October 12, 2002
ImageDescriptionHandle OK
So the problem was I needed to allocate memory for the ImageDescriptionHandle, which is of type **ImageDescription. Basically, it needed 4 bytes allocated with NewHandle() to act as the pointer; VDGetImageDescription() was not assigning an ImageDescriptionHandle but instead an ImageDescriptionPtr (which is of type *ImageDescription). So now that I got that straightened out, the actual frame grabbing seems to work.
I've set the Video Digitizer compression to 16-bit kComponentVideoUnsigned (yuvs) with a bounding rect (0,0,352,288). But the image data returned by VDCompressDone is 614400 bytes and appears to be in 16-bit 640x480 format instead of CIF size 352x288. Regardless, I have a pointer to the image now, so I just need to figure out how to write the VideoCaptureMacOSX suppress() and saveblks() methods and vic should be able to transmit something, even if it looks like junk because I got the internal formats wrong.
Posted by josuah at October 12, 2002 12:28 AM UTC+00:00
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