October 30, 2003
Visual Studio .NET Installation
Hi contacted the Computer Science help desk yesterday asking about a Visual Studio .NET installation. I can get a copy of the software and install it on my own machine, but only if I reimage my office workstation to Windows. Right now it is Linux because that provides me with remote access.
The other alternative was to use the one department system that was supposed to have Visual Studio .NET installed on it, but I found out that it was not installed after all. The original system at that location was replaced with one of the new small form factor boxes, and did not have Visual Studio .NET installed. Help has filed a trouble-ticket for this and should get it installed soon.
Until I can access Visual Studio .NET, I'm kind of stuck as far as the Adaptable Video work goes.
Posted by josuah at October 30, 2003 7:23 PM UTC+00:00
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