March 22, 2006
To Sail Beyond the Sunset
To Sail Beyond the Sunset is the last volume in the Lazarus Long series that includes many of the Heinlein books I've recently been re-reading. This was the first time I've read this book though. Unfortunately, I didn't like it as much as the previous books.
The story is basically the memoirs of Maureen Smith, Lazarus' mother, and covers her life through the early 1900's with a smaller amount of the second half of the 20th century. It also interleaved her current situation into this backstory, somewhat similar to Time Enough For Love, but without enough detail. As a result, events tended to become a distraction rather than something of real interest. I feel like there is a lot of stuff which Heinlein could have further explored but didn't.
Posted by josuah at March 22, 2006 6:28 PM UTC+00:00
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