March 27, 2006
Tintin told me about this personality test site called PersonalDNA. It actually has nothing to do with DNA, and it also makes you describe yourself, instead of asking you questions that will let it figure out how you should really be described. In other words, it's going to tell you exactly what you tell it. Not very smart. Anyway, my "personal report" is available for people to view. Nothing new in here, which makes sense because it's reporting exactly what I told it.
Anyway, my label is Considerate Idealist. Here's the 2D image map that is supposed to represent my personality. There's supposedly a more interactive one which you can view on the report itself, but it didn't do anything interactive when I tried. I prefer the horizontal representation, but that only provides information in one dimension. So I'm linking to the tiled representation.
Posted by josuah at March 27, 2006 12:27 AM UTC+00:00
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