March 21, 2005
Vanilla Sky
I watched Vanilla Sky this past Thursday. It's a movie I've wanted to see for a long time, although I was sort of planning to watch Abre los Ojos first. Vanilla Sky is a remake of Abre Los Ojos. It's a very interesting movie that requires you to really pay attention and think things through. The question is not new, but the presentation is extremely well executed. It is an excellent science fiction film.
The basic plot is of this playboy-type character who pretty much gets away with everything, except karma comes back to ruin it for him. The movie can be confusing, but that is because the audience is forced into the same sort of confusing situation as the protagonist. As things unfold, you are drawn deeper into the mystery of trying to figure out exactly what has happened. In the end, you can't be completely sure, because of what you've been through, and this is one of those movies I really like for making it more a reflection of the viewer than of the movie itself.
Posted by josuah at March 21, 2005 5:15 AM UTC+00:00
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