October 8, 2010
FBI Tracking in my Neighborhood
Wired is reporting on a 20-year old student in Santa Clara (where I live) that found an FBI tracking device on his car when getting auto service. Turns out the device was indeed installed by the FBI and he was probably being monitored for somewhere between three and six months.
I really do hope the ACLU does something with this case. I disagree with the recent 9th circuit ruling that states it is okay to initiate tracking of a person without a warrant, so long as the object you start tracking is publicly accessible (even if on private property). In other words, the FBI is allowed to place the tracking device on Afifi's car if it was parked outside his house, or at some other location, without a warrant. I believe in due process and the checks and balances between the executive and judicial branches of our government. A warrant should always be required for law enforcement agents and agencies to engage in surveillance.
Posted by josuah at October 8, 2010 7:49 AM UTC+00:00
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