls.
Later we watched The Rookie, which both Yvonne and Shannon found boring. A lot of talking going on. I thought it was okay. Nothing special.
Posted by josuah at 6:41 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Saving Private Ryan
I picked up the 60th anniversary edition of Saving Private Ryan last week. It's the first time I've seen the move in its entirety. It is, as I'm sure everyone knows, a very good and honest movie, although I didn't think it was a gory as others led me to believe. Realistic, but the focus is not placed on the gore when those things are happening. Although it is almost three hours long, it moves well and quickly, never leaving me bored or waiting.
Posted by josuah at 6:25 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 22, 2005
The Aviator
I watched The Aviator last night. It's a pretty long movie, but while watching it, it didn't feel too long. The story, characters, and attention to detail made the film engrossing and intense. Leonardo DiCaprio's performance was very good, and felt very real.
Posted by josuah at 12:11 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 20, 2005
I, Robot
Last night I watched I, Robot, a film titled after and premised upon the novel by Isaac Asimov. While there are some similarities, and the three laws of robotics remain, the story itself has nothing to do with the novel. This is somewhat disappointing, but at least the majority of thought-provoking ideas are incorporated. And the film remains an excellent action movie, despite being way too full of cliches.
That was, unfortunately, a disappointing part of the movie. Whoever wrote the plot didn't come up with anything particularly original. I don't want to reveal any spoilers, but the premise of the movie is an old idea. A lot of the behavior and sequences are what you would find in a hundred other movies, of similar style.
Posted by josuah at 9:01 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 19, 2005
The Bourne Supremacy
I watched The Bourne Supremacy last night. It is a decent follow-up to the previous movie, but I thought that this movie was a lot more focused on action than on story and character development. That isn't to say that none of that exists, but I still feel the focus wasn't where it should have been. An entertaining movie with some great action sequences though.
Posted by josuah at 12:50 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The War of the Flowers
Last week I finished reading The War of the Flowers by Tad Williams. Unlike his other novels, this is not a multi-volume series. It is also much longer than his "shorter" novel Tailchaser's Song.
Despite the shortened length, Wiliams does not skimp on any of the details to try and fit the story into a single volume. It never feels rushed or incomplete. At first, I thought it was going to be a bit uninteresting because of the contemporary setting and sense of normalcy that the story begins with. But before long, this turned into another wonderful tale. And in fact the juxtaposition is necessary for the character development.
Some of the basics used in this story come from existing fairy tales. But the incorporation of those ideas is never done lazily. A great deal of thought is put into how the fairy tales can contribute towards and build the world that is being presented. It is not simply a conglomeration of previous ideas used to build a larger story. Rather, those previous ideas are used as a basis for expanding upon and developing a new world.
All in all, I was quite pleased with the book and I think it is an excellent example of Tad Williams' work.
Posted by josuah at 12:44 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 13, 2005
Be Cool
We were going to watch Pride and Prejudice today, but Blockbuster was out. So instead we picked up Be Cool, the sequel to Get Shorty. Alla, Sasha, and Paul came over to watch.
Be Cool was decent, but not great. Paul was very entertained by it, and I think Sasha enjoyed it as well. But Alla and I didn't think it was as great. It was interesting, and there were a number of entertaining moments, but I majority of the film simply lacked direction. Certainly each scene had purpose, and there was a great deal of attention paid to details. Sometimes you had to pay close attention to see a joke, which was not given center stage. But I can't say it is a movie I'd watch a second time.
Posted by josuah at 4:36 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 11, 2005
Random Weekend
Yesterday, I was woken up by my manager because there was a problem and they needed someone to investigate and come up with a fix. So I spent a few hours on Saturday working on that. Then I picked up Yvonne from her volunteer work and took her to Ohlone College to watch Vivian play tennis. Shannon and I had some Subway for dinner, but then Yvonne and Shannon got hungry again later. We went to McDonald's to get a happy meal, so Shannon could get a Neopets plushie, then ended up at Denny's for food.
We got back around 11pm. Mei-Ling had tried to call us earlier but my cell phone ran out of batteries. So she had not taken a house key with her, and Shannon locked the garage door. So she was stuck in the garage by herself without any way to get home until we got back from eating.
We ended up watching the first part of some sort of golfing movie, then we watched Johnny English which was very funny. A lot funnier than the previous Bean movie which wasn't good at all. After that, we watched some movie that had an English title translation of I Not Stupid. This is a comedy that is also a social satire about Singapore. There are some pretty funny parts, but also some really emotional parts. And the whole thing is filled with anecdotes and personalities that a lot of Chinese people can relate with. A good movie.
This afternoon (I woke up at 1pm) we all went up to some sort of regional park. In the Sunol area. Shannon and I splashed around in the creek, while Yvonne reverted into her annoy-others-to-retaliate and obnoxious mode for having been dragged out there. She kept carrying around her book even though if she had dropped it, it would have gotten ruined and then she'd have been mad at everyone else even though it would have been her fault. We tried finding a place called Little Yosemite but ended up going the wrong way twice. And then we drove back.
Posted by josuah at 1:28 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 10, 2005
Fluke - Puppy
I picked up a copy of Puppy by Fluke. Their previous album, Risotto, was one of the best electronic albums ever released. Puppy does not contain the same sort of music as Risotto, and while my initial impression is that Puppy is very good, I'm not sure it is as groundbreaking as Risotto was.
Puppy has some excellent new material, but I found that it reminded me more of a combination of artists like The Crystal Method, The Chemical Brothers, and of course Fluke themselves. I think Fluke decided to experiment with their presentation and style a bit more on Puppy. It comes off extremely well, but the fact it reminds me of other artists prevents me from declaring it as important as Risotto.
I haven't finished listening to the entire album yet, and the later tracks seem to have entered a much more downtempo area. So my above comment is not to say the entire album has the harsher edge reminiscent of The Crystal Method or The Chemical Brothers. In fact, I think the track I have stopped on is more like some Jan Johnson tracks from Paul Van Dyk.
Posted by josuah at 3:06 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 6, 2005
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
On Sunday I visited Shannon & Yvonne. I played some games outside with Shannon, and we also watched a couple of movies. I don't remember the name of the first movie; it was some strange Warner Brothers movie that had hired famous actors for the voices, but the story wasn't very good. The second movie we watched was O Brother, Where Art Thou?.
Apparently this movie is losely based on The Odyssey. It was a somewhat amusing movie, and a lot of strange things happen matching up with events in The Odyssey, to some degree. The acting was pretty good. And the story was interesting. But I'm not sure it's that great a movie. I don't think I'd bother watching it again.
Posted by josuah at 8:29 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 3, 2005
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
I watched Monty Python's The Meaning of Life last night. It wasn't as good as Monty Python and the Holy Grail, but it was still somewhat entertaining.
Posted by josuah at 8:01 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 2, 2005
Frou Frou - Details
I picked up Frou Frou's album Details yesterday. It's a great album, and I think Alan may have recommended it to me over a long time ago. Imogen (the singer) has a very distinctive and captivating voice. And it is great that these songs and her voice are so unique, that this does not sound like an album which will get lost in the others.
Posted by josuah at 9:35 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Chasm City
I finished reading Chasm City by Alastair Reynolds last night. As the book got nearer the end it became harder to put it down, so I probably sat reading for 2-3 hours. I found it very enjoyable, and there are some very interesting ideas proposed in it. It is also a great tie-in with his trilogy set in the same universe. Chasm City can easily stand on its own, but having read the trilogy I think you will have a greater appreciation for the worlds of Yellowstone and Sky's Edge.
One thing I found a little disconcerting is the approach he used to merge story-lines. This was a necessary and well executed storytelling approach, but having recently read Absolution Gap, this led to a vague sense of deja vu.
Posted by josuah at 9:24 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 1, 2005
Azumanga Daioh: The Animation
I watched the last episode of Azumanga Daioh last night. Reaching the end of the anime had the same effect on me as the manga, where I was sad that it had to end. It's like I had come to expect these characters to be here, alive, and I didn't want them to go away. But I suppose that is part of the point, as their high school ends and each of them is off to a different life.
Anyway, the anime was just as great as the manga, but different enough that there is good reason to watch the anime and read the manga. Lots of really funny stuff and just overall good fun. You'll get different jokes and events out of each, but they are very complimentary.
Posted by josuah at 9:00 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 28, 2005
Nightmares & Fairy Tales Vol. 1
Last night I finished reading Nightmares & Fairy Tales Vol. 1 by Serena Valentino. I really like her stories, and she always finds great artists to illustrate them. Nightmares & Fairy Tales is partially completely new content, and partially dark renditions of classic fairy tales like Snow White and Cinderella. The artist for this volume is an artist from Singapore named FSc (Foo Swee Chin). The Asian influence is quite obvious at times.
Posted by josuah at 3:26 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 26, 2005
I came over to Shannon + Yvonne's house yesterday around noon so we could use a $6.95 lunch coupon at Black Angus. It was very good and we all got stuffed. When we were there, Mei-Ling said that this was the celebration for Yvonne's junior high graduation. But we don't really believe her.
Afterwards, Mei-Ling went to Du Jin Ban while the rest of us went to Borders because I had some 30% off coupons. They were playing the original 1971 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory so we sat to watch it. I bought Nightmares and Fairytales Vol. 1 by Serena Valentino. Yvonne bought Prince of Tennis Vol. 7 and Shannon bought Naruto Vol. 4.
Then, back at their house, I saw that they had 99¢ coupons for movie rentals at Hollywood Video. So Shannon stayed home to play with Arthur and David outside while Yvonne and I went to rent movies. We ended up getting Ghostbusters, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and The Princess Bride. Shannon fell asleep during Ghostbusters since we watched it so late. And Yvonne is now obsessed with Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Since it was so late, I slept over. Now we are going to go pick up some of my relatives from Hsiuli's house.
Posted by josuah at 5:49 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 18, 2005
The Cat Returns
I just watched The Cat Returns, a movie from Studio Ghibli but not by the famed Miyazaki Hayao. It's an entertaining, but simple movie. Good for the family or for anyone who likes cats, but nothing special. It's also a bit short at only 75 minutes, but that's probably better for its target audience.
Posted by josuah at 4:23 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 17, 2005
I finished reading Chindi by Jack McDevitt last night. It is a page-turner, but I really can't say that I thought the novel was that great.
The majority of characters lacked depth, and the few that had more presence were superficial in their characterization. McDevitt also seems to lack a descriptive imagination; the only things described in any form were those things which are based off known reality. Anything new was often given a single word description, like horrible or terrific or unrecognizable.
Plus, the science behind the things didn't always make sense. For example, releasing mass during flight will not increase your forward velocity, unless the mass is pushed away in the other direction. Simply letting go of it does not do anything. And in a vacuum, with no fluid matter surrounding a ship, sticking your arm out of the window should not slam your arm backwards. Your arm does not lose momentum or skip out on the total acceleration. It is, after all, still attached to your body. And your body is still moving with the ship.
Simply put, I think the plot was captivating, but the characters and science mediocre.
Posted by josuah at 4:02 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 13, 2005
Porco Rosso
Szu-Huey came over this afternoon and we washed our cars. My car was pretty dirty because I hadn't washed it in a long time. Afterwards, we watched Porco Rosso. It was a pretty good movie about a man cursed to become a pig after World War I. There is some ambiguity about what meaning the movie might have, beyond the action and straightforward plot. In particular, Porco sometimes reverts back to his human form. There is also a particularly moving dream sequence, or flashback, depending on how you look at it, about the pilots that died in the War.
Posted by josuah at 4:11 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 7, 2005
What I Did for Love
I found this really good short story by a Vietnamese girl who wrote under the pen-name VAL. It's titled What I Did for Love, and is about a pair of alienated teens who through unfortunate circumstance find each other. There's also an interview with the author.
Posted by josuah at 2:50 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 4, 2005
House of Flying Daggers
Movie night was House of Flying Daggers. Szu-Huey, Rodney, and Zhao attended, plus three new IBM interns: Tracy, Tiffany, and David. The three of them had a coop dinner before hand, so they pretty much just showed up for the movie. I thought it was a very well done artistic movie, but unless you appreciate that aspect of the film, it can seem like there are things that don't make sense or are silly. But I do have to agree that dropping your weapon is a stupid thing to do, regardless of what is going on.
What may not be entirely obvious is that this is actually a love triangle movie, and not a martial arts action movie, or one with a particularly driving plot. The focus is instead of the differing aspects, beliefs, and emotional issues that come out of love. Especially when a person is asked to choose, but cannot because love, duty, and morality disagree or introduce uncertainty into one's decisions.
Posted by josuah at 7:25 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 2, 2005
I just watched the 2004 version of Appleseed and it is absolutely spectacular. The audio was immersive, perfectly mixed, and fully exploited. The visuals were distinctly Masamune Shirow, from the extremely detailed renderings to his distinctive drawing style. And since Masamune is a perfectionist, there were absolutely no corners cut during the production of this film.
The audio was across the board in 5.1 Dolby Digital and DTS (Japanese only). Extremely low frequencies for when the ground was supposed to be shaking, with aftershocks included. High frequencies were not cut, keeping those sounds realistic. The musical score and electronic soundtrack made the mood complemented the action without becoming the center of attention. Everything from shattered glass to grenade explosions to shuffling was accurately mixed in. And the mix was very precise about locating the source of sound, allowing me to pinpoint the speaker and really feel like things were happening all around me, exactly where they should be. Without sounding like they are from the speakers.
The English voice actors were excellent. No stuttered speech to match the mouth movements, as it would appear the animation was done with English in mind. I haven't watched with the Japanese audio track yet, but it's likely that they can match the English mouth movements easier, as English gives more play with the length and pacing.
The video had no stupid static scenes so the artists don't have to draw as much. People move. Eyes move. When you are looking at people, their bodies are not artificially rigid. Great pain was taken on realistic facial expression and character movement. There are a few instances where CG and artistry still weren't equal to a real person, but those were few. If you're willing to accept the visual style as without artifice, then the effort put into capturing human movement is exceptionally convincing.
And all of the depth and intellectual stimulation that Masamune puts into his works is still present. This is not just an action film, just as his manga work is not just pretty pictures. He has real vision and ideas about what the future could be like, both for the better and for the worse.
This film is so good I just ordered the Limited Edition version. I'll give this copy to my brother Dennis for his birthday.
Posted by josuah at 4:47 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 30, 2005
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
On Saturday, I saw Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith with Jeanne. I can understand why people think this one is the best out of the first three episodes, although I think each has its own merit. Episode III is easily the most emotional of all the Star Wars movies, because the conflict that destroys Anakin Skywalker and gives birth to Darth Vader comes to the forefront. The thing is, you cannot believe Anakin to be evil until the point he snaps, simply because he tries to do what he believes he must, and the deception, betrayal, and mistrust from within and without makes him lose his way.
Posted by josuah at 7:24 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 27, 2005
Final Fantasy X-2 Froze
I was playing Final Fantasy X-2 (about 40% of the way through now) and during combat the game froze. Music continued to play but no commands were going through and the picture froze. At least I saved shortly before that happened.
Posted by josuah at 6:40 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 22, 2005
Susie Suh
When I picked up the Kodo album, I also changed upon the debut album of Susie Suh. I took a listen and found her voice and songs amazing. She has the sultry voice of Fiona Apple but with a more acoustic sound. Her primary instrument is her voice, with a guitar accompaniment. The lyrics are soulful and sung from her heart.
My only question would be whether or not she can be successful with more of the same. I think the potential is there, but it's easy to get stuck when you are this kind of singer. Perhaps if she is careful to work just as hard on her second album as her first, it will happen.
Posted by josuah at 9:06 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Friday night I finished the epic graphic novel Bone by Jeff Smith. The collected series is a massive 1300 pages in a single volume, spanning thirteen years of work. This novel is, in my estimation, a hallmark work in the graphic novel genre, deserving to be alongside other works such as Maus and Blankets.
Bone is the story of three brothers from Boneville who find themselves run out of town and into the most fantastic adventure. The characterization is strong because of Jeff Smith's artistic skills and the effort he placed into the dialogue. The artwork is both simple to view but deep in its use of lines and contrast. Unfortunately, the single collected volume is in black and white and the color version would be much more enjoyable to read. I also found a wonderful dash of humor throughout the book, and did find myself laughing out loud, which is a rare thing for me.
I did have a very hard time putting down this book, which is a necessity given the length and weight of the volume. It's excellent and I highly recommend it.
Posted by josuah at 8:50 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 18, 2005
Absolution Gap
I finished reading Absolution Gap by Alastair Reynolds. This is the final chapter in his debut series, and just as excellent as his other books.
There is quite a bit of hard science in his novels, but there is a significant human aspect as well. Much more so than some other hard science authors. Which is something I appreciate. This last book was a little odd because of the jumps in time, but those jumps are important to how the characters of his world live. Plus, the two times are clearly separated and so the parallel story-lines are not confusing. The way in which the two bridge together is very satisfying and engaging.
Posted by josuah at 1:31 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 14, 2005
The Ring 2
Last night I went to see The Ring 2 with Alla, Georges, Jeanne, Ellen, Rita, and Hung. I normally don't like seeing scary movies but Jeanne persuaded me. But it turns out this sequel is not as freaky as the first one. The first one had a lot of psychological scariness, but in this one there really wasn't any of that. When you expected something bad to happen, either nothing did or it was too obvious. There also wasn't as much background development in this one as the first.
Before the movie, we ate dinner at Giorgio's Italian Food & Pizza. It was good food but a little pricey. We finished dinner with about an hour left before the movie started, so we went to Mervyn's and Alla bought socks and a swimsuit. I think Jeanne bought some earrings.
Posted by josuah at 8:53 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 7, 2005
I visited Karen Kapur today. We had some Thai food for dinner and then rented Closer after not being able to find a good independent film in local theaters. The film really only has four characters, played by Julia Roberts, Jude Law, Natalie Portman, and Clive Owen. I thought it was very good, though Karen just thought it was decent.
The film starts of relatively light and engaging, and then quickly becomes intense and engaging. The characters' love lives and emotions are presented in a very raw and honest fashion. On one hand it is hard to believe that people go through what the characters went through, but on the other hand it is entirely plausible and I am certain there are many people who can relate to their situation. While the plot and behavior is very clear, there is a lot of depth to these characters. And there is always more going on in each scene if you take the time to think about things carefully and thoroughly.
I think the greatest strength of the film is that at no time does it ever feel like a character is being anyone other than who they are. There are no attempts to do the right thing, or to be a good person. Instead, each person is simply making decisions and acting on those decisions however they are compelled to at the given moment. Some of the strongest but most difficult human emotions are portrayed this way: love, guilt, suspicion, dependence, cowardice, selfishness, spite.
The musical score was very well done. Perfectly moody and emotionally complementing throughout the film. It became an essential part of each scene, when music was present. At no time was it ever overwhelming.
Posted by josuah at 7:01 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 6, 2005
National Treasure
Everend and I watched National Treasure on Wednesday night. It was about what I expected. A decent movie, but nothing spectacular. The clues seemed a bit contrived, but it is easy for me to suspend my belief. Overall, I enjoyed the movie and its approach. It wasn't dumbed down, but there was hand-holding going on to make sure the audience could keep up.
Posted by josuah at 8:36 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Romeo + Juliet
Earlier this week I watched Romeo + Juliet, which is by the same person who later did Moulin Rouge. This film interpretation of the classic play is probably much closer to original bawdy and impassioned Shakespeare, than the sterile stage and film version that were common in recent history. And one of my favorite movies. I've watched it a few times and it is always great.
One thing that did surprise me this time is the gunshot of Juliet's suicide at the end actually made me jump. I don't know if it was the audio changes I've made, or the big screen, or both, but I guess I had really gotten pulled into the movie this time.
Posted by josuah at 8:12 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 1, 2005
Me Talk Pretty One Day
While I was in North Carolina on business, I read Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris. Karen Kapur gave it to me for my birthday. It's one of those bestselling books that critics label literary genius while the common folk just say it's great.
Karen and the person quoted on the back of the book said they were laughing on every page. While I was amused by the book, I wasn't laughing out loud. But then I do have a very specific sense of humor, and amusement for me is typically equivalent to hilarity for others. Each chapter is basically an inane presentation of what is probably an everyday sort of life. Sort of like how Seinfeld turned normal things into the ridiculous. Each chapter also tends to stand alone, meaning while there is a greater thread tying things together, you can view each chapter as its own little story.
The only part I found a little disconcerting was how the chapters did not always proceed through time in a sequential manner. Sometimes I would realize that what I was reading happened before what I read just earlier. Or that this chapter was happening a decade after the previous chapter. In that way, it might be easier to digest each chapter individually instead of sequentially.
Posted by josuah at 11:20 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (1) | TrackBack
April 19, 2005
Ripley's Game
Last night Szu-Huey and I watched Ripley's Game, the sequel to The Talented Mr. Ripley. The sequel has a very different pace and tone, however, and I am not sure that John Malkovich is the best representation of the Tom Ripley portrayed by Matt Damon in the first film. Certainly John Malkovich is a much more mellow Tom Ripley. The impersonation and plotting is not there so much though.
In the first movie, Tom Ripley is someone who has no real identity and so latches on to the identity of others. Matching their expectations of who he is supposed to be. Struggling with his own inadequacies and lack of identity. This characteristic of Tom Ripley is not present in the sequel. Perhaps rightly so, as the sequel takes place decades later after Tom has set himself up as his own person. But I think that makes this sequel lacking in intensity.
Perhaps the film would have fared better if the picture-framer Jonathan Trevanny had been the true main character. He is the one who struggles most during the film, but in a less exotic manner than Tom did in the first film.
I suppose it isn't surprising that the official movie web site was never updated with additional information.
Posted by josuah at 9:26 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
12 Monkeys
Szu-Huey and I watched 12 Monkeys on Sunday. It's an excellent movie because of how well it handles the concepts of time travel, "mental divergence", and the threat of biological weapons. All of this goes into an excellent dramatic science-fiction movie, with just the right amount of open-ended questions and a well-paced reveal of the situation.
Posted by josuah at 9:14 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 17, 2005
Resident Evil
Szu-Huey and I watched Resident Evil yesterday. This is the second time I've seen it, but for Szu-Huey, the first time she's seen in and in reverse order since she saw Resident Evil: Apocalypse first. Most video game movies turn out bad, but Resident Evil works out very well because the video game is very cinematic in nature to begin with and the action-horror genre can easily translate to the big screen. Especially when the context of the movie is intriguing in its own right: The Umbrella Corporation.
Posted by josuah at 6:17 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Supertoys Last All Summer Long...
I finished reading a compilation of Brian Aldiss short stories entitled Supertoys Last All Summer Long: and other stories of future time. The specific short story "Supertoys Last All Summer Long" was the inspiration for Stanley Kubrick's film adaptation A.I., which was later finished up by Steven Spielberg after Kubrick's death. Unfortunately though, I have to agree with Kubrick's comment that some of Aldiss' stort stories are very good, while others seem pointless.
Posted by josuah at 6:07 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 8, 2005
A Bug's Life
I watched A Bug's Life today. It's been a while since I actually did something since I was gone all last week and this week have so far been doing things with other people. I had forgotten how funny A Bug's Life is. It's really a great movie and it was fun watching it again.
One thing that I think is really interesting about Pixar movies is that you can see the technological changes over time. Going back to A Bug's Life after recently seeing The Incredibles shows you a lot about how things have changed. The great thing about Pixar is they don't focus on those changes. It's still all about the story, and that's why their movies are so wonderful.
Posted by josuah at 6:38 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 6, 2005
A few days ago, I finished reading Flatterland, by Ian Stewart. Flatterland is a "sequel" to the classic Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott. Flatterland deals with some much more complicated ideas from modern physics and expands the definition of dimensions out of the purely physical realm.
It is more confusing than Flatterland due to the subject material, but Stewart does a pretty good job of breaking things down to a readable level for the layman. It is pretty enjoyable, however I think I'll probably have to re-read some of it to get a better understanding on the topics Stewart is describing. Either that or find additional educational resources online.
Posted by josuah at 7:37 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 4, 2005
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Szu-Huey and I watched The Talented Mr. Ripley tonight. I first saw this in the theaters and really liked it. It is still very enjoyable because of how well Matt Damon is able to fill the role of Tom Ripley, a character that believes it is "better to be a fake somebody than a real nobody". That quote describes one of the themes to the film. I think part of this movie's appeal is that the protagonist is someone who you know is wrong, but you cannot ignore the similarities between you and him.
Posted by josuah at 6:44 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 27, 2005
FF X Complete
I finished Final Fantasy X Thursday night. I ended up not doing all of the side-quests that I knew about. These side quests didn't seem to do as much for character development as side-quests have done in earlier Final Fantasy games. It was a little rough going at the end, because it really helps to have a good strategy against some enemies. But finally got through to defeat the final boss and see the beautiful and touching final cinematography. I don't think the ending is as powerful as the one for Final Fantasy IX, however.
FF:X does introduce a new turn-based combat system which is probably the only turn-based system that does not feel slow or simplistic. Each character's agility statistic determines their initiative. And each character also has both an initial specific strength or skill that makes them valuable during combat, but you do not need to worry about having a semi-useless character in battle because you can switch characters in and out during combat.
Plus, the sphere-grid system for powering-up your character statistics and abilities encourages specific character development (e.g. focusing Lulu on magic and Auron on strength) while allowing you enough freedom to customize character development. A good example of this is putting Rikku on either Yuna or Lulu's track to develop her as a magic user. Or giving Wakka some of the status attacks off Auron's track.
The game does suffer from linearity. As with other Final Fantasy games, you are given choice of where to go after getting the airship. However, you get control over the airship late in the game, and can only land at specific points in the world. That being said, there are side-quests to complete once you have that freedom, and some of them are interesting.
Posted by josuah at 3:12 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 21, 2005
Vanilla Sky
I watched Vanilla Sky this past Thursday. It's a movie I've wanted to see for a long time, although I was sort of planning to watch Abre los Ojos first. Vanilla Sky is a remake of Abre Los Ojos. It's a very interesting movie that requires you to really pay attention and think things through. The question is not new, but the presentation is extremely well executed. It is an excellent science fiction film.
The basic plot is of this playboy-type character who pretty much gets away with everything, except karma comes back to ruin it for him. The movie can be confusing, but that is because the audience is forced into the same sort of confusing situation as the protagonist. As things unfold, you are drawn deeper into the mystery of trying to figure out exactly what has happened. In the end, you can't be completely sure, because of what you've been through, and this is one of those movies I really like for making it more a reflection of the viewer than of the movie itself.
Posted by josuah at 5:15 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 15, 2005
I decided to watch Underworld again the other night. I would guess it's the 4th time I've watched it. It's not a super-polished movie, but I like the mythology behind the movie, the action, the character Selene, and the mood from the scenes and the immersive audio.
There is a messed-up audio mix at one point early in the movie when Craven is talking to Selene. Craven's voice is much too hollow, as if talking in a large open area instead of in the sound-absorbant study that the scene is taking place in. And when Craven tells Erika to leave the room, her reaction is too sudden and thus seems forced. I also hate the layer change delay on the disc that is due to my player's limitations.
But it is a very enjoyable movie, if a bit high on the SPL meter for the majority of the movie.
Posted by josuah at 5:53 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Fifth Element
Thursday of last week, I was going to have a movie night with Oscar's family including his 4-year-old child. We were going to watch Ice Age but Oscar had to cancel at the last minute. Since it was only Bryant and me at that point, Bryant picked The Fifth Element as he'd never seen it before. The Fifth Element is a movie I really do like. This was probably the 4th time I've seen it.
It is simply a very entertaining and well choreographed action science-fiction movie. Also one of the early movies starring Milla Jovovich, who is one of my favorite actresses. Her earlier movies were as a child or teenager. I've got a bunch of her movies now.
Posted by josuah at 5:47 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Blackhawk Down
I figure if I'm going to include new movies I watch, I might as well include old movies that I rewatch. About a week ago I watched Blackhawk Down. Probably the 3rd time I've watched it. It's an excellent movie not because of the plot or deep character development, but because of how well it can portray a single day of a horrible situation. The audio and video quality is excellent, and the movie really pulls you in.
Posted by josuah at 5:37 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 8, 2005
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Tonight's movie night was Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It's one of those artistic movies that won a lot of awards, but it is also a romantic comedy. It is a very good movie, although the premise is not entirely new. I wanted to buy it but it wasn't available in stores yet.
Posted by josuah at 5:35 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 5, 2005
Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water - The Motion Picture
I watched Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water - The Motion Picture last night. Unfortunately, it is pretty bad.
This 90 minute sequel to the television series takes place a couple of years after the original adventure and includes the original voice actors, but the entire movie is an amateur attempt.
The plot is simplistic, the new character designs lack depth, there is absolutely no character development, and the animation is unpolished. The first thirty minutes of the movie involve flashbacks of the television series, which is difficult considering the length of the original series. Then there is quite a bit of rushing around as an evil madman attempts to take over the world. The presented situation of Jéan, Nadia, and the other characters do not match up with what you would expect after the series.
My advice would be to ignore this installation of Nadia, as it only messes up what was great about the original series.
Posted by josuah at 9:13 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 4, 2005
Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water
I finished watching Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water last night. This is one of the best anime series I've come across, although when I first began watching it I began to believe its good reviews were based on a children's audience. But as the story progressed, it quickly became very engrossing and the length of the series allowed plot and character to fully develop.
The beginning of the series bore some resemblance to Pokémon, and in particular Team Rocket. There was also quite a bit of type-casting going on with the characters. But that changed as the character development progressed.
In fact, the character development in this story is extremely good. Personalities and history are revealed naturally and without obvious effort. Episodes do not focus on a single character in an artificial attempt to provide depth.
There are also several topics addressed in the series, but these are not approached in the childlike fashion of shows that are trying to convey a moral or make you believe in right and wrong, black and white. In fact, many of these topics are not clearly resolved, and instead the viewer must decide whether or not to further pursue them. This makes the series more approachable to younger viewers, while providing a lot of depth for mature viewers.
Posted by josuah at 4:53 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 3, 2005
Nanaca Crash
Sergio showed me this Flash game: Nanaca Crash. It's a fun game that is very simple, but there are actually a lot of things you can try to do to improve your score, including combos. So far, my maximum distance is about 11800m and my maximum height is about 440m.
Posted by josuah at 10:25 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Bunnykill 2
Bunnykill 2 is just a simple flash animation that is fun to watch. Warning: it's rated mature for excessive violence. As if you couldn't figure that out from the name itself.
Posted by josuah at 4:58 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Cat + Bunny Love
I found this really cool flash animation. I'm not sure what the title of the animation is, but I'll call it Cat + Bunny Love. Apparently it also goes by the name There She Is. Just check it out. Great music for a great animation with a wacky and cool short story. The music seems to be by a Korean group named Witches, off their album Broomstick. Unfortunately, I have no idea where you can purchase the album. Seems to be out of print.
Posted by josuah at 4:56 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 28, 2005
Terminator 2
Yesterday Szu-Huey and I watched Terminator 2. She liked the first one, so we watched the second one. It was great on the 92" screen. We will watch the third one next.
I did notice that the dark scenes had a blue emphasis. This is what I was told to expect at Secrets of Home Theater based on their review of the Hitachi PJTX100. It should be fixed with the color correcting filter that I have on order, assuming those dark scenes were not supposed to have the blue cast.
Posted by josuah at 12:02 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 23, 2005
GitS:SAC Soundtrack / Be Human
The first two limited edition DVD releases of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex included audio CDs of the OST and Be Human. I found both of these albums to be very good and I've enjoyed listening to them a few times now. Hopefully the second OST will be made available in one of the upcoming limited edition releases.
The GitS:SAC soundtrack was done by Yoko Kanno. Turns out she's done a whole lot of anime soundtracks, including The Vision of Escaflowne, which also has a good musical score, although one that involves a lot of repetition between episodes.
Posted by josuah at 2:33 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Spylab - This Utopia
I found Spylab - This Utopia on Overstock the same time I found Caia - The Magic Dragon. Also for only $1. This is a decent album, but I don't think there's anything particularly special about it. Perhaps I just need to listen to it again more closely.
Posted by josuah at 12:18 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 22, 2005
Caia - The Magic Dragon
I ordered Caia - The Magic Dragon off Overstock the other day. They had it for only $1. It's a pretty good album, with some interesting stuff on there. I wouldn't say it is amazing, but it adds some nice variety to my collection. The tracks are unique, and make for enjoyable listening. This album was actually on my wishlist for quite a while. I don't remember how I found out about it.
Posted by josuah at 11:49 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Terminator
Szu-Huey and I watched The Terminator yesterday. It looked really good on the big screen. However, the projector isn't mounted yet so there was very audible fan noise behind us during quiet parts in the movie. Plus, light is still reflecting off the top of my center channel, causing extra light on the screen and also serving as a distraction. Hopefully some of thes problems will be fixed once I have the projector mounted.
Posted by josuah at 11:42 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 17, 2005
The Handmaid's Tale
I just finished reading The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. I saw the movie a couple years ago with Alan which is what prompted me to want to read the book. The book is a satire of right-wing politics and women's suffrage.
The thing about The Handmaid's Tale is that it was written in 1939 when the role of woman in American culture was changing, and right before many of those changes were solidified by World War II.
I believe there are two criticisms present in this book. The first is the belittling attitude by men towards women. This attitude does in fact still persist today, although it has been greatly reduced. A person cannot covet that which she cannot know, and promoting the bliss of ignorance on the masses is a very powerful form of control.
The second criticism is that of a government that controls the masses through indoctrination, media, and a system of punishment, rewards, and release. There was a line in the book that read similar to how the smallest rewards become much more valuable when everything else is withheld. And furthering the indoctrination by twisting history and controlling the media ensures ignorance and uniform thought. Providing the occasional release of the pressure created by this environment helps keep rebellions down.
Unfortunately, this second criticism is exactly what is happening in the United States today. And it is working.
Posted by josuah at 1:58 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (2) | TrackBack
February 13, 2005
Pooh's Heffalump Movie
Szu-Huey is a big fan of Winnie the Pooh, and got some free tickets from Disney to see the new Pooh's Heffalump Movie. She liked it a lot. I thought it was a good Pooh movie but I didn't like it as much as her.
Posted by josuah at 4:32 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 12, 2005
G.I. Jane
Szu-Huey and I went to Blockbuster today and bought some new movies from them. But then I checked the prices online at DVD Price Search and the only one cheaper at Blockbuster as G.I. Jane. So I will return the rest of them tomorrow. We watched G.I. Jane tonight.
This is the second time I've seen G.I. Jane. It's a really good movie. Since it came out in 1997, the widescreen was done a little oddly. The widescreen is the correct aspect ratio, but centered in the screen. So there are large black bars both on the top and bottom, and also on the sides. A couple of other movies I own do the same thing. Makes the picture a lot smaller.
Posted by josuah at 5:51 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 8, 2005
Shadowmarch Vol. 1
I finished reading Shadowmarch Vol. 1 by Tad Williams last night. I first picked up his earlier Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn trilogy which is probably my favorite Fantasy book. I call it a book because it is really only one story, despite being three or four volumes. The same can be said for his Otherland collection, but I don't think Otherland was as good. So far, Shadowmarch is very good.
Shadowmarch actually has an interesting history, because Tad tried to make it successful as an online-serial-only before bringing it to print in 2004. It was very successful as far as online serials go, but not successful enough to warrant continued existence in an online form only. I could not get into it, unfortunately, because of two problems. First, the serial format meant I was limited in what I could read. I prefer to read several chapters at a time. Second, reading it on the computer screen is not as enjoyable. Pages are easier to navigate and I like to read either in bed or while listening to music. This would be possible with a high-resolution electronic book format, but not with a web page and full computer.
I actually would prefer reading novels in a form factor similar to that found on the Star Trek television shows, but technology and the publishing industry hasn't gotten there yet.
Posted by josuah at 6:11 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 4, 2005
Excel Saga
I finished watching Excel Saga a number of days ago but didn't get around to putting it into my blog because I've been so busy with work. I really liked this anime series because there is a lot of amusing stuff in there. It's parody taken to the extreme. It is different from the manga which I also want to get. Szu-Huey doesn't like Excel Saga though because Excel's voice is very irritating to her. Excel is supposed to be ultra-hyper and the way she talks is exactly that.
Posted by josuah at 4:58 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 29, 2005
Fahrenheit 9/11
I watched Fahrenheit 9/11 the other day. I was extremely interested in what was said, although of course Michael Moore has a personal opinion which the viewer should not forget. However, it is just as important to remember that his opinion and bias comes from what he has learned and the fact he believes in his country and is a patriot of the original sense.
Regardless, I think it is important for people to watch this documentary because this is an example of the sort of questions news magazines are reluctant to fully probe. Especially since the President and his administration are of international importance, but television news has a domestic focus. I've found that reading more international news sources has made it clear how little domestic mainstream news covers.
Perhaps the most telling epitaphs are those of the soldiers and soldiers' families condemning President Bush personally (and by implication those who facilitated recent military action) for what is happening to Afghanistan and Iraq.
Moore also highlights exactly how Orwellian the United States has become by interviewing groups and individuals who have been persecuted under the Patriot Act and expansion of the Department of Homeland Security. Those incidents have barely been covered by domestic news. It's easier for the masses to accept inhumane or unconstitutional treatment of foreigners that the administration wants us to fear, than to see it happening to your neighbor.
That also brings up something that I think is fundamentally wrong with our government. We base our institutional rights on the Constitution and Bill of Rights. But the government does not extend those rights to non-U.S. citizens. This goes directly against The Golden Rule, which was used to ensure human civilization, and is more important now than ever since breaking The Golden Rule can result in the death of millions.
Posted by josuah at 8:55 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 24, 2005
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
I saw The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou with Szu-Huey today. I found it amusing in its dry humor, inane content, and comedic approach. It is very similar to the comedy of Excel Saga, which I am almost done watching (Alla gave it to me for Christmas). I also really liked the soundtrack; it fits perfectly with the mood.
Posted by josuah at 7:05 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 22, 2005
Wrath of the Ninja: The Yotoden Movie
I watched Wrath of the Ninja: The Yotoden Movie yesterday. It is supposedly one of the staples of anime, but I thought it was only okay. Turns out this may be because the movie is an edited version of an OVA which I wasn't aware of. As a result, it seems like there is a lot missing from the plot, and some of the dialogue appears very cheesy. I also watched it dubbed, and I don't think the English voice actors were amazing. Perhaps I should get the OVA.
Posted by josuah at 6:04 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 20, 2005
24 - Season 3
Szu-Huey and I just finished watching season three of 24. Another excellent season of this show. Although I am now wondering what the terrorist threat will be for season four. They've done assassination, nuclear bomb, and now biological warfare. I'm not sure what is left, unless someone starts orbiting laser satellites. Anyway, I don't watch TV, so I won't find out until season four becomes available on DVD.
Posted by josuah at 7:06 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 19, 2005
His Master's Voice
I finished reading His Master's Voice by Stanislaw Lem. The back of the book describes the work as a "mordant satire on scientific microworlds and the monstrous political and military systems bankrolling them" (Northwestern University Press; 1999). However, I don't know if I agree with that analysis.
After reading the story, I really don't see much commentary on the political and military aspects of scientific research. The majority of the discussions seems centered around the inability of the human race to identify, appreciate, and exploit the mysteries of the universe, no matter how advanced science becomes. I think the main thrust of the story is a statement that we should still recognize how little we understand of what we experience. That human beings are still ants trying to figure out the purpose or nature of an ocean.
Posted by josuah at 6:04 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 8, 2005
I finished reading Solaris by Stanislaw Lem. It has the same premise as the movie but deals with more hard science and has a lot more discussion about the influencing entity. I think this is one case where it doesn't matter if you read the book first or watch the movie first, as they are very different stories about the same idea.
Posted by josuah at 7:29 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 2, 2005
Dark Cloud Complete
I just finished Dark Cloud, a remake with plot of the traditional dungeon crawl (e.g. Angband/Moria/Rogue or more recently Diablo). However, I'd gotten my fill of the boring dungeon crawl genre years ago on those text-based versions. And the story and gameplay of Dark Cloud don't make things exciting enough for this game to really stand out.
It is fun and interesting to rebuild the towns that were destroyed by the Dark Genie, but the entire premise is very contrived. At the very end of the game, you start to see exactly what is going on, but up until that point, things don't really make much sense. The Fairy King is a pretty uninspired plot device.
The most frustrating and pointless game feature are the six characters that join you during your quest. There really is no point to having six characters. You only play one at a time, and except for the stupid character-specific obstacles and "magic" only allowing you to choose a specific character on one dungeon floor, they serve no point. The entire game can be completed by one ranged attacker. In fact, unless you are into mindlessly leveling up, you need only concentrate on one character at all. Just switch to the others when there is a character-specific obstacle, which of course are inserted into the generated dungeons for no real reason. On the other hand, if you decided to only focus on a melee character, you can't even finish the game.
It is also very annoying that your weapon can break and be completely destroyed. It may take you dozens of hours to get a weapon built-up, and then if it breaks because of carelessness, you're completely stuck. No one is going to continue the game at this point, and will just reset to the last saved game. So there really is no point of including this other than to annoy the player. In the originals, you could not load previous games. So if a weapon broke, it broke for good. However, you did not have to spend hours and hours to build up a weapon; you would find them or buy them. So if your weapon was lost, you could try to find another one of comparable value without too much difficulty.
The combat was not too bad though. The combat is very similar to the Zelda games for the GameCube or N64. The main character even looks a little like Link. My only gripe is that for some enemies, melee attacks just won't work well.
Posted by josuah at 11:51 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 31, 2004
Resident Evil: Apocalypse
Szu-Huey and I watched Resident Evil: Apocalypse last night. A good continuation of the first Resident Evil movie, which I saw but don't own. I should get it now that I've got the sequel. Milla Jovovich makes a good female action heroine, but I also like her as Leeloo in The Fifth Element and Joan in The Messenger. Apparently she does a lot of her own stunts, and is also the vocal sample source on The Crystal Method's Legion of Boom - I Know It's You (source: IMDB).
Posted by josuah at 9:01 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Joe Haldeman's Books
I figure I should start writing about which books I'm reading. Most recently, I've been going through Joe Haldeman's books again. I've got The Forever War, Forever Peace, Forever Free, and The Coming. Unfortunately, I think the best one is also the oldest, and they decrease in goodness as time progresses. Still good though. After I finish The Coming I'll start reading some of the new books I got for Christmas.
Posted by josuah at 8:52 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 24, 2004
Wild Arms 3 Complete
Just finished Wild Arms 3. Completing this game is pretty satisfying. The story was really good, and became quite involving once it started to take off. It's also one of the most non-linear RPGs I've played, which was both very nice and a source of annoyance. The music was excellent, but the sound effects could have used some work to make them fit in better. My favorite part of the entire game would be Maya.
The combat engine was very nice. Intuitive and also a nice change. But combat itself was pretty boring. All monsters had only one or two types of attacks, and since everything was turn based, fighting the same monster again became a matter of routine. Combat was way too deterministic and lacked any variety. The encounter avoidance feature and auto-battle are nice ways to get around this, but combat is still very frequent and sometimes you can't use auto-battle to implement the best attack.
The developers did not make use of the analog stick. This meant one button was wasted on walking, and another button wasted on running. That is not too bad, except the run button is also the action button. This means when you want to perform an action, you might instead run. Or, also bad, after you complete an action you will start running. This is a real problem when they let you fall off cliffs.
Being able to fall off cliffs is quite annoying. They worked it in as a test of reflexes but it became very frustrating at times. Especially since some of the reflex puzzles had no margin for error at all. I don't mind a reflex puzzle if they don't expect it to require perfection to complete it. I did like the thinking puzzles, but the problem was they came up with one type of puzzle, and then would make you go through variations of it several times. No really harder so much as longer. Thus more tedious and both boring and annoying.
Another disappointment was the summoning action sequences. The summoned creatures look like something out of Zoids, only they move a lot worse. And the damaging summons are absolutely worthless. It was more efficient to cast magic or just attack than to bother summoning. I never summoned anything after I'd seen it once, and those sequences were painful to watch.
Magic itself was kind of stupid too. One character is very good for magic use because he can target multiple enemies and has a strong magic stat. But rather than making him the magic user, you have to make everyone magic users because you equip the magic sources. So magic becomes kind of useless for those other characters, because they can't target multiple enemies and also because their magic is very weak. You can rearrange equipped magic during battle but it is a hassle since you also have to reassign the skills associated with the magic sources if you move them between characters, and because it is just faster for all non-boss battles to just use regular attacks than to waste time rearranging magic. This also makes the ability to target multiple enemies less valuable, since that character only has a few elemental magic attacks at his disposal during any given battle.
In fact, there are only a few spells worth having at all. Heal, Valiant, and Fragile are about the only spells I used at all. Unless a boss required a specific spell to defeat it. I only used Permanence during one battle, and Reply only during one battle. I never used anything like Shield, Protect, Reflect, and rarely used elemental attacks because it would have to by chance be equipped to the one character who could target multiple enemies.
I did not want to move magic around a lot, depending on which enemies I was fighting, for a couple of reasons. First, in any given location, there are a number of different elemental weaknesses you could exploit. But, I always want to be able to target all my characters with heal, so that limits one choice. And then the stat boosters and personal skills associated with the magic sources make it undesirable to move magic around too much or to use certain combinations. Once I'd gotten Valiant, all battles because a mix of Valiant and Heal. I didn't even make a lot of use of the personal skill enhancers that I found. You can use these to add personal skills to magic sources, such as resistance to elemental attacks. But I didn't care about getting hurt, given Valiant, and I didn't have a lot of spare skill points to make use of them anyway.
Targeting multiple enemies was also handled badly. Enemies can only be targeted in groups of two to four, depending on how that battle was laid out. So, even though there might be 12 enemies, you could only target 4 of them. Plus, you could only target enemies of the same type. So you could not cast the same spell on all the enemies even if wanted to. This isn't necessarily bad, since different enemies have different weaknesses to magic, but sometimes even with the same enemy type, they weren't grouped by the combat engine and so you couldn't multiple target anyway.
This game would have been much, much better with a better implementation. The non-linearity, character development, and story were great. But the boring and tedious combat, bad magic system, and annoying puzzles made me not want to explore or spend time on things. I was just trying to get through as quickly as possible, and this meant looking things up in GameFAQs when I got stuck for more than 15 minutes.
Posted by josuah at 2:11 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 14, 2004
Finished ICO
I just finished ICO (US site), a cult classic released for the Playstation 2 in 2001. This was one of the first games I really wanted to get a PS2 for, and maybe the only PS2 game I had interest in besides RPGs. It was a very short game, at seven hours, but it was also very good. It would have to be the best puzzle game I've played in a very long time.
The plot is relatively engrossing, for a game that depends more on puzzle elements than the story, but the ending leaves certain things unanswered. It feels more authentic with two different spoken languages, only one of which is displayed in English subtitles. This requires you to provide your own interpretation for what is going on, but the voice acting is good enough for tone and emotion to help convey the messages.
I also really enjoyed the background art (although it was lower-resolution than what gamers are accustomed to today) and the ambient audio. Playing ICO really felt like an amazing place to explore, and with the volume up and the lights off, I could lose myself in ICO's world. (I actually turned up the volume to -25dB for ICO, because the audio was so enveloping. I normally play video games at -40dB.)
I will have to get the follow-up game, Wanda and the Colossus. It's not a sequel, but it's been developed by the same team as ICO and features the same sort puzzle-solving gameplay.
Posted by josuah at 8:37 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 13, 2004
FF IX Complete
I just finished Final Fantasy IX, which now that I've completed, I have to agree with the people who stated it is the best Final Fantasy yet. (I haven't played FF X or FF X-2 yet.) But although Squaresoft took the best of all the previous Final Fantasies and put them together in just the right mix, I think it is the ending that I will remember most. This ending has a much deeper meaning and emotional story behind it. And what happens is really unexpected and special. I have to purchase the soundtrack for this one too.
Playing and finishing Final Fantasy IX at this time is also a little nice because there is a minor tie-in with Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. I won't give away any spoilers, but having played and finished Crystal Chronicles the day before, some of what is revealed in the end makes more sense and has more meaning. The two games could in some ways be said to have parallel storylines.
Posted by josuah at 8:58 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
FF:CC Complete
Yesterday I went over to Shannon & Yvonne's house and we finally finished Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. We had probably been playing it for something like nine months by now. A couple of weeks ago, I asked them if I should play our characters single-player to raise their stats faster. So I put in about twenty hours on my own and got our characters enough artifacts for us to easily get through the final stage. The ending was pretty good and the story at the last stage was good too. I liked how the stuff we had experienced along the journey became clearer and more tied together once we'd gotten to the end.
Posted by josuah at 3:43 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
December 9, 2004
The Terminal
I watched The Terminal tonight. Was quite enjoyable. It wasn't what I was expecting; I was thinking romantic comedy. But it really isn't that. Tom Hanks plays a foreigner trapped in a NYC airport (I don't remember if it is LaGuardia or JFK) because of a promise he made. Because he is such an honest and compassionate person, he makes the airport better just by being there.
Steven Spielberg did an excellent job directing this movie. There are specific shots that show off his skill. The people were excellent and honest, experienced actors but really wonderful in what they do. And again, Spielberg hired John Williams for the score. Williams is the only movie composer I know of who still does the really traditional character-melodies. Like Peter and the Wolf. All other movie composers score the scene or the film. Williams scores the characters.
Oh, and for this movie, I spiked my two front speakers and placed the spikes on moving coasters I purchased from home depot. The speakers seem a little more prone to up-and-down movement now (probably due to the springy nature of the coasters) but I'm wondering if things will sound better. It's too early for me to make any conclusion, especially since I'd never listened to The Terminal before.
Posted by josuah at 6:47 AM UTC+00:00 | Comments (0) | TrackBack
November 8, 2004
American Psycho
I watched American Psycho the other night. It is a very tense and freaky movie but not really a horror film. Although many people are killed, there is very little focus on the gore and a lot more focus on Patrick Bateman's behavior and mental state. In fact, many of the killings are not depicted at all. The movie is a very interesting character study of Patrick Bateman. Now I want to read the book.
Christian Bale plays the role of Patrick Bateman very well. I also liked him a lot in Equilibrium. You cannot help but accept Bateman's psychosis and behavior because to a large extent, there is nothing externally unusual about it. He is obsessive about the superficial but in a way people can identify with. And there is no "snap" that occurs to trigger his murderous behavior. In fact, it is when he is most emotional that he cannot kill others.
Unlike a horror movie, the point of American Psycho is not for you to become scared of the killer. Instead, you are supposed to understand him and live in his world. The entire story is presented from the view of Bateman and the narration is necessary for the audience to get into Bateman's state of mind. More than anything, what you find is not someone who would necessarily be characterized as psychotic, but rather someone who is an empty shell. This is stated clearly in the movie, in both words and in the state of Bateman's life. Bateman fills the shell with something he cannot buy, or aquire: the activity of murder. For someone who can spend $100 on lunch and doesn't do a bit of work, this is what can make him feel alive. It is what he can have that no one else can.
Posted by josuah at 7:48 PM UTC+00:00 | Comments (1) | TrackBack
September 15, 2003
C# in a Nutshell
I started working some more on porting the Adaptable Video code from Java to C#, but it was just too difficult trying to find the information I needed on MSDN. So I went to Barnes & Noble and got a copy of C# in a Nutshell. The copy I got is the 1st Edition, for version 1 of the .NET framework. The 2nd edition came out last month and covers version 1.1 of the framework, but it doesn't make much difference for what I'm doing.
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