March 16, 2006
Karas Preview
I got a preview disc of Karas today. Unfortunately, the disc cuts off thirty minutes in, rather than containing the entire movie. So it gets some negative points right there. It also gets negative points for bad voice acting and poor facial expression and body language when it comes to the 2-D art. Plus, the plot is not very clear and other than some basic facts I have no idea what is really going on. It can stand as a pure action movie, but that's about it.
There are some redeeming qualities though. The 3-D art is quite impressive, as are the action sequences. I think they pushed the envelope a bit when putting together the 3-D sequences, although there is still a slight timing issue as I don't think they handled minute blur as well as they needed to. The heavy action is very stylistic and quick, so it doesn't need to appear as realistic. I also think the audio quality is high.
One other thing I did like about the thirty minutes I did see was the surreal aspect. There appears to be two worlds laid on top of each other, and looking into the "other" world is interesting and amusing at the same time. It's much more whimsical and seems to be more energetic and colorful.
I doubt I'll purchase Karas, although I might rent it and see if it's actually worth something once you've seen the entire picture.
Posted by josuah at March 16, 2006 6:15 AM UTC+00:00
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