August 28, 2005
100% Secular Humanist
I took this test a while ago, but decided I might as well post it now. On the Religion Selector, I scored as 100% secular humanist.
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According to the Belief System Selector, my #1 belief match is Secular Humanism. What do you believe? Visit |
Read on for a description.
Secular Humanism
- Belief in Deity: Not considered important. Most Humanists are atheists or agnostics.
- Incarnations: Same as above.
- Origins of universe/life: The scientific method is most respected as the means for revealing the mysteries of the origins of the universe and life.
- After death: An afterlife or spiritual existence after death is not recognized.
- Why evil? No concept of “evil.” Reasons for wrongdoing are explored through scientific methods, e.g. through study of sociology, psychology, criminology, etc.
- Salvation: No concept of afterlife or spiritual liberation or salvation. Realizing ones personal potential and working for the betterment of humanity through ethical consciousness and social works are considered paramount, but from a naturalistic rather than supernatural standpoint.
- Undeserved suffering: No spiritual reasons, but rather a matter of human vulnerability to misfortune, illness, and victimization.
- Contemporary Issues: The American Humanist Association endorses elective abortion. Other contemporary views include working for equality for homosexuals, gender equality, a secular approach to divorce and remarriage, working to end poverty, promoting peace and non-violence, and environmental protection.
Posted by josuah at August 28, 2005 3:19 AM UTC+00:00
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